1: The Stoned Survival of A Green Haired Punk Pop: 6,502 Mil 2: The Republic of Alpersio Pop: 20 Mil 3: The Republic of Branchella Pop: 543 Mil 4: The Commonwealth of Capistana Pop: 36 Mil 5: The Republic of Castangsmanaia Pop: 9,904 Mil 6: The Incorporated States of Ciusimord Pop: 350 Mil 7: The Empire of Crancrab Pop: 40 Mil 8: The Republic of Faith and hope Pop: 9 Mil 9: The Empire of Fobiand Pop: 23 Mil 10: The Republic of Football Island Pop: 26 Mil 11: The Free Land of Garjen Pop: 664 Mil 12: The Emirate of Grand Nationalist Singapore Pop: 666 Mil 13: The Free Land of Higashiban Pop: 18 Mil 14: The Dictatorship of Immensa Pop: 8 Mil 15: The Federal Republic of Irellus Pop: 29 Mil 16: The Sultanate of Islamiistan Pop: 56 Mil 17: The Empire of Jedtropolis Pop: 906 Mil 18: The Disputed Territories of Kamikaze Poatatoes Pop: 14 Mil 19: The Commonwealth of Laiol Pop: 540 Mil 20: The Most Serene Republic of Latherstine Pop: 40 Mil 21: The Armed Republic of LeReux Pop: 9 Mil 22: The Rogue Nation of LSN71 Pop: 3,472 Mil 23: The Rogue Nation of LSN75 Pop: 3,500 Mil 24: The Kingdom of Luciph Pop: 177 Mil 25: The Holy Empire of Lwi Mesi Pop: 10 Mil | 26: The Commonwealth of Middle Wed and Bucha Pop: 20 Mil 27: The Commonwealth of Mongderland Pop: 10 Mil 28: The Borderlands of Mystic Shores Pop: 1,245 Mil 29: The Dominion of MysticShores Pop: 1,166 Mil 30: The Commonwealth of New Charcoal Pop: 36 Mil 31: The Colony of New Crab Pop: 36 Mil 32: The Colony of New Cran Pop: 40 Mil 33: The Colony of Night Owls Pop: 868 Mil 34: The Republic of Paralland Pop: 560 Mil 35: The Dictatorship of Plais Pop: 361 Mil 36: The Kingdom of Quinquire Pop: 45 Mil 37: The Dominion of Raveska Pop: 189 Mil 38: The Empire of Rhomaoi Pop: 8 Mil 39: The Fiefdom of Taur nu Fuin Pop: 308 Mil 40: The Holy Empire of TyState Pop: 29 Mil 41: The Republic of United Viking Lands Pop: 553 Mil 42: The Kingdom of Urieb dor Pop: 20 Mil 43: The Queendom of Valaia Pop: 18,713 Mil 44: The Kingdom of Visionia Pop: 6 Mil 45: The United States of Yep a yeeep Pop: 32 Mil 46: The Community of Zoomka Pop: 1,140 Mil |