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364 Countries populate the Region of Lone Wolves United

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Ominous Moonlight of A Bloodred Moon
Pop: 13,302 Mil

2: The Empire of Aaryanland
Pop: 14 Mil

3: The Kingdom of Aboon Da Bashmayo
Pop: 56 Mil

4: The Borderlands of Adropenerscana
Pop: 822 Mil

5: The Dictatorship of Aezam Mutamarid
Pop: 105 Mil

6: The Wolvish High Athelingric of Afriver
Pop: 5,508 Mil

7: The Tribal Democratic Alliance of Ainu Khan
Pop: 1,974 Mil

8: The Armed Republic of Alsent
Pop: 304 Mil

9: The Republic of Amengia
Pop: 36 Mil

10: The People's Republic of Amleatles
Pop: 62 Mil

11: The Dictatorship of Amogus Accelerationism
Pop: 261 Mil

12: The Cenușă Lup de Culoare of Anerastreia
Pop: 12,304 Mil

13: The Federation of Antas Kin
Pop: 23 Mil

14: The Holy Empire of Antonyinian Rebulic
Pop: 23 Mil

15: The United States of Arophletia
Pop: 1,904 Mil

16: The Ballistic Missile of AS-16 Kickback
Pop: 7,128 Mil

17: The Republic of Ashtonain
Pop: 16 Mil

18: The Empire of Astralath
Pop: 500 Mil

19: The Republic of Atlantic Germano-American State
Pop: 368 Mil

20: The Borderlands of BayouLAN
Pop: 32 Mil

21: The Wolfist Power of Bervinland
Pop: 4,169 Mil

22: The Dictatorship of Bill ciphers heart
Pop: 150 Mil

23: The Republic of Bkue
Pop: 1,584 Mil

24: The Republic of Blitzheim
Pop: 14 Mil

25: The Federal Republic of Bluegentlemania
Pop: 1,656 Mil

26: The Empire of Bobina
Pop: 183 Mil

27: The People's Republic of Bobiradzelandia
Pop: 2,921 Mil

28: The Dominion of Bombdardia
Pop: 111 Mil

29: The Kingdom of Bothwy
Pop: 3,732 Mil

30: The Armed Republic of Bralium
Pop: 14 Mil

31: The Emirate of Brodicode
Pop: 16 Mil

32: The Dominion of Broken Vow
Pop: 5,459 Mil

33: The Empire of Bronkenheim
Pop: 103 Mil

34: The Rogue Nation of BSN0
Pop: 3,428 Mil

35: The Republic of Camenbert
Pop: 92 Mil

36: The Dominion of Capitaliska
Pop: 628 Mil

37: The Federal Republic of Capitalistic Oceania
Pop: 23 Mil

38: The Republic of Carbon Isotopes
Pop: 195 Mil

39: The Empire of Cation Ducrede
Pop: 23 Mil

40: The Republic of Cencoslomgingal
Pop: 594 Mil

41: The Empire of Chaketer Empire
Pop: 12 Mil

42: The Arling of Chasca
Pop: 7,106 Mil

43: The Empire of Chheesburga
Pop: 23 Mil

44: The Community of Chunkypastopolis
Pop: 23 Mil

45: The Dictatorship of Church of null
Pop: 234 Mil

46: The Empire of Church of ross
Pop: 32 Mil

47: The Kingdom of Cibinium
Pop: 2,393 Mil

48: The Republic of CIOSSAIN
Pop: 114 Mil

49: The Holy Empire of Claristia
Pop: 241 Mil

50: The Federation of Collective Sectors
Pop: 878 Mil

51: The Republic of Communist Provinces
Pop: 128 Mil

52: The Grand Duchy of Conquerors
Pop: 72 Mil

53: The Dictatorship of Conquist
Pop: 109 Mil

54: The Republic of Cordilha
Pop: 29 Mil

55: The Kingdom of Cpgongsheya
Pop: 239 Mil

56: The Empire of Crania Meats
Pop: 23 Mil

57: The Benevolent Dictatorship of Crecco
Pop: 1,314 Mil

58: The Dictatorship of Crockett lake
Pop: 302 Mil

59: The Republic of Cute Wolves United
Pop: 80 Mil

60: The Welsh Wolfist Pack of Cwn Annwn
Pop: 3,632 Mil

61: The United States of Czardr
Pop: 123 Mil

62: The Commonwealth of Dahlist Republics
Pop: 118 Mil

63: The Kingdom of Dangulla
Pop: 691 Mil

64: The Kingdom of Darkwolf
Pop: 117 Mil

65: The Empire of Dauern
Pop: 309 Mil

66: The Free Land of Dave Chappelle
Pop: 2,497 Mil

67: The Empire of Death and meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Pop: 32 Mil

