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209 Countries populate the Region of Starlight

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1: The Starborn Cowgirl of 0cala
Pop: 7,192 Mil

2: The A1 of A1
Pop: 3,189 Mil

3: The Republic of Aadirr
Pop: 16 Mil

4: The Republic of Aelionia
Pop: 50 Mil

5: The Empire of Algeerian Space
Pop: 453 Mil

6: The Community of ALLMIND
Pop: 1,096 Mil

7: The Theocracy of Almanah
Pop: 18 Mil

8: The Free Isles of Alyddia
Pop: 2,514 Mil

9: The Toxhautal Junta of Anarchan Free Territories
Pop: 3,991 Mil

10: The Republic of Anglong
Pop: 134 Mil

11: The Kingdom of Ara Statind
Pop: 94 Mil

12: The Rogue Nation of Armored Core
Pop: 1,055 Mil

13: The Republic of Arquebus Corporation
Pop: 69 Mil

14: The Imperial Systems of Astergea
Pop: 2,672 Mil

15: The Matriarchy of Asuka Evangelion
Pop: 4,425 Mil

16: The Rogue Nation of Ather Region
Pop: 86 Mil

17: The Empire of Avenmar
Pop: 296 Mil

18: The Empire of Avertius
Pop: 317 Mil

19: The Community of Ayu Bonica
Pop: 324 Mil

20: The Confederacy of Basstarria
Pop: 179 Mil

21: The Free Land of Bengland
Pop: 9 Mil

22: The Armed Republic of Bluefin Tuna
Pop: 1,133 Mil

23: The Republic of Busch Gardens
Pop: 10 Mil

24: The Republic of Busch gardens tampa
Pop: 317 Mil

25: The Free Land of Cawree
Pop: 557 Mil

26: The Kingdom of Ceneslald
Pop: 40 Mil

27: The Council of Cessarea
Pop: 3,607 Mil

28: The Commonwealth of Cheloniar
Pop: 283 Mil

29: The Sultanate of Cherifien
Pop: 23 Mil

30: The Free Land of CoopCordia
Pop: 26 Mil

31: The Colony of Cornallia
Pop: 26 Mil

32: The Republic of Crowheart
Pop: 9 Mil

33: The ⋏⟒⍜-⟒⎅⟒⋏ ⏁⟒☊⊑⋏⍜⌿⍜⌰⟟⌇ of Cyberia Prime
Pop: 860 Mil

34: The Commonwealth of Cyhaka
Pop: 69 Mil

35: The Democratic Republic of Dalverleck
Pop: 6 Mil

36: The Republic of Delivermaxpizzas
Pop: 815 Mil

37: The Free Land of Denbrithionga
Pop: 7 Mil

38: The Empire of Dilepth
Pop: 16 Mil

39: The Incorporated States of Disney N-Day Central Command
Pop: 29 Mil

40: The Empire of Dominiom
Pop: 231 Mil

41: The Republic of Dorove
Pop: 14 Mil

42: The Republic of DSS Hootsforce
Pop: 45 Mil

43: The Holy Empire of Eastern Arba Fir
Pop: 1,263 Mil

44: The Republic of EIon-Musk
Pop: 130 Mil

45: The Colony of El Eems Islands
Pop: 4,376 Mil

46: The Starlight Recruiter of Eltran Space Force
Pop: 3,436 Mil

47: The Federal Republic of Empirestate
Pop: 2,535 Mil

48: The Dominion of Empress Nightmare Moon
Pop: 611 Mil

49: The Community of Eoliria
Pop: 6,604 Mil

50: The People's Republic of Erkanklestan
Pop: 183 Mil

51: The People's Republic of Etherical Avia
Pop: 546 Mil

52: The Empire of Excinerea
Pop: 231 Mil

53: The Holy Roman Merovingian State of Exclavia
Pop: 1,359 Mil

54: The Colony of Farusil
Pop: 20,865 Mil

55: The Holy Empire of Ferdiniya
Pop: 183 Mil

56: The United States of Flee and never return
Pop: 32 Mil

57: The United States of Flomonga 2
Pop: 785 Mil

58: The United Socialist States of Floravere
Pop: 641 Mil

59: The Empire of Fre Bern
Pop: 119 Mil

60: The Federation of FSEA
Pop: 23 Mil

61: The Empire of Ghengis Khan
Pop: 40 Mil

62: The Republic of Gilbertos
Pop: 80 Mil

63: The Colony of Gophan Arbiegnian
Pop: 23 Mil

64: The Republic of Goraf
Pop: 45 Mil

65: The Principality of Greater Damia
Pop: 164 Mil

66: The People's Republic of Greater Eradan
Pop: 590 Mil

67: The Grand Duchy of Grestoba
Pop: 73 Mil

68: The Constitutional Monarchy of Griffonian Riechwealth
Pop: 402 Mil

69: The People's Republic of Grualand
Pop: 457 Mil

70: The Rogue Nation of GSN72
Pop: 3,449 Mil

71: The Holy Empire of Guiding
Pop: 6 Mil

