1: The People's Republic of -Gregoria Pop: 14,644 Mil 2: The Loving Couple of -Shipping-Fan- Pop: 8,394 Mil 3: The People's Republic of 31st Rostoran Strike Wing Pop: 2,719 Mil 4: The Empire of Aatrozka Pop: 8,889 Mil 5: The Democratic Republic of Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Abcdefghijk Pop: 7 Mil 6: The Republic of Abellion Pop: 613 Mil 7: The Socialist Republic of Abiyna Pop: 729 Mil 8: The Pеoplе's Rеpublic of Acadiane Pop: 3,221 Mil 9: The People's Republic of Advess Oer Pop: 18 Mil 10: The United Socialist States of Aealend Pop: 190 Mil 11: The United States of African Socialist Republics Pop: 93 Mil 12: The People's Republic of Agania Pop: 4,932 Mil 13: The Free Land of Agarian State Industries Pop: 142 Mil 14: The United Federal Republic of Aguacada Pop: 2,094 Mil 15: The Gengineer Republic of Aigania3 Pop: 4,698 Mil 16: The Democratic Republic of Aiyra Ipara Pop: 822 Mil 17: The People's Republic of Akakusi Pop: 1,009 Mil 18: The Proletarian Republic of Akiviet Pop: 15,218 Mil 19: The Republic of Alamathy Pop: 69 Mil 20: The Free Land of Aland Einguis Pop: 7,898 Mil 21: The People's Republic of Albariats Pop: 26 Mil 22: The Republic of Albecia Pop: 652 Mil 23: The United Socialist States of Alexiania Pop: 85 Mil 24: The People's Republic of Alkebu Pop: 3,278 Mil 25: The Soviet Socialist Republic of Alkyndorr Pop: 7,453 Mil 26: The People's Republic of Almograd Pop: 824 Mil 27: The United Socialist States of Altalus 1st Air Brigade Pop: 424 Mil 28: The United Socialist States of Altalus 2nd Air Brigade Pop: 20 Mil 29: The United Socialist States of Altalus in TCB Pop: 23 Mil 30: The Socialismo of AlwaLov Pop: 3,533 Mil 31: The United Socialist States of Amanamand Pop: 5,503 Mil 32: The Kingdom of Amber and Night Pop: 465 Mil 33: The United Socialist States of Amfleet Pop: 1,408 Mil 34: The Borderlands of Amphibian Manifesto Pop: 5,739 Mil 35: The Solidarity Republic of Anarcheta-Kommun Pop: 1,606 Mil 36: The Confederation of Anarchist Congo Pop: 2,759 Mil 37: The Workers Organizations of Anarquist Pop: 8,024 Mil 38: The Democratic Republic of Andifa Pop: 10,013 Mil 39: The United Islands of Andrethia Pop: 3,908 Mil 40: The Federation of Anglo-Celtic Isles Pop: 1,598 Mil 41: The Democratic Republic of Anglosio Pop: 62 Mil 42: The People's Republic of Ania Itary Pop: 3,065 Mil 43: The People's Federal Republic of Annor Londo Pop: 1,274 Mil 44: The People's Republic of Anrango Pop: 29 Mil 45: The People's Democratic Republic of Antifascism Pop: 24,602 Mil 46: The Free Land of Antracitia Pop: 11,130 Mil 47: The Commonwealth of Apaloosa Pop: 194 Mil 48: The Enemies Sleepover Union of Apokstov Pop: 1,071 Mil 49: The Loose Configuration of Appalachian Townships Pop: 1,327 Mil 50: The United Socialist States of Aquelistan Pop: 1,839 Mil 51: The Community of Arabaster Pop: 737 Mil 52: The People's Republic of Arajia Pop: 3,323 Mil 53: The Pirate's Republic of Archalit Pop: 11,147 Mil 54: The Republic of Archive of the Communist Bloc Pop: 453 Mil 55: The Transgender Soviet LARPer of Arcturus Novus Pop: 28,088 Mil 56: The Federation of Argon Federation Pop: 2,418 Mil 57: The People's Republic of Arkostok Pop: 163 Mil 58: The People's Republic of Arkozhia Pop: 6,299 Mil 59: The Federation of Armazonia Pop: 1,931 Mil 60: The Soviet Republic of Armeattla Pop: 9,048 Mil 61: The Democratic Republic of Arovannea Pop: 177 Mil 62: The People's Republic of Artotzkan Pop: 8,429 Mil 63: The Socialist Republic of Arulo Pop: 5,071 Mil 64: The People's Republic of Asatristan Pop: 711 Mil 65: The People's United Soviets of Asenusia Pop: 2,828 Mil 66: The Federal Republic of Ashburg Pop: 1,914 Mil 67: The Dictatorship of Ashuzakia Pop: 1,676 Mil 68: The Democratic States of Ashyea Pop: 518 Mil 69: The Great Empire of Asinland Pop: 25,082 Mil 70: The Matriarchy of Asteycia Pop: 4,864 Mil 71: The Industrial Union of Asturlonia Pop: 1,437 Mil 72: The People's Republic of Ataral Pop: 5,743 Mil 73: The Federal Socialist Republic of Atlanc Pop: 3,918 Mil 74: The Protectorate of Aurisca Pop: 29 Mil 75: The Community of Aurora Socialista Pop: 86 Mil 76: The First Republic of Auvernhat Pop: 1,833 Mil 77: The Republic of Avanguard city Pop: 18,644 Mil 78: The People's Republic of Averyickan City Pop: 9,530 Mil 79: The Federation of Avireil Pop: 91 Mil 80: The United States of Avizcia Pop: 395 Mil 81: The People's Socialist Republic of Balkan Free People Pop: 2,511 Mil 82: The Hell Hole of Ballsmanvill Pop: 1,514 Mil 83: The Republic of Bapabeepolor Pop: 4,033 Mil 84: The Democratic States of Barneys Motherland Pop: 2,012 Mil 85: The Federal Republic of Basilei Pop: 4,089 Mil 86: The Proletarian Dictatorship of Baskar Pop: 6,512 Mil 87: The Free Land of Bassawia Pop: 81 Mil 88: The United Socialist Councils of Bastionias Pop: 1,605 Mil 89: The Republic of Baustria Pop: 40 Mil 90: The United States of Bayern and Franken Pop: 82 Mil 91: The Principality of Bealan Pop: 459 Mil 92: The Free Land of Bearfall Pop: 1,407 Mil 93: The Besties Sleepover Union of Beaufourtopia Pop: 1,222 Mil 94: The Socialist Republic of Bel-zonte Pop: 1,597 Mil 95: The Kingdom of Belbeck Pop: 9 Mil 96: The People's Republic of Belford Rubro Pop: 686 Mil 97: The Democratic People's Republic of Berlin Commune Pop: 8,970 Mil 98: The Totalitarian Dictatorship of Berscovia Pop: 6,066 Mil 99: The Republic of Bingleborpia Pop: 2,934 Mil 100: The United Socialist States of Bittrelia Pop: 6 Mil 101: The Community of Black Army Territories Pop: 3,059 Mil 102: The United Socialist States of Blain Spand Pop: 56 Mil 103: The Socialist Union of Blaist Blaland Pop: 28,919 Mil 104: The United Socialist States of Bleppers Pop: 1,693 Mil 105: The Community of Blessed Anarchic Commune of Michigania Pop: 5,034 Mil 106: The Carnival of Blotting Pop: 19,790 Mil 107: The United Socialist States of Bobismh Pop: 2,887 Mil 108: The Republic of Bobsen Pop: 156 Mil 109: The Republic of BobTheChicken Pop: 1,116 Mil 110: The People's Unions of Bolian island Pop: 18,151 Mil 111: The Disputed Territories of Boreal Korea Pop: 597 Mil 112: The Autonomous Federation of Borealian Communes Pop: 7,094 Mil 113: The Socialist Federal Republic of Brauengen Pop: 7,242 Mil 114: The People's Republic of Bronze Islands Pop: 903 Mil 115: The United Socialist States of Bungle Republic Pop: 6,901 Mil 116: The Free Land of Buntergue Pop: 1,594 Mil 117: The Ravaging Red Realm of BurgStates Pop: 3,504 Mil 118: The Federation of Caelestisa Pop: 3,179 Mil 119: The People's Republic of Cagliana Pop: 4,137 Mil 120: The United Socialist States of Calinoaka Pop: 29 Mil 121: The People's Federation of Canadian Democratic Union Pop: 4,835 Mil 122: The Matriarchy of Candrisia Pop: 353 Mil 123: The Maritime Republic of Cannon Land Pop: 6,054 Mil 124: The Confederation of Capella Pop: 5,681 Mil 125: The Democratic Republic of Capitalist Shrenshinka Pop: 1,246 Mil 126: The People's Republic of Capykar Pop: 278 Mil 127: The Communist Proletarian Union of Carrico Pop: 16,714 Mil 128: The United Socialist States of Carstistan Pop: 415 Mil 129: The People's Republic of Cecez Pop: 2,308 Mil 130: The Democratic Republic of Ceiltain Pop: 2,162 Mil 131: The Empire of Centantopia Pop: 16 Mil 132: The People's Republic of Central Dagarria Pop: 20 Mil 133: The Republic of Cervennia Pop: 138 Mil 134: The People's Republic of Chad Jamahiriya Pop: 600 Mil 135: