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299 Countries populate the Region of Nerdlandia

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Nerdlandia.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Unicorns of -Aerilia-
Pop: 15,990 Mil

2: The 14 21 13 2 5 18 19 of 1 5 18 9 12 9 1
Pop: 1,256 Mil

3: The -Redacted- of A Certain Unnamed Person
Pop: 12,828 Mil

4: The Cheap Loans of A Dangerous Loan Shark
Pop: 11,656 Mil

5: The Cheap Loans of A Less Dangerous Loan Shark
Pop: 10,819 Mil

6: The Classification isn't so long of A puppet of Aerilia but with a long name
Pop: 2,783 Mil

7: The Totally trustworthy nation of A untrustworthy TNP nation
Pop: 11,168 Mil

8: The Lands of A Wild Aerilia
Pop: 1,199 Mil

9: The Transfers of Aeerilia
Pop: 6,885 Mil

10: The Kingdom of Aeilia
Pop: 586 Mil

11: The Unicorn of Aerila
Pop: 5,759 Mil

12: The Empire of Aerilia Evil Inc
Pop: 5,049 Mil

13: The Gaming nation of Aerilia Games
Pop: 6,947 Mil

14: The Republic of Aerilia is a nerd
Pop: 5,266 Mil

15: The Community of Aerilia Social
Pop: 4,968 Mil

16: The Doctor of Aerilia with a doctor who flag
Pop: 12,365 Mil

17: The With a H of Aerilia with a H
Pop: 1,240 Mil

18: The No H of Aerilia without a H
Pop: 1,249 Mil

19: The Community of Aerilia-I-Am
Pop: 530 Mil

20: The Aerilia of Aerilian
Pop: 1,713 Mil

21: The Ripoff of Aerilian ripoff ripoff ripoff ripoff
Pop: 5,702 Mil

22: The Aerilias 100th Puppet of Aerilias 100th Puppet
Pop: 7,727 Mil

23: The Card Storage Nation of Aerilias Card Storage
Pop: 5,602 Mil

24: The People's Republic of Aerilias Chocolaterie
Pop: 5,022 Mil

25: The Epic Nation of Aerilias Epic Puppet
Pop: 8,132 Mil

26: The Legendary Nation of Aerilias Legendary Puppet
Pop: 5,561 Mil

27: The Nation of Aeriliest
Pop: 14,524 Mil

28: The Unicorns of Aeriling
Pop: 14,699 Mil

29: The A of A of Aerilla
Pop: 15,480 Mil

30: The Unicorns of Aerillia
Pop: 5,763 Mil

31: The A of A of Aerillla
Pop: 14,502 Mil

32: The Unicorns of Aerilllla
Pop: 14,573 Mil

33: The Unicorns have takken over of Aerlia but with a spelling mistake
Pop: 2,805 Mil

