1: The Protectorate of Bardic Entertainment Pop: 27,985 Mil 2: The Northern Empire of Belgium and Nassau Pop: 33,696 Mil 3: The Sublime Catatorship of Bill The Cat Pop: 22,365 Mil 4: The Empire of the BB of BrightonBurg Pop: 47,069 Mil 5: The Stronghold of Brown Keep Pop: 4,876 Mil 6: The Inquisitorial Conclave of BRU MkI Pop: 29,439 Mil 7: The Republic of Cakyoqu Pop: 15,483 Mil 8: The Matriarchy of Come Back Inn Pop: 28,173 Mil 9: The Republic of Curazao Pop: 102 Mil 10: The Canadien Republique of De Quebec Pop: 29,362 Mil 11: The God's Chosen Nation of Dictationapore Pop: 25,036 Mil 12: The Dancing Butterflies of Dom Queesom Pop: 9,453 Mil 13: The Monopoly Oil State of Evil Billy Goats Pop: 44,901 Mil 14: The Ferret Colony of FatFerret Pop: 4,246 Mil 15: The Empire of Hosbiarna Pop: 11,606 Mil 16: The Klingon Imperium of IKV Nemesis Pop: 35,670 Mil 17: The Kingdom of Jobein Pop: 8,673 Mil 18: The United Island Kingdom of Kewlz Pop: 3,631 Mil 19: The Royal Kingdom of KingJohnXXVII Pop: 4,787 Mil 20: The Klingon Protectorate of Lendourian Pop: 18,408 Mil 21: The Rogue Nation of LSN93 Pop: 3,479 Mil 22: The Queendom of Moon Princess Pop: 19,867 Mil 23: The Rogue Nation of MSN40 Pop: 4,784 Mil 24: The Empire of Nemesis MK II Pop: 19,053 Mil 25: The Viceroyalty of Neo BrightonBurg Pop: 46,484 Mil 26: The Commonwealth of New Capper Des Pop: 2,770 Mil 27: The Allied States of New Perlito Pop: 99 Mil 28: The Holy Red Easter Zombie of Oilgarchy Pop: 28,407 Mil 29: The Ancient Region of One big Island Pop: 5,641 Mil 30: The Loving Couple of One True-Pairing- Pop: 6,799 Mil | 31: The Principality of Orc Wizard Pop: 9,706 Mil 32: The High Imperial Republic of Paris City Pop: 39,920 Mil 33: The Noble State of Perlito Pop: 2,294 Mil 34: The Ravenous Viking Mauraders of Poochlandia Pop: 21,506 Mil 35: The Royal Forces of Prince Fredrick Corps Pop: 32,004 Mil 36: The Ancient Yulisian Alter-Ego of Prolais Pop: 5,875 Mil 37: The Free Land of Redgearistan Pop: 2,719 Mil 38: The Great Empire of Segggs of Segggs Pop: 5,714 Mil 39: The Sensorian Pirates of Sensorship Pop: 2,235 Mil 40: The I Can't Stop This Feeling of SGland Pop: 2,264 Mil 41: The Most Dangerous 8-bit Ninja of Shinobi Pop: 28,079 Mil 42: The Imperial Confederation of South-German confederation Pop: 4,749 Mil 43: The Secret Government Agency of Special Branch Pop: 9,208 Mil 44: The Most Serene Republic of State of Greg Pop: 2,240 Mil 45: The Sleeping Jester of Stone angel Pop: 28,418 Mil 46: The Doctrine of Strategic Grace Pop: 7,268 Mil 47: The Hypothetical Emirate of Syriana Pop: 27,952 Mil 48: The Constitutional Monarchy of The ArKayn Pop: 23,669 Mil 49: The Morbid States of The Embalmers Pop: 36,778 Mil 50: The Community of The Paw Paw Patch Pop: 5,507 Mil 51: The Mountains of The Rockies Pop: 24,291 Mil 52: The Democratic States of Trepcia2 Pop: 1,762 Mil 53: The Territory of Vazcott Pop: 22,652 Mil 54: The Navigators of Wandering Marsupials Pop: 25,937 Mil 55: The Dominion of Whako Pop: 10 Mil 56: The Cold Autumn Mornings of Yulis Pop: 18,547 Mil 57: The Constitutional Monarchy of ZitKaizer Pop: 5,104 Mil |