The Grand Socialist Republic of Chalredonia Pop: 21,370 Mil 136: The United Socialist States of Changeling Hives Pop: 9,259 Mil 137: The People's Republic of Changolandia Pop: 13,272 Mil 138: The Dictatorship of Chantovia Pop: 40 Mil 139: The People's Republic of Chicago Gangers Pop: 20 Mil 140: The Sultanate of Chiliso Pop: 7 Mil 141: The Democratic Republic of Chimax Pop: 4,902 Mil 142: The Holy Empire of ChingChong Chang Pop: 119 Mil 143: The Republic of Chios Pop: 1,143 Mil 144: The Peoples Socialist Republic of Cholekiagrad Pop: 3,641 Mil 145: The People's Republic of Chongro Pop: 4,994 Mil 146: The Holy Empire of Chow Mein Pop: 40 Mil 147: The People's Republic of Chronotopica Pop: 3,943 Mil 148: The Republic of Clawstria Pop: 460 Mil 149: The Federation of Cohiene Council States Pop: 1,807 Mil 150: The Community of Comancon Pop: 12,730 Mil 151: The Democratic States of Communes of the world Pop: 2,389 Mil 152: The Community of Communist Catboys Pop: 2,100 Mil 153: The Republic of Communist Kaskaadia Pop: 182 Mil 154: The Democratic People's Republic of Communist Shrenshinka Pop: 1,226 Mil 155: The The crazy Marxist land of Communist-Union Pop: 17,883 Mil 156: The Nation of Communistic Barbarians Pop: 5,610 Mil 157: The Republic of Comrade Musa Pop: 4,782 Mil 158: The Union of Socialist Republics of Comunistta Pop: 10,281 Mil 159: The ???????????????????????? ??? of Comuny Pop: 6,277 Mil 160: The United Socialist States of Controversial Pop: 1,120 Mil 161: The Council Confederation of Corbeaux Communiste Pop: 2,250 Mil 162: The Socialist Republic of Coressimo Pop: 11,856 Mil 163: The Principality of Cornwallis Bay Pop: 8,881 Mil 164: The Grand Duchy of Countrylandistanstan Pop: 32 Mil 165: The Republic of Courelli in TCB Pop: 9,567 Mil 166: The People's Republic of Cracker Florida Pop: 32 Mil 167: The Free Land of Creamer Nation Pop: 292 Mil 168: The United Socialist States of Crisantemo13 Pop: 4,617 Mil 169: The Steel Heart of Crobia che Lambur Pop: 6,858 Mil 170: The Protectorate of Cuprador Pop: 125 Mil 171: The United Socialist States of Cyberopolis Pop: 410 Mil 172: The United Socialist Republics of Cymbrian Pop: 2,770 Mil 173: The Emergency State of Cynoslavia Pop: 1,616 Mil 174: The Soviet Socialist Federation of Czecho-Slovakian Union Pop: 6,852 Mil 175: The Socialist Republic of Czecho-slovako-carpathia Pop: 3,545 Mil 176: The Confederacy of DAANES Pop: 18 Mil 177: The Pink Lucky Christmas of Dacaro Pop: 5,354 Mil 178: The Democratic States of Dalaw Pop: 50 Mil 179: The Socialist States of Danubian Soviets Pop: 1,883 Mil 180: The Little Devils of Dargazu Pop: 4,429 Mil 181: The Socialist Republic of Darsavia Pop: 2,300 Mil 182: The Commonwealth of Dawncaster Pop: 4,906 Mil 183: The People's Republic of De Lut Pop: 371 Mil 184: The United Socialist States of Debordan Pop: 12,000 Mil 185: The United Socialist States of Dejiland Pop: 2,614 Mil 186: The People's Republic of Democracy Is Overrated Pop: 12,954 Mil 187: The Republic of Democratic Angkor Pop: 442 Mil 188: The Federation of Democratic Communities in Staor Trana Pop: 290 Mil 189: The Free Land of Democratic Peoples Republic 0f Korea Pop: 5,727 Mil 190: The Dictatorship of Democratic Peoples Republic of Mizrahia Pop: 4,523 Mil 191: The Democratic Republic of Democratic Republic of Acember Pop: 2,893 Mil 192: The People's Republic of Democratic Republic of Kowloon Pop: 153 Mil 193: The Secessionist Teenager of Departmentstad Pop: 2,910 Mil 194: The Commonwealth of Derewat Pop: 573 Mil 195: The Union of Derlian social Republic Pop: 6,559 Mil 196: The Federal Republic of Dethera Pop: 1,972 Mil 197: The Totalist State of Dindrenzi Pop: 19,895 Mil 198: The Commonwealth of Dinosauriaa Pop: 7,382 Mil 199: The Free Communes of Discordiaan Pop: 921 Mil 200: The Rogue Nation of Divjaki Pop: 74 Mil 201: The Union of Socialist Republic of Doclabinhduong Pop: 3,603 Mil 202: The United Socialist States of Doultrenia Pop: 17,497 Mil 203: The Democratic People's Republic of DPR Lechia Pop: 1,355 Mil 204: The Democratic Republic of DR Germany Pop: 3,432 Mil 205: The United Socialist States of Drancia Pop: 2,063 Mil 206: The Allied States of Drancron Pop: 1,089 Mil 207: The United Socialist States of Drovaa Pop: 262 Mil 208: The Free Land of Drul Bria Pop: 5,437 Mil 209: The Kindred Communes of Drumrum Pop: 3,912 Mil 210: The Great Union of Duckerin Pop: 2,779 Mil 211: The United Socialist States of Dulroth Pop: 246 Mil 212: The Republic of Dvin Worni Pop: 36 Mil 213: The Great State of Dzuk Pop: 3,823 Mil 214: The People's Republic of Earth Sol III Pop: 3,998 Mil 215: The Big Brother State of East Arcadia Pop: 738 Mil 216: The People's Republic of East Koningsberg Pop: 1,608 Mil 217: The People's Republic of East Radivia Pop: 4,850 Mil 218: The People's Republic of East Rarity Pop: 470 Mil 219: The Kingdom of East Sternwich Pop: 532 Mil 220: The Federal Peoples Republic of East Trussia Pop: 2,485 Mil 221: The People's Republic of Eastern Aebnyza Pop: 903 Mil 222: The Republican Chinese Region of of Eastern China Desert Pop: 2,030 Mil 223: The United States of of Eastern Octechokofnatsses Pop: 4,190 Mil 224: The People's Republic of Eastern Radiance Pop: 156 Mil 225: The Republic of Eastern Woratiell Pop: 948 Mil 226: The Republic of EBB-8479263 Pop: 7,173 Mil 227: The Dictatorship of Ecoauthoritarianism Pop: 6 Mil 228: The Federation of Edelham socialist Pop: 26 Mil 229: The Community of Educated Westarians Pop: 427 Mil 230: The United Socialist States of Eepyy Pop: 916 Mil 231: The Red and Black Union of Egaleca Pop: 8,912 Mil 232: The Armed Republic of EGGSSS Pop: 570 Mil 233: The Community of Ego Seld Bly Pop: 1,768 Mil 234: The Republic of Egros Pop: 10,633 Mil 235: The People's Republic of Eichrek Pop: 1,494 Mil 236: The Poor Lonesome Cowboy of Einzelganger Pop: 29,292 Mil 237: The Armed Republic of Eirborea Pop: 707 Mil 238: The Community of Eirdonienia Pop: 73 Mil 239: The Autonomous Republic of Ekkronomya Pop: 5,674 Mil 240: The Grand Commune of Eleutherya Pop: 10,551 Mil 241: The People's Republic of Ellietopia Pop: 3,307 Mil 242: The Empire of Elliottopia Pop: 14 Mil 243: The People's Republic of Elsass-Lotharingen Pop: 118 Mil 244: The Socialist Republic of Elsywer Pop: 15,277 Mil 245: The Armed Republic of Emi Cse Bakay Pop: 2,354 Mil 246: The United Socialist States of Encaoua Pop: 2,185 Mil 247: The Revolutionary People's State of Entisia Pop: 1,200 Mil 248: The United Socialist States of Epryae Pop: 197 Mil 249: The Noble House of Eramuscas Pop: 22,663 Mil 250: The United Socialist States of Erklentia Pop: 488 Mil 251: The Free Land of Erolla Pop: 681 Mil 252: The Rep?blica of Eskarlovakia Pop: 6,596 Mil 253: The Socialist Federation of Eskian Pop: 8,644 Mil 254: The People's Republic of Esperianza Pop: 1,702 Mil 255: The Rep?blica Federal of Estados Socialistas Unidos de Iberia Pop: 5,407 Mil 256: The New Democracy of Estau Pop: 14,675 Mil 257: The Holy Empire of Estonia federation Pop: 76 Mil 258: The Proletarian Republic of Euchora Pop: 2,298 Mil 259: The Tanfolian Constituency of Eudo Craia Pop: 3,978 Mil 260: The United Socialist States of Eurothia Pop: 45 Mil 261: The United Socialist States of Eussan Pop: 951 Mil 262: The United States of Evante Pop: 1,237 Mil 263: The Union of Exania Pop: 10,139 Mil 264: The People's Socialist Party of Ezaakaan Pop: 4,860 Mil 265: The People's