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70 Countries populate the Region of OS CORVOS

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of OS CORVOS.

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1: The Proconsulado of Abadon
Pop: 3,537 Mil

2: The Rep?blica of Algeria Central
Pop: 1,242 Mil

3: The Baronia of Alto-Ocidente
Pop: 3,693 Mil

4: The Pa?s of Anarquia do Estado Thompson
Pop: 2,958 Mil

5: The Nova Rep?blica of Andradina
Pop: 1,892 Mil

6: The Kingdom of Angloslavia
Pop: 2,041 Mil

7: The Rep?blica Palarmentar of Antonina do Norte
Pop: 3,480 Mil

8: The Democratic Republic of Asia do Sul
Pop: 124 Mil

9: The Principado Supremo of Baixo-Oriente
Pop: 3,665 Mil

10: The Dominato of Barbaros Unidos do Norte
Pop: 3,684 Mil

11: The Protetorado of Barra Forte
Pop: 3,221 Mil

12: The Rep?blica Confederada of Bartolomaida
Pop: 3,375 Mil

13: The Protectorate of Barueri brasileira
Pop: 375 Mil

14: The Mega Reino of Bozenai
Pop: 3,136 Mil

15: The Estado of Brahma de Ponta-Tempestade
Pop: 1,903 Mil

16: The Republica Federativa of Brasilistina
Pop: 3,436 Mil

17: The Dominion of Civilization da Eurasia
Pop: 36 Mil

18: The P?tria of Cooperativa da Europan
Pop: 1,946 Mil

19: The Republic of Cooperativa da Lalamove
Pop: 2,941 Mil

20: The Rep?blica Cooperativa of Coreia Underground
Pop: 2,420 Mil

21: The Reino-Nacional of Cotia do Norte
Pop: 3,532 Mil

22: The Kingdom of Country de Aragon
Pop: 211 Mil

23: The Rep?blica-Popular of Diamantino
Pop: 2,466 Mil

24: The Pontificado of Estado Theocratic de Cnosso
Pop: 1,817 Mil

25: The Republic of Gambia do Norte
Pop: 1,775 Mil

26: The Dominion of Governatorato de Hebron
Pop: 1,230 Mil

27: The Dominion of Grande Jardim-Estado da Rainha Ingrid II
Pop: 2,951 Mil

28: The Imp?rio of Grande-Reino da Betanha
Pop: 3,489 Mil

29: The Rep?blica Bat?viana of Guiana do Mercosul
Pop: 3,360 Mil

30: The Condado-Absoluto of Harmonia do Ocidente
Pop: 3,034 Mil

31: The O Consulado of Havaianos Unidos do Sul
Pop: 3,469 Mil

32: The Gr?o-Principado of Holanda da Europa do Norte
Pop: 2,880 Mil

33: The Colony of Ilha de Marte
Pop: 977 Mil

34: The Alfaducado of Ilha Toscana
Pop: 2,895 Mil

35: The Monarquia of Jamaica dos 3 Poderes
Pop: 2,080 Mil

36: The Seren?ssimo Reino of Magnesia do Norte
Pop: 1,598 Mil

37: The Imp?rio of Magogue
Pop: 2,801 Mil

38: The Pa?s of Monarquia-Absoluta do Megido
Pop: 2,039 Mil

39: The Mega Rep?blica of Nova America Central
Pop: 975 Mil

40: The Kingdom of Nova Bruxelas
Pop: 858 Mil

41: The Rep?blica Tradicional of Nova Colorado
Pop: 572 Mil

42: The Republic of Nova Gregory
Pop: 539 Mil

43: The Empire of Nova Grimaldi
Pop: 381 Mil

44: The Federation of Nova Los Santos
Pop: 288 Mil

45: The Empire of Nova Marselha
Pop: 1,020 Mil

46: The Superpot?ncia of Nova-Gramado
Pop: 2,703 Mil

47: The Imp?rio of Novo Brasil do Oeste
Pop: 3,557 Mil

48: The Federal Republic of Novo Iraque
Pop: 1,952 Mil

49: The Gr?-Chefatura of Novo Ismael
Pop: 3,302 Mil

50: The Reino of Palermo de Palestra Italy
Pop: 3,399 Mil

51: The Territ?rio of Patriarcado de Berlim
Pop: 3,544 Mil

52: The Kingdom of Portugal de Maraba
Pop: 9 Mil

53: The Democratic Republic of Quilombo
Pop: 417 Mil

54: The Rep?blica Federal of Regions Unidas da America
Pop: 2,318 Mil

55: The Dom?nio of Reino de Dahomey
Pop: 1,528 Mil

56: The Cidade-Estado of Republic da Segunda Roma
Pop: 1,738 Mil

57: The Comunidade of Republic dos Dois Reinos
Pop: 2,212 Mil

58: The Baronato of Santa Luciferina
Pop: 3,237 Mil

59: The Reino of Satrapia de Guanabara
Pop: 2,734 Mil

60: The Dominion of Segunda Coreia do Norte
Pop: 565 Mil

61: The Republic of Segunda Moscovy
Pop: 427 Mil

62: The Federation of Segunda Rhodesia
Pop: 73 Mil

63: The Democratic States of Segundo Mexico
Pop: 583 Mil

64: The Principado of Sergipe de Barra dos Coqueiros
Pop: 3,089 Mil

65: The Rep?blica Parlamentar of Serra Negra do Norte
Pop: 2,320 Mil

66: The Territ?rio of Tetrarquia de Liverpool do Norte
Pop: 1,804 Mil

67: The Federal Republic of Turmalina
Pop: 781 Mil

68: The Estado of Utopia do Armagedom
Pop: 2,119 Mil

69: The Vice-Principado of Villa Verde
Pop: 1,337 Mil

70: The Rep?blica-Popular of Xangai da China
Pop: 3,454 Mil

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