1: The Colony of -dovewing- Pop: 68 Mil 2: The Colony of -Rika- Pop: 214 Mil 3: The Waltuh of -Walter Hartwell White- Pop: 1,469 Mil 4: The Empire of -XIII- Pop: 231 Mil 5: The Armed Republic of -Yuta Okkotsu- Pop: 233 Mil 6: The Kingdom of A Second Ashfurdonia Pop: 56 Mil 7: The Lucky 1-Year-Old Queendom of Aadhiris Pop: 2,107 Mil 8: The Federation of Alphabet Qwrtyuiosdfgjklzxcvnm Pop: 2,726 Mil 9: The Other Alvosa of Alvosa2 Pop: 616 Mil 10: The United States of Americaya Pop: 681 Mil 11: The People's Republic of Ancientania Puppet 2 Pop: 197 Mil 12: The Federation of Aprinia Pop: 3,317 Mil 13: The Kingdom of Aralgia Pop: 3,191 Mil 14: The Kingdom of Arprina Pop: 3,045 Mil 15: The Incorporated States of Astellarian Ambassador to MJT Pop: 20 Mil 16: The You are beautiful of Attestaltarragaby Pop: 5,394 Mil 17: The Colony of Attestaltarragbistan Brassilistan Pop: 1,889 Mil 18: The Republic of Banjo Guy Pop: 117 Mil 19: The Republic of Barkface Pop: 50 Mil 20: The Republic of Bellatrix Orion Pop: 9 Mil 21: The Republic of Betelgeuse Orion Pop: 9 Mil 22: The Federation of Bolded no Pop: 356 Mil 23: The Average Nation of Breinot Pop: 775 Mil 24: The Kingdom of Brightheart Pop: 1,663 Mil 25: The Republic of Bulamaba Pop: 1,294 Mil 26: The Public Menace of Chelar Pop: 679 Mil 27: The MJT is amazing of Commonu Pop: 1,941 Mil 28: The Republic of Corsaires Pop: 221 Mil 29: The Sublime Republic of Dasi Dasi Pop: 5,157 Mil 30: The Allied States of De Banson Organization Pop: 50 Mil 31: The Nomadic Peoples of DJI Neo Pop: 505 Mil 32: The Kingdom of Doratica Pop: 2,801 Mil 33: The Republic of Ediva Pop: 3,213 Mil 34: The Free Land of Embassy Island Pop: 2,845 Mil 35: The Republic of Epiq lad Pop: 2,430 Mil 36: The Republic of Eudaimoni Pop: 20 Mil 37: The Absolute Libertarian State of Exy Pop: 1,464 Mil 38: The Protectorate of Femboy Taco Man Pop: 93 Mil 39: The Empire of Fenvor Pop: 470 Mil 40: The Bauhi-Blaki Warhead of Floricia-Leanna Pop: 2,934 Mil 41: The Imperial Gem of French Wallonia Pop: 1,497 Mil 42: The Commonwealth of Future Commonu Pop: 261 Mil 43: The Queendom of Gamma Orionis Pop: 9 Mil 44: The Republic of Generation Beta Pop: 248 Mil 45: The Rogue Nation of GSN83 Pop: 3,429 Mil 46: The Empire of Henryshire Pop: 16 Mil 47: The Cute trans girlie of Hidrandia Pop: 6,741 Mil 48: The Ludwig II the Swan King of Hosertopia Pop: 2,010 Mil 49: The Nomadic Peoples of House Coolidge Pop: 385 Mil 50: The Federation of Inferior VI Pop: 227 Mil 51: The Reign of King Slush of Strawvya Pop: 1,110 Mil 52: The Republic of Kirsi Pop: 108 Mil 53: The Matriarchy of Klawmala Harris Pop: 637 Mil 54: The Theocracy of Knights of the Messiah Pop: 960 Mil 55: The Nomadic Peoples of KOS Hope Pop: 1,050 Mil 56: The People's Revolution of Kostane Pop: 4,992 Mil 57: The Most Serene Domain of Kyorlui Pop: 1,024 Mil 58: The Don't Trust Anyone of Laizenstire Pop: 1,612 Mil 59: The Republic of Littlecloud Pop: 50 Mil 60: The Most Serene Republic of Lorilee Pop: 3,291 Mil 61: The Colony of Lycanya Pop: 2,701 Mil 62: The Free Land of Magic School Bus Pop: 29 Mil 63: The Most Majestic Nation of Majestic Scarlett Pop: 645 Mil 64: The Rogue Nation of Mazuv Pop: 589 Mil 65: The Feline Supremacist of Meowdolf Kitler Pop: 1,395 Mil 66: The Realm Past the Horizon of Merethin Pop: 2,554 Mil 67: The Motherly Nation of Microwaviington Pop: 2,088 Mil 68: The Rogue Nation of MJT Pop: 593 Mil 69: The Jingoistic States of Mommy Taco Woman Pop: 93 Mil 70: The Borderlands of Monstersland Pop: 2,846 Mil 71: The Matriarchy of Moonpaw Pop: 295 Mil 72: The People's Republic of Morris Griffin Pop: 692 Mil 73: The Republic of Mudfur Pop: 50 Mil 74: The Water World of Narima Pop: 3,235 Mil 75: The Fiefdom of NationKisser Pop: 569 Mil 76: The Lore of Neo-Broff Pop: 2,189 Mil 77: The Queendom of New Bubblia Pop: 1,103 Mil | 78: The Emergency alert situation of New Olathe Pop: 5,617 Mil 79: The Sad Mutualismball of Newer Puppet of Potatopelago