68: The Trustworthy News Outlet of DEER Publications
Pop: 5,583 Mil

69: The Democratic Republic of Democratic states of cycridia
Pop: 14 Mil

70: The Kingdom of Democratic Zealandia
Pop: 1,521 Mil

71: The Disputed Territories of Dens Inn
Pop: 1,191 Mil

72: The Rogue Nation of Department of Organized Media
Pop: 4,528 Mil

73: The Republic of Dojima r
Pop: 77 Mil

74: The Tinfoil Conspiracy Theorist of Dream Killers
Pop: 21,662 Mil

75: The Colony of Drock
Pop: 12 Mil

76: The Principality of Druga
Pop: 2,236 Mil

77: The Democratic States of Druuuwuu
Pop: 1,115 Mil

78: The Republic of Durthocs Lado
Pop: 50 Mil

79: The Gay furry empire of Dusk Kitty
Pop: 2,087 Mil

80: The Armed Republic of DustDustDust
Pop: 40 Mil

81: The Gangsterist Paradise of Dutiful Propagandist
Pop: 4,648 Mil

82: The United Socialist States of Eclusia
Pop: 859 Mil

83: The Kingdom of Ekihdnaa
Pop: 36 Mil

84: The Green of Elysium Station II
Pop: 17,033 Mil

85: The Republic of Eoxii
Pop: 112 Mil

86: The Empire of Esbel
Pop: 514 Mil

87: The Empire of Esthudan
Pop: 787 Mil

88: The Hostis Humani Generis of Evil Wolf
Pop: 43,352 Mil

89: The Loving Couple of F4n-4rt-
Pop: 6,770 Mil

90: The Dominion of Far Frada Mand
Pop: 111 Mil

91: The Screaming Wolf of Faris Island
Pop: 1,682 Mil

92: The Free Land of Feix
Pop: 109 Mil

93: The Empire of Fenm Tommele
Pop: 1,471 Mil

94: The Federation of Fent Faullecinnstiel
Pop: 50 Mil

95: The People's Republic of Flunkypastopolis
Pop: 20 Mil

96: The Federation of Fluqo
Pop: 676 Mil

97: The Empire of Free Fudelecot Tuarcia
Pop: 36 Mil

98: The People's Republic of Free Michagonia
Pop: 7,532 Mil

99: The Borderlands of Free Spaar Atan
Pop: 40 Mil

100: The United States of Funkypastopolis
Pop: 26 Mil

101: The Free Land of Gabonse
Pop: 80 Mil

102: The Federation of Gang Violence
Pop: 40 Mil

103: The Protectorate of Geo Solocralisnesia
Pop: 939 Mil

104: The Armed Republic of Germanicala
Pop: 837 Mil

105: The Holy Empire of GETBACKTOWORK
Pop: 193 Mil

106: The Free Land of Gilbert Gottfried
Pop: 3,281 Mil

107: The Socialist Democracy of Globalist State Of Brazil
Pop: 6,794 Mil

108: The Republic of Glorpland
Pop: 50 Mil

109: The Empire of Gopanim
Pop: 101 Mil

110: The Republic of Gorganthium
Pop: 6,580 Mil

111: The Dictatorship of Gormonia
Pop: 20 Mil

112: The Empire of Great Empire Nikulin
Pop: 259 Mil

113: The Dictatorship of Greater New Axolotl
Pop: 179 Mil

114: The Rogue Nation of Greater North Shindu
Pop: 204 Mil

115: The Empire of Greater Twilight GASA Empire
Pop: 666 Mil

116: The Armed Republic of Guard Land
Pop: 87 Mil

117: The Queendom of Gukhwa
Pop: 528 Mil

118: The Empire of Gvecior empire
Pop: 26 Mil

119: The Kingdom of Gyrlenk
Pop: 170 Mil

120: The Dictatorship of Hahahahahahaah
Pop: 191 Mil

121: The Commonwealth of Hartsville
Pop: 20 Mil

122: The Dictatorship of Hellscrapers
