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186 Countries populate the Region of Neocortex

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Neocortex.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Dictatorship of BattleCryofPeace
Pop: 6,395 Mil

2: The Free Land of CharityandMiguel
Pop: 6,190 Mil

3: The Federal Republic of Conservatopea
Pop: 5,688 Mil

4: The Community of Doctorinos
Pop: 5,601 Mil

5: The Fiefdom of Gertrude
Pop: 5,583 Mil

6: The Dominion of Gertrude2
Pop: 5,506 Mil

7: The Queendom of GertrudeE
Pop: 5,495 Mil

8: The Queendom of GertrudeEE
Pop: 5,504 Mil

9: The Queendom of GertrudeEEE
Pop: 5,524 Mil

10: The Queendom of GertrudeEEEE
Pop: 5,512 Mil

11: The Free Land of GertrudeF
Pop: 5,584 Mil

12: The Empire of Lederhosen
Pop: 10,187 Mil

13: The Free Land of LetFreedomRing
Pop: 3,459 Mil

14: The United States of Lightboard
Pop: 5,660 Mil

15: The Republic of Moderatopia
Pop: 5,674 Mil

16: The Republic of MSFTYama
Pop: 8,201 Mil

17: The Rogue Nation of Natashabeth
Pop: 9,878 Mil

18: The Holy Empire of Neberriic-a
Pop: 13,171 Mil

19: The Free Land of Neo-Queen Serenity
Pop: 4,420 Mil

20: The Most Serene Republic of NUMTHOTS
Pop: 5,649 Mil

21: The Empire of Passions99
Pop: 5,029 Mil

22: The Community of QuoVadis
Pop: 5,870 Mil

23: The Rogue Nation of Reductioadabsurdum
Pop: 5,718 Mil

24: The Dictatorship of Shabooya
Pop: 5,761 Mil

25: The Borderlands of Shabooya00
Pop: 5,530 Mil

26: The Republic of Shabooya01
Pop: 5,706 Mil

27: The People's Republic of Shabooya02
Pop: 5,490 Mil

28: The Federal Republic of Shabooya03
Pop: 5,505 Mil

29: The Republic of Shabooya04
Pop: 5,533 Mil

30: The Principality of Shabooya06
Pop: 5,523 Mil

31: The Republic of Shabooya06b
Pop: 5,430 Mil

32: The Federal Republic of Shabooya09
Pop: 5,387 Mil

33: The Empire of Shabooya21
Pop: 5,113 Mil

34: The Federation of Tankieism
Pop: 5,646 Mil

35: The Disputed Territories of Teh PRIZEEE
Pop: 10,182 Mil

36: The Community of Truthotopia
Pop: 5,759 Mil

37: The Free Land of TWGINASFS
Pop: 5,702 Mil

38: The Theocracy of WhereIsColletti
Pop: 6,249 Mil

39: The Armed Republic of Xngl
Pop: 5,717 Mil

40: The Oppressed Peoples of Yamagoochie
Pop: 8,230 Mil

41: The Empire of Yamagoochie00
Pop: 3,073 Mil

42: The Republic of Yamagoochie0000
Pop: 3,582 Mil

43: The Federation of Yamagoochie0001
Pop: 3,063 Mil

44: The Rogue Nation of Yamagoochie0002
Pop: 3,070 Mil

45: The Republic of Yamagoochie0003
Pop: 3,073 Mil

46: The Nomadic Peoples of Yamagoochie0004
Pop: 3,060 Mil

47: The Republic of Yamagoochie0006
Pop: 3,040 Mil

48: The People's Republic of Yamagoochie0009
Pop: 3,028 Mil

49: The Rogue Nation of Yamagoochie0010
Pop: 3,068 Mil

50: The Republic of Yamagoochie0012
Pop: 3,051 Mil

51: The Republic of Yamagoochie0013
Pop: 3,032 Mil

52: The Republic of Yamagoochie0014
Pop: 3,013 Mil

53: The Community of Yamagoochie0015
Pop: 3,019 Mil

54: The Kingdom of Yamagoochie0016
Pop: 2,993 Mil

55: The United States of Yamagoochie0018
Pop: 2,996 Mil

56: The Republic of Yamagoochie0019
Pop: 3,020 Mil

57: The Republic of Yamagoochie0020
Pop: 3,008 Mil

58: The Fiefdom of Yamagoochie0021
Pop: 2,986 Mil

59: The Protectorate of Yamagoochie0022
Pop: 3,014 Mil

60: The Republic of Yamagoochie0023
Pop: 2,974 Mil

