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86 Countries populate the Region of Philosophers

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1: The Free Land of Abide
Pop: 9,525 Mil

2: The Protectorate of Adfsgd
Pop: 36 Mil

3: The Free Kingdom of Aktithropia
Pop: 2,312 Mil

4: The Snow Crash Dystopia of Anarchocapitalistan
Pop: 38,111 Mil

5: The Platonic Aristocracy of Archadon
Pop: 6,720 Mil

6: The Disputed Territories of Azklabau
Pop: 40 Mil

7: The Radical Reality of Binarity
Pop: 1,669 Mil

8: The Republic of Booanaut Isle
Pop: 1,795 Mil

9: The Republic of Brisante
Pop: 3,542 Mil

10: The Commonwealth of Central Kadigan
Pop: 25,907 Mil

11: The Kingdom of Chasonny
Pop: 1,874 Mil

12: The Republic of Chuong Duong
Pop: 29 Mil

13: The Fiefdom of Clan Tokugawa
Pop: 3,991 Mil

14: The Ineffable Existential Abyss of Cognosco
Pop: 8,110 Mil

15: The Early Modern Philosopher of David Hume
Pop: 1,235 Mil

16: The DDD of DDD
Pop: 16,595 Mil

17: The Useless and Patchy Knowledge of Dr Orc
Pop: 18,378 Mil

18: The People's Republic of Eitherys
Pop: 6,787 Mil

19: The Duck Producer of Erendoni
Pop: 3,043 Mil

20: The Cognomandate of Esklabau
Pop: 986 Mil

21: The Loving Couple of Fan 4rt-
Pop: 6,833 Mil

22: The Technate of Free Ecuador
Pop: 3,512 Mil

23: The People's Republic of Free Jibistan
Pop: 1,714 Mil

24: The Burning Love of Fuoco Amore
Pop: 19,463 Mil

25: The Republic of Glamren University
Pop: 1,073 Mil

26: The Republic of Green Vietnam
Pop: 69 Mil

27: The Islamic Republic of Hadramote
Pop: 2,898 Mil

28: The Disputed Territories of Having
Pop: 2,446 Mil

29: The Commonwealth of Indochinese Districts
Pop: 2,064 Mil

30: The Democratic Republic of Isla Pilipinas
Pop: 3,849 Mil

31: The Federation of Jibjibistan
Pop: 1,789 Mil

32: The Empire of Jimmy Jump
Pop: 1,648 Mil

33: The Alf?ldi Grand Duchy of Jurioo-Zalgiris
Pop: 23,326 Mil

34: The State of Kaurdelantedust
Pop: 3,362 Mil

35: The People's Republic of Kawaii Bob
Pop: 1,647 Mil

36: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kingdom of Cambria
Pop: 26,247 Mil

37: The Black Death Plague Realm of Krankheit
Pop: 14,273 Mil

38: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN51
Pop: 4,774 Mil

39: The ☮️Borderlands???? of Laughing Hyena
Pop: 3,948 Mil

40: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner52
Pop: 4,778 Mil

41: The Llama Kingdom of Llamamountain
Pop: 992 Mil

42: The Confederacy of Lonnie Limpnoodle
Pop: 249 Mil

43: The Colony of LV-426
Pop: 17,040 Mil

44: The Republic of Magnaus
Pop: 4,050 Mil

45: The Republic of Mary Geiose
Pop: 1,852 Mil

46: The Commonwealth of Mensara
Pop: 81 Mil

47: The People's Republic of Moldtina
Pop: 3,610 Mil

48: The Mean Streets of Mook
Pop: 1,481 Mil

49: The Federal Village of MountAye
Pop: 7,736 Mil

50: The Rogue Nation of MSN48
Pop: 4,787 Mil

51: The Military Coalition of Neo Atlas Paradise
Pop: 7,322 Mil

52: The Democratic States of Neoconservativeism
Pop: 960 Mil

53: The Republic of Notio Vietnam
Pop: 147 Mil

54: The Protectorate of Officer Hightower
Pop: 1,675 Mil

55: The Holy Empire of Ole Munch
Pop: 2,246 Mil

56: The Principality of Oprah Winfrey
Pop: 2,698 Mil

57: The Kingdom of Pankia
Pop: 1,710 Mil

58: The Federation of Pmaeok
Pop: 23,606 Mil

59: The Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania
Pop: 16,911 Mil

60: The Free Land of Positive Masculinity
Pop: 270 Mil

61: The Corporate Dictatorship of Postapocalyptic Terror
Pop: 34,642 Mil

62: The Federal Republic of Potoronia
Pop: 4,045 Mil

63: The Republic of Puthaye
Pop: 1,766 Mil

64: The Protectorate of Reporter
Pop: 8,048 Mil

65: The Community of Richest
Pop: 2,447 Mil

66: The Green Eggs and Ham of Sam I am
Pop: 23,220 Mil

67: The Kingdom of Skin Nation the Fourth
Pop: 1,636 Mil

68: The Dictatorship of Skin Nation The Second
Pop: 23,427 Mil

69: The United States of Slonim
Pop: 1,663 Mil

70: The United Socialist States of Solarent
Pop: 1,862 Mil

71: The Commonwealth of South Batsuoland
Pop: 2,131 Mil

72: The Pepper Induced Vision Quest of Space Coyote
Pop: 2,233 Mil

73: The Anarchy of StarfleetMedical
Pop: 20,394 Mil

74: The John Lennon Utopia of Strawberry Fields II
Pop: 23,604 Mil

75: The Glories Old of Sunrise Trail
Pop: 13,721 Mil

76: The Atheist Empire Ambassador of Superior Intelligence
Pop: 38,316 Mil

77: The State of Telgan
Pop: 24,800 Mil

78: The Obstacle of The Dead End
Pop: 3,449 Mil

79: The Commonwealth of The Helicopter
Pop: 2,744 Mil

80: The Heavenly Kingdom of The Lord Your God
Pop: 17,421 Mil

81: The Unsanctioned Killings of Timothy Dalton
Pop: 2,083 Mil

82: The Republic of Unitary Vietnam
Pop: 29 Mil

83: The Discoverian Enclave of Veritaria
Pop: 36,743 Mil

84: The Queendom of Volurkunst
Pop: 3,472 Mil

85: The Federal Republic of Zahabia
Pop: 1,757 Mil

86: The Empire of Zahabny
Pop: 1,777 Mil

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