Pop: 209 Mil

123: The Empire of Hippe Lukiia
Pop: 2,955 Mil

124: The Holy Empire of Hueco Mundo 2
Pop: 16 Mil

125: The Wolfist Junta of Hyperwolf
Pop: 8,913 Mil

126: The Kingdom of Hyrtisia
Pop: 1,872 Mil

127: The Holy Empire of IGORAN
Pop: 36 Mil

128: The Dominion of Ikerasaarsuk
Pop: 10,452 Mil

129: The Federal Republic of Ilstia
Pop: 101 Mil

130: The Protectorate of Imperial Phifamorphia
Pop: 20 Mil

131: The Chaos Birb in Wolf Clothing of Impolite Penguin
Pop: 2,634 Mil

132: The Republic of Independent Bavan
Pop: 835 Mil

133: The Sultanate of Islace Youshal
Pop: 67 Mil

134: The Empire of Italia Lorenide
Pop: 272 Mil

135: The Queendom of Ivy-Jacque-Land
Pop: 92 Mil

136: The Empire of JA JA
Pop: 75 Mil

137: The Empire of Jeremany
Pop: 45 Mil

138: The Republic of Jewish space lasers
Pop: 6,678 Mil

139: The Incorporated States of JPS
Pop: 1,267 Mil

140: The Empire of Jungxi
Pop: 29 Mil

141: The Empire of Kad Raj
Pop: 23 Mil

142: The Federation of Kairub
Pop: 36 Mil

143: The Most Serene Republic of Kalmarvaloria
Pop: 73 Mil

144: The Dominion of Karcharistan
Pop: 157 Mil

145: The People's Republic of Kavliland
Pop: 8 Mil

146: The Armed Republic of Kequinge
Pop: 664 Mil

147: The Theocracy of Khaliso
Pop: 67 Mil

148: The Kingdom of Khorinis
Pop: 1,458 Mil

149: The Empire of King Williamth Issac McButtersworth III
Pop: 23 Mil

150: The Peoples Republic of Klutos
Pop: 9,026 Mil

151: The United Kingdom of Korbu Tribes
Pop: 1,872 Mil

152: The Republic of Koriand
Pop: 83 Mil

153: The Kingdom of Kralza
Pop: 12 Mil

154: The Dictatorship of Kurbeland
Pop: 104 Mil

155: The Wolfist of Lamb Stone
Pop: 13,581 Mil

156: The Dictatorship of Lans Ary
Pop: 1,809 Mil

157: The Awoo of Le uwu
Pop: 3,043 Mil

158: The Kingdom of Leacia
Pop: 110 Mil

159: The Imperium of Livarin
Pop: 3,446 Mil

160: The Republic of Lone Wolves United Republic
Pop: 56 Mil

161: The Empire of Lorister
Pop: 115 Mil

162: The Republic of Luivitania
Pop: 20 Mil

163: The Dictatorship of Lunkypastopolis
Pop: 20 Mil

164: The Future of Miracles of Lupercalia
Pop: 810 Mil

165: The Federation of LWU Card Collector
Pop: 2,199 Mil

166: The Empire of Lysaun
Pop: 16 Mil

167: The Kingdom of MAargle
Pop: 50 Mil

168: The Kingdom of Majestat
Pop: 863 Mil

169: The Lone Wolf of Majmuna
Pop: 20,126 Mil

170: The Empire of Mana Loa
Pop: 20 Mil

171: The Empire of Maple Leaf Supremacy
Pop: 20 Mil

172: The Democratic National Republic of Masse Alzare
Pop: 4,602 Mil

173: The Grand Duchy of Matiska
Pop: 1,013 Mil

174: The Republic of MEMATIKOS
Pop: 20 Mil

175: The Republic of MEXBA
Pop: 16 Mil

176: The Armed Republic of Mexico nort
Pop: 2,208 Mil

177: The Empire of Mons Ignis
Pop: 556 Mil

178: The People's Republic of Mornastas
Pop: 50 Mil

179: The Armed Republic of Mudryk
Pop: 20 Mil

180: The Dictatorship of Muh Buh
