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42 Countries populate the Region of The Great Monarchical Nations

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of The Great Monarchical Nations.

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1: The Federation of Amercani
Pop: 474 Mil

2: The Kingdom of Ashfeld
Pop: 6,129 Mil

3: The Kingdom of Axante
Pop: 722 Mil

4: The United States of Confederacao do Danubio
Pop: 455 Mil

5: The Australian Monarchist Empire of Conservativealia
Pop: 10,970 Mil

6: The Dictatorship of Easdara Alevi
Pop: 8 Mil

7: The United Kingdom of Escocia e noruega
Pop: 859 Mil

8: The United States of Estonul
Pop: 14,649 Mil

9: The Colony of Franca equinocial
Pop: 405 Mil

10: The Pink Monarchy of Friaritat
Pop: 12,001 Mil

11: The Kingdom of Grao-colombia
Pop: 907 Mil

12: The Sultanate of Great sokoto
Pop: 694 Mil

13: The Kingdom of Greate songhai
Pop: 599 Mil

14: The Kingdom of Hererolandia
Pop: 760 Mil

15: The Reino of Hirana
Pop: 1,432 Mil

16: The The Brazillian Empire of Holnaleys
Pop: 1,130 Mil

17: The Empire of Island of Atlantico
Pop: 195 Mil

18: The Colonial city of Klein venezia
Pop: 961 Mil

19: The Sultanato of Majapat
Pop: 1,711 Mil

20: The Kingdom of Mavonea
Pop: 45 Mil

21: The Constitutional Archonate of Nepri
Pop: 4,129 Mil

22: The Colony of Neues-Preussen
Pop: 6 Mil

23: The Kingdom of Neukongo
Pop: 712 Mil

24: The Expansionary Kingdom of New-Normandy
Pop: 1,009 Mil

25: The Kingdom of Onslavantoy
Pop: 6,666 Mil

26: The Sultanate of Osmaniye
Pop: 157 Mil

27: The Sovereign Marquisate of Pinicada
Pop: 11,388 Mil

28: The Commonwealth of Polonia-lituana
Pop: 411 Mil

29: The Kingdom of Portograal
Pop: 1,022 Mil

30: The Kingdom of Proxima America
Pop: 167 Mil

31: The Bannorn of Qolmar
Pop: 11,554 Mil

32: The Golden Kingdom of Saballia
Pop: 1,702 Mil

33: The Greater Tsardom of Severolslavia
Pop: 9,429 Mil

34: The Grand Duchy of Shieldurn
Pop: 112 Mil

35: The Queendom of Tamerals
Pop: 1,681 Mil

36: The Constitutional Monarchy of Tangrezia
Pop: 10 Mil

37: The Dictatorship of United Colibeny
Pop: 8 Mil

38: The Kingdom of Uolofe
Pop: 833 Mil

39: The Empire of Vakterreich
Pop: 10,325 Mil

40: The Imperial Fatherland of Vakunithia
Pop: 7,224 Mil

41: The Kaiserreich of Vordoslavia
Pop: 3,631 Mil

42: The Dominion of Workers Union-Britannia
Pop: 6 Mil

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