72: The Dictatorship of Hesterveria
Pop: 253 Mil

73: The Exaltate Renewed of Hiyadon
Pop: 2,416 Mil

74: The Federation of Hjem System
Pop: 1,214 Mil

75: The People's Republic of Hosdpodia
Pop: 14 Mil

76: The People's Republic of Houhou
Pop: 218 Mil

77: The Grand Duchy of Incom
Pop: 3,139 Mil

78: The Republic of Innovada
Pop: 79 Mil

79: The Federation of Integrated Corporations
Pop: 1,201 Mil

80: The Republic of INTP Aquarius aliens
Pop: 637 Mil

81: The Republic of Irenai
Pop: 617 Mil

82: The Armed Republic of Jerusaholm
Pop: 119 Mil

83: The Federation of Jknathan
Pop: 111 Mil

84: The Federation of Jokib
Pop: 111 Mil

85: The Commonwealth of Jum Demins
Pop: 165 Mil

86: The Holy Light of Kaidan
Pop: 827 Mil

87: The People's Republic of Kanshon
Pop: 4,459 Mil

88: The Federal Republic of KHYLAND
Pop: 151 Mil

89: The Federal Republic of Kibon
Pop: 367 Mil

90: The Kingdom of Koulhou
Pop: 83 Mil

91: The Federation of Krel-Calia
Pop: 20 Mil

92: The Federation of Kuami
Pop: 519 Mil

93: The Matriarchy of Kyoki Chudoku Yozora
Pop: 40 Mil

94: The Free Land of La Atlantida
Pop: 169 Mil

95: The Republic of Landonios
Pop: 32 Mil

96: The Democratic Republic of Laskco
Pop: 92 Mil

97: The Community of Liber Natio
Pop: 26 Mil

98: The Dictatorship of LIT POL
Pop: 6 Mil

99: The People's Republic of Locothaliterra
Pop: 16 Mil

100: The ???? Join Starlight ???? of Lumeris
Pop: 1,037 Mil

101: The Republic of Marawabss Islands
Pop: 29 Mil

102: The Colony of Marfark
Pop: 675 Mil

103: The Incorporated States of Meowlight
Pop: 169 Mil

104: The Narodna Demokratska Republik of Mercov
Pop: 5,337 Mil

105: The Republic of Miasrv
Pop: 40 Mil

106: The Rogue Nation of Miku land
Pop: 7 Mil

107: The Minecraft Infdev Build of Minecraft Survival
Pop: 3,308 Mil

108: The Confederation of Minuvano
Pop: 4,336 Mil

109: The United Socialist States of Mirco chips
Pop: 45 Mil

110: The Nekanan Kingdom of Missouria
Pop: 10,568 Mil

111: The United Socialist States of Mulbastan
Pop: 20 Mil

112: The Community of Nanaea
Pop: 50 Mil

113: The Borderlands of Neo-Chaos
Pop: 116 Mil

114: The Incorporated States of Neo-Northlands
Pop: 20 Mil

115: The Dictatorship of New Ardes
Pop: 356 Mil

116: The Federal Kingdom of Northern American Federated States
Pop: 11,219 Mil

117: The United Colonies of Nova Centaurus
Pop: 1,074 Mil

118: The Republic of Octogon
Pop: 7 Mil

119: The Federal Republic of Of Universal States
Pop: 40 Mil

120: The Spacefaring Collective of Orbital Tonnerre
Pop: 633 Mil

121: The Starborn Magical Girl of Oseao
Pop: 1,252 Mil

122: The Republic of Our Maiden Mothers
Pop: 73 Mil

123: The United States of Owenisa
Pop: 36 Mil

124: The Eclipsed Glory of Pasture Child
Pop: 651 Mil

125: The Free Land of Peacook
Pop: 40 Mil

126: The Democratic United Islands of Pellon Wesaurps
Pop: 15,522 Mil

127: The Empire of Phantomreich
Pop: 62 Mil

128: The Armed Republic of Phraxas
Pop: 453 Mil

129: The Free Land of Pirzdavor
Pop: 36 Mil

130: The Free Land of Planet Thedas
Pop: 617 Mil

131: The Armed Republic of Planetary Closure Administrative
Pop: 109 Mil

132: The Federation of Plurinacional de Joloria
Pop: 26 Mil

133: The Armed Republic of Polybiar
Pop: 26 Mil

134: The Democratic Republic of Prezeluse
Pop: 9,986 Mil

135: The Theocracy of Principle
Pop: 6 Mil

136: The Kingdom of Pro-Fish-Land
Pop: 1,590 Mil

137: The People's Republic of PYTHONIC
Pop: 101 Mil

138: The Oboe of Qax
Pop: 4,192 Mil

139: The Republic of Randomnessian
Pop: 26 Mil

140: The Confederacy of Ravenhorn
Pop: 20 Mil

141: The Lovely Giraffe of Reina
Pop: 3,318 Mil