Pop: 36 Mil

181: The Confederacy of Murostusi
Pop: 6,996 Mil

182: The Disputed Territories of My attik
Pop: 282 Mil

183: The Republic of Narkinsk
Pop: 56 Mil

184: The Protectorate of NATION OF THE PUG
Pop: 515 Mil

185: The New Cruor Federation of NerveCenter
Pop: 35,146 Mil

186: The Republic of New Zealandaier
Pop: 3,233 Mil

187: The Armed Republic of NewEridu
Pop: 8 Mil

188: The People's Republic of Newnorthkorea
Pop: 182 Mil

189: The Republic of Niaqornaarsuk
Pop: 3,598 Mil

190: The Empire of Noevgorod
Pop: 3,078 Mil

191: The Theocracy of Noithland
Pop: 2,257 Mil

192: The United States of Nolandisland
Pop: 28,635 Mil

193: The Empire of Norconia
Pop: 20 Mil

194: The Dark Star of North Pooch and Vodkaland
Pop: 23,639 Mil

195: The Colony of Northern Armed Confederacy
Pop: 1,189 Mil

196: The Queendom of Notfree
Pop: 274 Mil

197: The Empire of Notingbeyond0thehorizon
Pop: 1,131 Mil

198: The Rogue Nation of Nuclea r
Pop: 627 Mil

199: The United States of Nueva lork
Pop: 107 Mil

200: The Dictatorship of Nuntis
Pop: 10,036 Mil

201: The Kingdom of Old Maryland
Pop: 1,150 Mil

202: The Ebil Wolf of Orange Wolf
Pop: 6,633 Mil

203: The Federation of Outer Husavik
Pop: 50 Mil

204: The Queendom of Paigeville
Pop: 582 Mil

205: The Holy Empire of Palmair
Pop: 10 Mil

206: The Borderlands of Pandorae Arca
Pop: 364 Mil

207: The Community of Parenthesis
Pop: 212 Mil

208: The Empire of PEEPEEPOOPOO LAND
Pop: 50 Mil

209: The Free Land of Pelinda
Pop: 134 Mil

210: The Kingdom of Pennrith
Pop: 790 Mil

211: The Wolfists of Peoples Republic of Speing
Pop: 1,027 Mil

212: The T☣xic Wolfist Technocracy of PhilTech
Pop: 9,186 Mil

213: The Dictatorship of Phlas Sjohvince
Pop: 91 Mil

214: The People's Republic of Pigottonia
Pop: 131 Mil

215: The Republic of Pink Wolf
Pop: 4,834 Mil

216: The Bhadra Realm of Pirhsia
Pop: 3,860 Mil

217: The Thermoplastic Polymer of Polyethylene terephthalate
Pop: 21,937 Mil

218: The Kingdom of Primenian
Pop: 56 Mil

219: The Rogue Nation of Prismette
Pop: 1,072 Mil

220: The Republic of Purple Gamez YT
Pop: 864 Mil

221: The Revolutionary Khanate of Ramlethal
Pop: 2,617 Mil

222: The Most Serene Republic of Ranexvitia
Pop: 646 Mil

223: The Holy Empire of Ras-Al-Khair
Pop: 864 Mil

224: The Mighty Union of Rasutafia
Pop: 14,920 Mil

225: The Most Serene Republic of Rayo de Sol
Pop: 31,245 Mil

226: The Dictatorship of Realms of Ethan End
Pop: 205 Mil

227: The Dominion of Red Crest
Pop: 6,831 Mil

228: The Self-Important Citystate of Refiria
Pop: 6,216 Mil

229: The Empire of Regnum Umbratum
Pop: 20 Mil

230: The Matriarchy of Rekiol
Pop: 932 Mil

231: The Commonwealth of Renovatis Armis Incorporated
Pop: 786 Mil

232: The Republic of Republic of Lego Country
Pop: 32 Mil

233: The United Socialist States of Republica Democratica de Pernambuco
Pop: 16 Mil

