1: The The Hierarchy of Archangelskl Oblast Pop: 24,686 Mil 2: The Syndicalist Confederation of Axeldonia Pop: 20,867 Mil 3: The Commonwealth of Bearlong Pop: 30,217 Mil 4: The Republic of Burryed Chaos Pop: 5,081 Mil 5: The Federated Republics of Chernarus State Pop: 21,559 Mil 6: The Confederacy of CoFN Office of the Speaker Pop: 14,817 Mil 7: The Protectorate of Confederacy of Free Nations Pop: 17,153 Mil 8: The Federation of Confederate-Union Alliance Pop: 16,238 Mil 9: The Empire of Everestopia Pop: 10,508 Mil 10: The Republic of Fellian Pop: 5,512 Mil 11: The Federal Republic of Flynnvakia Pop: 21,897 Mil 12: The Kingdom of Fyllia Pop: 16,230 Mil 13: The Holy Empire of Hypt Theberenelander Pop: 5,712 Mil 14: The United Kingdom of Jaslandia Pop: 23,181 Mil 15: The People's Republic of Lavan Tiri Pop: 18,806 Mil 16: The Republic of Lee Edwi Pop: 7,174 Mil 17: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner57 Pop: 4,802 Mil 18: The Federated Councils of Lex Caledonia Pop: 20,691 Mil 19: The Republic of Linoia Fireadow Pop: 5,348 Mil 20: The Awesome Girlfriends of Loving Couple Pop: 5,413 Mil 21: The Senate and People of Mercunova Pop: 19,520 Mil 22: The Socialist Imperial Republics of Midasia Pop: 12,368 Mil 23: The Republic of Neohuman Personal Protection Machine Pop: 10,214 Mil 24: The Tsardom of Nuremgard Pop: 25,880 Mil | 25: The Theocratic Socialist State of Obarec Order Pop: 15,886 Mil 26: The Oppressed Peoples of Office of Naval Intelligence Pop: 2,792 Mil 27: The United Kingdom of Penguania and Antarctica Pop: 20,939 Mil 28: The Kitsu Republic of Russkov Soviet Pop: 25,705 Mil 29: The Commonwealth of Slavekro Pop: 24,815 Mil 30: The Republic of SSN93 Pop: 4,781 Mil 31: The Protectorate of The 1st Unfallious Embassy Pop: 22,502 Mil 32: The Protectorate of The 2nd Unfallious Embassy Pop: 21,680 Mil 33: The Free Land of The British Islands Confederacy Pop: 15,251 Mil 34: The Protectorate of The Dalek Paradigm Fifth Embassy Pop: 24,150 Mil 35: The Protectorate of The Dalek Paradigm First Embassy Pop: 24,155 Mil 36: The Protectorate of The Dalek Paradigm Fourth Embassy Pop: 24,080 Mil 37: The Protectorate of The Dalek Paradigm Second Embassy Pop: 24,128 Mil 38: The Protectorate of The Dalek Paradigm Third Embassy Pop: 23,998 Mil 39: The Empire of The New Dalek Sovereignty Pop: 18,499 Mil 40: The Empire of The Paradigm of the Daleks Pop: 22,053 Mil 41: The Empire of The Reaper Consensus Pop: 23,072 Mil 42: The Holy Commune of The Royal Republic of Kumania Pop: 25,361 Mil 43: The Post-Revolutionary State of Unfallious Pop: 24,929 Mil 44: The Republic of Unkevorthsovat Pop: 6,080 Mil |