1: The Most Serene Republic of Acanise Pop: 8 Mil 2: The Commonwealth of Alrightland Pop: 145 Mil 3: The Oppressed Peoples of Anopheles punctipennis Pop: 14 Mil 4: The Empire of Aufgaben Pop: 251 Mil 5: The Rogue Nation of Beef Boss37 Pop: 69 Mil 6: The Republic of BeIkan State Pop: 7,723 Mil 7: The Community of Berry Bay Pop: 14 Mil 8: The Mighty Crowned Republic of Betmet Pop: 12,130 Mil 9: The Matriarchy of Bucksdom Pop: 543 Mil 10: The Kingdom of Calade Pop: 76 Mil 11: The Borderlands of Coyote paws Pop: 157 Mil 12: The Marxist States of Crionadh Pop: 8,203 Mil 13: The Constitutional Monarchy of Cror Baitilles Pop: 198 Mil 14: The Republic of Culigu Pop: 372 Mil 15: The Democratic States of Daraly Pop: 507 Mil 16: The Republic of Dardellia Pop: 23 Mil 17: The Community of Demoille Pop: 2,610 Mil 18: The Federal Republic of Dexter Island Pop: 242 Mil 19: The Dictatorship of Die Riech Pop: 15,272 Mil 20: The Epic Card of DiRito-Opolis Pop: 17,168 Mil 21: The Empire of Disneys America Pop: 16 Mil 22: The Allied States of Eight Mile Bay Pop: 341 Mil 23: The United Socialist States of Eire Cill Dara Pop: 2,577 Mil 24: The Republic of Elugria Pop: 2,661 Mil 25: The Empire of Empire of Malazan Pop: 2,045 Mil 26: The Federation of European and Asian socialist states Pop: 84 Mil 27: The Rogue Nation of Far Marchen Pop: 1,285 Mil 28: The Matriarchy of Faybia Pop: 546 Mil 29: The Holy Empire of Flipverse Pop: 621 Mil 30: The National Guard Miltary Base of Fort Chaffee Pop: 1,207 Mil 31: The Free Land of Frier Pie-Rats Pop: 9 Mil 32: The Principality of Gallus Pop: 795 Mil 33: The Dominion of Gartolia Pop: 200 Mil 34: The Republic of Gastelle Pop: 12,467 Mil 35: The Republic of Great Scandinavia and Northern Venekalie Pop: 238 Mil 36: The Queendom of Grenchstom Pop: 554 Mil 37: The Republic of Harperwilde Pop: 1,121 Mil 38: The Butch Antifascists of Haymarket Riot Pop: 3,309 Mil 39: The Queendom of Hihihihihiiiii Pop: 1,760 Mil 40: The Confederacy of HuaweiTelecom Pop: 1,954 Mil 41: The Illahee of Huloima Tillikum Pop: 1,193 Mil 42: The Free Land of Hypha Pop: 16 Mil 43: The Rogue Nation of Iblis Pop: 3,151 Mil 44: The Republic of Jonlur Pop: 16 Mil 45: The Peoples Committee of Kalensia Pop: 1,546 Mil 46: The Borderlands of Karath Percia Pop: 311 Mil 47: The Axial Impetus of Kay Pacha Pop: 1,214 Mil 48: The People's Republic of Komtenia Pop: 1,622 Mil 49: The Kingdom of Lakestance Pop: 1,682 Mil 50: The Peoples republic of Lana2 Pop: 1,084 Mil 51: The Republic of Landchadia Pop: 2,534 Mil 52: The Verdant Realm of Lanias Pop: 1,163 Mil 53: The Queendom of Lapolia Pop: 142 Mil 54: The Oppressed Peoples of Linwa Pop: 1,556 Mil 55: The Free Land of Lylands Pop: 2,620 Mil 56: The Democratic States of Machiburbia Pop: 783 Mil 57: The Kingdom of Magdala Nunnaya Pop: 1,285 Mil 58: The Dominion of Malatoga Pop: 67 Mil 59: The Kingdom of Masry Pop: 16 Mil 60: The Holy Empire of MeowMrrpNya Pop: 1,624 Mil 61: The Free Land of Metorust Pop: 16 Mil 62: The People's Republic of Mielon Pop: 424 Mil 63: The Happy Home Paradise of Moduland Pop: 3,660 Mil 64: The Rogue Nation of MSN30 Pop: 4,736 Mil 65: The United Socialist Republics of Myleneia Pop: 858 Mil 66: The People's Republic of Myund Barmes Pop: 20 Mil 67: The Republic of Neapol Pop: 8 Mil 68: The Nomadic Peoples of Nekotan Pop: 2,695 Mil 69: The Kingdom of Neo Kush Pop: 996 Mil 70: The Dominion of Neo-Phrygia Pop: 254 Mil | 71: The Colony of Neperia Pop: 923 Mil 72: The Armed Republic States of New Selkirk Pop: 3,294 