1: The Republic of Adzharia Pop: 33,205 Mil 2: The Kingdom of Aeskandia Pop: 8,380 Mil 3: The Republic of Alaea Pop: 11,595 Mil 4: The Kingdom of Alba Ion Pop: 8,473 Mil 5: The Kingdom of Alba Lata Pop: 8,475 Mil 6: The Kingdom of Alba Zeri Pop: 8,448 Mil 7: The Federation of Alfoeya Pop: 8,397 Mil 8: The Fashion Police State of Allellas Pop: 14,395 Mil 9: The Republic of Ang Ling Pop: 27,521 Mil 10: The Republic of Apkhazia Pop: 33,166 Mil 11: The Republic of Aplysia Pop: 11,550 Mil 12: The Protectorate of Arba Shqiperia Pop: 8,442 Mil 13: The Borderlands of Arkelland Pop: 4,280 Mil 14: The Free Land of Asego Pop: 8,361 Mil 15: The Sultanate of Athlant Pop: 8,312 Mil 16: The Matriarchy of Ava Akka Pop: 14,501 Mil 17: The Fiefdom of Avatarrhoene Pop: 8,652 Mil 18: The Federation of Azulaga Pop: 8,290 Mil 19: The Borderlands of Bakermat Pop: 8,480 Mil 20: The Republic of Balthuania Pop: 24,935 Mil 21: The Principality of Bearserk Pop: 740 Mil 22: The Isolationist Dictatorship of Belemnotia Pop: 28,887 Mil 23: The Republic of Bletvia Pop: 25,601 Mil 24: The Concerto Democracy of Brahmsk Pop: 33,538 Mil 25: The Community of Broni Pop: 16,005 Mil 26: The Republic of Byrussia Pop: 25,011 Mil 27: The Kingdom of Caucaspia Pop: 8,225 Mil 28: The Kingdom of Coboldia Pop: 8,166 Mil 29: The Matriarchy of Cypronesos Pop: 24,611 Mil 30: The Kingdom of Dachya Pop: 18,585 Mil 31: The Dark Pool of Damnachya Pop: 33,180 Mil 32: The Matriarchy of Dawnature Pop: 8,159 Mil 33: The Republic of Dugaria Pop: 30,035 Mil 34: The Kingdom of Dwergothia Pop: 8,190 Mil 35: The Matriarchy of Eirne Pop: 12,586 Mil 36: The Molluscan radula of Escargothia Pop: 29,161 Mil 37: The Kingdom of Fama Pop: 8,189 Mil 38: The Kingdom of Frisigothia Pop: 26,371 Mil 39: The Kingdom and ethnic exclaves of Frysdan Pop: 26,590 Mil 40: The Grand Duchy of Glauxia Pop: 12,990 Mil 41: The Principality of Gnarlingen Pop: 20,610 Mil 42: The Kingdom of Gnashingen or Nacingia Pop: 20,672 Mil 43: The Proto-Empire of Gnoss Pop: 34,614 Mil 44: The Fiefdom of Goochel Pop: 7,256 Mil 45: The Matriarchy of Gorgor Pop: 8,356 Mil 46: The Holy Republic of Grand Ararat Pop: 33,052 Mil 47: The Kingdom of Grazium Pop: 8,281 Mil 48: The Principality of Growlingen Pop: 20,508 Mil 49: The Protectorate of Haas Pop: 8,498 Mil 50: The Most Serene Republic of Harrespil Pop: 13,127 Mil 51: The Fiefdom of Hhar Pop: 8,403 Mil 52: The Kingdom of Hhurria Pop: 11,583 Mil 53: The Free Land of Holen Pop: 8,440 Mil 54: The Kingdom of Honderland Pop: 8,350 Mil 55: The Nomadic Peoples of Howlingen Pop: 21,909 Mil 56: The Kingdom of Huldregard Pop: 14,266 Mil 57: The Nomadic Peoples of Hunkeringen Pop: 7,578 Mil 58: The Dominion of Hydrozoa Pop: 26,309 Mil 59: The Emirate of Impika Pop: 8,273 Mil 60: The Matriarchy of Impsica Pop: 8,253 Mil 61: The Democratic Republic of Inguzhetia Pop: 33,280 Mil 62: The Principality of Jarnoy Pop: 10,923 Mil 63: The People's Not Holy Republic of Kabardine Balkaria Pop: 32,608 Mil 64: The Nomadic Peoples of Kamaa Samaa Pop: 14,186 Mil 65: The Empire of Khazarya Pop: 32,386 Mil 66: The Republic of Komi Suomi Pop: 31,239 Mil 67: The Free Land of Lady Holle Pop: 8,129 Mil 68: The Queendom of Lapphalla Pop: 8,336 Mil 69: The Federation of Lares Penatesque Pop: 13,995 Mil 70: The Community of Lazgia Pop: 8,261 Mil 71: The Kingdom of Leperia Pop: 8,184 Mil 72: The Colony of Livomaa Pop: 14,107 Mil 73: The Gnarling Grey Wolves of Loanden