61: The Republic of Yamagoochie0024
Pop: 3,021 Mil

62: The Republic of Yamagoochie0025
Pop: 3,032 Mil

63: The Republic of Yamagoochie0026
Pop: 3,015 Mil

64: The Republic of Yamagoochie0027
Pop: 2,979 Mil

65: The Empire of Yamagoochie0028
Pop: 2,986 Mil

66: The Community of Yamagoochie0029
Pop: 2,913 Mil

67: The Empire of Yamagoochie0032
Pop: 2,937 Mil

68: The Republic of Yamagoochie0033
Pop: 2,908 Mil

69: The Republic of Yamagoochie0034
Pop: 2,898 Mil

70: The Republic of Yamagoochie0035
Pop: 2,897 Mil

71: The Empire of Yamagoochie0036
Pop: 2,879 Mil

72: The Republic of Yamagoochie0037
Pop: 2,915 Mil

73: The Republic of Yamagoochie0038
Pop: 2,890 Mil

74: The Fiefdom of Yamagoochie0039
Pop: 2,868 Mil

75: The Community of Yamagoochie0040
Pop: 2,861 Mil

76: The Commonwealth of Yamagoochie0041
Pop: 2,920 Mil

77: The Republic of Yamagoochie0042
Pop: 2,896 Mil

78: The Republic of Yamagoochie0043
Pop: 2,921 Mil

79: The Free Land of Yamagoochie0044
Pop: 2,887 Mil

80: The Federation of Yamagoochie0045
Pop: 2,898 Mil

81: The Republic of Yamagoochie0046
Pop: 2,870 Mil

82: The Empire of Yamagoochie0047
Pop: 2,916 Mil

83: The Kingdom of Yamagoochie0048
Pop: 2,894 Mil

84: The Empire of Yamagoochie0049
Pop: 2,914 Mil

85: The Republic of Yamagoochie0051
Pop: 2,888 Mil

86: The Republic of Yamagoochie0052
Pop: 2,867 Mil

87: The Republic of Yamagoochie0053
Pop: 2,880 Mil

88: The Republic of Yamagoochie0055
Pop: 2,899 Mil

89: The Republic of Yamagoochie0056
Pop: 2,893 Mil

90: The Armed Republic of Yamagoochie0057
Pop: 2,876 Mil

91: The Republic of Yamagoochie0058
Pop: 2,886 Mil

92: The Republic of Yamagoochie0059
Pop: 2,836 Mil

93: The Republic of Yamagoochie0060
Pop: 2,869 Mil

94: The Nomadic Peoples of Yamagoochie0061
Pop: 2,897 Mil

95: The Republic of Yamagoochie0062
Pop: 2,881 Mil

96: The Republic of Yamagoochie0063
Pop: 2,864 Mil

97: The Republic of Yamagoochie0064
Pop: 2,880 Mil

98: The Republic of Yamagoochie0065
Pop: 2,863 Mil

99: The Republic of Yamagoochie0066
Pop: 2,860 Mil

100: The Republic of Yamagoochie0067
Pop: 2,883 Mil

101: The Republic of Yamagoochie0068
Pop: 2,907 Mil

102: The Republic of Yamagoochie0069
Pop: 2,891 Mil

103: The Republic of Yamagoochie0071
Pop: 2,869 Mil

104: The Republic of Yamagoochie0073
Pop: 2,873 Mil

105: The Republic of Yamagoochie0074
Pop: 2,843 Mil

106: The Republic of Yamagoochie0075
Pop: 2,849 Mil

107: The Republic of Yamagoochie0076
Pop: 2,886 Mil

108: The Republic of Yamagoochie0077
Pop: 2,888 Mil

109: The Republic of Yamagoochie0078
Pop: 2,914 Mil

110: The Republic of Yamagoochie0079
Pop: 2,903 Mil

111: The Republic of Yamagoochie0080
Pop: 2,871 Mil

112: The Republic of Yamagoochie0081
Pop: 2,866 Mil

113: The Republic of Yamagoochie0082
Pop: 2,862 Mil

114: The Republic of Yamagoochie0083
Pop: 2,885 Mil

115: The Confederacy of Yamagoochie01
Pop: 3,084 Mil

116: The Fiefdom of Yamagoochie02
Pop: 3,078 Mil

117: The Republic of Yamagoochie03
Pop: 3,051 Mil

118: The Nomadic Peoples of Yamagoochie04
Pop: 3,084 Mil

119: The Republic of Yamagoochie06
Pop: 3,051 Mil

120: The Republic of Yamagoochie09
Pop: 3,062 Mil

121: The Republic of Yamagoochie10
Pop: 3,031 Mil

122: The Republic of Yamagoochie12
Pop: 3,047 Mil

123: The Republic of Yamagoochie13
Pop: 3,029 Mil