34: The I like Aeroplane Jelly of Aeroplane Jelly
Pop: 2,801 Mil

35: The Revo nekat evah snrocinU of Ailirea
Pop: 3,268 Mil

36: The Clean Air of Air Purifer
Pop: 2,822 Mil

37: The Anti-Aerilia of Anti-Aerilia
Pop: 2,919 Mil

38: The Republic of Beachport
Pop: 5,058 Mil

39: The Fire Can't Go Through Doors of Ben Chang
Pop: 2,193 Mil

40: The B of B of Berilla
Pop: 7,759 Mil

41: The Blacksmith of Bodger The Blacksmith
Pop: 2,792 Mil

42: The Kingdom of Brain slug
Pop: 4,736 Mil

43: The Republic of Brain slug 10
Pop: 4,727 Mil

44: The Republic of Brain slug 11
Pop: 4,753 Mil

45: The Republic of Brain slug 12
Pop: 4,745 Mil

46: The Republic of Brain slug 13
Pop: 4,765 Mil

47: The Republic of Brain slug 14
Pop: 4,735 Mil

48: The Republic of Brain slug 15
Pop: 4,790 Mil

49: The Republic of Brain slug 16
Pop: 4,719 Mil

50: The Republic of Brain slug 17
Pop: 4,736 Mil

51: The Republic of Brain slug 18
Pop: 4,736 Mil

52: The Republic of Brain slug 19
Pop: 4,722 Mil

53: The Republic of Brain slug 2
Pop: 4,777 Mil

54: The Republic of Brain slug 20
Pop: 4,711 Mil

55: The Republic of Brain slug 21
Pop: 4,766 Mil

56: The Republic of Brain slug 22
Pop: 4,729 Mil

57: The Republic of Brain slug 23
Pop: 4,763 Mil

58: The Republic of Brain slug 24
Pop: 4,748 Mil

59: The Republic of Brain slug 25
Pop: 4,771 Mil

60: The Republic of Brain slug 26
Pop: 4,737 Mil

61: The Republic of Brain slug 27
Pop: 4,723 Mil

62: The Republic of Brain slug 28
Pop: 4,740 Mil

63: The Republic of Brain slug 29
Pop: 4,697 Mil

64: The Republic of Brain slug 3
Pop: 4,748 Mil

65: The Republic of Brain slug 30
Pop: 4,742 Mil

66: The Republic of Brain slug 4
Pop: 4,741 Mil

67: The Republic of Brain slug 5
Pop: 4,731 Mil

68: The Republic of Brain slug 6
Pop: 4,745 Mil

69: The Republic of Brain slug 7
Pop: 4,703 Mil

70: The Republic of Brain slug 8
Pop: 4,745 Mil

71: The Republic of Brain slug 9
Pop: 4,732 Mil

72: The Bungandidj people of Buandig
Pop: 14,288 Mil

73: The Bwahahahaha of Bwahahahaha
Pop: 7,744 Mil

74: The C of C of Cerilla
Pop: 7,771 Mil

75: The Community of Christmas Unicorn
Pop: 381 Mil

76: The DraC of CipE
Pop: 4,729 Mil

77: The Coffee cup of Coffee
Pop: 5,632 Mil

78: The Agency of Country Fire Service
Pop: 2,771 Mil

79: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns
Pop: 3,582 Mil

80: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns 10
Pop: 3,601 Mil

81: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns 2
Pop: 3,591 Mil

82: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns 3
Pop: 3,619 Mil

83: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns 4
Pop: 3,592 Mil

84: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns 5
Pop: 3,606 Mil

85: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns 6
Pop: 3,594 Mil

86: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns 7
Pop: 3,578 Mil

87: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns 8