Pop: 1,222 Mil 80: The Okhrana Agent of Nikolei iz Vashingtona Pop: 797 Mil 81: The Protectorate of Northeast Razmanya Pop: 542 Mil 82: The Pretitle of Northern Woods Pop: 2,813 Mil 83: The Very Smelly Person of Not Ocala Pop: 638 Mil 84: The Voidcat Empire of Noxturnal Pop: 1,601 Mil 85: The United States of Opora Pop: 3,275 Mil 86: The Grand Duchy of Papyrustopia Pop: 29 Mil 87: The Lucky Kingdom of Payonia Pop: 3,311 Mil 88: The Dictatorship of Payton Republic Pop: 1,392 Mil 89: The Royal Director of Liberza of PH0ENIX Pop: 610 Mil 90: The Holy Pink Lucky Christmas of Pilosina Pop: 3,330 Mil 91: The Principality of Poraia Pop: 3,298 Mil 92: The Definitely not BTM of Profitropolis Pop: 2,066 Mil 93: The Empire of RealBurritoMan Pop: 10 Mil 94: The Region Hopping Allied States of Region Hoppers and Spies with Long Names Pop: 2,877 Mil 95: The Republic of Rigel Orion Pop: 9 Mil 96: The Democratic Republic of RTM47 Pop: 460 Mil 97: The Republic of Runningnose Pop: 50 Mil 98: The Borderlands of Rusthaven Pop: 1,188 Mil 99: The Federal Republic of Rylland in MJT Pop: 914 Mil 100: The Republic of Sad Horus Pop: 279 Mil 101: The ABSOLUTE INSANITY of Saelia Pop: 834 Mil 102: The Empire of Sandy Ivana Mona Olivia Nancy Isabel Ava Pop: 1,368 Mil 103: The Kingdom of Scotza Pop: 3,258 Mil 104: The Krasnoyarskian Commune State of Serbian E Pop: 4,927 Mil 105: The Commitalist Free Nation of Sherpus Pop: 4,237 Mil 106: The Republic of Simoni McSimoniaFace Pop: 293 Mil 107: The Lucky Ghost Kingdom of Simonia Pop: 3,297 Mil 108: The Commonwealth of SiPayFlo Pop: 1,569 Mil 109: The Commonwealth of Slastinia Pop: 3,271 Mil 110: The Sofian Principality of Sofiana Pop: 3,283 Mil 111: The Kingdom of Sorocamirim 4 Pop: 1,268 Mil 112: The Dictatorship of Stalin and the KGB Pop: 307 Mil 113: The Almost Sweden of Suedoisa Pop: 3,119 Mil 114: The Kingdom of Svedona Pop: 3,291 Mil 115: The Colony of Taco BatMan Pop: 29 Mil 116: The Matriarchy of Tera Onlicia Pop: 2,574 Mil 117: The Dictatorship of The Binarian Empire Pop: 11,313 Mil 118: The Skibidi Hawk Tuah of The Central Adretian Authority Pop: 1,053 Mil 119: The Commonwealth of The Creeks Pop: 1,508 Mil 120: The Federation of The Dorthatese Federation Pop: 2,419 Mil 121: The Pederal Na Kapuluan of The Indios Bravos Pop: 3,307 Mil 122: The Confederacy of The Kostan Free Republic Pop: 535 Mil 123: The Empire of The New York Nation Pop: 3,828 Mil 124: The People's Republic of The New Zealand Gang Pop: 385 Mil 125: The Revived embassy of The Svenish Embassy Pop: 971 Mil 126: The Federal Republic of The Tropic Coast Pop: 299 Mil 127: The Friendly Dictatorship of Tildurland Pop: 2,495 Mil 128: The Not m8 hatter of Topgb 2 Pop: 1,718 Mil 129: The Protectorate of User Control Panel Pop: 2,841 Mil 130: The Kingdom of Verdahl Pop: 40 Mil 131: The Dominion of Veridora Regis Pop: 36 Mil 132: The Grand Duchy of Violet MHB Pop: 1,105 Mil 133: The Umbreon of VioletSHINE Pop: 888 Mil 134: The Empire of Visterianskaya Rossiyskaya Imperiya Pop: 860 Mil 135: The Democratic People's Republic of Vixi Pop: 1,372 Mil 136: The Most Serene Republic of We Happy Crimeans Pop: 1,060 Mil 137: The Borderlands of WEC International Ministries 3 Pop: 132 Mil 138: The Social Democracy of Westreich Pop: 1,364 Mil 139: The Republic of Whistlebreeze Pop: 50 Mil 140: The Republic of Willowshine Pop: 50 Mil 141: The Republic of Wishbone Pop: 723 Mil 142: The Commonwealth of Wisterian Broadcasting Company Pop: 1,239 Mil 143: The People's Republic of Wisterian Joe Biden Pop: 1,232 Mil 144: The Yogoslav of Wisterian Kaiserreich Pop: 1,448 Mil 145: The Republic of Wisty Likespammer 1 Pop: 1,023 Mil 146: The Dictatorship of Wisty Likespammer 2 Pop: 1,008 Mil 147: The Borderlands of Wistys Utter Anarchy game Pop: 767 Mil 148: The Soviet Socialist Republic of Yet again another one Pop: 1,068 Mil 149: The Void Sovereign of Zaltalla Pop: 2,520 Mil 150: The Egghunter of Zhidaole Pop: 4,968 Mil |