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112 Countries populate the Region of Northern Sea

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1: The Republic of 4th Republic Of Poland
Pop: 6 Mil

2: The Republic of Abrassia
Pop: 10 Mil

3: The Holy Empire Republic of Alcatraz Island Republic
Pop: 2,661 Mil

4: The Republic of Aliababwe
Pop: 20 Mil

5: The United States of Americap
Pop: 12 Mil

6: The Republic of Amexicogermany
Pop: 36 Mil

7: The Empire of Arhussia
Pop: 50 Mil

8: The Kingdom of Arista Lita
Pop: 7 Mil

9: The Fiefdom of Atlaril
Pop: 179 Mil

10: The Democratic Republic of Aurisan
Pop: 29 Mil

11: The Federation of Baandleland
Pop: 87 Mil

12: The Federation of Batswana
Pop: 20 Mil

13: The Democratic Republic of Bismanotia
Pop: 45 Mil

14: The People's Republic of Blizzeardland
Pop: 8 Mil

15: The People's Republic of Bommern
Pop: 10 Mil

16: The United Socialist States of Breadless Pizza
Pop: 14 Mil

17: The Kingdom of Cadorshire
Pop: 16 Mil

18: The Kingdom of Canadean
Pop: 18 Mil

19: The Republic of Capy-topia
Pop: 29 Mil

20: The Free city of Charkov
Pop: 927 Mil

21: The Communism of Communist Of Russia
Pop: 622 Mil

22: The Federation of CommunIstanbul
Pop: 18 Mil

23: The Socialist Facade of Comunest Frog
Pop: 2,421 Mil

24: The Confederacy of Critlandia
Pop: 154 Mil

25: The Democratic Republic of De Staten van Gelre
Pop: 32 Mil

26: The United Socialist States of Dontarla
Pop: 502 Mil

27: The Principality of Dunmara
Pop: 45 Mil

28: The Republic of Dustinesia
Pop: 2,879 Mil

29: The Grand Principality of Eastern Koian West
Pop: 909 Mil

30: The Free Land of Ek Shahenshah
Pop: 7 Mil

31: The Republic of Emperor Kingdom Of Superior Peoples
Pop: 329 Mil

32: The Empire of Enklaud
Pop: 36 Mil

33: The Imperial Federation of Extorious
Pop: 7,292 Mil

34: The Confederacy of First Republican Autocracy of Slavyia
Pop: 1,219 Mil

35: The United States of Forpia Easian
Pop: 32 Mil

36: The People's Republic of Free Carscia
Pop: 2,445 Mil

37: The Republic of Gigymmletin
Pop: 45 Mil

38: The Grand Duchy of Grand Duchy of Tarlen
Pop: 7 Mil

39: The Armed Republic of Greater Revachol
Pop: 14 Mil

40: The Republic of Happy screaming
Pop: 8 Mil

41: The Dictatorship of Hypheirn
Pop: 365 Mil

42: The Republic of I Love THE USA
Pop: 32 Mil

43: The Federation of Ink Tes
Pop: 18 Mil

44: The Principality of Josener
Pop: 467 Mil

45: The Republic of Kauiuk
Pop: 40 Mil

46: The Republic of Krengel
Pop: 14 Mil

47: The Armed Republic of Kriegsholm
Pop: 7 Mil

48: The Free Land of Kylato
Pop: 954 Mil

49: The Dictatorship of Land Of The Eye
Pop: 45 Mil

50: The Republic of Laricia
Pop: 29 Mil

51: The Federation of Lasenia
Pop: 56 Mil

52: The Theocracy of Lower Berlexastopia
Pop: 14 Mil

53: The Empire of Luxlithia
Pop: 578 Mil

54: The United States of M7Perm
Pop: 45 Mil

55: The Socialist Party of Markenberg
Pop: 1,933 Mil

56: The Dictatorship of Mike Oxlong 10 inches
Pop: 16 Mil