Republic of Ezastria Pop: 124 Mil 266: The Free Land of Faelli Pop: 1,954 Mil 267: The Democratic States of Federal Republic of Aquileia Pop: 7,248 Mil 268: The FR of Federal Republic of Rogarland Pop: 19,848 Mil 269: The Cheka of Felix Dzerzhinsky Pop: 33,102 Mil 270: The Commonwealth of Femboy Republics Pop: 907 Mil 271: The Duel Principality of Femphalia-Femboibergstettn Pop: 3,019 Mil 272: The Social Democratic Monarchy of Ferganistan Pop: 2,518 Mil 273: The Federation of Ferrish States Pop: 18,868 Mil 274: The Federal Peoples Commonwealth of Ferrumia Pop: 5,688 Mil 275: The Free Land of Festaria Pop: 317 Mil 276: The Republic of Figarglyfynciennadanordia Pop: 17,526 Mil 277: The Republic of Finland I Pop: 29 Mil 278: The People's Republic of Flendaria Pop: 2,689 Mil 279: The Confederacy of Floptokias Pop: 7 Mil 280: The Soviet Cats of Flyrinia Pop: 4,715 Mil 281: The People's Soviet Republic of Flyskistan Pop: 8,817 Mil 282: The Rogue Nation of Foxberite Pop: 505 Mil 283: The Democratic National State of Frastat Pop: 1,905 Mil 284: The Socialist Commonwealth of Free Astatontingedo Pop: 4,849 Mil 285: The People's Republic of Free Atlantic States Pop: 56 Mil 286: The Association of Free Collectives Pop: 6,824 Mil 287: The Worker's State of Free Laos Pop: 4,881 Mil 288: The Federation of Free Rebellion Pop: 9 Mil 289: The Nation of Free Workers Confederacy Pop: 10,759 Mil 290: The Democratic Republic of Freedalia Pop: 45 Mil 291: The Grand Duchy of Friedricksburg Pop: 5,025 Mil 292: The Revolutionary Underworld of Fritzergald Pop: 3,355 Mil 293: The Colony of Friule Pop: 6,125 Mil 294: The Republic of Furoro Pop: 56 Mil 295: The Matriarchy of Futhe Clanialand Pop: 2,386 Mil 296: The People's Republic of of Gabagoolonia Pop: 1,306 Mil 297: The Empire of Gabriel Giroux Pop: 14 Mil 298: The Planetary Combine of Gaia Zone Pop: 1,139 Mil 299: The People's Republic of Gallaecia Pop: 1,683 Mil 300: The Republic of Gamecheats Pop: 56 Mil 301: The Republic of Gavinolandian Giraffe Place 3 Pop: 16 Mil 302: The Green Republic of Gaybeans Pop: 4,729 Mil 303: The People's Democratic Republic of Geatlandia Pop: 7,246 Mil 304: The Democratic Republic of Gerch Sol Pop: 1,495 Mil 305: The Empire of German Peoples Imperial Union Pop: 172 Mil 306: The Republic of German Weimar Republic Pop: 2,526 Mil 307: The Rogue Nation of Getyothia Pop: 72 Mil 308: The People's Republic of Gichigamiing Pop: 254 Mil 309: The Level 99 Motherquake of GirlsAndGays Pop: 5,209 Mil 310: The Holy Camaraderie of GloriUous Mother Russia Pop: 7,322 Mil 311: The Dictatorship of Glorystan Pop: 7,000 Mil 312: The Federation of God valley Pop: 4,659 Mil 313: The Democratic Republic of Goldenbrig Pop: 353 Mil 314: The Intellectual Technocracy of Golf Ball Pop: 1,966 Mil 315: The United Socialist States of Gonzalos Pop: 7,647 Mil 316: The Holy Lands of Goryeo state Pop: 4,625 Mil 317: The Socialist Empire of Grapes Land Pop: 1,132 Mil 318: The Special Autonomous Commune of Great Vankor Pop: 7,610 Mil 319: The People's Republic of Greater Hongshan Pop: 10,962 Mil 320: The United Socialist States of Greater Litcha Pop: 185 Mil 321: The United Socialist States of Greater Marxistan Pop: 1,983 Mil 322: The People's Republic of Greater Pomland Pop: 9 Mil 323: The United Socialist States of Greater Revachol Industrial Harbor Pop: 62 Mil 324: The United Socialist States of Greater Rizia Pop: 253 Mil 325: The Federal Republic of Greater Shenyang Pop: 143 Mil 326: The People's Republic of Greater Stata chinae Pop: 2,445 Mil 327: The People's Republic of Greater Ural Pop: 356 Mil 328: The Socialist Republic of Greater Vietnamese Empire Pop: 6,091 Mil 329: The Social Republic of Grebanistan Pop: 7,665 Mil 330: The Holy Empire of Gregalia Pop: 7,095 Mil 331: The Free Land of Grystatniangandenstan Pop: 3,261 Mil 332: The Democratic People's Republic of Gwerq Pop: 5,168 Mil 333: The Incorporated States of Gyoula Pop: 2,694 Mil 334: The People's Republic of Hanabi Kuni Pop: 401 Mil 335: The United Socialist States of Hanener Pop: 2,293 Mil 336: The People's Republic of Hangeok Pop: 993 Mil 337: The Democratic Monarchy of Hardfres Pop: 5,231 Mil 338: The Peoples Republic of Harold Steptoe Pop: 27,319 Mil 339: The People's Republic of Hateration And Harlotry Pop: 164 Mil 340: The People's Republic of Hayira Pop: 1,322 Mil 341: The Proud Socialist Swaths of Hazards Pop: 870 Mil 342: The Republic of Heaka Pop: 685 Mil 343: The Empire of Heavenly Isle Pop: 1,951 Mil 344: The People's Republic of Heisen burg Pop: 3,078 Mil 345: The Plurinational Free-Land of Heitoria Pop: 6,739 Mil 346: The United Socialist States of Heltacto Pop: 6,696 Mil 347: The Most Serene Republic of Heretical Paradise Pop: 4,516 Mil 348: The Popular Front for Liberation of Holy Palestine Pop: 5,486 Mil 349: The Holy Empire of Holy Souru Pop: 682 Mil 350: The Republic of Holy Weslang Pop: 16,871 Mil 351: The Constitutional Monarchy of Hopenation Pop: 7 Mil 352: The People's Republic of Humblegrove Pop: 520 Mil 353: The People's Republic of Hwadong Pop: 488 Mil 354: The Commonwealth of Ibarabayashi Pop: 1,695 Mil 355: The People's Republic of Ideological Progress Pop: 23 Mil 356: The Empire of IdkNgl Pop: 6 Mil 357: The Republic of Illeron Pop: 19,778 Mil 358: The Federation of Ilyiv Pop: 507 Mil 359: The Revolutionary Collective of Imperial Northern States Pop: 23,809 Mil 360: The Galactic Empire of Imperialist Coruscant Pop: 3,865 Mil 361: The Armed Republic of Independent Nautilene Pop: 424 Mil 362: The Unitary Technate of Informacy Pop: 2,093 Mil 363: The Ministry of Information of the Communist Bloc Pop: 11,932 Mil 364: The Dominion of Ink Cloud Pop: 16,698 Mil 365: The Principality of INTERNAL SILK Pop: 523 Mil 366: The Confederal Council Republics of International Socialist Union Pop: 10,171 Mil 367: The People's Republic of Isle of Penguinia Pop: 1,258 Mil 368: The Republic of Isola del Sol Pop: 592 Mil 369: The Colony of ISSR Ambassador Pop: 778 Mil 370: The Confederacy of Jakestan Pop: 1,053 Mil 371: The People's Republic of Jarrahdale Pop: 474 Mil 372: The Free Land of Jasonoa Pop: 32 Mil 373: The Free Land of Jiblatania Pop: 14,721 Mil 374: The Communitarian Sophocracy of Jonbodia Pop: 26,577 Mil 375: The Community of Jooo Pop: 5,474 Mil 376: The People's Republic of Joseph World Pop: 13,932 Mil 377: The Excitement of Jubilation Pop: 15,456 Mil 378: The United Socialist States of Juche America Pop: 4,271 Mil 379: The Socialist Federal Republic of Jugoistocna Evropa Pop: 8,300 Mil 380: The United Collectives of Jum Vland Pop: 10,891 Mil 381: The United Socialist States of Junaar Staadnau Pop: 808 Mil 382: The Socialist Republic of Kabaragoya Pop: 10,861 Mil 383: The People's Republic of Kaejun Pop: 1,924 Mil 384: The Worker Republic of Kalachoo Pop: 3,718 Mil 385: The Socialist Republic of Kalahana Pop: 8,149 Mil 386: The People's Republic of Kaldara Pop: 76 Mil 387: The Democratic Federation of Kaldu Pop: 6,363 Mil 388: The Workers Council of Kalnaka Pop: 1,277 Mil 389: The People's Republic of Kalubya Pop: 511 Mil 390: The People's Republic of Kan Nesses Pop: 9,319 Mil 391: The Federation of Kandura Pop: 467 Mil 392: The Democratic Soviet Republic of Kanevria Pop: 4,106 Mil 393: The People's Dharmic Queendom of Kapilaranya Pop: 4,946 Mil 394: The Federal Republic of Karelianastan Pop: 14,669 Mil 395: The Federative Soviet Republic of