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56 Countries populate the Region of St Abbaddon

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of St Abbaddon.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Republic of 4Tee
Pop: 6,958 Mil

2: The Simple Mind of A Hobgoblin
Pop: 18,078 Mil

3: The Federal Republic of Anderstav
Pop: 1,443 Mil

4: The Colony of AVG Antivirus
Pop: 15,494 Mil

5: The Republic of Cloudy Pacifican Skies
Pop: 15,855 Mil

6: The Ravanian Borderlands of Daughters
Pop: 26,060 Mil

7: The Republic of Deep Forge
Pop: 4,119 Mil

8: The Republic of Dont eject this fenda sleeper 6
Pop: 9,153 Mil

9: The Empire of Draganisia
Pop: 16,760 Mil

10: The Republic of Eskovar
Pop: 7,246 Mil

11: The Republic of Frank Donald
Pop: 19,379 Mil

12: The Empire of Garlemald
Pop: 2,625 Mil

13: The United Socialist States of Greater Seeza Roctermy
Pop: 4,347 Mil

14: The Republic of HC Abbaddon
Pop: 8,392 Mil

15: The Hello of Hi
Pop: 16,895 Mil

16: The Truly of Holy angel
Pop: 7,562 Mil

17: The Loving Couple of I-Ship-It
Pop: 8,047 Mil

18: The Republic of Iormase
Pop: 17,605 Mil

19: The Republic of Kulus
Pop: 3,464 Mil

20: The United Kingdom of Levouter
Pop: 17,593 Mil

21: The Rogue Nation of LSN58
Pop: 3,467 Mil

22: The Republic of Mage Named Seseleatroonfa
Pop: 15,907 Mil

23: The Republic of Middle Witeopia
Pop: 18,363 Mil

24: The Confederacy of Naaf
Pop: 14,721 Mil

25: The Commonwealth of Namathsea
Pop: 4,046 Mil

26: The Dominion of Naturia
Pop: 5,672 Mil

27: The Community of New South London
Pop: 19,386 Mil

28: The Communities of Nova Bromelia
Pop: 9,115 Mil

29: The United Socialist States of Peratia
Pop: 20,033 Mil

30: The Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of Petit Mustique
Pop: 32,349 Mil

31: The Republic of Red High Council
Pop: 7,554 Mil

32: The Federation of Sabanir
Pop: 8,471 Mil

33: The Kingdom of Sailors Moon
Pop: 27,202 Mil

34: The Holy Halls of San Pasqual
Pop: 13,412 Mil

35: The Planet of Saturnus
Pop: 16,743 Mil

36: The Empire of Schwomg
Pop: 18,622 Mil

37: The Ever-Procrastinating Writer of Sequential Art
Pop: 15,166 Mil

38: The Republic of Serene Vale
Pop: 16,564 Mil

39: The Republic of Sermersoq
Pop: 5,005 Mil

40: The Republic of Silicon Crush
Pop: 13,219 Mil

41: The Oppressed Peoples of Skankamungus
Pop: 21,031 Mil

42: The Commonwealth of Skunkland
Pop: 17,498 Mil

43: The Commonwealth of SOUTHERN ATLANTIKA
Pop: 9,491 Mil

44: The Dominion of St Abby Dispatch Office
Pop: 9,127 Mil

45: The Most Serene Republic of Stater Entland
Pop: 17,294 Mil

46: The Oceanic Authority of Stratocratic-Anarchy Oceanic Empire
Pop: 13,242 Mil

47: The Blood Sacrifice of Syerachia
Pop: 4,513 Mil

48: The Republic of The Elegant Rock
Pop: 10,273 Mil

49: The Republic of The Serpentborn
Pop: 10,244 Mil

50: The Republic of The Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Pop: 3,935 Mil

51: The Girl of the Month of Thymekeeping
Pop: 13,801 Mil

52: The Republic of Unmanikm
Pop: 10,379 Mil

53: The Federation of USS Aventine
Pop: 26,056 Mil

54: The Republic of Wardens of the frost
Pop: 5,498 Mil

55: The Republic of Weitarawi X
Pop: 4,440 Mil

56: The Republic of Yonderal
Pop: 14,113 Mil

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