1: The Loving Couple of -Oh-Crikey Pop: 5,290 Mil 2: The Republic of Alexistheworst Pop: 351 Mil 3: The Glorious Republic of Banaria Pop: 7,351 Mil 4: The Kingdom of Buns Kingdom Pop: 1,108 Mil 5: The Lucky of CampbellBm Pop: 6,577 Mil 6: The Dictatorship of Chat-GPT Pop: 3,430 Mil 7: The Dominion of East-India Company Pop: 896 Mil 8: The United Kingdom of Economic kingdoms Pop: 2,633 Mil 9: The Twittering Budgie of Hudgie Pop: 6,619 Mil 10: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kuranui College Pop: 3,729 Mil 11: The Chirping Budgie of Lugini Pop: 6,027 Mil 12: The Kingdom of Lyiv Pop: 1,751 Mil 13: The Holy of New Zander Pop: 6,769 Mil 14: The New Zandarian Colony of Newer Zander Pop: 6,560 Mil 15: The New Zandarian Colony of Newest Zander Pop: 6,604 Mil 16: The United Kingdom of North Chanaguang Pop: 2,622 Mil 17: The New Zandarian Colony of Old Zander Pop: 5,345 Mil | 18: The New Zandarian Colony of Older Zander Pop: 5,398 Mil 19: The New Zandarian Colony of Oldest Zander Pop: 5,377 Mil 20: The Grand Duchy of Petrostate Pop: 1,817 Mil 21: The Federation of Russo-Canada Pop: 2,946 Mil 22: The United Kingdom of Small Kingdoms Pop: 2,620 Mil 23: The Empire of The Anglo-Spanish Union Pop: 896 Mil 24: The Holy lucky gold of The Common Kingdom Pop: 6,482 Mil 25: The United States of The Fifth Raven Pop: 2,115 Mil 26: The United Socialist Peoples of The Georgeian Empire Pop: 6,750 Mil 27: The Federation of The Germanic-Dutch Union Pop: 1,793 Mil 28: The Bidoofe bidoof of The House that Declared Independence Pop: 4,565 Mil 29: The Democratic Republic of Unittlans Tamgelliesia Pop: 1,695 Mil 30: The Holy lucky gold of War and power Pop: 6,138 Mil 31: The Oppressed Peoples of Wheel Chair Pop: 2,200 Mil |