Kazakhstanska Pop: 1,877 Mil 396: The Democratic Peoples Republic of Keaben Pop: 5,856 Mil 397: The Socialist Republic of Keaparity Pop: 10,508 Mil 398: The Transitional Principality of Kentlund Pop: 15,093 Mil 399: The Dictatorship of Ker De Toten Pop: 8,061 Mil 400: The Republic of Kerlin Islands Pop: 224 Mil 401: The United Socialist States of Keta Ashastale Pop: 26 Mil 402: The Prosperous Land of Kethania Pop: 20,425 Mil 403: The Federation of Khardsland Pop: 5,878 Mil 404: The United Socialist States of Khazhkhovija Pop: 2,762 Mil 405: The People's Republic of Khrushchyovkastan Pop: 9,049 Mil 406: The Republic of Kilima Pop: 23 Mil 407: The People's Republic of Kilmtopia Pop: 938 Mil 408: The Second Stanian Empire of Kingdom of Voidstania Pop: 7,392 Mil 409: The Commonwealth of Kireerva Pop: 5,984 Mil 410: The Fortress State of Kiroloyvia Pop: 5,419 Mil 411: The People's Justice of Kirrlark Pop: 5,998 Mil 412: The People's Republic of Kitchen Nation Pop: 18,889 Mil 413: The Pink Holy Lucky Christmas of Kittyuwu Pop: 3,976 Mil 414: The United Socialist States of Klugheit Edukado Pop: 462 Mil 415: The Community of KNCP Russian People Pop: 443 Mil 416: The People's Collective of Knuckles the Hedgehog Pop: 5,707 Mil 417: The United States of Koboldtopia Pop: 6,465 Mil 418: The Kingdom of Kobrealurra Pop: 17,596 Mil 419: The Most Serene Republic of Kolinesia Pop: 274 Mil 420: The Octopolis of Kolyagrad Pop: 19,050 Mil 421: The United Socialist States of Kommunisk Pop: 88 Mil 422: The Free Land of KongChan Pop: 5,494 Mil 423: The Peoples CommonWealth of Koodcistand Pop: 2,700 Mil 424: The United Socialist States of Kormishian Pop: 205 Mil 425: The Republic of Kormund Pop: 490 Mil 426: The Nomadic Peoples of Koshuri Pop: 13,697 Mil 427: The Community of Kouvola Commune Pop: 2,559 Mil 428: The Free Soviet Tribal Councils of Krajzovda Pop: 4,342 Mil 429: The Doing Lenin's Work of Krasny Oktyabr Pop: 7,679 Mil 430: The Commonwealth of Kreluski Pop: 176 Mil 431: The People's Republic of Kryats Pop: 272 Mil 432: The Working People's Republic of KuLuxi Pop: 6,540 Mil 433: The Bio-Communist Ecoregion of Kuukamonga Pop: 5,946 Mil 434: The Democratic Republic of Kvitsar Pop: 74 Mil 435: The United States of Kymenlia Pop: 538 Mil 436: The Proletarian Republic of Kyriarsk Pop: 1,847 Mil 437: The Republic of La qasta la quawit Pop: 45 Mil 438: The United Socialist States of Last Outer Heaven Pop: 19,391 Mil 439: The Socialist Kingdom of Latiet Pop: 8,456 Mil 440: The People's Republic of Latvanian Socialist Republic Pop: 5,601 Mil 441: The People's Republic of Laurentian Valley Pop: 1,673 Mil 442: The Soviet Socialist Republic of Lazzaro Pop: 11,353 Mil 443: The Unlimited Speed Roads of Le Car Pop: 6,497 Mil 444: The Union of Lemon Soviet Socialist Republics Pop: 2,686 Mil 445: The Empire of Lemoniie Pop: 1,104 Mil 446: The Leninist Republic of Leninstadt Pop: 1,472 Mil 447: The Confederacy of Leonardopolis Pop: 8,546 Mil 448: The Federation of Lesser Gondola Pop: 802 Mil 449: The United Socialist States of Letrian Pop: 475 Mil 450: The Community of Liberated Humankind Pop: 29 Mil 451: The People's Republic of Liberatores Spei Pop: 86 Mil 452: The Socialist Republic of of Libercivita Pop: 1,889 Mil 453: The Democratic States of Libereuropa Pop: 68 Mil 454: The People's Republic of Libisia Pop: 2,988 Mil 455: The Community of Life and Survival Pop: 56 Mil 456: The Community of Lightine Pop: 1,765 Mil 457: The Republic of Lightning Dasher Pop: 11,764 Mil 458: The Reusable Bamboo Spoons of Likhinia Pop: 5,349 Mil 459: The Gay Socialist Republic of Liliumtopia Pop: 18,668 Mil 460: The United Socialist States of Litochuv Pop: 3,542 Mil 461: The Rogue Nation of Little Acrimonia Pop: 757 Mil 462: The Federal Socialist Republic of Livetia Pop: 2,338 Mil 463: The Syndicalist Federations of Lorthanien Pop: 18,133 Mil 464: The People's Republic of Lortonica Pop: 2,007 Mil 465: The United Socialist States of Loruch Elidgevr Pop: 1,159 Mil 466: The Community of Los Bedford Pop: 105 Mil 467: The People's Democratic Republic of Losche Pop: 6,193 Mil 468: The Colony of LouFFF Pop: 753 Mil 469: The Democratic Republic of Lucaasasia Pop: 8,629 Mil 470: The United Socialist States of Lucyia Pop: 14 Mil 471: The Autonomous Republic of Luhanyyhm Pop: 5,698 Mil 472: The United Socialist States of Luminira Pop: 292 Mil 473: The Community of Lunarres Pop: 435 Mil 474: The Federation of Lycetia Pop: 319 Mil 475: The Republic of Lygethia Pop: 662 Mil 476: The People's Republic of M a i t a Pop: 298 Mil 477: The Ma pali jan of Ma pi kulupu Pop: 5,861 Mil 478: The Socialist Republic of Macedonia2 Pop: 6,432 Mil 479: The Sporadic Seccessionist State of MacEnthailand Pop: 24,194 Mil 480: The People's Republic of Maconholandia Pop: 40 Mil 481: The Holy Empire of Malaya Communism Pop: 6,913 Mil 482: The People's Republic of Malayavipa Pop: 827 Mil 483: The Democratic States of Mallardairia Pop: 75 Mil 484: The United Socialist States of Mallenda Pop: 2,596 Mil 485: The Socialist Federation of Malvakia Pop: 21,348 Mil 486: The People's Republic of Manawskistan Pop: 8,987 Mil 487: The Matriarchy of Margalida Pop: 471 Mil 488: The Socialist State of Markadan Pop: 7,749 Mil 489: The Confederation of Markev Pop: 31,659 Mil 490: The Socialist Confederation of Markevia Pop: 30,693 Mil 491: The Republic of Marrokland Pop: 373 Mil 492: The Proletarian Dictatorship of Martanat Pop: 6,017 Mil 493: The United Socialist States of Marx And Workers Pop: 182 Mil 494: The United Socialist States of Marx Nation Pop: 14,649 Mil 495: The Free and Populist Republic of Marxeilles Pop: 11,817 Mil 496: The United Socialist States of Marxia Lenina Pop: 2,078 Mil 497: The Federal Republic of Masitonia Pop: 29 Mil 498: The Community of Maskelyne Pop: 7,429 Mil 499: The Commonwealth of Matak Pop: 7 Mil 500: The People's Republic of Maxuus Pop: 10,979 Mil 501: The United Socialist States of Melonsistan Pop: 5,220 Mil 502: The Democratic Republic of Menschany Pop: 160 Mil 503: The Socialist Empire of Merijnteren Empire Pop: 5,902 Mil 504: The United Socialist States of Metrocigashamoia Pop: 90 Mil 505: The Penumbral Elysium of Mhaewrith Pop: 632 Mil 506: The Gay Woke Brats of Michelsland Pop: 7,485 Mil 507: The Community of Michimoth Pop: 273 Mil 508: The Technate of Mikustania Pop: 2,955 Mil 509: The People's Republic of Milkau Pop: 4,589 Mil 510: The Confederated Communes of Minahasa Pop: 19,888 Mil 511: The Matriarchy of Mirinesu Pop: 2,629 Mil 512: The Buttmonwealth of Miss New Booty Pop: 4,681 Mil 513: The People's Federation of Mitroland Pop: 7,823 Mil 514: The Community of ML Library Pop: 2,432 Mil | 515: The Red Bureaucratic Empire of Mockba Pop: 3,172 Mil 516: The Socialist Republic of Modelia Pop: 4,326 Mil 517: The Grand Duchy of Mon Mothma Pop: 1,474 Mil 518: The Dictatorship of Monarchy Singapore Pop: 5,505 Mil 519: The Allied States of Moniviala Pop: 438 Mil 520: The Community of Monotopani Pop: 6 Mil 521: The United Socialist States of Moodova Pop: 293 Mil 522: The Democratic Republic of Moonguy Pop: 5,736 Mil 523: The Island Communities of Mrunth Pop: 3,502 Mil 524: The Rogue Nation of MSN92 Pop: 4,822 Mil 525: The League of Mukidonia Pop: 7,094 Mil 526: The Democratic Free Republic of Muxmanshiaville Pop: 1,420 Mil 527: The Community of Mweleni Pop: 163 Mil 528: The Socialist people's state of Mypixel Pop: 6,268 