1: The Empire of Abyssal Dominion Pop: 2,355 Mil 2: The Survivors of Aeravahn Reborn Pop: 12,169 Mil 3: The Dominion of Aethael Pop: 800 Mil 4: The Lolth Imposed Matriarchy of Alur Klar Pop: 3,897 Mil 5: The People's Republic of Anarchic Empire of Landia Pop: 1,597 Mil 6: The Queendom of Astraya Pop: 1,361 Mil 7: The Kingdom of Axolotlian Pop: 14 Mil 8: The Union of Cosmic Republics of Azeriyah Pop: 4,510 Mil 9: The Democratic Republic of Beaverdia Pop: 14 Mil 10: The Disputed Territories of Bekia Apopost Pop: 1,641 Mil 11: The Federal Republic of Belverde Pop: 18 Mil 12: The Kingdom of Bhuton Pop: 1,160 Mil 13: The Republic of Caforia Pop: 9 Mil 14: The Commonwealth of Calestelia Pop: 160 Mil 15: The Vexatious Chancellor of Chaotic Sparkles Pop: 6,644 Mil 16: The Ponydom of Choslow Pop: 5,551 Mil 17: The Kitty Demarchy of Crazari Pop: 3,008 Mil 18: The Republic of CUKUJ Pop: 40 Mil 19: The Anomalous State of Czarii Pop: 1,386 Mil 20: The Free Land of Czechertaint Pop: 2,588 Mil 21: The Kingdom of DESHMNEMA Pop: 29 Mil 22: The Free Socialist State of Egsnart Pop: 6,994 Mil 23: The Commonwealth of Eldrazi Pop: 23 Mil 24: The Rogue Princessipality of Elf Realm Pop: 2,529 Mil 25: The Queendom of Ellestris Pop: 1,749 Mil 26: The Empire of Etiraniens Pop: 1,580 Mil 27: The Kingdom of Ettra Pop: 4,162 Mil 28: The Federation of Ewhines Pop: 16 Mil 29: The Commonwealth of Faairytopia Pop: 1,311 Mil 30: The Azerian Republic of Faiken Pop: 3,283 Mil 31: The Holy Empire of Faltwall Pop: 32 Mil 32: The Free Land of Fiddale Pop: 23 Mil 33: The Kingdom of Foreika Pop: 29 Mil 34: The Republic of Fox Gang Pop: 1,178 Mil 35: The Republic of Furajima Pop: 1,686 Mil 36: The Looming Shadow of Gebeta Pop: 28,301 Mil 37: The Borderlands of Ghits and Shiggles Pop: 3,249 Mil 38: The Federation of Grand Chinese Republic Pop: 10,322 Mil 39: The Republic of Grethno Pop: 926 Mil 40: The Rogue Nation of GSN69 Pop: 3,437 Mil 41: The People's State of Hanlock Pop: 5,614 Mil 42: The Album of Heavy mental Pop: 3,545 Mil 43: The Dominion of HL corporation Pop: 919 Mil 44: The Community of Hyter Sprite Land Pop: 938 Mil 45: The Federation of Ililsasda Pop: 20,814 Mil 46: The Season of Indefinite Color Pop: 4,719 Mil 47: The Sultanate of Intellectia Pop: 652 Mil 48: The Commonwealth of Iregr Pop: 2,610 Mil 49: The Grand Duchy of Japuile Pop: 5,559 Mil 50: The Confederacy of Jawtooth Pop: 18 Mil 51: The Democratic of Jewish Republic of Yessinah Pop: 4,419 Mil 52: The Theocracy of Kasifken Pop: 171 Mil 53: The Kingdom of Kealani Pop: 62 Mil 54: The Heavenly Matakahnate of Kethes Pop: 1,520 Mil 55: The Ascended Kingdom of Khijovia Pop: 7,239 Mil 56: The Republic of Klenei Pop: 5,781 Mil 57: The Soviet Socialist Republics of Krasnaja Zasha Pop: 1,978 Mil 58: The Empire of Krobbastanibern Pop: 14 Mil 59: The Lost Empire of Kronian Utopia Pop: 4,763 Mil 60: The People's Republic of Kveuton Pop: 145 Mil 61: The Federated Cantons of Kyldigard Pop: 6,529 Mil 62: The Armed Republic of Leateis Pop: 2,165 Mil 63: The Republic of Lorbetis Pop: 50 Mil 64: The Queendom of Lorzepk Pop: 3,159 Mil 65: The Dominion of Lurynia Pop: 173 Mil 66: The Commonwealth of Lurynia-Calestelia Pop: 104 Mil 67: The High Magical Girl Realm of Magia Regnum Pop: 6,006 Mil 68: The Matriarchal Empire of Magnaformia Pop: 1,759 Mil | 69: The Limited liability company of Mapleville Corporation Pop: 1,338 Mil 70: The Federal Republic of Mexovia Pop: 92 Mil 71: The Cheese Loving