1: The Anime Queen of Amy Rose NeoDreams Pop: 6,549 Mil 2: The Holy Empire of Dominion of The Holy Asmorian Kingdom Pop: 14 Mil 3: The Imperial Starship of ISS GALAXY NCC 70637 Pop: 6,832 Mil 4: The Food Factory ???? known as?? of Mr Freeze Frozen Foods Incorporated Pop: 5,596 Mil 5: The Holy Empire of Princess Cadence Von Crystal Imperator Pop: 348 Mil 6: The Queendom of Princess Celestia Von Equestria Pop: 362 Mil 7: The Queendom of Princess Luna Von Nightmare Moon Pop: 357 Mil 8: The Last Monarch of Equestria of Princess Twilight Sparkle Alicorn Pop: 1,107 Mil 9: The ???? King's ???? Lover ???? of Queen Annika Eclipse Von Asmor Pop: 1,215 Mil 10: The Royal House and Territories of Queen Elena Von Darcrows Asmor Pop: 1,239 Mil 11: The Retired Monarch of asmring of Queen Helene Darcrows of Carnea Pop: 6,477 Mil 12: The Emergency Government of The Asmor Dominion Pop: 8,350 Mil 13: The Imperial Citizens of The Asmorian Angels Pop: 6,362 Mil 14: The Holy Dominion of The Asmorian Federation Pop: 4,173 Mil | 15: The Holy Empire of The Asmorian Government Pop: 36 Mil 16: The Incorporated States of The Asmorian State Railways Pop: 600 Mil 17: The OG State of The Dominion of The Asmor Federation Pop: 9,734 Mil 18: The Defense Force Government of The Dominion of the Asmorian Empire Pop: 5,188 Mil 19: The Incorporated States of The Dominion of the Asmorian Federation Pop: 574 Mil 20: The Royal Federation of The Dominion of The Asmorian Kingdom Pop: 4,232 Mil 21: The Dictatorship of The Dominion of the Asmorian Republic Pop: 1,002 Mil 22: The Holy Dominion of The Royal Asmorian Federation Pop: 1,146 Mil 23: The Community of UCP-Ambassador to Asmor Pop: 81 Mil 24: The State Owned Industry of Zevo-Tun Corporation Pop: 4,544 Mil |