Pop: 3,607 Mil

88: The Republic of Cyberpunk Unicorns 9
Pop: 3,629 Mil

89: The Puppet of Da puppet
Pop: 7,753 Mil

90: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 1
Pop: 9,778 Mil

91: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 10
Pop: 9,723 Mil

92: The Republic of Dalek farm 11
Pop: 4,891 Mil

93: The Republic of Dalek farm 12
Pop: 4,889 Mil

94: The Republic of Dalek farm 13
Pop: 4,921 Mil

95: The Republic of Dalek farm 14
Pop: 4,932 Mil

96: The Republic of Dalek farm 15
Pop: 4,887 Mil

97: The Republic of Dalek farm 16
Pop: 4,901 Mil

98: The Republic of Dalek farm 17
Pop: 4,873 Mil

99: The Republic of Dalek farm 18
Pop: 4,917 Mil

100: The Republic of Dalek farm 19
Pop: 4,885 Mil

101: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 2
Pop: 9,755 Mil

102: The Republic of Dalek farm 20
Pop: 4,853 Mil

103: The Republic of Dalek farm 21
Pop: 4,899 Mil

104: The Republic of Dalek farm 22
Pop: 4,914 Mil

105: The Republic of Dalek farm 23
Pop: 4,870 Mil

106: The Republic of Dalek farm 24
Pop: 4,885 Mil

107: The Republic of Dalek farm 25
Pop: 4,861 Mil

108: The Republic of Dalek farm 26
Pop: 4,901 Mil

109: The Republic of Dalek farm 27
Pop: 4,884 Mil

110: The Republic of Dalek farm 28
Pop: 4,895 Mil

111: The Republic of Dalek farm 29
Pop: 4,904 Mil

112: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 3
Pop: 9,771 Mil

113: The Republic of Dalek farm 30
Pop: 4,840 Mil

114: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 4
Pop: 9,786 Mil

115: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 5
Pop: 9,794 Mil

116: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 6
Pop: 9,759 Mil

117: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 7
Pop: 9,768 Mil

118: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 8
Pop: 9,761 Mil

119: The EXTERMINATE of Dalek Farm 9
Pop: 9,643 Mil

120: The Most Terrible Timeline of Darkest Timeline
Pop: 2,241 Mil

121: The D of D of Derilla
Pop: 7,754 Mil

122: The Unicorns are amazing of Dikkiekof
Pop: 5,691 Mil

123: The I Am Altering The Dirt of Dirt Vader
Pop: 2,775 Mil

124: The Doctor is in of Dr Aerilia
Pop: 5,642 Mil

125: The E of E of Eerilla
Pop: 7,783 Mil

126: The DraC of EraR
Pop: 4,713 Mil

127: The DraC of EraR artlU
Pop: 4,741 Mil

128: The Selfie of Etrelia
Pop: 7,719 Mil

129: The Most Evil of Evil Doctor Who
Pop: 2,780 Mil

130: The F of F of Ferilla
Pop: 7,810 Mil

131: The Republic of Foreign Infantry Regiment 3
Pop: 4,752 Mil

132: The G of G of Geerilla
Pop: 7,768 Mil

133: The Community of Gift this card to Aerilia
Pop: 429 Mil

134: The Do It of Give Aerilia your cards
Pop: 2,786 Mil

135: The My Sheep Have Run Amok of Greg The Garlic Farmer
Pop: 2,791 Mil

136: The H of H of Herilla
Pop: 7,689 Mil

137: The Hey Look of Hey its a wild Aerilia
Pop: 14,302 Mil

138: The Han shot first of I find your lack of Aerilia disturbing
Pop: 12,827 Mil