Mouse of Moushly Pop: 4,161 Mil 72: The Republic of Navazhora Pop: 23 Mil 73: The Matriarchy of Navyala Pop: 50 Mil 74: The Republic of Nekoboy Pop: 1,897 Mil 75: The United States of Neo Americana Pop: 316 Mil 76: The Principality of Neustadt am Rhein Pop: 896 Mil 77: The Free City of New Larak Pop: 2,334 Mil 78: The Constitutional Empire of Nishikaigan Pop: 4,711 Mil 79: The Principality of North Wituay Pop: 20 Mil 80: The Federal Republic of Nova Solarius Pop: 4,902 Mil 81: The Great Technocratic Republic of Nova Vinelandia Pop: 6,291 Mil 82: The Republic of Novaroblia Pop: 468 Mil 83: The United Socialist States of Orosz Szovjet Szocialista Pop: 594 Mil 84: The Republic of PHOENIXUNITED Pop: 16 Mil 85: The United States of Qelong-Lubong Pop: 634 Mil 86: The Queendom of Qweens Pop: 5,748 Mil 87: The Blazing Minister of Defense of Raya Chukhova Pop: 758 Mil 88: The Republic of Red harp Pop: 20 Mil 89: The Democratic Republic of Red Usonia Pop: 1,698 Mil 90: The Republic of Removed Sadness Pop: 6,996 Mil 91: The Republic of Republic of the Gothies Pop: 1,834 Mil 92: The Republic of Republik of treaton Pop: 23 Mil 93: The Allied States of Rightstar Pop: 3,435 Mil 94: The Republic of Rishies Pop: 18 Mil 95: The Okur-Federation of S-Lanter Pop: 5,063 Mil 96: The Loving Couple of Sapphic Couple Pop: 5,601 Mil 97: The Armed Republic of Sarkit Pop: 1,443 Mil 98: The Republic of Sartalia Pop: 319 Mil 99: The State of Shachihoko Pop: 3,656 Mil 100: The Theocratic Military Junta of Sharkiestan Pop: 2,413 Mil 101: The Most Serene Republic of Sola Mada Pop: 2,752 Mil 102: The Dominion of SouprRacwn Pop: 1,953 Mil 103: The Theocracy of Sovereign Angelica Pop: 1,912 Mil 104: The Violet Violence of Sparkling Merethin Pop: 1,123 Mil 105: The Magical Queendom of Sparkling SAFT Pop: 2,779 Mil 106: The Empire of Standard Human Pop: 18 Mil 107: The Principality of Stella Lulu Pop: 1,173 Mil 108: The G?ngh?gu? of Tanbearia Pop: 4,705 Mil 109: The Antarctic Research Territory of The Aurinko Dependency Pop: 4,134 Mil 110: The Constitutional Monarchy of The DragonStar Imperium Pop: 1,667 Mil 111: The Allied Tribes of The Garou-Nation Pop: 4,836 Mil 112: The Commonwealth of The Nouervian Palatinate Pop: 177 Mil 113: The Universal Union of The Overwhelming Force of The Combine Pop: 2,818 Mil 114: The Borderlands of The Singularities Pop: 316 Mil 115: The Sentagon of The SuperRaccoon Illuminati Pop: 7,167 Mil 116: The Bananian Socialist Kingdom of The Swedish banan Pop: 4,236 Mil 117: The Federation of The United Congress of Nations Pop: 4,142 Mil 118: The Confederacy of The We-Buwo Horde Pop: 174 Mil 119: The Holy Empire of The worst thing i could create Pop: 62 Mil 120: The Ryudish Republic of Tyreis Pop: 2,819 Mil 121: The Golden Sea Commonwealth of Union-Siberian Socialist-Monarchy Pop: 5,207 Mil 122: The Bunny raider of United Villages Of Eisbutch Pop: 8,590 Mil 123: The Empire of Vinlacku Pop: 14 Mil 124: The VIOLET VIOLENCE of VIOLENT VIOLETIST Pop: 8,328 Mil 125: The Free Land of Vrulstig Pop: 14 Mil 126: The Rogue Nation of Walsathia Pop: 7 Mil 127: The Interstellar Hy-Con of Waxed Lightly Weathered Cut Copper Stair Pop: 2,195 Mil 128: The Grand Imperial Republic of Weilan Zhongguo Pop: 3,900 Mil 129: The Kingdom of Xeknos Pop: 12,220 Mil 130: The Colony of Xeknosian Irregulars Pop: 2,333 Mil 131: The Holy Empire of Xiie Pop: 169 Mil 132: The Xahrdom of Xyvxar Pop: 2,608 Mil 133: The Republic of Yulsan Pop: 3,026 Mil |