Mil 529: The Socialismaj Teritorioj of Nacupopej Pop: 1,445 Mil 530: The People's Republic of NaKyEt Pop: 29 Mil 531: The Republic of Narticol Pop: 10,503 Mil 532: The Democratic Republic of Nasvegvoy Pop: 87 Mil 533: The Socialist Union of National republic of Vietnam Pop: 924 Mil 534: The People's Republic of Naulakha Pop: 85 Mil 535: The Democratic Republic of Neo Africa Pop: 2,661 Mil 536: The Socialist Republic of Neo Combine Pop: 16,232 Mil 537: The Most Serene Republic of Neo Palestine Pop: 186 Mil 538: The Commonwealth of Neo-Esoteria Pop: 5,753 Mil 539: The Federation of Neo-Galicia Pop: 361 Mil 540: The People's Republic of Nerias Pop: 2,181 Mil 541: The Retro-Futuristic Starship of New Astri Pop: 8,964 Mil 542: The United Provinces of New Balan Lib Pop: 3,256 Mil 543: The Independent State of New Catarina Pop: 7,545 Mil 544: The Federal Planetary Republic of New Crimson Pop: 3,504 Mil 545: The Utopia of New Europe Union Pop: 13,745 Mil 546: The Anarcho-Monarchist Commune of New Halliningrad Pop: 5,170 Mil 547: The Republic of New Kiumper Pinesland Pop: 4,711 Mil 548: The Federal Republic of New Lukhai Pop: 92 Mil 549: The A democratic State of New Modriudor Pop: 5,417 Mil 550: The United States of New Olex Pop: 93 Mil 551: The Empire of New Pabustan Pop: 321 Mil 552: The Armed Republic of New Peapit Peo Pop: 114 Mil 553: The People's Republic of New Reky Pop: 3,929 Mil 554: The United Socialist States of New Rusviet People Federation Pop: 917 Mil 555: The Grand Duchy of New Southern Potatoland Pop: 1,029 Mil 556: The People's Socialist Republic of New Soviet States of America Pop: 19,023 Mil 557: The People's Republic of New Swogenvita Pop: 363 Mil 558: The Commonwealth of New Varchi Pop: 5,861 Mil 559: The Cooperative Commonwealth of New Yankmoth Pop: 522 Mil 560: The Socialist State of New Yazministan Pop: 4,015 Mil 561: The Federal Parliamentary Union of New Zealandinia Pop: 11,290 Mil 562: The Democratic Republic of New-Taiwan Pop: 1,397 Mil 563: The Democratic Republic of Newfoundland Peoples Republic Pop: 112 Mil 564: The United Socialist States of Newmanor Pop: 1,485 Mil 565: The Republic of Nexustopia Pop: 308 Mil 566: The Republic of Nieusin Socialism Repubic Pop: 1,271 Mil 567: The People's Republic of Nilave Pop: 453 Mil 568: The Soviet Security Agency of NKVD Pop: 4,847 Mil 569: The Soviet Republic of Noachia Pop: 3,046 Mil 570: The Queendom of Nokturnera Pop: 1,830 Mil 571: The Dystopian Dictatorship of Non-uruguay lol Pop: 3,407 Mil 572: The Commune Republic of Nongmin Pop: 605 Mil 573: The Kingdom of Nordgardia Pop: 20,234 Mil 574: The Peoples Republic of North Fluedan Pop: 16,126 Mil 575: The Borderlands of North Goikian Surge-Bomber Pop: 1,685 Mil 576: The Progressive Socialist Union of North Goiky Pop: 2,064 Mil 577: The Excellence of North Happy Land Pop: 8,821 Mil 578: The People's Republic of North-East New South Wales Pop: 306 Mil 579: The Borderlands of Northern Port Pop: 196 Mil 580: The United Socialist States of Northern Sonia Pop: 132 Mil 581: The People's Republic of Northern Sutra Pop: 636 Mil 582: The People's Republic of Noscivitus Pop: 10 Mil 583: The Democratic Republic of Notas tcb nation Pop: 4,049 Mil 584: The Socialist Federal Republic of Nouvelle-Louisbourg Pop: 7,570 Mil 585: The People's Republic of Nova Commune Pop: 651 Mil 586: The Republic of Novo YugoslavUnion Pop: 4,509 Mil 587: The People's Republic of Novocroatia Pop: 699 Mil 588: The People's Republic of Novopangaea Pop: 22,198 Mil 589: The People's Socialist Republic of Novostolka Pop: 824 Mil 590: The Peoples Monarchy of Novrystan Pop: 1,941 Mil 591: The Comunidad Popular of Nueva Zulia Pop: 10,275 Mil 592: The Community of Nughberg Pop: 9,124 Mil 593: The People's Republic of Nugland Pop: 825 Mil 594: The People's Republic of Nur Sultan Pop: 1,945 Mil 595: The Dictatorship of Occhio Imperiale Pop: 12 Mil 596: The People's Republic of Occitanian Provinces Pop: 222 Mil 597: The Federation of Oddernia Pop: 5,018 Mil 598: The Municipalismo Libertario of Odisseo Pop: 2,678 Mil 599: The Republic of Of Scotland free resistance Pop: 6 Mil 600: The Socialist republic of Of Solania Pop: 8,029 Mil 601: The Bolivarian People's Union of Of The Ursalian Federation Pop: 4,201 Mil 602: The Socialist Armed Republic of Ofristan Pop: 2,989 Mil 603: The Federal Republic of Olanea Pop: 244 Mil 604: The United Socialist States of Old Jeresy Pop: 3,944 Mil 605: The Stalwart Pilots of Old Jeresyian Reconnaissance Squadron Pop: 3,199 Mil 606: The People's Republic of Omnesgratis Pop: 4,415 Mil 607: The Collective Special Districts of Omnipearl Pop: 1,879 Mil 608: The United Socialist States of OneEmerald Pop: 2,097 Mil 609: The United Socialist States of Onraka Pop: 1,865 Mil 610: The Grand Collective of Optimismostan Pop: 6,791 Mil 611: The Republic of Orcland Pop: 4,821 Mil 612: The People's Republic of Ordenn Pop: 963 Mil 613: The People's Republic of Order of Stalin Pop: 1,072 Mil 614: The Autarchic Islamic Caliphate of Orquestralia Pop: 2,596 Mil 615: The Council Republic of Osiquoyah Pop: 777 Mil 616: The Federal Republic of Osirisa Pop: 15,399 Mil 617: The Republic of Osnya Islands Pop: 1,495 Mil 618: The Bacassic Republic of Osraitz Pop: 1,846 Mil 619: The Democratic Republic of Ostpreisen Pop: 284 Mil 620: The Holy Empire of Ostrice Pop: 5,927 Mil 621: The Federal Republic of Oth Mand Pop: 36 Mil 622: The United Socialist States of Ouesopa Pop: 7,203 Mil 623: The Social-Democratic Republic of Our India Pop: 4,386 Mil 624: The People's Republic of Owmni Pop: 296 Mil 625: The People's Red Republic of Pajonia Pop: 13,637 Mil 626: The Peoples' Republics of Pakuur Pop: 23,067 Mil 627: The Democratic Republic of Pand New Pop: 3,516 Mil 628: The People's Republic of PanScandinavia Pop: 9,184 Mil 629: The Sweaty Armpits of Papa Nurgles Embrace Pop: 3,132 Mil 630: The Socialist Confederacy of Parangaba Pop: 5,636 Mil 631: The United Socialist States of PARIATLEO Pop: 1,128 Mil 632: The Sovereign Socialist Nation of Patoka Pop: 4,899 Mil 633: The People's Republic of Pauls Mine Pop: 144 Mil 634: The United Socialists of Pax Iustitia Pop: 1,889 Mil 635: The Kingdom of PD Kuykendall Pop: 7,310 Mil 636: The People's Republic of PDSR Iran Pop: 3,471 Mil 637: The Floral Commune of Peace and Love but Better Pop: 12,015 Mil 638: The People's Republic of Peikuo Pop: 1,471 Mil 639: The United Socialist States of Pentuans Pop: 5,113 Mil 640: The United Socialist States of People vote law every month Pop: 2,861 Mil 641: The Kingdom of Persiam Frank Pop: 770 Mil 642: The Red Republic of Pertsjan Pop: 19,144 Mil 643: The People's Republic of Phi Gamma Delta Pop: 1,524 Mil 644: The Federal Queendom of Phobosia Pop: 555 Mil 645: The Socialist People's Republic of Picuros Pop: 16,609 Mil 646: The Democratic People's Republic of Pindaar Se Yol Pop: 4,697 Mil 647: The Democratic States of Pindoram Pop: 10 Mil 648: The Democratic People's Republic of Pindorama-Brasil Pop: 3,773 Mil 649: The People's Republic of Pleissa Pop: 663 Mil 650: The Revolutionary Fervour of Pod Pop: 5,581 Mil 651: The Diplomatic Envoy of Podria in The Communist Bloc Pop: 6,791 Mil 652: The People's Republic of Ponta Azul Pop: 1,019 Mil 653: The Free Land of Poopies Pop: 783 Mil 654: The Socialist People's Republic of Port Dust Pop: 5,873 Mil 655: The Republic of Portello Pop: 451 Mil 656: The United States of Porto