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152 Countries populate the Region of The Glorious Nations of Iwaku

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of The Glorious Nations of Iwaku.

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1: The Republic of A lake of silver
Pop: 4,134 Mil

2: The Holy Empire of Aeon Twilight
Pop: 1,476 Mil

3: The Dominion of Aethereal Megistus
Pop: 1,517 Mil

4: The Hippie-eaters of Agressor
Pop: 31,035 Mil

5: The People's Republic of Aigania2
Pop: 6,876 Mil

6: The Glorious Empire of Akuzo
Pop: 5,764 Mil

7: The Dominion of Akyama
Pop: 439 Mil

8: The Highest Star-Autocracy of All-Existence
Pop: 3,142 Mil

9: The Black Cow Pasture of Anecho
Pop: 13,744 Mil

10: The People's Commonwealth of Ankuran
Pop: 18,819 Mil

11: The Empire of Ara Karsland
Pop: 6,653 Mil

12: The Commonwealth of Arcanadia
Pop: 15,597 Mil

13: The Queendom of Asriu
Pop: 18,701 Mil

14: The Empire of Astellar
Pop: 1,579 Mil

15: The United Socialist States of Bearded Animals
Pop: 20,129 Mil

16: The Gremlin Citadel of BlackLight Covenant
Pop: 19,289 Mil

17: The Breakaway State of Blobular
Pop: 27,631 Mil

18: The Free Land of BlurpleKek
Pop: 12,980 Mil

19: The Kingdom of Boi Kingdom
Pop: 1,587 Mil

20: The Pretitled of Boris Dragosani
Pop: 18,249 Mil

21: The Fiefdom of Braaaaaains
Pop: 18,473 Mil

22: The Rogue Nation of BSN66
Pop: 3,425 Mil

23: The Kongouese Fleets of Burning Love
Pop: 19,298 Mil

24: The Federal Republic of Calva
Pop: 24,683 Mil

25: The Matriarchy of Catboystaat
Pop: 309 Mil

26: The Royal Dominion of Cesea
Pop: 3,661 Mil

27: The Constitutional Monarchy of Chinohana
Pop: 10,444 Mil

28: The Dominion of Cindy
Pop: 10,509 Mil

29: The Community of Cloudian
Pop: 1,400 Mil

30: The Twice revived of Commodore 64
Pop: 7,997 Mil

31: The Kingdom of Craff
Pop: 20,587 Mil

32: The Colony of Daimyo
Pop: 491 Mil

33: The Kingdom of Dertham
Pop: 4,863 Mil

34: The ☠ Reaper ☠ of Drifting Colonys of Aaron
Pop: 27,444 Mil

35: The Drunken Tyranny of Drunkerland
Pop: 13,735 Mil

36: The Rogue Nation of DSN48
Pop: 3,484 Mil

37: The Peace-loving Republic of Eacha Fecha
Pop: 10,585 Mil

38: The Commonwealth of Ekscelia
Pop: 10,437 Mil

39: The Empire of Elysian Empire
Pop: 526 Mil

40: The Sapphic Witches of Enlais
Pop: 23,194 Mil

41: The Federation of Estonian Commune
Pop: 2,324 Mil

42: The Highly memeable nation of European Memes
Pop: 9,264 Mil

43: The Nomadic Peoples of EX-GIRLFRIEND
Pop: 11,388 Mil

44: The North American Union of Fallin
Pop: 6,535 Mil

45: The Loving Couple of Fan-4rt
Pop: 6,817 Mil

46: The Matriarchy of Foxfur
Pop: 17,244 Mil

47: The Therapeutic State of Fraire
Pop: 24,986 Mil

48: The United Kingdom of Great Britain Ireland and Cornwall
Pop: 3,016 Mil

49: The Continental Union of Great Eurasia
Pop: 4,402 Mil