234: The Federation of Rexx
Pop: 1,593 Mil

235: The Republic of Ritztherat
Pop: 32 Mil

236: The Empire of Rocainia
Pop: 40 Mil

237: The Theocracy of Romongam
Pop: 10 Mil

238: The Republic of Roniv Freanymp
Pop: 12 Mil

239: The Holy Empire of Rufgrad
Pop: 26 Mil

240: The Holy Empire of Rugull the wrathful
Pop: 32 Mil

241: The Dictatorship of Ryan Gosling Land
Pop: 244 Mil

242: The Empire of Sahla Den Kaiserliche
Pop: 29 Mil

243: The Grand Duchy of Saint Burgundy
Pop: 74 Mil

244: The Dictatorship of Saint Firawanordia
Pop: 50 Mil

245: The Free Land of Salders
Pop: 191 Mil

246: The Wolfist Republics of Sandredam
Pop: 2,872 Mil

247: The Incorporated States of Sarhlands
Pop: 119 Mil

248: The Federation of Savetna
Pop: 74 Mil

249: The Benevolent Fist of Scardino
Pop: 19,908 Mil

250: The Automated Region of Schweikerland
Pop: 1,772 Mil

251: The Armed Republic of Scotowabycri
Pop: 20 Mil

252: The Dictatorship of SCP-FOUNDATI0N
Pop: 124 Mil

253: The Armed Republic of Shalted Critenes
Pop: 279 Mil

254: The Kingdom of Sheydistan
Pop: 87 Mil

255: The Republic of Shi-God
Pop: 159 Mil

256: The People's Republic of Sigma Ohio rizzler
Pop: 678 Mil

257: The Empire of Sihi
Pop: 56 Mil

258: The United Union of Sisdonia
Pop: 14,924 Mil

259: The Republic of Sittlan
Pop: 16 Mil

260: The People's Republic of Skaibar
Pop: 193 Mil

261: The Grand Duchy of Sleha
Pop: 4,067 Mil

262: The Republic of Sodala
Pop: 40 Mil

263: The Bin Chick of Somber Elven Lady
Pop: 16,499 Mil

264: The Republic of South anatona
Pop: 18 Mil

265: The Kingdom of South Ordie
Pop: 245 Mil

266: The Kingdom of South prussa
Pop: 40 Mil

267: The People's Republic of Southern Seratri Urro
Pop: 347 Mil

268: The People's Republic of Southicana
Pop: 93 Mil

269: The Dictatorship of Sovereign Kekistan
Pop: 731 Mil

270: The Feline's Democratic Republic of Soviet Kittystan
Pop: 30,943 Mil

271: The United Socialist States of Soviet union or USSR
Pop: 40 Mil

272: The Dictatorship of Sowjetrussland
Pop: 329 Mil

273: The Holy Empire of Squidvile
Pop: 7 Mil

274: The Imperial Federation of Srylania
Pop: 6,290 Mil

275: The Republic of State of Lalotai
Pop: 507 Mil

276: The Commonwealth of Steel River
Pop: 26 Mil

277: The Confederacy of Step daddy prince
Pop: 18 Mil

278: The Federation of Super VOC
Pop: 40 Mil

279: The Free Land of Super4
Pop: 62 Mil

280: The Kingdom of Swizirethland
Pop: 76 Mil

281: The Empire of Tarabit
Pop: 1,419 Mil

282: The Republic of Teernmonlane
Pop: 9 Mil

283: The Rogue Nation of Tentn
Pop: 3,117 Mil

284: The Protectorate of The 12th State
Pop: 954 Mil

285: The Holy Empire of The Almighty World Cleansers
Pop: 40 Mil

286: The Republic of The Ambis Wolf
Pop: 3,544 Mil

287: The Dominion of The Bananarch
Pop: 105 Mil

288: The Holy Empire of The Behemothh
Pop: 1,132 Mil

289: The Holy Empire of The biggest Dilf
Pop: 50 Mil

290: The Holy Empire of The blood kingdom
Pop: 513 Mil

291: The Colony of The blood kingdom colony
Pop: 439 Mil

292: The Holy Empire of The church of the union
Pop: 105 Mil

293: The Matriarchy of The Crazy Children
Pop: 780 Mil

294: The United States of The Enlave
Pop: 80 Mil

295: The Rogue Nation of The forest of howlingrove
Pop: 543 Mil

296: The Empire of THE GARNET EMPIRE
Pop: 67 Mil

297: The Imperial Kingdom of The Germans Of Berlin
Pop: 2,815 Mil

298: The Armed Republic of The GraveMakers
Pop: 602 Mil

299: The Empire of The Great Jeff
Pop: 7 Mil

300: The Empire of The Helios Emperium
Pop: 1,366 Mil

