1: The Dominion of Airtight Garage Pop: 1,740 Mil 2: The Fiefdom of Alfaine Pop: 1,731 Mil 3: The Free Land of Altheora Pop: 1,724 Mil 4: The People's Republic of Blanquilande Pop: 1,761 Mil 5: The Fiefdom of Bora Horza Gobuchul Pop: 1,967 Mil 6: The Protectorate of Boreal Provinces Pop: 1,672 Mil 7: The Republic of Brethren of the Coast Pop: 1,743 Mil 8: The Republic of Brutalist Mars Pop: 2,226 Mil 9: The Principality of Caer Eiddionydd Pop: 1,730 Mil 10: The Kingdom of Cairbre Drom Cliabh Pop: 1,718 Mil 11: The Community of Church of Stan Pop: 1,686 Mil 12: The Theocracy of Cobra Kingdom Pop: 1,660 Mil 13: The Armed Republic of Conan the Wanderer Pop: 2,231 Mil 14: The Empire of Dano-Saxons Pop: 823 Mil 15: The Disputed Territories of Debatable Lands Pop: 1,718 Mil 16: The Republic of Debonaire Pop: 1,375 Mil 17: The Fiefdom of Dolorietta Pop: 1,356 Mil 18: The Empire of Dragaera Pop: 1,709 Mil 19: The Principality of Eaux Douces Pop: 1,640 Mil 20: The Oppressed Peoples of Fllet Pop: 1,578 Mil 21: The Principality of Fortunatae Insulae Pop: 581 Mil 22: The Republic of Framboise frivole Pop: 1,290 Mil 23: The Nomadic Peoples of GCU Standards have dropped Pop: 2,451 Mil 24: The Kingdom of German Tyrland Pop: 1,452 Mil 25: The Commonwealth of Gnostic Lands Pop: 1,566 Mil 26: The Empire of Gryphon Lands Pop: 1,028 Mil 27: The Commonwealth of House of Egibi Pop: 1,701 Mil 28: The Borderlands of Huskvarna Pop: 1,779 Mil 29: The Republic of Ignatiana Pop: 1,265 Mil 30: The Queendom of Joiry Pop: 1,754 Mil 31: The Free Land of Jon Salazar Pop: 1,778 Mil 32: The Jingoistic States of Kaotika Pop: 1,544 Mil 33: The Kingdom of King Kull Pop: 2,039 Mil 34: The Democratic Republic of Knyazhgorod Pop: 1,706 Mil 35: The Federation of Krakenlands Pop: 1,591 Mil 36: The Commonwealth of Las Merindades Pop: 1,730 Mil 37: The Federation of League of Maritime Republics Pop: 1,653 Mil 38: The Commonwealth of Leontina Pop: 1,627 Mil 39: The Principality of Lithvia and Belarus Pop: 2,112 Mil 40: The Principality of Loredan Pop: 1,752 Mil 41: The Fiefdom of Lowenstein Pop: 1,644 Mil 42: The Commonwealth of Mad Golfers Pop: 2,339 Mil 43: The Republic of Malarazza Pop: 1,725 Mil 44: The Kingdom of Maya Itza Pop: 1,378 Mil 45: The Kingdom of Media Atropatene Pop: 1,721 Mil 46: The Empire of Melnibone Pop: 1,989 Mil 47: The Confederacy of Merchant City-States Pop: 1,624 Mil 48: The Most Serene Republic of Minoan Civilization Pop: 1,725 Mil | 49: The Colony of Nea Anarcoma Pop: 1,608 Mil 50: The People's Republic of New Tyrland Pop: 1,739 Mil 51: The Republic of Nhai Pop: 1,378 Mil 52: The Republic of Nygard Pop: 2,018 Mil 53: The Principality of Oldorando Pop: 1,252 Mil 54: The Disputed Territories of Omega Caste Pop: 1,638 Mil 55: The Colony of Origenes Pop: 1,727 Mil 56: The Grand Duchy of Pallidus Mors Pop: 1,741 Mil 57: The Holy Empire of Phasarbad Pop: 1,369 Mil 58: The Republic of Phillys Island Pop: 2,135 Mil 59: The Queendom of Pink Panzer Pop: 1,693 Mil 60: The People's Republic of Plava Panina Pop: 1,648 Mil 61: The Free Land of Porcupineland Pop: 1,638 Mil 62: The Confederacy of Principia Alchemica Pop: 1,643 Mil 63: The Principality of Prospering Sceptre Land Pop: 1,590 Mil 64: The Empire of Qinyang Pop: 1,634 Mil 65: The Kingdom of Qodos Pop: 1,363 Mil 66: The Theocracy of Quaesitores Pop: 1,270 Mil 67: The Republic of Quindice Milites Pop: 1,242 Mil 68: The Emirate of Quorasmia Pop: 1,260 Mil 69: The Free Land of Ragnar Rock Pop: 1,561 Mil 70: The Free Land of Rapapolvo Pop: 1,626 Mil 71: The Sultanate of Ras al Misr Pop: 1,403 Mil 72: The Confederacy of Rasenna Etruria Pop: 1,380 Mil 73: The Republic of Rethanna Pop: 1,379 Mil 74: The Principality of Riparian Peoples Pop: 1,563 Mil 75: The Republic of Rondel Pop: 1,360 Mil 76: The Most Serene Republic of Saint Lawrence City-State Pop: 2,129 Mil 77: The Holy Empire of Schaton Pop: 2,316 Mil 78: The Principality of Shambleau Pop: 1,630 Mil 79: The Free Land of Sinners and Reprobates Pop: 1,691 Mil 80: The Confederacy of Ska peoples Pop: 2,417 Mil 81: The Republic of Solomon Kane Pop: 2,029 Mil 82: The Commonwealth of Squirreltown Pop: 2,141 Mil 83: The Community of Tantric Lands Pop: 1,617 Mil 84: The Confederacy of Templi Resurgentes Equites Synarchici Pop: 1,594 Mil 85: The Confederacy of The Young Kingdoms Pop: 1,549 Mil 86: The Federation of Tochter aus Elysium Pop: 2,331 Mil 87: The Republic of Tormentaria Pop: 1,679 Mil 88: The Nomadic Peoples of Tuba Kizhi Pop: 1,745 Mil 89: The Empire of Utagawa Hiroshige Pop: 2,322 Mil 90: The Commonwealth of Veneranda Pop: 1,568 Mil 91: The Free Land of Willendorf Pop: 1,580 Mil 92: The Colony of Xanthen Pop: 1,228 Mil 93: The Free Land of Yberlands Pop: 1,237 Mil |