1: The Dictatorship of Crakatao Pop: 562 Mil 2: The Fiefdom of Flowra Pop: 573 Mil 3: The World of Guthix Pop: 1,532 Mil 4: The Dominion of Marinaval Pop: 649 Mil 5: The Breakaway Iowerth Division of Prifdinnas Pop: 1,525 Mil 6: The Smile of Redecous Pop: 5,113 Mil 7: The Way of Ridiculous Pop: 2,928 Mil 8: The Really Down Under of Ridiculous Australia Pop: 1,563 Mil 9: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ridiculous Canada Pop: 828 Mil 10: The Absurdity of Ridiculous Center Pop: 1,549 Mil 11: The Shrekening of Ridiculous Checkers Pop: 1,534 Mil 12: The Glorious People's Republic of Ridiculous China Pop: 1,570 Mil 13: The Angry Paradise of Ridiculous Cross Pop: 1,544 Mil 14: The East Side Best Side of Ridiculous East Pop: 1,666 Mil 15: The Absolute State of Ridiculous European Union Pop: 1,499 Mil 16: The Baguette of Ridiculous France Pop: 1,551 Mil 17: The Reich of Ridiculous Germany Pop: 1,544 Mil 18: The Weeb Empire of Ridiculous Japan Pop: 1,517 Mil 19: The Constitutional Monarch Mess of Ridiculous Malaysia Pop: 1,587 Mil | 20: The Commonwealth of Ridiculous New Zealand Pop: 826 Mil 21: The Broken Pole of Ridiculous North Pop: 1,561 Mil 22: The Kim Dynasty of Ridiculous North Korea Pop: 1,550 Mil 23: The Union of Soviet Socialists of Ridiculous Russia Pop: 1,697 Mil 24: The Sinking Island Republic of Ridiculous Singapore Pop: 1,900 Mil 25: The Dysfunctional Incest of Ridiculous South Pop: 1,689 Mil 26: The Non-Landing Strip of Ridiculous Stripes Pop: 1,546 Mil 27: The Great British Isles of Ridiculous United Kingdom Pop: 1,549 Mil 28: The Bitter Division of Ridiculous United States Pop: 1,473 Mil 29: The Sunny West Coast of Ridiculous West Pop: 1,547 Mil 30: The Ex of Ridiculous X Pop: 1,528 Mil 31: The Sultanate of Sunos Pop: 680 Mil 32: The Most Serene Republic of Trestree Pop: 775 Mil 33: The Democratic States of Volksfaad Pop: 928 Mil 34: The Grand Duchy of Vostraria Pop: 897 Mil |