50: The Questionable Quality of Greater Xeriande
Pop: 2,592 Mil

51: The Rogue Nation of GSN1
Pop: 3,415 Mil

52: The Federation of Houyo
Pop: 2,830 Mil

53: The Republic of Hyosung
Pop: 23,187 Mil

54: The Dominion of Illorsuit
Pop: 10,485 Mil

55: The Empire of Imperial of Mankind
Pop: 9,658 Mil

56: The Great Sprawling Cradle of Ironsatan
Pop: 17,486 Mil

57: The Incorporated States of Iwaku Complaints Department
Pop: 22,112 Mil

58: The Community of Jakenator
Pop: 1,002 Mil

59: The Holy Empire of Jeann
Pop: 6,767 Mil

60: The Queendom of Judith Lanster
Pop: 919 Mil

61: The Holy Empire of Khyrene
Pop: 13,158 Mil

62: The United Commonwealth of Kinegiener
Pop: 11,869 Mil

63: The Matriarchy of Kisume the bucket youkai
Pop: 22,503 Mil

64: The Republic of Kramera
Pop: 1,330 Mil

65: The Kingdom of Krameria and Soleanna and Alaska
Pop: 2,228 Mil

66: The Splendid Diarchy of Kuroluce
Pop: 7,053 Mil

67: The Community of Lena Cornelia
Pop: 4,402 Mil

68: The Sacred Kingdom of Lumir
Pop: 26,042 Mil

69: The Moon Faeries of Luna Child
Pop: 17,555 Mil

70: The Republic of Mass Memes of Production
Pop: 14,593 Mil

71: The Immortal Empire of Mitarashi
Pop: 17,628 Mil

72: The Kindhearted Federation of Mokarosaria
Pop: 1,536 Mil

73: The Rogue Nation of MSN9
Pop: 4,757 Mil

74: The Tourist Attraction of Name 0 Tourism
Pop: 3,365 Mil

75: The Empire of Napolesia
Pop: 327 Mil

76: The People's Republic of Negev Chan
Pop: 11,391 Mil

77: The Federation of Netzu
Pop: 6,811 Mil

78: The Free Land of New Iva Pro
Pop: 845 Mil

79: The Federal Republic of Nippon Jugoslavija
Pop: 6,439 Mil

80: The Andante Cantabile of Noda Megumi
Pop: 24,916 Mil

81: The United States of Nordyn
Pop: 598 Mil

82: The Ironic Monarchy of North Reono
Pop: 16,387 Mil

83: The Elite Hoshi35P of Not Alie
Pop: 5,550 Mil

84: The Protectorate of O II
Pop: 21,122 Mil

85: The Community of OGKushland
Pop: 597 Mil

86: The Colony of Orc Puppet
Pop: 16,499 Mil

87: The Nomadic Peoples of Ordhagan
Pop: 26,281 Mil

88: The Matriarchy of Ori-Chan
Pop: 10,970 Mil

89: The Oppressed Peoples of Orwellian Deep State
Pop: 9,174 Mil

90: The Incorporated States of Oscomia
Pop: 10,256 Mil

91: The Space Empire of Owolandi
Pop: 2,154 Mil

92: The Self-Governing Megalopolis of Panaderencia
Pop: 8,010 Mil

93: The Reformed Revolution of Panaderia
Pop: 15,259 Mil

94: The Dictatorship of Papill
Pop: 4,754 Mil

95: The Dictatorship of Paskaa
Pop: 544 Mil

96: The Principality of Pelbar
Pop: 9,276 Mil

97: The Confederacy of Perry Conglomerate
Pop: 8,093 Mil

98: The Weeb Wonderland of Pinnalandia
Pop: 15,708 Mil

99: The Free Land of Plunia
Pop: 2,158 Mil

100: The Ripple in Cheese Time Time of Purrlin
Pop: 22,287 Mil

101: The Refined Realm of Redrobin
Pop: 31,130 Mil

102: The Corporate States of Reqovia
Pop: 24,070 Mil

