1: The Empire of Aladeens Pop: 1,009 Mil 2: The Republic of Alsum Pop: 971 Mil 3: The Holy Empire of BadLandChugs Pop: 817 Mil 4: The United States of Bloe Thetsia Pop: 1,023 Mil 5: The Republic of British Lady Hours Pop: 1,006 Mil 6: The Kingdom of Brown Land Pop: 1,009 Mil 7: The Republic of Camdynville Pop: 948 Mil 8: The Republic of Cha Ana Chew Pop: 952 Mil 9: The Republic of Chloesalvania Pop: 975 Mil 10: The Republic of Columbia County Pop: 941 Mil 11: The Republic of Eastern Fre Antow Wing Pop: 1,015 Mil 12: The Empire of Eelrak Pop: 1,006 Mil 13: The Empire of Ericnelly Pop: 1,025 Mil 14: The Empire of Fantorum Pop: 1,001 Mil 15: The Holy Empire of Feetmaster Pop: 981 Mil 16: The Kingdom of ForestFire Pop: 1,023 Mil 17: The Free Land of Hawk 2 uhhh Pop: 1,009 Mil 18: The Republic of Holy Dizko Bhamertopilley Pop: 1,011 Mil 19: The Holy Empire of Inkarratica Pop: 1,009 Mil 20: The Republic of Islanitersedoreostri Pop: 876 Mil 21: The Kingdom of Iversonapolis Pop: 11,761 Mil 22: The Kingdom of Land of Levi Pop: 919 Mil 23: The United States of Livdom Conia Pop: 1,032 Mil | 24: The Empire of Nicks Palace Pop: 953 Mil 25: The Holy Empire of Ramio Gre Pop: 1,013 Mil 26: The Republic of Rizzotopia Pop: 916 Mil 27: The United States of Skibidi Phantom Tax Pop: 969 Mil 28: The Empire of Skibidi2 Pop: 994 Mil 29: The Kingdom of Spald Jum Amaniabmetistan Pop: 985 Mil 30: The Republic of Stirfry Pop: 1,004 Mil 31: The Holy Empire of Talk 2 uhhh Pop: 1,003 Mil 32: The Empire of The undead city Pop: 971 Mil 33: The Empire of Thecrips Pop: 3,326 Mil 34: The Republic of Thoro Pupper Pop: 804 Mil 35: The Kingdom of Totec Pop: 1,029 Mil 36: The Republic of United Andsomerna Pop: 706 Mil 37: The Republic of United Bromley Pop: 917 Mil 38: The Kingdom of United Urrith Unia Lading Pop: 902 Mil 39: The Holy Empire of Vezeruvia Pop: 1,007 Mil 40: The Republic of Welch Pop: 895 Mil 41: The Empire of YiNutted Pop: 1,024 Mil 42: The Republic of Yourmomsucks69 Pop: 1,025 Mil 43: The United States of Zum Zum BAra Pop: 991 Mil |