57: The Grand Duchy of Moonli
Pop: 50 Mil

58: The Commonwealth of Moroniansarryin
Pop: 308 Mil

59: The Democratic States of Nation of Eun
Pop: 29 Mil

60: The Republic of New Republic of the Rio Grande
Pop: 20 Mil

61: The People's Republic of New Slavyia
Pop: 300 Mil

62: The Holy Empire of Nieuw Wallonie
Pop: 18 Mil

63: The Allied States of Nordanray
Pop: 14 Mil

64: The Democratic Republic of North-Britain
Pop: 4,525 Mil

65: The Federal Republic of Northeast Siberia
Pop: 3,483 Mil

66: The Borderlands of Northern Sky
Pop: 87 Mil

67: The Most Serene Republic of Nourland
Pop: 290 Mil

68: The Republic of Nova Smolandia
Pop: 18 Mil

69: The Empire of OF Waknda
Pop: 45 Mil

70: The Kingdom of Oldon
Pop: 2,339 Mil

71: The Dictatorship of Orksian
Pop: 4,768 Mil

72: The United States of Oshkand
Pop: 50 Mil

73: The Protectorate of Patholia
Pop: 14 Mil

74: The Dictatorship of Pivigpur
Pop: 18 Mil

75: The Republic of PokeNation13
Pop: 18 Mil

76: The Republic of Polandian
Pop: 29 Mil

77: The United Socialist States of Potatolande
Pop: 32 Mil

78: The Kingdom of Presta
Pop: 16 Mil

79: The United Kingdom of Racimess
Pop: 32 Mil

80: The United Kingdoms of Shabandra
Pop: 10,735 Mil

81: The United States of Shiki republic
Pop: 45 Mil

82: The Commonwealth of Siberiaca
Pop: 23 Mil

83: The Federal Republic of Skerige
Pop: 20 Mil

84: The Kingdom of Slikova
Pop: 762 Mil

85: The People's Republic of Somonam
Pop: 23 Mil

86: The Empire of SoroStonne
Pop: 221 Mil

87: The Republic of SOVETSKI SOYUZ RES
Pop: 36 Mil

88: The Principality of StartIca
Pop: 29 Mil

89: The Kingdom of STORNASJON
Pop: 74 Mil

90: The Federation of TERRORIZ
Pop: 115 Mil

91: The Holy Empire of The Covanent
Pop: 245 Mil

92: The Kingdom of The Federated Duchies of Passatia
Pop: 26 Mil

93: The Dictatorship of The Great Slovenskai
Pop: 3,551 Mil

94: The Republic of The Island of Togo
Pop: 192 Mil

95: The Most Serene Republic of The Manicin
Pop: 8 Mil

96: The Democratic Republic of The Paracoans
Pop: 112 Mil

97: The Constitutional Republic of The United Continents of the World 19
Pop: 17,591 Mil

98: The Coalition of The Uploaded
Pop: 1,707 Mil

99: The Commonwealth of Tiktokrizzparty
Pop: 40 Mil

100: The United Socialist States of Tomati
Pop: 56 Mil

101: The Commonwealth of Towig
Pop: 1,780 Mil

102: The Empire of Trada Aequatialand
Pop: 26 Mil

103: The Republic of United Southern Nations
Pop: 180 Mil

104: The United States of United states of Fyn
Pop: 6,809 Mil

105: The Holy Empire of United Taraus
Pop: 14 Mil

106: The Federation of Uppsendia
Pop: 12 Mil

107: The United Principalities of Valovian Lordships
Pop: 2,266 Mil

108: The Oppressed Peoples of Vault 222
Pop: 56 Mil

109: The Empire of Virelians
Pop: 14 Mil

110: The Rogue Nation of Western Onessianefia
Pop: 14 Mil

111: The Cascadia Dependent Territory of Westlan Isles
Pop: 3,162 Mil

112: The Federation of Zapratoria
Pop: 32 Mil

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