139: The Purple of I love purple
Pop: 7,885 Mil

140: The I of I of Ieerillla
Pop: 6,311 Mil

141: The I of I of Ierilla
Pop: 7,831 Mil

142: The Community of Inspector Spacetime
Pop: 2,880 Mil

143: The Is it really Aerilia of Is this really Aerilia
Pop: 13,515 Mil

144: The Loving Couple of IShip It-
Pop: 8,111 Mil

145: The J of J of Jerilla
Pop: 7,787 Mil

146: The K of K of Keerilla
Pop: 7,738 Mil

147: The L of L of Lerilla
Pop: 7,762 Mil

148: The Unicorns of Lone Aerilia
Pop: 1,202 Mil

149: The Community of Maxwell Smart
Pop: 5,441 Mil

150: The M of M of Meerilla
Pop: 7,709 Mil

151: The Mistakes were made of Mistakes Were Made
Pop: 5,733 Mil

152: The City of Mount Gambier
Pop: 4,908 Mil

153: The Rogue Nation of MSN23
Pop: 4,782 Mil

154: The Town of Naracoorte
Pop: 5,126 Mil

155: The N of N of Nerilla
Pop: 7,765 Mil

156: The NeverAerilia of NeverAerilia
Pop: 6,726 Mil

157: The Republic of New Years Unicorn
Pop: 388 Mil

158: The Nice flag of Nice Flag
Pop: 8,918 Mil

159: The No Ice Cream Allowed of No Ice cream Allowed
Pop: 3,253 Mil

160: The No Popcorn of No Popcorn Allowed
Pop: 14,261 Mil

161: The DraC of NommoC
Pop: 4,703 Mil

162: The DraC of NommocnU
Pop: 4,719 Mil

163: The Not Aerilia of Not Aerilia
Pop: 12,942 Mil

164: The Victory must be earned of NuqneH
Pop: 16,088 Mil

165: The O of O of Oerilla
Pop: 7,794 Mil

166: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin
Pop: 3,991 Mil

167: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 10
Pop: 4,036 Mil

168: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 11
Pop: 3,940 Mil

169: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 12
Pop: 3,957 Mil

170: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 13
Pop: 3,962 Mil

171: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 14
Pop: 3,982 Mil

172: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 15
Pop: 3,987 Mil

173: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 16
Pop: 3,964 Mil

174: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 17
Pop: 3,954 Mil

175: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 18
Pop: 3,972 Mil

176: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 19
Pop: 3,958 Mil

177: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 2
Pop: 3,985 Mil

178: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 20
Pop: 3,994 Mil

179: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 21
Pop: 3,959 Mil

180: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 22
Pop: 3,966 Mil

181: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 23
Pop: 3,961 Mil

182: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 24
Pop: 3,985 Mil

183: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 25
Pop: 3,985 Mil

184: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 26
Pop: 3,970 Mil

185: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 27
Pop: 3,941 Mil

186: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 28
Pop: 3,962 Mil

187: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 29
Pop: 3,967 Mil

188: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 3
Pop: 3,967 Mil

189: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 30
Pop: 3,976 Mil

190: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 4
Pop: 3,957 Mil

191: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 5
Pop: 3,991 Mil

192: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 6
Pop: 3,975 Mil

193: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 7
Pop: 3,982 Mil

194: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 8
Pop: 3,965 Mil

195: The Republic of Outrageous Muffin 9
Pop: 3,960 Mil

196: The Stack of Pancakes
Pop: 5,661 Mil

197: The P of P of Peerilla
Pop: 7,764 Mil

198: The Town of Penola
Pop: 5,110 Mil

199: The Plantation of Pine Plantation
Pop: 2,779 Mil

200: The Town of Port Macdonnell
Pop: 5,137 Mil

201: The Postman of Postman Pat
Pop: 5,662 Mil

202: The Its Probably Aerilia of Probably Aerilia
Pop: 5,722 Mil

203: The Choo Choo of Puffing Billy
Pop: 2,800 Mil

204: The Purple flowers of Purple 1
Pop: 13,218 Mil

205: The Purple flowers of Purple 10
Pop: 12,727 Mil

206: The Republic of Purple 11
Pop: 4,935 Mil

207: The Republic of Purple 12
Pop: 4,901 Mil

208: The Republic of Purple 13
Pop: 4,885 Mil

209: The Republic of Purple 14
Pop: 4,894 Mil

210: The Republic of Purple 15
Pop: 4,845 Mil

211: The Republic of Purple 16
Pop: 4,902 Mil

212: The Republic of Purple 17
Pop: 4,890 Mil

213: The Republic of Purple 18
Pop: 4,926 Mil

214: The Republic of Purple 19
Pop: 4,881 Mil

215: The Purple flowers of Purple 2
Pop: 13,168 Mil

216: The Republic of Purple 20
Pop: 4,884 Mil

217: The Purple flowers of Purple 3
Pop: 12,713 Mil

218: The Purple flowers of Purple 4
Pop: 12,741 Mil

219: The Purple flowers of Purple 5
Pop: 12,712 Mil

220: The Purple flowers of Purple 6
Pop: 12,759 Mil

