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28 Countries populate the Region of The Final War RP

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of The Final War RP.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Republic of -Khmer-
Pop: 90 Mil

2: The Republic of -Maharlika-
Pop: 125 Mil

3: The Protectorate of Arechian Afrika
Pop: 346 Mil

4: The Dominion of Arechian Asien
Pop: 332 Mil

5: The N?rdliche Bundesl?nder of Arechias
Pop: 992 Mil

6: The Colony of Boputswana
Pop: 175 Mil

7: The Empire of Chi n a
Pop: 146 Mil

8: The Federal Republic of Klof
Pop: 4,448 Mil

9: The Colony of Klofian Gran Colombia
Pop: 56 Mil

10: The Commonwealth of Kuspiyrus
Pop: 706 Mil

11: The Dominion of Lunoria
Pop: 152 Mil

12: The Kingdom of Nexiren
Pop: 155 Mil

13: The Wastelands of Nukeya
Pop: 4,477 Mil

14: The Republic of Orange Freestate
Pop: 193 Mil

15: The Empire of Osterreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie
Pop: 161 Mil

16: The Sultanate of Ottoman Kingdoms
Pop: 155 Mil

17: The Kingdom of Preu5en
Pop: 1,768 Mil

18: The Queendom of Silibidor
Pop: 637 Mil

19: The Dominion of South African Brazil
Pop: 157 Mil

20: The Dominion of South African Chayalehi
Pop: 29 Mil

21: The Colony of South African Congo
Pop: 130 Mil

22: The Dominion of South African India
Pop: 147 Mil

23: The Colony of South African Madagascar
Pop: 160 Mil

24: The Protectorate of South African Uganda
Pop: 139 Mil

25: The Empire of Spanish-Plata Empire
Pop: 158 Mil

26: The Brotherhood of The Cyberium Order
Pop: 6,229 Mil

27: The Commonwealth of The Final War RP
Pop: 333 Mil

28: The Federation of Valorien
Pop: 124 Mil

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