142: The Dominion of Revolutionary Eusan Nation
Pop: 175 Mil

143: The Kingdom of Rhaf
Pop: 1,705 Mil

144: The Empire of RichbRo
Pop: 7 Mil

145: The Virtual State of Rojamonton
Pop: 1,655 Mil

146: The Federal Republic of Rulsolia
Pop: 8,818 Mil

147: The Republic of San Magnolio
Pop: 50 Mil

148: The Armed Republic of Scora
Pop: 1,669 Mil

149: The Socialist Commonwealth of Seventeen Mountains
Pop: 525 Mil

150: The Cold and Snowy Nation of Shawnworshipers
Pop: 6,977 Mil

151: The United States of Shures
Pop: 7 Mil

152: The Democratic Republic of Skanderholme
Pop: 16 Mil

153: The Empire of Sniperss
Pop: 36 Mil

154: The Kingdom of South Oplium
Pop: 192 Mil

155: The People's Republic of Spacedevo
Pop: 79 Mil

156: The EPCOT Attraction of Spaceship Earth
Pop: 735 Mil

157: The Green Dominion of Spotsyltopia
Pop: 8,263 Mil

158: The Commonwealth of Spumeragne
Pop: 518 Mil

159: The ✨️ Starlight Herald ✨️ of Star Envoy
Pop: 621 Mil

160: The Empire of Starborn Ducky
Pop: 654 Mil

161: The Armed Republic of Starlight Recruiter
Pop: 671 Mil

162: The Republic of Starlight Roleplay
Pop: 347 Mil

163: The Republic of Sterilis
Pop: 100 Mil

164: The Free Land of Stinkville
Pop: 443 Mil

165: The Republic of Syaftyn
Pop: 494 Mil

166: The Empire of Syria Republic
Pop: 20 Mil

167: The Holy Empire of Tagola
Pop: 40 Mil

168: The Eternal Deep State of Taishibeth
Pop: 15,096 Mil

169: The Union of Cosmopolitan States of Technogium
Pop: 3,400 Mil

170: The Armed Republic of Tetra II Remnants
Pop: 2,390 Mil

171: The Confederacy of The Alter World
Pop: 464 Mil

172: The Allied States of The Black Armada
Pop: 45 Mil

173: The Interstellar Phage State of The Caravases
Pop: 9,151 Mil

174: The Starlight Recruiter of The Duck that Meows
Pop: 3,629 Mil

175: The Triune Circle of The Eternal Starlight
Pop: 1,209 Mil

176: The Kingdom of The gevonisic
Pop: 18 Mil

177: The Kingdom of The Greater Realms
Pop: 109 Mil

178: The Dictatorship of The Iron Dominion of Zarnax
Pop: 36 Mil

179: The Commonwealth of The Landrii
Pop: 357 Mil

180: The Protectorate of The Long Isles
Pop: 324 Mil

181: The Principality of The Niue Isles
Pop: 20 Mil

182: The All-Consuming Gray Clouds of The Omniswarm
Pop: 728 Mil

183: The People's Republic of The Peoples Red State
Pop: 16 Mil

184: The Community of The Protective Dome
Pop: 10 Mil

185: The Holy Empire of The quasi-real dimension
Pop: 18 Mil

186: The Technocracy of The Singularity Core
Pop: 4,825 Mil

187: The Empire of The Stellarborn
Pop: 490 Mil

188: The Dominion of The Viridian Empire
Pop: 16 Mil

189: The Empire of Theleiser
Pop: 113 Mil

190: The Theocracy of Theoarchia
Pop: 250 Mil

191: The Federation of Toreta
Pop: 241 Mil

192: The Colony of Transhumanistanislavia
Pop: 245 Mil

193: The Federation of Tripelz
Pop: 12 Mil

194: The Matriarchy of Triune Circle
Pop: 534 Mil

195: The United Socialist States of Trouth Nees
Pop: 50 Mil

196: The Republic of United Stars Alliance
Pop: 466 Mil

197: The Federation of Vesperyna
Pop: 18 Mil

198: The Empire of Vintrel
Pop: 936 Mil

199: The Nomadic Peoples of Vitadel
Pop: 618 Mil

200: The Empire of Vixonia
Pop: 602 Mil

201: The Democratic Republic of Voltarasia
Pop: 45 Mil

202: The Democratic Republic of Voltarisia
Pop: 45 Mil

203: The Empire of Voped
Pop: 113 Mil

204: The Allied States of Xetinesia
Pop: 527 Mil

205: The People's Republic of Xylandra
Pop: 629 Mil

206: The Federation of Yumestia
Pop: 268 Mil

207: The Zephyrs of Zerph
Pop: 1,828 Mil

208: The People's Republic of Zineddine
Pop: 279 Mil

209: The Empire of ZioNima
Pop: 29 Mil

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