301: The Recorded Delivery of the House Deeds
Pop: 13,563 Mil

302: The Armed Republic of The Kequingeian Air Force
Pop: 29 Mil

303: The Armed Republic of The Kequingeian Army
Pop: 29 Mil

304: The Armed Republic of The Kequingeian National Guard
Pop: 23 Mil

305: The Armed Republic of The Kequingeian Navy
Pop: 29 Mil

306: The Queendom of The Land of the Strong
Pop: 45 Mil

307: The Free Land of The Lone Wolves
Pop: 50 Mil

308: The Ungodly Wild Kheshig of The Malicious Cossack
Pop: 1,677 Mil

309: The Jingoistic States of The Mirror Uni Vastiuq
Pop: 754 Mil

310: The Empire of The null of Cyn
Pop: 230 Mil

311: The Raider Company of The Pepsi Land
Pop: 631 Mil

312: The Holy Empire of The Sacred Eggs United
Pop: 204 Mil

313: The Nomadic Peoples of The Scrap
Pop: 308 Mil

314: The Spicy Khalif of The Sea of Shadows
Pop: 3,921 Mil

315: The Sovereign Imperium of The Second Psutasia
Pop: 2,335 Mil

316: The Republic of The Taiwanese States
Pop: 50 Mil

317: The Dictatorship of The United Mexican Territory
Pop: 26 Mil

318: The Democratic Republic of The Uralic People
Pop: 32 Mil

319: The Winter Storm Warning of TheWhiteWitch
Pop: 19,640 Mil

320: The Commonwealth of TNT
Pop: 93 Mil

321: The Crasher of Tom
Pop: 11,906 Mil

322: The Empire of Tongning
Pop: 20 Mil

323: The Dominion of Tracen
Pop: 993 Mil

324: The Kingdom of Trad Geopolemeriusta
Pop: 106 Mil

325: The Republic of Troy the second
Pop: 50 Mil

326: The Oppressed Peoples of Tuscalooser
Pop: 175 Mil

327: The Republic of Tuvsreu lslands
Pop: 16 Mil

328: The Empire of Tyranvastan
Pop: 1,993 Mil

329: The Oppressed Peoples of Tyrranitopia
Pop: 205 Mil

330: The Kingdom of Unimontia
Pop: 14 Mil

331: The Dictatorship of Union oF BEIJING
Pop: 10 Mil

332: The Meowist Revolutionary of United Cats Divided
Pop: 5,852 Mil

333: The Kingdom of United States of Romania
Pop: 67 Mil

334: The Armed Republic of United Terminus
Pop: 1,240 Mil

335: The ˢᵘᵖᵉʳⁿᵃᵗᵘʳᵃˡ ᵉˣᵖᵉʳⁱᵉⁿᶜᵉ of Untitled Goose Game
Pop: 8,514 Mil

336: The People's Republic of Upper Blictonion
Pop: 111 Mil

337: The Federation of UzbekHazara
Pop: 26 Mil

338: The Pirate Territories of Venatori Rhoeas
Pop: 1,471 Mil

339: The Sentient Flytraps of Venus Flycrap
Pop: 2,108 Mil

340: The Colony of Vespaara
Pop: 271 Mil

341: The Confederacy of Vilela
Pop: 45 Mil

342: The Kingdom of Wano One
Pop: 371 Mil

343: The Federation of Waritime
Pop: 632 Mil

344: The Free Land of WeedPind
Pop: 8,212 Mil

345: The Empire of West agron
Pop: 56 Mil

346: The Green Raiding Armies of West Andes
Pop: 6,866 Mil

347: The Republic of West Caraelia
Pop: 210 Mil

348: The Republic of West Pronad Astippev
Pop: 246 Mil

349: The Kingdom of Western Ristroker Lodaingad
Pop: 460 Mil

350: The Free Land of Westionnia
Pop: 26 Mil

351: The Borderlands of WOLF Stash
Pop: 117 Mil

352: The Empire of Wolfon
Pop: 590 Mil

353: The Republic of Yfii Cipher
Pop: 18 Mil

354: The Orange-And-Grey People of Yosuya
Pop: 1,487 Mil

355: The United Kingdom of You will Suffer
Pop: 107 Mil

356: The Queendom of Youstiehobiaopia
Pop: 2,162 Mil

357: The Empire of Zandarz
Pop: 425 Mil

358: The Sultanate of Zebal Hiama
Pop: 84 Mil

359: The Empire of Zequie
Pop: 50 Mil

360: The United States of Zhiforica
Pop: 16 Mil

361: The Federal Republic of Zokanationationisticness of Kongrabagda
Pop: 127 Mil

362: The People's Republic of ZooeyDeschanel
Pop: 9,068 Mil

363: The Free Land of Zutu
Pop: 1,717 Mil

364: The Republic of Zygaros
Pop: 204 Mil

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