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79 Countries populate the Region of New West Conifer

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of New West Conifer.

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1: The United Antillean Kingdom of Achipel
Pop: 19,111 Mil

2: The Most Serene Republic of Aealethia Bay
Pop: 838 Mil

3: The Republic of Arnyvonna
Pop: 5,174 Mil

4: The Kingdom of Ashenva
Pop: 532 Mil

5: The Nomadic Peoples of Aso Nangury
Pop: 56 Mil

6: The Most Serene Republic of Awella
Pop: 1,946 Mil

7: The People's Republic of Binglandes
Pop: 522 Mil

8: The Republic of Bluewoods
Pop: 919 Mil

9: The Kingdom of Carolyn222
Pop: 23 Mil

10: The Social Democratic Republic of Central Birdland
Pop: 15,049 Mil

11: The Democratic Republic of Didyland
Pop: 40 Mil

12: The Confederacy of Eastern Cuba
Pop: 32 Mil

13: The Disputed Territories of Emirra
Pop: 830 Mil

14: The Kingdom of Five Sicilys
Pop: 9,034 Mil

15: The Republic of Floratic
Pop: 877 Mil

16: The Post-Scarcity Superpolity of Floyssauu
Pop: 9,088 Mil

17: The Partial Monarchy of Four Sicilys
Pop: 11,267 Mil

18: The Federal Republic of Fridalandia
Pop: 56 Mil

19: The Nation-Sized Disco Party of Funky Goats
Pop: 13,889 Mil

20: The People's Republic of Fynnigan
Pop: 2,340 Mil

21: The Collective of the Species of Gallaton
Pop: 9,865 Mil

22: The Holy Protectorate of Garnetsberg
Pop: 902 Mil

23: The West Coniferan Dictatorship of Gelezia
Pop: 11,009 Mil

24: The Tsardom of Great Acaris
Pop: 3,181 Mil

25: The Republic of Havumaa
Pop: 6,207 Mil

26: The Protectorate of Her Excellency
Pop: 763 Mil

27: The Incorporated States of Hinding
Pop: 45 Mil

28: The Republic of Huddyland
Pop: 8 Mil

29: The Federal Republic of Human Betterment
Pop: 83 Mil

30: The Nomadic nations of Idiocarasia
Pop: 15,184 Mil

31: The Pretannian Empire of Jakkonia
Pop: 8,491 Mil

32: The Constitutional Monarchy of Jamesburgh
Pop: 40,997 Mil

33: The Community of Kallathi
Pop: 1,770 Mil

34: The Federation of Karafka
Pop: 906 Mil

35: The Sultanate of Kauzzons
Pop: 8 Mil

36: The United Socialist States of KEVLAPODIA
Pop: 3,542 Mil

37: The Republic of Kioee
Pop: 40 Mil

38: The Democratic Kingdom of Koxor
Pop: 11,094 Mil

39: The Free Land of Leafyville
Pop: 821 Mil

40: The Republic of Looking at Recruitment Telegrams again
Pop: 313 Mil

41: The Rogue Nation of LSN17
Pop: 3,495 Mil

42: The Socialist Arab Republic of Luako
Pop: 9,654 Mil

43: The Libertarian Commonwealth of Mordusville
Pop: 11,907 Mil

44: The Operating System of Msdos
Pop: 5,596 Mil

45: The Dominion of Nadris
Pop: 6,554 Mil

46: The People's Republic of Nation of fandland
Pop: 272 Mil

47: The Most Serene Republic of New Roless
Pop: 1,252 Mil

48: The Federal Republic of New United Carolinas
Pop: 12,598 Mil

49: The Republic of New West Conifer Founder
Pop: 1,333 Mil

50: The Republic of New West Conifer General Assembly
Pop: 1,053 Mil

51: The Oppressed Peoples of New West Conifer High Court
Pop: 901 Mil

52: The Republic of Nolstar
Pop: 568 Mil

53: The Dominion of NWCIA
Pop: 1,191 Mil

54: The Utopian Pa-red-ise for One of Oopsidroppedmyrightsburg
Pop: 11,531 Mil

55: The United Socialist States of Oppressed European Workers
Pop: 2,899 Mil

56: The Democratic Republic of Oto Ono
Pop: 56 Mil

57: The Grand Duchy of Outer Sky Bria
Pop: 1,853 Mil

58: The Republic of Ozgur Turkiye Kongre
Pop: 12 Mil

59: The Most Serene Republic of Patagonia-Araucania
Pop: 4,582 Mil

60: The Empire of Pickle Kingdom
Pop: 20 Mil

61: The Protectorate of Piedonia
Pop: 745 Mil

62: The Unions R?publiques of Pizhralchka
Pop: 4,734 Mil

63: The People's Republic of PotaTown
Pop: 12,191 Mil

64: The Most Serene Republic of Prosopon
Pop: 1,010 Mil

65: The Borderlands of Rukais
Pop: 881 Mil

66: The Democratic Republic of Saint Chanti Stedland
Pop: 23 Mil

67: The Pine Courts of Smaragdina
Pop: 12,626 Mil

68: The Community of Sosonia
Pop: 3,513 Mil

69: The Federation of Tarwarnia
Pop: 23 Mil

70: The Constitutional Monarchy of Terifori
Pop: 386 Mil

71: The Dominion of Thassiani
Pop: 56 Mil

72: The Confederacy of The Fezzian League
Pop: 7,709 Mil

73: The Ancient lands of The Kingdoms of Austranisia
Pop: 9,167 Mil

74: The Nomadic Peoples of The Unseelie Isle
Pop: 1,242 Mil

75: The Republic of Theerland
Pop: 857 Mil

76: The Systems Alliance of Ventus Prime
Pop: 16,081 Mil

77: The People's Republic of Vesko
Pop: 309 Mil

78: The Dopeness of Yewtopia
Pop: 13,949 Mil

79: The People's Republic of Zenyara
Pop: 8 Mil

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