1: The Loving Couple of -ForThe-Future- Pop: 3,944 Mil 2: The Armed Republic of 59th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 752 Mil 3: The Republic of Aa 70 Pop: 181 Mil 4: The Empire of Aidan Riley Pop: 91 Mil 5: The Allied States of AIdenhahahahah Pop: 97 Mil 6: The Republic of Air TAF Pop: 1,180 Mil 7: The Kingdom of All Acadia Pop: 93 Mil 8: The Sultanate of Ancientania puppet Pop: 1,638 Mil 9: The Republic of Andreus Pop: 93 Mil 10: The Free Land of Arviessna Pop: 92 Mil 11: The Egoist of Aryu Jyubei Pop: 3,011 Mil 12: The Republic of Balmany Pop: 96 Mil 13: The Republic of Beating My Son Pop: 8,195 Mil 14: The Democratic States of Before the Law Pop: 1,813 Mil 15: The Sultanate of Black Lands of Finland Pop: 223 Mil 16: The Republic of Bobby Hill Pop: 1,678 Mil 17: The Republic of Bocchi13 Pop: 3,574 Mil 18: The Defensive End of Bryce Huff Pop: 1,059 Mil 19: The Republic of Cal IX Pop: 788 Mil 20: The Republic of Card puppet 26 Pop: 1,299 Mil 21: The Hall of Fame Defensive End of Carl Eller Pop: 1,592 Mil 22: The Dominion of Catlibia Pop: 5,842 Mil 23: The Principality of Craegsted Pop: 90 Mil 24: The Republic of DD 1 Pop: 2,301 Mil 25: The Republic of Dont know if its gonna be for my bosses Pop: 2,110 Mil 26: The Republic of Dountatus Pop: 589 Mil 27: The Rogue Nation of Dreao Pop: 94 Mil 28: The People's Republic of Ebrulland Pop: 115 Mil 29: The Empire of Edgarland19 Pop: 107 Mil 30: The Republic of Egg Nog Pop: 438 Mil 31: The United States of Faral and eepy9 Pop: 853 Mil 32: The Commonwealth of Federation of Antarctic Republics Pop: 103 Mil 33: The Haunted Realm of Gothtopia Pop: 831 Mil 34: The Oppressed Peoples of Greater Dingus Dentopia Pop: 1,669 Mil 35: The Fiefdom of GU 99th Fleet Pop: 1,436 Mil 36: The Empire of Gurnick Pop: 88 Mil 37: The Emirate of Helusistan Pop: 2,686 Mil 38: The Republic of HUR 1724 Pop: 8 Mil 39: The Federation of JAW Via Media Pop: 194 Mil 40: The Armed Republic of Karl von Bulow Pop: 3,573 Mil 41: The Theocracy of Kekistani Sandkickers Pop: 12,955 Mil 42: The Hall of Fame Safety of Kenny Easley Pop: 1,570 Mil 43: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN7 Pop: 4,616 Mil 44: The Democratic Republic of Kylve Doka Pop: 1,251 Mil 45: The Republic of Latrephee Pop: 295 Mil 46: The Lit Nerd Pun of Le Mort D-Auteur Pop: 2,504 Mil 47: The Hall of Fame Safety of LeRoy Butler Pop: 1,578 Mil 48: The Tumbling Trickster of Meerca Pop: 3,853 Mil 49: The Colony of Melwatze Pop: 3,876 Mil 50: The Head Coach of Mike MacDonald Pop: 1,643 Mil 51: The Kingdom of Montlac Pop: 108 Mil 52: The Commonwealth of Moresia Pop: 106 Mil 53: The Confederacy of Morioh X Pop: 1,155 Mil | 54: The Clergy of Nameless Ghoul IV Pop: 2,733 Mil 55: The Grand Duchy of Neo III Pop: 2,060 Mil 56: The Nomadic Peoples of Ng that one up we decided to throw ours Pop: 853 Mil 57: The Republic of Nnamdi Madubuike Pop: 737 Mil 58: The Allied States of Northern Julebuth Merndericus Pop: 2,238 Mil 59: The Confederacy of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Pop: 2,596 Mil 60: The Black Drum of Pogonias cromis Pop: 4,054 Mil 61: The Most Serene Republic of Princess XCVI Pop: 521 Mil 62: The Kingdom of QR-3 Pop: 540 Mil 63: The Kingdom of Quarter Pop: 1,701 Mil 64: The Incorporated States of Rocks and minerals Pop: 2,668 Mil 65: The Republic of Semiconductor Lover Pop: 2,991 Mil 66: The Rogue Nation of Sessrens Pop: 86 Mil 67: The Armed Republic of Shoronak Pop: 583 Mil 68: The People's Republic of Siqe Pop: 4,903 Mil 69: The Rogue Nation of Smaple Pop: 908 Mil 70: The Commonwealth of Smokee Nation Pop: 90 Mil 71: The Dominion of South Ekronia Pop: 485 Mil 72: The Theocracy of Soviet Zone of China Pop: 1,367 Mil 73: The Republic of Spirriyiiyiirisiyiyiiiri Pop: 2,500 Mil 74: The Borderlands of Standingel Pop: 2,803 Mil 75: The Republic of Steller Pop: 3,846 Mil 76: The Democratic States of SWITZERLANDDDD Pop: 925 Mil 77: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita XXXI Pop: 5,021 Mil 78: The United States of Teapeneion Pop: 8,869 Mil 79: The Incorporated States of The Big Bounce Pop: 2,563 Mil 80: The Emirate of The Cartoonist Pop: 2,475 Mil 81: The Picket of The Ecalpan Uchuugun 92nd Squadron Pop: 2,321 Mil 82: The Holy Empire of The first layer of Hell Pop: 214 Mil 83: The United Socialist States of The Ind Lundombiarzerpir Pop: 1,732 Mil 84: The Democratic Republic of The NeverLanb Pop: 92 Mil 85: The Most Serene Republic of The River Pop: 2,639 Mil 86: The Republic of The Sleeping Duck 29 Pop: 1,813 Mil 87: The Republic of The Swift Scythe Pop: 10,038 Mil 88: The Rogue Nation of Tom Cotton Pop: 1,045 Mil 89: The Empire of Tomatos Pop: 90 Mil 90: The Kingdom of Triveritar Pop: 202 Mil 91: The People's Republic of Union of KuragaiUnion of Kuragaia Pop: 86 Mil 92: The Republic of United Territories of Yoomp Pop: 587 Mil 93: The Principality of Utopian Uruguay Pop: 855 Mil 94: The Republic of VCC049 Pop: 184 Mil 95: The Republic of Vin Cries Pop: 3,506 Mil 96: The Republic of WC 215 Pop: 853 Mil 97: The Republic of WC 218 Pop: 863 Mil 98: The Armed Republic of Weitarawi VIII Pop: 1,670 Mil 99: The Republic of WF-9 Pop: 514 Mil 100: The Empire of Yamnayan Nationalists Pop: 1,690 Mil 101: The United Kingdom of Ynn222 Pop: 97 Mil 102: The Russo-Manchurian Republic of Zheltorossiya Project Pop: 3,718 Mil |