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157 Countries populate the Region of Shadow Realms

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1: The Republic of -Alexandra Maria Lara-
Pop: 3,009 Mil

2: The Republic of -Alicia Vikander-
Pop: 1,707 Mil

3: The Aliz?e of -Alizee Jacotey-
Pop: 1,527 Mil

4: The Republic of -Amanda Tapping-
Pop: 2,474 Mil

5: The Republic of -Callisto-
Pop: 2,790 Mil

6: The Republic of -Catherine Bell-
Pop: 2,653 Mil

7: The Starfleet Officer of -Deanna Troi-
Pop: 3,475 Mil

8: The Republic of -Elizabeth Swann-
Pop: 3,086 Mil

9: The Emma Watson of -Ema Watson-
Pop: 3,485 Mil

10: The Republic of -Fleur Delacour-
Pop: 3,051 Mil

11: The Republic of -Hermione Granger-
Pop: 3,083 Mil

12: The Keira Knightley of -Keira Knightley-
Pop: 4,403 Mil

13: The Republic of -Kira Nerys-
Pop: 1,818 Mil

14: The Borderlands of -Mad Moxi-
Pop: 3,029 Mil

15: The Borderlands of -Mad Moxxi-
Pop: 3,088 Mil

16: The Republic of -Marija Karan-
Pop: 1,653 Mil

17: The Republic of -Marina Sirtis-
Pop: 2,601 Mil

18: The Republic of -Nadia Bjorlin-
Pop: 3,469 Mil

19: The Republic of -Natalie Portman-
Pop: 3,647 Mil

20: The Republic of -Phoebe Waller Bridge-
Pop: 2,498 Mil

21: The Borderlands of -Steele-
Pop: 3,059 Mil

22: The Ghoul-Free Zone of 15 Floor Tenpenny Tower
Pop: 10,228 Mil

23: The Republic of Abbie Shapiro
Pop: 1,292 Mil

24: The Shapiro of Abbigail Shapiro
Pop: 2,603 Mil

25: The Protectorate of Adalbertus Aloysius Kalkstein
Pop: 6,787 Mil

26: The Republic of Alexandra Maria Platareanu
Pop: 3,056 Mil

27: The Republic of Alicia Amanda Vikander
Pop: 1,706 Mil

28: The Aliz?e of Aliizee
Pop: 3,690 Mil

29: The Aliz?e of Alize
Pop: 3,934 Mil

30: The Aliz?e of Alizee Jackotey
Pop: 1,526 Mil

31: The Aliz?e of Alizee Lyonnet
Pop: 1,528 Mil

32: The Aliz?e of Alizee Lyonnet Jacotey
Pop: 1,508 Mil

33: The Aliz?e of Alizeeh
Pop: 3,131 Mil

34: The Aliz?e of Alizeh
Pop: 3,151 Mil

35: The Aliz?e of Alizze
Pop: 2,911 Mil

36: The Aliz?e of Alizzee
Pop: 3,663 Mil

37: The Aliz?e of Allizee
Pop: 3,643 Mil

38: The Republic of Amanda Tapping
Pop: 2,488 Mil

39: The Community of Amata Almodovar
Pop: 6,779 Mil

40: The Republic of Angelina Johnson
Pop: 2,044 Mil

41: The Republic of Anna DeWitt
Pop: 4,574 Mil

42: The Republic of Aria Tloak
Pop: 4,654 Mil

43: The Republic of Barla Von
Pop: 4,538 Mil

44: The Ministry of Magic of Bartemius Crouch Senior
Pop: 5,356 Mil

45: The Death Eater of Bellatrix Black Lestrange
Pop: 8,482 Mil

46: The Republic of Benezia
Pop: 4,347 Mil

47: The Republic of Blasto
Pop: 4,660 Mil

48: The Borderlands of Bone Head
Pop: 3,651 Mil

49: The Borderlands of Boss Sledge
Pop: 3,647 Mil

50: The Rapture Geneticist of Brigid Tenenbaum
Pop: 4,550 Mil

51: The Republic of Catherine Bell
Pop: 2,630 Mil

52: The Hufflepuff of Cedric Diggory
Pop: 6,539 Mil

53: The Republic of Cerberus Miranda Lawson
Pop: 6,832 Mil

54: The Ravenclaw of Cho Chang
Pop: 3,048 Mil

55: The Ravenclaw of Cho chang of Ravenclaw
Pop: 6,580 Mil

56: The Borderlands of Commandant Steele
Pop: 3,068 Mil

57: The Alliance Commander of Commander Sheppard
Pop: 4,675 Mil

58: The Republic of Corvo Attano
Pop: 4,269 Mil

59: The Slytherins of Crabbe and Goyle
Pop: 6,795 Mil

60: The Republic of Crookshank
Pop: 4,266 Mil

61: The Doom Demon of Cyberdemon
Pop: 4,334 Mil

62: The Republic of Deanna Troi
Pop: 4,656 Mil

63: The Republic of Doctor Saleon
Pop: 4,616 Mil

64: The Federation of Dokavia
Pop: 1,082 Mil

65: The Queendom of Elizabeth Swann
Pop: 4,543 Mil

66: The Emma Watson of Ema Watson
Pop: 3,499 Mil

67: The Emma Watson of Emma Granger
Pop: 4,286 Mil

68: The Emma Watson of Emma Jean Granger
Pop: 3,579 Mil

69: The Emma Watson of Emma Jean Watson
Pop: 2,853 Mil

70: The Horde of Fallout Raiders
Pop: 9,261 Mil

71: The Werewolf of Fenrir Greyback
Pop: 5,502 Mil

72: The Glorious Empire of Ferengi Alliance Union
Pop: 12,921 Mil

73: The Republic of Fleur Delacour
Pop: 2,965 Mil

74: The Beauxbaton of Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons
Pop: 6,502 Mil

