NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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60 Countries populate the Region of The Great Glorb

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of The Great Glorb.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Republic of Blipdrop
Pop: 802 Mil

2: The Republic of Blirptinkle
Pop: 803 Mil

3: The Republic of Blizzlewomp
Pop: 807 Mil

4: The Republic of Bloopertron
Pop: 801 Mil

5: The Republic of Blorpyzank
Pop: 811 Mil

6: The Republic of Borbinkle
Pop: 803 Mil

7: The Republic of Borplefax
Pop: 822 Mil

8: The Republic of Crinklethor
Pop: 807 Mil

9: The Republic of Drizzlejax
Pop: 806 Mil

10: The Republic of Flibflab
Pop: 806 Mil

11: The Republic of Flimblezax
Pop: 825 Mil

12: The Republic of Floopwig
Pop: 790 Mil

13: The Republic of Flormplaxle
Pop: 805 Mil

14: The Republic of Glimmox
Pop: 818 Mil

15: The Republic of Glirblewax
Pop: 803 Mil

16: The Republic of Glompop
Pop: 823 Mil

17: The Republic of Glorpablorb
Pop: 812 Mil

18: The Republic of Glorptwiddle
Pop: 811 Mil

19: The Republic of Gorlaxplop
Pop: 817 Mil

20: The Republic of Gornblaxle
Pop: 807 Mil

21: The Republic of Gribblorpix
Pop: 804 Mil

22: The Republic of Gribthorpe
Pop: 798 Mil

23: The Republic of Jibberplex
Pop: 810 Mil

24: The Republic of Kliptonk
Pop: 812 Mil

25: The Republic of Klornadork
Pop: 805 Mil

26: The Republic of Mibberloo
Pop: 808 Mil

27: The Republic of Mipborklux
Pop: 800 Mil

28: The Republic of Nibblegorn
Pop: 794 Mil

29: The Republic of Norblegax
Pop: 803 Mil

30: The Republic of Plibberdash
Pop: 800 Mil

31: The Republic of Qorblenex
Pop: 800 Mil

32: The Republic of Skrabflex
Pop: 815 Mil

33: The Republic of Skrorblex
Pop: 804 Mil

34: The Republic of Snizzleton
Pop: 809 Mil

35: The Republic of Snorbleplex
Pop: 802 Mil

36: The Republic of Snorblorp
Pop: 809 Mil

37: The Republic of Snozzle
Pop: 807 Mil

38: The Republic of Trinkleflox
Pop: 820 Mil

39: The Republic of Trizzledorf
Pop: 798 Mil

40: The Republic of Trunbleflox
Pop: 804 Mil

41: The Republic of Tumbletron
Pop: 805 Mil

42: The Republic of Twizzlebor
Pop: 816 Mil

43: The Republic of Tworblebax
Pop: 797 Mil

44: The Republic of Vipwom
Pop: 804 Mil

45: The Republic of Vlimblorp
Pop: 813 Mil

46: The Republic of Vlobznorp
Pop: 810 Mil

47: The Republic of Vorbgibber
Pop: 812 Mil

48: The Republic of Wabbertron
Pop: 806 Mil

49: The Republic of Wibberflex
Pop: 797 Mil

50: The Republic of Wibblethunk
Pop: 813 Mil

51: The Republic of Womplax
Pop: 802 Mil

52: The Republic of Yorbledax
Pop: 818 Mil

53: The Republic of Zabbletron
Pop: 816 Mil

54: The Republic of Zarbflibble
Pop: 809 Mil

55: The Republic of Zarbwinkle
Pop: 813 Mil

56: The Republic of Zibblegork
Pop: 816 Mil

57: The Republic of Zibblor
Pop: 798 Mil

58: The Republic of Zirblorple
Pop: 803 Mil

59: The Republic of Zizzlefrap
Pop: 803 Mil

60: The Republic of Zorblefax
Pop: 794 Mil

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