124: The Republic of Yamagoochie14
Pop: 3,023 Mil

125: The Republic of Yamagoochie15
Pop: 3,060 Mil

126: The Federation of Yamagoochie16
Pop: 3,021 Mil

127: The Incorporated States of Yamagoochie18
Pop: 3,010 Mil

128: The Republic of Yamagoochie19
Pop: 2,997 Mil

129: The Republic of Yamagoochie20
Pop: 3,012 Mil

130: The Federal Republic of Yamagoochie21
Pop: 2,991 Mil

131: The Republic of Yamagoochie22
Pop: 2,958 Mil

132: The Republic of Yamagoochie23
Pop: 3,029 Mil

133: The Republic of Yamagoochie24
Pop: 3,018 Mil

134: The Republic of Yamagoochie25
Pop: 3,012 Mil

135: The Republic of Yamagoochie26
Pop: 3,017 Mil

136: The Republic of Yamagoochie27
Pop: 2,986 Mil

137: The Empire of Yamagoochie28
Pop: 3,005 Mil

138: The Republic of Yamagoochie29
Pop: 2,944 Mil

139: The Community of Yamagoochie32
Pop: 2,932 Mil

140: The Republic of Yamagoochie33
Pop: 2,898 Mil

141: The Republic of Yamagoochie34
Pop: 2,833 Mil

142: The Republic of Yamagoochie35
Pop: 2,895 Mil

143: The Empire of Yamagoochie36
Pop: 2,899 Mil

144: The Republic of Yamagoochie37
Pop: 2,913 Mil

145: The Republic of Yamagoochie38
Pop: 2,867 Mil

146: The Rogue Nation of Yamagoochie39
Pop: 2,895 Mil

147: The Community of Yamagoochie40
Pop: 2,892 Mil

148: The Democratic States of Yamagoochie41
Pop: 2,869 Mil

149: The Republic of Yamagoochie42
Pop: 2,866 Mil

150: The Republic of Yamagoochie43
Pop: 2,909 Mil

151: The Republic of Yamagoochie44
Pop: 2,929 Mil

152: The Colony of Yamagoochie45
Pop: 2,878 Mil

153: The Republic of Yamagoochie46
Pop: 2,926 Mil

154: The Empire of Yamagoochie47
Pop: 2,906 Mil

155: The Republic of Yamagoochie48
Pop: 2,863 Mil

156: The Republic of Yamagoochie49
Pop: 2,893 Mil

157: The Republic of Yamagoochie51
Pop: 2,913 Mil

158: The Republic of Yamagoochie52
Pop: 2,892 Mil

159: The Republic of Yamagoochie53
Pop: 2,876 Mil

160: The Republic of Yamagoochie55
Pop: 2,909 Mil

161: The Republic of Yamagoochie56
Pop: 2,939 Mil

162: The Republic of Yamagoochie57
Pop: 2,879 Mil

163: The Republic of Yamagoochie58
Pop: 2,841 Mil

164: The Republic of Yamagoochie59
Pop: 2,869 Mil

165: The Republic of Yamagoochie60
Pop: 2,838 Mil

166: The Republic of Yamagoochie61
Pop: 2,892 Mil

167: The Republic of Yamagoochie62
Pop: 2,873 Mil

168: The Republic of Yamagoochie63
Pop: 2,910 Mil

169: The Republic of Yamagoochie64
Pop: 2,911 Mil

170: The Republic of Yamagoochie65
Pop: 2,890 Mil

171: The Republic of Yamagoochie66
Pop: 2,848 Mil

172: The Republic of Yamagoochie67
Pop: 2,889 Mil

173: The Republic of Yamagoochie68
Pop: 2,884 Mil

174: The Republic of Yamagoochie69
Pop: 2,884 Mil

175: The Republic of Yamagoochie71
Pop: 2,878 Mil

176: The Republic of Yamagoochie73
Pop: 2,860 Mil

177: The Republic of Yamagoochie74
Pop: 2,885 Mil

178: The Republic of Yamagoochie75
Pop: 2,908 Mil

179: The Republic of Yamagoochie76
Pop: 2,865 Mil

180: The Republic of Yamagoochie77
Pop: 2,897 Mil

181: The Republic of Yamagoochie78
Pop: 2,871 Mil

182: The Republic of Yamagoochie79
Pop: 2,873 Mil

183: The Republic of Yamagoochie80
Pop: 2,868 Mil

184: The Republic of Yamagoochie81
Pop: 2,903 Mil

185: The Republic of Yamagoochie82
Pop: 2,905 Mil

186: The Republic of Yamagoochie83
Pop: 2,850 Mil

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