221: The Purple flowers of Purple 7
Pop: 12,699 Mil

222: The Purple flowers of Purple 8
Pop: 12,769 Mil

223: The Purple flowers of Purple 9
Pop: 12,768 Mil

224: The Purple Fairies of Purple Fairy
Pop: 14,349 Mil

225: The Purple Unicorn of Purple Unicorn
Pop: 14,180 Mil

226: The Purple Vikings of Purple Viking
Pop: 14,215 Mil

227: The Republic of Purple21
Pop: 4,907 Mil

228: The Republic of Purple22
Pop: 4,878 Mil

229: The Republic of Purple23
Pop: 4,892 Mil

230: The Republic of Purple24
Pop: 4,884 Mil

231: The Republic of Purple25
Pop: 4,915 Mil

232: The Republic of Purple26
Pop: 4,887 Mil

233: The Republic of Purple27
Pop: 4,887 Mil

234: The Republic of Purple28
Pop: 4,860 Mil

235: The Republic of Purple29
Pop: 4,864 Mil

236: The Republic of Purple30
Pop: 4,935 Mil

237: The Q of Q of Qerilla
Pop: 7,799 Mil

238: The Race fast Safe car of Racecar but spelt backwards
Pop: 1,243 Mil

239: The Who I am of Remindme
Pop: 12,056 Mil

240: The There Is No Job Too Small of Rent A Hitman
Pop: 2,797 Mil

241: The R of R of Rerilla
Pop: 7,758 Mil

242: The Airline of Rex Airlines
Pop: 2,801 Mil

243: The Flying Doctor of Royal Flying Doctor Service
Pop: 2,808 Mil

244: The S of S of Serilla
Pop: 7,778 Mil

245: The Retirement home of Shady acres retirement
Pop: 12,764 Mil

246: The Island of Shirleys Island
Pop: 2,193 Mil

247: The Freezing Southern Rock of Southern Rock
Pop: 7,168 Mil

248: The Pirate of Straw Hat Aerilia
Pop: 2,406 Mil

249: The T of T of Terilla
Pop: 7,733 Mil

250: The Monastery of The Aerilian Monk
Pop: 6,354 Mil

251: The Lean Mean Deaning Machine of The Dean
Pop: 2,221 Mil

252: The Choo Choo of The Ghan
Pop: 2,802 Mil

253: The Painting of The Mona Lisa
Pop: 11,512 Mil

254: The Totally Not Aerilia of TotallynotAerilia
Pop: 14,768 Mil

255: The Le Tour of Tour de France
Pop: 5,690 Mil

256: The U of U of Uerilla
Pop: 7,785 Mil

257: The Unicorns are awesome of Unicorn
Pop: 5,463 Mil

258: The Experiments of Unicorn Scientist
Pop: 6,313 Mil

259: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet
Pop: 6,851 Mil

260: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet 10
Pop: 6,873 Mil

261: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 11
Pop: 4,885 Mil

262: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 12
Pop: 4,906 Mil

263: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 13
Pop: 4,861 Mil

264: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 14
Pop: 4,900 Mil

265: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 15
Pop: 4,900 Mil

266: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 16
Pop: 4,849 Mil

267: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 17
Pop: 4,838 Mil

268: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 18
Pop: 4,914 Mil

269: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 19
Pop: 4,896 Mil

270: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet 2
Pop: 6,816 Mil

271: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 20
Pop: 4,889 Mil

272: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 21
Pop: 4,899 Mil

273: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 22
Pop: 4,895 Mil

274: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 23
Pop: 4,885 Mil

275: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 24
Pop: 4,816 Mil

276: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 25
Pop: 4,898 Mil

277: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 26
Pop: 4,904 Mil

278: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 27
Pop: 4,912 Mil

279: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 28
Pop: 4,924 Mil

280: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 29
Pop: 4,892 Mil

281: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet 3
Pop: 6,876 Mil

282: The Republic of Unknown Puppet 30
Pop: 4,902 Mil

283: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet 4
Pop: 6,780 Mil

284: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet 5
Pop: 6,791 Mil

285: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet 6
Pop: 6,809 Mil

286: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet 7
Pop: 6,851 Mil

287: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet 8
Pop: 6,829 Mil

288: The I wonder who it is of Unknown Puppet 9
Pop: 6,819 Mil

289: The V of V of Veerilla
Pop: 7,737 Mil

290: The League of Viva La Dirt League
Pop: 2,803 Mil

291: The Blue Water of Warwar
Pop: 2,808 Mil

292: The W of W of Werilla
Pop: 7,729 Mil

293: The X of X of Xerilla
Pop: 7,837 Mil

294: The Y of Y of Yerilla
Pop: 7,792 Mil

295: The You are a Nerd of You Are A Nerd
Pop: 5,752 Mil

296: The Get Off My Lawn of Your Annoying Neighbour
Pop: 2,828 Mil

297: The DraC of YradnegeL
Pop: 4,756 Mil

298: The Z of Z of Zerilla
Pop: 7,770 Mil

299: The Yzxpdziwh zokszyvg of Zvirorz
Pop: 1,246 Mil

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