1: The Federation of Aenglide Pop: 8,917 Mil 2: The Federal Republic of Aurevbush Pop: 18,681 Mil 3: The In corpore sano of Biti Zdrava Land Pop: 3,905 Mil 4: The Rexubliqu? Univexserellu? of Britonisea Pop: 26,245 Mil 5: The Kingdom of Browzantine Pop: 16,366 Mil 6: The Confederation of Carrelie Pop: 12,139 Mil 7: The United Provinces of Darkmania Pop: 19,801 Mil 8: The Confederacy of Darth luke Pop: 1,781 Mil 9: The Federal Monarchy of Djeusland Pop: 16,359 Mil 10: The Lihssening of Eerinphektia Pop: 2,835 Mil 11: The Commonwealth of Far Oped Grevi Pop: 136 Mil 12: The Republic of Taeseon of Genkiania Pop: 21,172 Mil 13: The People's Republic of Independent Oceania Pop: 481 Mil 14: The Democratic Republic of Izmedu Pop: 21,563 Mil 15: The Fashion House of LOEWE Pop: 1,008 Mil 16: The Commonwealth of Lower Com Sotoffies Pop: 2,151 Mil 17: The Disputed Territories of Lower Therlandreonopia Pop: 87 Mil 18: The Confederacy of Malcaritefief Pop: 93 Mil | 19: The Republic of Mercedini Pop: 18,357 Mil 20: The Republic of North Francea Pop: 56 Mil 21: The La Silenziosita Mietere of North Krualstiken Pop: 20,099 Mil 22: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCXLI Pop: 1,734 Mil 23: The Republic of The Berdanvian Union Pop: 6,522 Mil 24: The Commonwealth of The Clara Pop: 4,971 Mil 25: The Sultanate of The College Updater Pop: 254 Mil 26: The Republic of The NS Experience Pop: 2,255 Mil 27: The Uudestis?nt?n?t Republic of Todlichebujoku Pop: 27,672 Mil 28: The Republic of Ugunnustan Pop: 7,543 Mil 29: The Social Democratic Republic of Uthossia Pop: 3,987 Mil 30: The Community of Valyrian I Pop: 5,160 Mil 31: The Kingdom of Virdjenfort Pop: 96 Mil 32: The Republic of Wazekia Pop: 19,641 Mil 33: The Most Serene Republic of Zeflandia Pop: 302 Mil |