75: The Republic of Gabriellee
Pop: 3,427 Mil

76: The Turian of Garus Vakarian
Pop: 4,682 Mil

77: The Witcher of Geralt of Kaer Morhen
Pop: 6,839 Mil

78: The Empire of Goa Uld Apophis
Pop: 6,767 Mil

79: The Empire of Gristol Serkonos Morley and Tyvia
Pop: 2,161 Mil

80: The Boy that Lived of Harry Potter of Hogwarts
Pop: 6,776 Mil

81: The Republic of Harry Ron and Hermione
Pop: 4,635 Mil

82: The Republic of Helena Bonham Carter
Pop: 450 Mil

83: The Republic of Helena Carter
Pop: 452 Mil

84: The Gryffindor of Hermion Granger
Pop: 4,452 Mil

85: The Gryffindor of Hermione Granger of Gryffindor
Pop: 6,806 Mil

86: The Emma Watson of Hermione Watson
Pop: 4,226 Mil

87: The Prime Minister of Hideki Tojo
Pop: 4,382 Mil

88: The Republic of Hudson Leick
Pop: 2,084 Mil

89: The Republic of Ilithiya
Pop: 509 Mil

90: The Republic of Ilithya
Pop: 509 Mil

91: The Republic of Illusive Man
Pop: 4,636 Mil

92: The United Socialist States of Ivan Konev
Pop: 6,772 Mil

93: The Normandy Pilot of Jeff Joker Moreau
Pop: 4,643 Mil

94: The Republic of Justicar Samara
Pop: 4,647 Mil

95: The Gryffindor Student of Katie Bell
Pop: 5,285 Mil

96: The Keira Knightley of Keira Knightlei
Pop: 3,343 Mil

97: The Keira Knightley of Keira Knightli
Pop: 2,688 Mil

98: The Keira Knightley of Keirah Knightley
Pop: 4,219 Mil

99: The Republic of Kirra Nerys
Pop: 1,822 Mil

100: The House-Elf of Kreacher
Pop: 6,820 Mil

101: The Republic of Liara Tsoni
Pop: 4,659 Mil

102: The Ravenclaw of Luna Lovegood of Ravenclaw
Pop: 6,533 Mil

103: The Borderlands of Mad Moxi
Pop: 3,640 Mil

104: The Borderlands of Mad Moxxxi
Pop: 3,639 Mil

105: The Republic of Marcus Flynt
Pop: 2,719 Mil

106: The Republic of Maria Louisa La Valette
Pop: 3,471 Mil

107: The Republic of Marija Karan
Pop: 1,717 Mil

108: The Republic of Marina Sirtis
Pop: 2,666 Mil

109: The Minister of Magic of Minister Cornelius Fudge
Pop: 6,508 Mil

110: The Cerberus Operative of MirandaLawson
Pop: 3,689 Mil

111: The Ravenclaw Ghost of Moaning Myrtle of Hogwarts
Pop: 6,555 Mil

112: The Dealer of magical artefacts of Mundungus Fletcher
Pop: 7,854 Mil

113: The Republic of Nadia Bjorlin
Pop: 3,852 Mil

114: The Republic of Natalie Hershlag
Pop: 3,992 Mil

115: The Gryffindor Ghost of Nearly Headless Nick
Pop: 6,537 Mil

116: The Spectre of Nihlus Kryik