Pop: 26,151 Mil 74: The Kingdom of Luwi Pop: 27,486 Mil | 75: The Republic of Lywtia Pop: 12,080 Mil 76: The Snow at Sea of Maarnix Pop: 26,923 Mil 77: The Grey Iron and Holy Crown of Magyarbania Pop: 24,869 Mil 78: The Borderlands of Makillyria Pop: 16,948 Mil 79: The Grand Duchy of Mazuwe Pop: 13,091 Mil 80: The Kingdom of Merlia Pop: 8,357 Mil 81: The Federation of Nacr Pop: 11,674 Mil 82: The Principality of Neandr Pop: 8,491 Mil 83: The Republic of Nibelpfalz Pop: 27,330 Mil 84: The Kingdom of Njordan og Vanrik Pop: 8,340 Mil 85: The Colony of Nyborgen Pop: 20,291 Mil 86: The Kingdom of Oarge Pop: 8,384 Mil 87: The Republic of Odrobites Pop: 25,769 Mil 88: The Kingdom of Oerge Pop: 8,403 Mil 89: The Thanedom of Ogrney Pop: 8,501 Mil 90: The Kingdom of Palourde Pop: 11,545 Mil 91: The Queendom of Philephebia Pop: 34,971 Mil 92: The Kingdom of Phrygyene Pop: 8,686 Mil 93: The Republic of Pieuvre Pop: 29,030 Mil 94: The Confederacy of Pixen Pop: 8,188 Mil 95: The Lands of Pluisch and Pluch Pop: 34,434 Mil 96: The Federation of Qibchaq Pop: 14,346 Mil 97: The Federation of R a s n a Pop: 8,290 Mil 98: The Republic of Ranranya Pop: 33,050 Mil 99: The Kingdom of Rhonouille Pop: 13,130 Mil 100: The Kingdom of Rhynuwe Pop: 13,123 Mil 101: The Holy Federated Green Forests of Roge-Adyge Pop: 31,939 Mil 102: The Fiefdom of Runderen Pop: 8,370 Mil 103: The Caucasian Stone Age of Saakashvia Pop: 34,929 Mil 104: The Nomadic Peoples of Saami Suomi Pop: 14,395 Mil 105: The Republic of Sabinia Pop: 14,346 Mil 106: The Queendom of Sardjana Pop: 8,307 Mil 107: The Republic of Sation Pop: 26,587 Mil 108: The Rissorgimento of Saxavoy Pop: 28,169 Mil 109: The Emirate of Scandalus Pop: 8,221 Mil 110: The Kingdom of Sicelia Pop: 8,244 Mil 111: The Free Land of Sicygna Pop: 8,183 Mil 112: The Allied States of Sieidi El Pop: 14,343 Mil 113: The Federation of Sklavonia Pop: 27,031 Mil 114: The Kingdom of Snaerike Pop: 14,178 Mil 115: The Republic of Snarlingen Pop: 14,270 Mil 116: The Republic of Snowenia Pop: 29,237 Mil 117: The Permanent Struggle of Subsylvania Pop: 31,436 Mil 118: The Peninsular Federation of Talonia Pop: 25,533 Mil 119: The Kingdom of Tarjanarorszag Pop: 14,196 Mil 120: The Holy Roman Empire of The Herman Nation Pop: 8,134 Mil 121: The Federation of Theutania Pop: 8,143 Mil 122: The Kingdom of Thorge Pop: 8,378 Mil 123: The Federation of Thraix Pop: 14,300 Mil 124: The Republic of Toadessa Pop: 11,677 Mil 125: The Republic of Tsabania Pop: 8,277 Mil 126: The Relocated Tribes of Ulfingen Pop: 33,585 Mil 127: The Principality of Ulwera Pop: 747 Mil 128: The Federation of Untxial Herria Pop: 14,277 Mil 129: The Most Serene Republic of Vaccioza Pop: 8,367 Mil 130: The Confederacy of Vaulterland Pop: 8,178 Mil 131: The Grand Duchy of Veegouwen-Pecault Pop: 8,318 Mil 132: The Free Land of Velhomaa Pop: 14,246 Mil 133: The Kingdom of Virge Pop: 8,332 Mil 134: The Republic of Vlpska Pop: 20,703 Mil 135: The Community of Vunnia Pop: 8,245 Mil 136: The Theocracy of Waeluwe Pop: 13,098 Mil 137: The Confederacy of Werewolf and Vampire Pop: 32,839 Mil 138: The Kingdom of Wisentia Pop: 29,018 Mil 139: The Hungry Pack of Wolvingen Pop: 25,818 Mil 140: The Borderlands of Woolhynia Pop: 2,413 Mil 141: The Protectorate of Wroeland Pop: 8,481 Mil 142: The Community of Xentawr Pop: 16,010 Mil 143: The Oppressed Peoples of Xobronilazg Pop: 16,028 Mil 144: The Republic of Yukaghir Pop: 26,604 Mil |