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44 Countries populate the Region of Nevadia

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Nevadia.

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1: The Loving Couple of -Too Many-Options
Pop: 6,487 Mil

2: The Possession of A Shyness That Is Criminally Vulgar
Pop: 2,628 Mil

3: The Republic of Bocchi16
Pop: 3,611 Mil

4: The Safety of Brian Branch
Pop: 1,877 Mil

5: The Republic of Cal XII
Pop: 934 Mil

6: The Nomadic Peoples of Czarrs Jefuliaba
Pop: 1,856 Mil

7: The Republic of Dagistan
Pop: 2,511 Mil

8: The Federation of DinkDonkDoink
Pop: 2,619 Mil

9: The Dictatorship of Faral and eepy12
Pop: 1,019 Mil

10: The Republic of Gem Shatters
Pop: 3,663 Mil

11: The Federation of Hero V
Pop: 2,244 Mil

12: The Commonwealth of Hopeium
Pop: 2,214 Mil

13: The Armed Republic of Hubert de Brienne
Pop: 3,726 Mil

14: The United States of Jor Fairabity
Pop: 180 Mil

15: The Republic of Lethalscar
Pop: 10,236 Mil

16: The Most Serene Republic of Morioh XIV
Pop: 1,316 Mil

17: The Colony of Naginata
Pop: 566 Mil

18: The Clergy of Nameless Ghoul VI
Pop: 2,899 Mil

19: The Borderlands of Nightswatch IV
Pop: 2,109 Mil

20: The Federation of Peoples State of Bavaria
Pop: 1,499 Mil

21: The United States of Raari Eryssim
Pop: 2,822 Mil

22: The Most Serene Republic of Red Nine
Pop: 1,819 Mil

23: The Queendom of Side Burn
Pop: 2,745 Mil

24: The Kingdom of Sidewinder Rattlesnake
Pop: 2,130 Mil

25: The Republic of Spring Garden Lane
Pop: 2,703 Mil

26: The Republic of SSN56
Pop: 4,698 Mil

27: The Kingdom of Svearan
Pop: 3,746 Mil

28: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CLXIII
Pop: 3,639 Mil

29: The Republic of Team Estonia ACE
Pop: 40 Mil

30: The Republic of The Air Force of South Asians 2
Pop: 4,998 Mil

31: The Federation of The Defender States
Pop: 3,764 Mil

32: The The Legendary Defense of The Dome Patrol
Pop: 3,908 Mil

33: The Picket of The Ecalpan Uchuugun 95th Squadron
Pop: 2,504 Mil

34: The Community of The Guild of the Ring
Pop: 2,156 Mil

35: The United States of The Rhinoceros
Pop: 1,974 Mil

36: The Republic of The Sleeping Duck 11
Pop: 2,443 Mil

37: The Republic of The Slender Thunder
Pop: 10,204 Mil

38: The Republic of Thisisaliberalnationname
Pop: 2,225 Mil

39: The Confederacy of Tousher
Pop: 359 Mil

40: The Two-Way Hall-of-Fame Tackle of Turk Edwards
Pop: 2,319 Mil

41: The Jingoistic States of Upper Ladgulin Sonent
Pop: 1,823 Mil

42: The Democratic Republic of Weitarawi XIV
Pop: 1,677 Mil

43: The People's Republic of White sands national park
Pop: 2,648 Mil

44: The Democratic States of Wolotasto
Pop: 2,981 Mil

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