Pop: 4,565 Mil

117: The Republic of Niko Bellic
Pop: 6,749 Mil

118: The Metamorphmagus of Nymphadora
Pop: 3,255 Mil

119: The Metamorphmagus of Nymphadora Lupin Tonks
Pop: 6,723 Mil

120: The Republic of Oakmont Town
Pop: 3,060 Mil

121: The Kaedweni Soldier of Odrin The Soldier
Pop: 4,618 Mil

122: The Armed Republic of Ondoria
Pop: 10,049 Mil

123: The Padme and Anakin of Padme Naberrie
Pop: 3,979 Mil

124: The Republic of Pahlavi Sisters
Pop: 3,488 Mil

125: The Weasley of Percy Weasley
Pop: 5,808 Mil

126: The Republic of Persian Royalty
Pop: 4,007 Mil

127: The Republic of Persian Royalty Two
Pop: 3,782 Mil

128: The Republic of Phoebe Waller Bridge
Pop: 2,465 Mil

129: The Republic of Princess Azula
Pop: 857 Mil

130: The Republic of Princess Katara
Pop: 847 Mil

131: The Republic of Princess Korra
Pop: 862 Mil

132: The Naboo Ruler of Queen Padme
Pop: 3,008 Mil

133: The Kingdom of Radovid V
Pop: 6,757 Mil

134: The Anti Rayman Alliance of Rayman Hoodlums
Pop: 11,441 Mil

135: The Republic of Rita Skeeter
Pop: 4,655 Mil

136: The Gryffindor of Romilda Vane
Pop: 4,417 Mil

137: The Weasley of Ron Weasley of Hogwarts
Pop: 6,762 Mil

138: The Republic of Sander Cohen
Pop: 4,647 Mil

139: The Reaper Indoctrinated of Saren Arterius
Pop: 4,689 Mil

140: The Gryffindor of Seamus Finnigan of Gryffindor
Pop: 6,554 Mil

141: The Republic of Senator Padme
Pop: 4,580 Mil

142: The Republic of Siren Lilith
Pop: 3,043 Mil

143: The Slytherin of Slytherin Pansy Parkinson
Pop: 6,798 Mil

144: The Doom Demon of Spider Mastermind
Pop: 3,193 Mil

145: The Republic of Subject Zero
Pop: 4,569 Mil

146: The Republic of Tali Zorah
Pop: 4,681 Mil

147: The Mercenary Band of Talon Compani
Pop: 9,252 Mil

148: The Dark Wizards of The Death Eaters
Pop: 4,451 Mil

149: The Armed Republic of Wasteland Gypsy Village
Pop: 6,817 Mil

150: The Emma Watson of Watsonia
Pop: 3,399 Mil

151: The Emma Watson of Watsoniafive
Pop: 3,175 Mil

152: The Emma Watson of Watsoniafour
Pop: 3,401 Mil

153: The Emma Watson of Watsoniathree
Pop: 3,431 Mil

154: The Emma Watson of Watsoniatwo
Pop: 3,455 Mil

155: The Republic of Xena Gabrielle
Pop: 3,453 Mil

156: The Republic of Xena Warrior Princess
Pop: 3,476 Mil

157: The Republic of Yi Suchong
Pop: 4,416 Mil

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