Ceresio Pop: 1,629 Mil 657: The People's Republic of Potatonia Pop: 2,220 Mil 658: The People's Republic of PR Kampuchea Pop: 2,650 Mil 659: The People's Republic of PR Korea Pop: 2,326 Mil 660: The Free Socialist Republic of Prevasiya Pop: 5,210 Mil 661: The Soviet Socialist Republic of Pridneprovye Pop: 5,677 Mil 662: The People's Republic of PrinceZam-Malovia Pop: 198 Mil 663: The People's Republic of Privenia Pop: 827 Mil 664: The People's Republic of Proletariana Pop: 7,164 Mil 665: The State Capacity of Prometheium Pop: 3,794 Mil 666: The Worker's State of Promintorian Democratic Republic Pop: 23,160 Mil 667: The Communist Comrade Paradise of Protactinia Pop: 961 Mil 668: The Kingdom of Providence Plantations and Rhode Island Pop: 4,512 Mil 669: The Trodden-On House of Provinceopolis Pop: 3,277 Mil 670: The Free Land of Provisional Irish Republic Pop: 593 Mil 671: The United Socialist States of Pruskie Pop: 480 Mil 672: The Empire of Prymordiya Pop: 7,300 Mil 673: The United Socialist States of Puninsia Pop: 2,122 Mil 674: The Rogue Nation of Pyralspite Pop: 9,776 Mil 675: The Federation of Quebec second Pop: 5,803 Mil 676: The Free Land of Queer Birds Pop: 1,334 Mil 677: The Community of Quillista Pop: 954 Mil 678: The Incorporated States of Quott Pop: 12,837 Mil 679: The Empowered Individuals of QXF Pop: 5,506 Mil 680: The Sexy Forces of Rainbow Flagship Pop: 6,045 Mil 681: The Empire of Raps Mods Pop: 2,080 Mil 682: The Empire of Raptoria Empire Pop: 297 Mil 683: The Federal Republic of Raro del Sur Pop: 877 Mil 684: The Sapphic Queendom of Rathesia Pop: 6,742 Mil 685: The Grand Duchy of Ratling Pop: 2,033 Mil 686: The Republic of Rawrda Pop: 5,322 Mil 687: The United Socialist States of Reawell Pop: 1,410 Mil 688: The Free Territory of Rebellionis Pop: 11,990 Mil 689: The People's Republic of Red Aurora Pop: 12 Mil 690: The United Socialist States of Red khitan Pop: 2,412 Mil 691: The Rogue Nation of Red Republic of Norway Pop: 8,854 Mil 692: The Resilient Leftist Republic of Red Sparkles Pop: 2,982 Mil 693: The Oppressed Peoples of Red-Gold Pop: 1,444 Mil 694: The People's Republic of Redstarkinds Pop: 709 Mil 695: The Federal Republic of Regional American Alliance Pop: 140 Mil 696: The Worker's Soviets of Rellenia Pop: 2,379 Mil 697: The Liberated City of Renjeva Pop: 9,758 Mil 698: The United Socialist States of Republic of Rusana Pop: 3,530 Mil 699: The Republic of Republic of South Europe Pop: 14 Mil 700: The United Socialist States of Republica Popular Pop: 3,898 Mil 701: The Big Red Evil Commie Regime of Republica Popular do Araguaia Pop: 3,982 Mil 702: The Armed Republic of Republican Iraq Pop: 23 Mil 703: The People's Republic of REver-lutionary Souls Pop: 6,197 Mil 704: The Council Republic of Rhode Island and the Narragansett Pop: 4,834 Mil 705: The Holy Empire of Rhonumon Pop: 88 Mil 706: The Socialist Republic of Rhudiland Pop: 7,900 Mil 707: The People's Imperial Republic of Rorvinia Pop: 987 Mil 708: The Socialist Republic of Rothnia Pop: 9,566 Mil 709: The Union of Rumacia and Thrace Pop: 2,116 Mil 710: The Queendom of Rusanova Pop: 234 Mil 711: The People's Socialist Union of Rusknia Pop: 5,344 Mil 712: The United Socialist States of Ruskowein Pop: 707 Mil 713: The United Socialist States of Russaki Pop: 15,223 Mil 714: The Republic of Russamerica Pop: 74 Mil 715: The Socialist Federal Republic of Rytalia Pop: 3,583 Mil 716: The Commonwealth of Safari Joe Pop: 8,896 Mil 717: The Soviet Socialist Republic of SAFT in TCB Pop: 7,352 Mil 718: The Orangutan's Paradise of Saint Elmo Pop: 1,843 Mil 719: The United Serene Republic of Saint Shepard Pop: 12,022 Mil 720: The United Socialist States of Saire Weevia Pop: 8,244 Mil 721: The Federal Republic of Santa Clarra Pop: 238 Mil 722: The Federation of Santo-Saens Pop: 428 Mil 723: The People's Republic of SapphoLesbos Pop: 7,145 Mil 724: The Republic of Sapphosa Pop: 9 Mil 725: The Kingdom of Sariella Pop: 2,728 Mil 726: The Commonwealth of Sarna Pop: 5,644 Mil 727: The People's Republic of Saryndal Pop: 468 Mil 728: The Socialist State of Saxxony Pop: 12,840 Mil 729: The Federal Socialist Republic of Scoop Land Pop: 6,888 Mil 730: The Holy Socialist Union of Scorpinonia Pop: 4,576 Mil 731: The Democratic States of Sdravja Pop: 430 Mil 732: The Oil Rig of Sealand but better Pop: 7,268 Mil 733: The Sovereign of Second Sovereignty Pop: 4,726 Mil 734: The Republic of Seebrook Pop: 733 Mil 735: The Republic of Selizon Pop: 1,373 Mil 736: The Free Land of Sellichki Pop: 93 Mil 737: The Empire of Seopian Pop: 79 Mil 738: The Commonwealth of Seressin Pop: 1,734 Mil 739: The Republic of Sermis Pop: 357 Mil 740: The Nomadic Peoples of Serpent Foley Pop: 374 Mil 741: The People's Republic of Shadakar Pop: 2,653 Mil 742: The Socialist Republic of Shaker Pop: 12,455 Mil 743: The Syndicated Anarchic Regions of Shamian Pop: 17,244 Mil 744: The People's Republic of Sharokpia Pop: 32 Mil 745: The Confederacy of Shifgrethor Pop: 313 Mil 746: The Holy Devolved Protectorate of Shihganfe Pop: 10,339 Mil 747: The People's Republic of Shividipsom Pop: 1,726 Mil 748: The Federal Republic of Shuthare Pop: 17,673 Mil 749: The Union of Siamese People Republics Pop: 2,347 Mil 750: The Commonwealth of Sigmar Empire Pop: 32 Mil 751: The Community of Silver Desert Pop: 381 Mil 752: The Commonwealth of Sinedominis Pop: 13,849 Mil 753: The People's Republic of Sino Nippon Soviet Union Pop: 8,113 Mil 754: The People's Democratic Republic of Sinoja Pop: 3,780 Mil 755: The People's Republic of Sinoroma Pop: 118 Mil 756: The Commonwealth of Sintograd Pop: 1,871 Mil 757: The Revolutionary Republic of Sjaakland Pop: 3,670 Mil 758: The Socialist Federal Republic of Skullyssinia Pop: 2,204 Mil 759: The People's Republic of Slavic Democratic Nations Pop: 10,134 Mil 760: The Kingdom of Sliavia Pop: 363 Mil 761: The Federation of Slosana Pop: 20 Mil 762: The Eastern Republic of Smokey Island Pop: 47,669 Mil 763: The Vanguard of Socialism Pop: 5,344 Mil 764: The People's Republic of Socialism is when the government does st Pop: 1,240 Mil 765: The United Socialist States of Socialist America SA Pop: 7,999 Mil 766: The People's Republic of Socialist Britannic States Pop: 127 Mil 767: The Ornithid Republic of Socialist Heronia Pop: 15,302 Mil 768: The People's Republic of Socialist Refuge Pop: 2,666 Mil 769: The Revolutionary State of Socialist Republics of Memia Pop: 3,543 Mil 770: The People's Republic of Socialist Rostora Pop: 3,424 Mil 771: The Free Land of Socialst Republic of Kalasarabat Pop: 56 Mil 772: The Socialist Republic of Sodeskaya Pop: 7,548 Mil 773: The People's Republic of Sodoran Alesia Pop: 16,851 Mil 774: The People's Socialist Republic of Solarra Pop: 2,084 Mil 775: The People's Republic of Solova Pop: 13,636 Mil 776: The Communist Union of Sooya Hercheland Pop: 5,807 Mil 777: The People's Republic of Sosyalismo Pop: 864 Mil 778: The Autonomous Peoples of South Ardelan Pop: 4,427 Mil 779: The Communist Kingdom of South Merwervader Islands Pop: 7,590 Mil 780: The Democratic Republic of South Sharkland Pop: 56 Mil 781: The Democratic Republic of Southern Rihina Stadon Pop: 307 Mil 782: The People's Republic of Southoi Pop: 1,223 Mil 783: The Proletarian Federation of Southwest America Pop: 6,643 Mil 784: The Federation of Sovereign Communes Pop: 531 Mil 785: The Worker's Commune of Soviet Belfast Pop: 1,974 