Mil 73: The Republic of Nezali Pop: 947 Mil 74: The Democratic Republic of Nieshmungler Pop: 16 Mil 75: The Federal Republic of Nivosus Pop: 40 Mil 76: The Republic of Norlamstoc Pop: 3,121 Mil 77: The Protectorate of Northern Lunathion Pop: 261 Mil 78: The Liberal monarchy of Numeronia Pop: 2,250 Mil 79: The Sultanate of Persistent Pop: 645 Mil 80: The Federation of Puddy Pop: 96 Mil 81: The Oppressed Peoples of Quotada Pop: 342 Mil 82: The Soviet Republic of Qusanistan Pop: 1,323 Mil 83: The Rogue Nation of RAAAWR Pop: 18 Mil 84: The Democratic Republic of Republic Democaratic of Krawa Pop: 12 Mil 85: The Armed Republic of Routasticanianland Pop: 221 Mil 86: The Community of Sacrebleu Pop: 3,772 Mil 87: The Matriarchy of Sapphica Sororitas Pop: 988 Mil 88: The Community of Serul Atria Pop: 29 Mil 89: The Queendom of Seylestia Pop: 208 Mil 90: The Nomadic Peoples of Shepandol Pop: 586 Mil 91: The Blessed Queendom of Sichamberria Pop: 1,463 Mil 92: The United Union of Sidika Pop: 2,544 Mil 93: The United Socialist States of Sirinx Pop: 26 Mil 94: The Federation of Skebdeland Pop: 29 Mil 95: The Duchy of Slovakastan Pop: 4,662 Mil 96: The United Monarchal Provinces of South Poopistan Pop: 7,985 Mil 97: The Second Democratic Kingdom of Soviet Some Pop: 2,009 Mil 98: The United Socialist States of Stalo Fasgrad Pop: 74 Mil 99: The Queendom of Starlight Glimmerr Pop: 401 Mil 100: The United Kingdom of Stuff that is horrible Pop: 4,456 Mil 101: The Allied States of Sturia Duon Pop: 16 Mil 102: The People's Republic of Sussanistia Pop: 1,518 Mil 103: The Collective Chill Session of Syldis Pop: 684 Mil 104: The Republic of Tacy Hsudomia Pop: 16 Mil 105: The Disputed Territories of Taishi Lohikoski Pop: 411 Mil 106: The Dominion of Terra odio Pop: 386 Mil 107: The Oppressed Peoples of TesGay Pop: 3,751 Mil 108: The Socialist Republic of Texteria Pop: 566 Mil 109: The Community of The bloc of the free peoples Pop: 171 Mil 110: The Land of Ridges and Fields of The Byrdlands Pop: 13,715 Mil 111: The United Socialist Republics of The Chinese Red Worker State Pop: 702 Mil 112: The Empire of The Espada Pop: 465 Mil 113: The United States of The Kingdom of New Dutch Pop: 708 Mil 114: The Commonwealth of The New Primeburg Trading Company Pop: 7 Mil 115: The Federation of The senate of Canada Pop: 270 Mil 116: The United Socialist States of The Sunny Southern Islands Pop: 14 Mil 117: The Ridges Fielded Pachas Kayed of The Town Hall Pop: 3,705 Mil 118: The Holy Lands of The Undemocratic Republic of Space Jesus Pop: 667 Mil 119: The Free Land of The Whizzo Chocolate Company Pop: 183 Mil 120: The Second Federal Community of The Ysion Pop: 12,835 Mil 121: The Matriarchy of Thmobosia Pop: 7,191 Mil 122: The United Socialist States of Trotskylandia Pop: 1,282 Mil 123: The Principality of Trumpet of Patriots Pop: 20 Mil 124: The Community of Tund Rhilra Pop: 531 Mil 125: The Rumble Tumble of Turpir Hoes Pop: 5,033 Mil 126: The Kingdom of Ubangaram Pop: 2,692 Mil 127: The Republic of Unia Luo Wai Pop: 9 Mil 128: The Community of United cheeses Pop: 263 Mil 129: The Kingdom of United Hungry Pop: 10,694 Mil 130: The Republic of Vanteriat Pop: 158 Mil 131: The Federation of Vinalinstant Pop: 18 Mil 132: The Democratic States of W1nky Pop: 13,439 Mil 133: The Free Land of Wabbitss Pop: 1,774 Mil 134: The Democratic Republic of West Chiaz Pop: 301 Mil 135: The Republic of West Leeland Pop: 93 Mil 136: The Kingdom of Wullfor Pop: 26 Mil 137: The Community of Zangoli Pop: 649 Mil |