103: The Epic Tyranny of Roblox Overlord
Pop: 13,436 Mil

104: The Kingdom of Roman-Britannic Empire
Pop: 20,409 Mil

105: The Kingdom of Ruhmheim
Pop: 22,720 Mil

106: The Dictatorship of Ryujins
Pop: 3,751 Mil

107: The Empire of Sanctuary of the Damned
Pop: 8,018 Mil

108: The Rogue Nation of Sanshouo
Pop: 15,060 Mil

109: The Allied States of Schale battle defense force
Pop: 99 Mil

110: The State of Seigana
Pop: 24,183 Mil

111: The Queendom of Silver Wolfie
Pop: 1,460 Mil

112: The Republic of Sirimo
Pop: 973 Mil

113: The Empire of Slonavia
Pop: 7,385 Mil

114: The Squidy of Sneaky Khaos Spies
Pop: 21,926 Mil

115: The Community of Sons of Calydon
Pop: 949 Mil

116: The Otherworldly Purple Princess of SorcerX
Pop: 3,885 Mil

117: The Lands of South
Pop: 16,579 Mil

118: The Commonwealth of South Reono
Pop: 16,376 Mil

119: The Cute puffy marshmallow fish of SteamPunkFish
Pop: 23,308 Mil

120: The Fabulous Faeries of Sunny Milk
Pop: 17,561 Mil

121: The Holy Empire of TAAL
Pop: 13,635 Mil

122: The Dimension Breaking Odyssey of Tallinburg
Pop: 9,212 Mil

123: The United Socialist States of Tavanil
Pop: 16,395 Mil

124: The Corporate Empire of Teitoku Ippan
Pop: 24,495 Mil

125: The Corporate Republic of The New Chinese States
Pop: 35,622 Mil

126: The Queendom of The Shigu Clan
Pop: 16,314 Mil

127: The Dominion of The Skatar
Pop: 15,808 Mil

128: The Rogue Nation of The of The Stitchpunks
Pop: 2,845 Mil

129: The Free Land of Tillonia
Pop: 9,238 Mil

130: The Incorporated States of Totally Naive
Pop: 7,631 Mil

131: The Prefecture of Tottori
Pop: 23,018 Mil

132: The Commonwealth of Transhumanian Confederacy
Pop: 5,555 Mil

133: The Empire of Travcia
Pop: 557 Mil

134: The Holy Kakuyogo Gensokyo of Tsu Shima
Pop: 3,226 Mil

135: The Free Hold of Urstadge
Pop: 18,392 Mil

136: The Self Proclaimed Voice of AC of USHALLNOTPASS
Pop: 21,429 Mil

137: The Divine Officer of Totality of Uwakuzi
Pop: 17,261 Mil

138: The Kingdom of ValenDonia
Pop: 10,483 Mil

139: The ????️Malevolent Catastrophe? of Vand00sa
Pop: 12,702 Mil

140: The ????️cataclysmic catastrophe of Vando0sa
Pop: 23,953 Mil

141: The Oppressed Peoples of Var umar
Pop: 10,341 Mil

142: The Kingdom of Vervilven
Pop: 1,799 Mil

143: The Sheep shoop of Vest Oldabre
Pop: 12,543 Mil

144: The Colony of Wardropian Embassy
Pop: 26 Mil

145: The Republic of Western Santos
Pop: 30,343 Mil

146: The Principality of Whool
Pop: 17,832 Mil

147: The Principality of Wintersnow
Pop: 13,768 Mil

148: The Merciful of Xichung
Pop: 16,342 Mil

149: The Armed Republic of Yogly
Pop: 5,957 Mil

150: The Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats of Yukimura
Pop: 11,891 Mil

151: The Anime Fanland of Yuts Knenxland
Pop: 9,537 Mil

152: The Glorious Most High Empire of Zaxarium
Pop: 40,680 Mil

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