Mil 786: The Republic of Soviet Belfast 1 Pop: 36 Mil 787: The Dominion of Soviet Felines Pop: 18,922 Mil 788: The Imperial Communist State of Soviet Kem Pop: 6,614 Mil 789: The Workers' Republic of Soviet Lancashire Pop: 34,568 Mil 790: The Federal Socialist Republic of Soviet Shells Pop: 4,985 Mil 791: The Republic of Soviet Socialist of China Pop: 5,300 Mil 792: The Union of Soviet Socialist Salami Slappers Pop: 4,442 Mil 793: The United Federative Syndicate of Soviet Socialist Systems Pop: 1,804 Mil 794: The United Socialist States of Soviet State of Covernant Pop: 6,889 Mil 795: The People's Republic of Soviet Technocracy Union Pop: 13,412 Mil 796: The Grow House of Soviet Trailer Park Pop: 7,150 Mil 797: The Socialist Reich of Soviet-German Dortmund Pop: 4,468 Mil 798: The Socialist Union of Sovietland Pop: 3,847 Mil 799: The People's Republic of Sovnaria Pop: 50 Mil 800: The United Syndicate Republics of Sovtaskar Pop: 3,124 Mil 801: The United Socialist States of Sozschen Pop: 1,662 Mil 802: The Council Republic of Spartakus Pop: 2,379 Mil 803: The People's Red Social Republic of Spavole Pop: 26,783 Mil 804: The Matriarchy of Spooky Candle Pop: 8,495 Mil 805: The Corporate-Ruled Hellhole of Srent Pop: 4,955 Mil 806: The Republic of SRMR Tabak Pop: 4,229 Mil 807: The United Socialist States of SSOA Pop: 119 Mil 808: The United Socialist States of Stalinania Pop: 1,416 Mil 809: The Federated Socialist Republic of Stalliongrad and Far-Eastern Territories Pop: 23,383 Mil 810: The People's Republic of State of Kantliy Pop: 213 Mil 811: The Caffeinated Confederation of Statesburg Pop: 3,907 Mil 812: The Regional Defence Council of Stravonskaya Pop: 4,475 Mil 813: The People's Republic of Stupendous Land Pop: 2,739 Mil 814: The Soviet Socialist Republic of Sturengartz Pop: 3,140 Mil 815: The Holy Empire of Sufjan Stevens Fans Pop: 15,311 Mil 816: The United Socialist States of Sulkvia Dand Pop: 8 Mil 817: The People's Republic of Sunds New Pop: 8 Mil 818: The Most Serene Republic of Suprasl Pop: 1,656 Mil 819: The Socialist Federation of Survaek Pop: 11,673 Mil 820: The Socialist Commonwealth of Suthanimark Pop: 1,479 Mil 821: The United Socialist States of Suzanan Pop: 6 Mil 822: The People's Republic of Suzin Pop: 2,985 Mil 823: The People's Republic of SyntharaGRC Pop: 325 Mil 824: The Community of Sytha Pop: 376 Mil 825: The People's Republic of Tacbukaland Pop: 102 Mil 826: The Federation of Tageszentia Pop: 2,665 Mil 827: The Realm of Tanfol Pop: 4,586 Mil 828: The Mandala of Taramna Pop: 3,216 Mil 829: The People's Republic of Tarcanistan Pop: 692 Mil 830: The People's Republic of Tasmania and Bass Strait Pop: 5,495 Mil 831: The People's Republic of TCB Ministry of Domestic Affairs Pop: 8,030 Mil 832: The People's Republic of TCB Ministry of World Assembly Affairs Pop: 4,380 Mil 833: The United Socialist States of Teado Nemadals Pop: 5,117 Mil 834: The Community of Technoscience Leftwing Pop: 13,021 Mil 835: The Federal Socialist Republic of Tegrad Pop: 9,230 Mil 836: The People's Republic of Tekran Pop: 371 Mil 837: The United Socialist States of Terra Australis Rex Pop: 5,205 Mil 838: The Rogue Nation of Tewi Pop: 10,963 Mil 839: The Federal Socialist Republic of The Achterhoek Pop: 15,460 Mil 840: The Armed Republic of The Black and Red Army Bloc Pop: 9,696 Mil 841: The Disputed Territories of The Black Hills of South Dakota Pop: 136 Mil 842: The United Socialist States of The Cellophanes Pop: 36 Mil 843: The People's Republic of The Commie States of America Pop: 4,019 Mil 844: The Unified Republic of The Common Pop: 2,156 Mil 845: The Councilist Federation of The Commonwealth o f America Pop: 7,134 Mil 846: The Revolutionary Federation of The Commonwealth of Socialist Republics Pop: 5,856 Mil 847: The Protectorate of The Communist Bloc Immigration Office Pop: 15,205 Mil 848: The Republic of The Communist Bloc MoFA Pop: 1,924 Mil 849: The People's Republic of The Communist Borg hive-mind Pop: 12 Mil 850: The United Socialist States of The Comrades of Neptune Pop: 169 Mil 851: The Community of The Cooperation Pop: 23,096 Mil 852: The People's Republic of The DarkReds Pop: 207 Mil 853: The People's Republic of The Eubourghian Commune Pop: 867 Mil 854: The People of The federation of Apricot Pop: 4,751 Mil 855: The Jungle of The Free Grugs Pop: 2,152 Mil 856: The Holy Mother State of The Freyjans Pop: 4,718 Mil 857: The Free Popular Commonwealth of The Fyrthlands Pop: 5,722 Mil 858: The Republic of The Gastonian Pop: 5,328 Mil 859: The Confederated Soviet Regimes of The Great Canadian Nation Pop: 7,383 Mil 860: The Workers' Collective State of The Great Comrades of the Revolution Pop: 11,709 Mil 861: The Federation of The Great Lakes Provinces Pop: 4,806 Mil 862: The Dictatorship of The guuu Pop: 6,101 Mil 863: The Community of The Hidden Sand Village Pop: 951 Mil 864: The Tanfolian Constituency of The Hill Tuvans Pop: 3,222 Mil 865: The Empire of The Holy State of Chaos Pop: 6,653 Mil 866: The Nomadics of The Independent Working Class Pop: 5,766 Mil 867: The Separatist Alliance of The Inquisitorial Aldercliand Syndicate Pop: 5,907 Mil 868: The United Socialist States of The intl Proletariat Pop: 554 Mil 869: The United Socialist States of The Iron Flame Pop: 372 Mil 870: The United Socialist Republics of The Kato-Astari Union Pop: 3,285 Mil 871: The Free Territory of The Kurulia Mountains Pop: 1,428 Mil 872: The United Federation of The Lance Pop: 4,230 Mil 873: The Glorious Armed Proletariat of The Land of the Red Rainbow Pop: 28,279 Mil 874: The People's Republic of The Last Perfect Revolutionaries Pop: 614 Mil 875: The United Socialist States of The Lesser Sagre Islands Pop: 374 Mil 876: The Communist Feminist Paradise of The Liberalists You Love Pop: 12,004 Mil 877: The Rogue Nation of The lowlandish states Pop: 29 Mil 878: The Commonwealth of The Magoos Pop: 1,742 Mil 879: The People's Republic of The Multi-Continental Provinces Pop: 285 Mil 880: The Soviet Union of The New Islands of Fredonia Pop: 8,906 Mil 881: The People's Republic of The New Liberated California Pop: 11,146 Mil 882: The United Socialist States of The North Islanders Pop: 6,576 Mil 883: The Democratic Hedgehog Union of The Octian Empire Pop: 4,653 Mil 884: The Free Land of The Oncoming Storm Pop: 2,624 Mil 885: The Federation of The Osmium Courts Pop: 62 Mil 886: The Federal Sovereign State of The palace of God 2 Pop: 24,130 Mil 887: The Community of The Pale Tracker Pop: 7,194 Mil 888: The Democratic Republic of The Penitentiary Pop: 185 Mil 889: The Sovereign Socialist State of The Peoples United Commun Pop: 2,322 Mil 890: The People's Union of The Persian Territories Pop: 6,158 Mil 891: The Socialist Commonwealth of The Prussian Cascades Pop: 4,079 Mil 892: The Incorporated States of The Quantum Commune Pop: 1,346 Mil 893: The United Socialist States of The Red Soviet Union Pop: 1,841 Mil 894: The Worker's Kai-saardom of The Republic of Real People Pop: 7,417 Mil 895: The Democratic Peoples Front of The Reunification of Korea Pop: 9,253 Mil 896: The Trans-Queendom of The Russian Blue Pop: 3,319 Mil 897: The Autocratic communist regime of The Ryanist new order Pop: 4,918 Mil 898: The Federal Republic of The Socialist State of Brazil Pop: 4,548 Mil 899: The People's Republic of The Southern Atlantic Platforms Pop: 7 Mil 900: The Reformed Union of The Soviet Federal States Pop: 19,642 Mil 901: The United Socialist States of The soviet republic of SynerG Pop: 1,278 Mil 902: The Nordic Republic of The United Esto-Socialist People Pop: 3,999 Mil 903: The Commonwealth of The United Nations Of Ukraine Pop: 101 Mil 904: The Democratic People's Monarchy of The United Socialist Regencies Pop: 3,797 Mil 905: The United Socialist States of The Vizeists Pop: 171 Mil 906: The State of The Wild-Coast Pop: 1,848 Mil 907: The Constitutional Monarchy of The Workers Union of Habsburg-Lorraine Pop: 17,551 Mil 908: The People's Socialist Republic of Thebrin Pop: 9,723 Mil 909: The Community of Thee Underground Pop: 215 Mil 910: The Socialist Kingdom of Thehomeofthegods Pop: 3,693 Mil 911: The People's Republic of Theodoraland Pop: 2,389 Mil 912: The Kingdom of TheTwoWelf Pop: 1,315 Mil 913: The Union of Socialist Republics of Thezarkster Pop: 1,249 Mil 914: The Socialist Republic of Thoamia Pop: 6,331 Mil 915: The Socialist Folk's Land of Thrijani Pop: 6,264 Mil 916: The Federal Republic of Tibanet Pop: 12 Mil 917: The Liberal Socialist Republic of Tigerstan Pop: 8,786 Mil 918: The Grand Duchy of Tilburgia Pop: 9 Mil 919: The Mysterious Drifting Island of Tin Tin Town Pop: 1,749 Mil 920: The Imperium of Tinfect Pop: 23,216 Mil 921: The Empire of TinyRafah Pop: 500 Mil 922: The Dictatorship of Titanland Pop: 475 Mil 923: The Holy Empire of Tjentschau Schanggwo Pop: 1,234 Mil 924: The People's Republic of Toling Pop: 226 Mil 925: The Holy Empire of Tookest Pop: 349 Mil 926: The Federal State of Toplandia Pop: 8,464 Mil 927: The Sparkly Tomato Nation of Toramicaball Pop: 3,589 Mil 928: The Valiant People's State of Toukai Pop: 6,873 Mil 929: The Anarcho-Techno Syndicalist of Trans Annwfn Pop: 1,675 Mil 930: The Confederacy of Transbacassia Pop: 162 Mil 931: The Firmament of TRANSFEM MUSICIAN ORGANIZATION Pop: 1,632 Mil 932: The Matriarchy of TransUps Pop: 2,840 Mil 933: The Free Land of Travelling Cochins Pop: 1,198 Mil 934: The Free Land of Tre Fom Pop: 1,482 Mil 935: The People's Republic of Tria Velvan Pop: 1,299 Mil 936: The Socialist HOA of Turkey Creek Pop: 5,921 Mil 937: The Free Land of Turkish Commune Pop: 2,334 Mil 938: The People's Republic of Tuvdin Erdenede Mond Pop: 20 Mil 939: The United Socialist States of Tvetkinsk Pop: 295 Mil 940: The People's Republic of Tzadom Pop: 457 Mil 941: The Democratic Republic of Tziba Pop: 541 Mil 942: The Rainbow Confederacy of UFROE Pop: 7,281 Mil 943: The People's Secondary Republic of Ugansk Pop: 2,533 Mil 944: The Democratic Union of Uinted Communist of Africa Pop: 18,304 Mil 945: The World Union of Unified Communist Councils Pop: 4,728 Mil 946: The People's Republic of Unifree Pop: 32 Mil 947: The Socialist State of Union of Albandrite Socialist Republics Pop: 11,331 Mil 948: The Free Land of Union of Socialist Communes of Entantha Pop: 1,258 Mil 949: The United Socialist States of Union of Socialist Democratic Republics Pop: 1,041 Mil 950: The Federal Council Republic of Union of Socialist Worker Councils Pop: 11,363 Mil 951: The United Socialist States of Union of Soviet Ireland Pop: 458 Mil 952: The Socialist State of Union of Soviet Social-ist Republics Pop: 1,259 Mil 953: The Federal Republic of Union of the Soviet Sovereign Republics Pop: 124 Mil 954: The United Socialist States of Union Socialist States Of Ibis Pop: 6,054 Mil 955: The United Socialist States of UNIOS Pop: 2,175 Mil 956: The People's Republic of United Catalonia Pop: 301 Mil 957: The United States of United Chrysean Democratic Republics Pop: 943 Mil 958: The Community of United Commune of the Free People Pop: 78 Mil 959: The Holy Empire of United Lakazoy Islatism Pop: 16 Mil 960: The Rogue Nation of United Lands of Gregtown Pop: 896 Mil 961: The People's Republic of United Rianja Pop: 1,215 Mil 962: The People's Republic of United Socialist Latin States Pop: 2,900 Mil 963: The Armed Republic of United Socialist Rafyevirya Pop: 544 Mil 964: The United Socialist States of United Socialist Republics of Eurasia Pop: 213 Mil 965: The Republic of United Socialist States of Eldham Pop: 32 Mil 966: The Free Land of United Urathian States Pop: 1,574 Mil 967: The Armed Workers Union of Upper Foryptovin Emper Pop: 2,286 Mil 968: The Democratic Republic of Upper Guoma Pop: 1,734 Mil 969: The Plurinational Sociocracy of Ustresh Pop: 2,335 Mil 970: The Anocratic Synocracy of V E X Pop: 33,566 Mil 971: The High Athelwyrmric of Valoprawr Pop: 1,488 Mil 972: The Republic of Vathrich Pop: 1,638 Mil 973: The People's Republic of VaushRad Pop: 5,155 Mil 974: The Free Land of Vel Ouria Pop: 32 Mil 975: The United Socialist States of Velipolitika Pop: 162 Mil 976: The United Socialist States of of Vendor Pop: 8,606 Mil 977: The People's Republic of Vervadslavia Pop: 163 Mil 978: The Republic of Vino 1 Pop: 16 Mil 979: The Republic of Vino 2 Pop: 16 Mil 980: The People's Republic of Violene Islands Pop: 6,762 Mil 981: The Empire of Violent Oppression Pop: 1,491 Mil 982: The Free Land of Viruxus Pop: 4,128 Mil 983: The Republic of Viysalion Pop: 18,693 Mil 984: The Nomadic Peoples of Vizier Kinnunen Pop: 484 Mil 985: The Community of Wall-Eva Pop: 94 Mil 986: The Socialist Republic of We better Pop: 3,049 Mil 987: The People's Collective of Wekslandnovik Pop: 1,395 Mil 988: The Slave-Feudal-Liberal Commune of West Goiky Pop: 2,059 Mil 989: The Sunlit Republic of Western Bonnia Pop: 4,529 Mil 990: The People's Republic of Weyrland Pop: 10,545 Mil 991: The People's Republic of Winklemen Pop: 12 Mil 992: The People's Republic of Wolphendahl Pop: 731 Mil 993: The People's Republic of Wontamo Pop: 107 Mil 994: The United Socialist State of Worker Commune Pop: 6,168 Mil 995: The Republic of World Socialist Entocracy Pop: 266 Mil 996: The Holy Empire of Wuyue Pop: 24,002 Mil 997: The Queendom of Wyrmwynd Pop: 32 Mil 998: The People's Republic of Xavier stan Pop: 1,989 Mil 999: The Socialist Republic of Xernea Pop: 4,074 Mil 1000: The Democratic Republic of Yakutti Pop: 729 Mil 1001: The Principality of Yelachensk Pop: 360 Mil 1002: The People's Democratic Republic of Yeligula Pop: 15,193 Mil 1003: The United Socialist States of Yenyang Pop: 108 Mil 1004: The Serene Queendom of Yerba Pop: 6,976 Mil 1005: The Principality of Yertoli Pop: 1,498 Mil 1006: The Empire of Yestel Pop: 15,659 Mil 1007: The Democratic Republic of Yongmae Pop: 1,196 Mil 1008: The Communist Federal Republic of Yugorowenia Pop: 3,924 Mil 1009: The People's Republic of Yunis Adyakarta Pop: 1,910 Mil 1010: The Punk Government of Yupi City Pop: 4,882 Mil 1011: The Yuri Socilaist Republic of Yuriyuri Pop: 4,922 Mil 1012: The Socialist Demarchy of Zagruelos Pop: 6,893 Mil 1013: The Rep?blica Popular Democr?tic of Zambianka Pop: 2,282 Mil 1014: The Glorious Empire of Zarogovnia Pop: 10,549 Mil 1015: The Republic of Zeabu Pop: 9,631 Mil 1016: The Confederacy of Zeitiania Pop: 122 Mil 1017: The United Socialist States of Zilksland Pop: 194 Mil 1018: The Holy Land of Zimblo Pop: 859 Mil 1019: The Federated Socialist States of Zitherstadt Pop: 6,065 Mil 1020: The People's Republic of Zolkana Pop: 78 Mil 1021: The United Socialist States of Zuatal Pop: 351 Mil 1022: The Council Republic of Zulanka in TCB Pop: 12,762 Mil 1023: The Zulu's Republic of Zululandus Pop: 6,363 Mil 1024: The Most Serene Republic of Zurras Pop: 312 Mil 1025: The United People's Democracy of Zynch Pop: 7,539 Mil |