1: The Twenty-Eight of 28 Pop: 24,777 Mil 2: The Republic of 9Petoria Pop: 16 Mil 3: The People's Republic of Aameeriicaa Pop: 8 Mil 4: The Republic of Acy Reach Pop: 20 Mil 5: The Republic of Advamaris Pop: 365 Mil 6: The Butterfly of Aglais io Pop: 6,776 Mil 7: The Matriarchy of Agloolik Pop: 6,833 Mil 8: The ???? Colony ???? of Amberleaf Pop: 4,877 Mil 9: The Republic of Antienam Pop: 3,778 Mil 10: The Awesome Autocracy of Aquitinia Pop: 6,863 Mil 11: The Sacred Kingdom of Ardenarai Pop: 2,520 Mil 12: The Republic of Armova Pop: 14 Mil 13: The Presidential Republic of Arousonac Pop: 5,064 Mil 14: The Democratic States of Artaecus Pop: 8,289 Mil 15: The Iverian Megacorp of AshTech Industries Pop: 2,610 Mil 16: The Democratic Protectorate of Atlantic Stegosaurs Pop: 9,488 Mil 17: The People's Republic of Avenara Pop: 45 Mil 18: The Second Empire of Baltocarpathia Pop: 3,902 Mil 19: The Republic of BIOCHI Pop: 16 Mil 20: The Republic of Brandy Compas Pop: 1,861 Mil 21: The Republic of Brennus Pop: 6,496 Mil 22: The Republic of Caeruleum Aquilarum Pop: 5,556 Mil 23: The Dain?j?? of Candain Pop: 23,789 Mil 24: The Royal Dominion of Candensia Pop: 16,898 Mil 25: The City State of Cenagrad Pop: 17,880 Mil 26: The Free Land of Centaura era Pop: 16 Mil 27: The Republic of Componian republic Pop: 9 Mil 28: The Inactive Inactivesons of Conglagateia Pop: 16,439 Mil 29: The Empire of Courteses Pop: 16 Mil 30: The Republic of Crasky Pop: 12 Mil 31: The Third Confederation of Dze Tribes Pop: 5,066 Mil 32: The Republic of Eastern Hjomlut Pop: 1,214 Mil 33: The Republic of Empire of Gora Pop: 13,823 Mil 34: The Empire of Empire of New Britannia Pop: 7 Mil 35: The United Socialist States of Eridium Pop: 555 Mil 36: The Commonwealth of ETC Database Pop: 7,211 Mil 37: The Loving Couple of F4n4rt Pop: 6,861 Mil 38: The Federation of Federation of Africa Pop: 12,182 Mil 39: The Shattered Realm of Eldamar of Fiercewood Pop: 19,580 Mil 40: The Ordained Kingdom of Firsonia Pop: 763 Mil 41: The Matriarchy of FLESH SPECTACLE Pop: 7 Mil 42: The Grand Duchy of Gabestania Pop: 23 Mil 43: The Spice Empire of Greater Avaria Pop: 5,333 Mil 44: The Queendom of Greater New Andaver Pop: 7 Mil 45: The Democratic Republic of Gres Slan Pop: 366 Mil 46: The High Principality of Groszhamlach-Knetteraschen Pop: 5,025 Mil 47: The Rogue Nation of GSN37 Pop: 3,414 Mil 48: The Queendom of Heckington Pop: 5,827 Mil 49: The Queendom of Hidden Taco Man Pop: 40 Mil 50: The Theocracy of HN67 III Pop: 10,280 Mil 51: The Confederacy of Holy Texans Pop: 10 Mil 52: The Tiny Republic of Incheon City Pop: 4,868 Mil 53: The Empire of Invincible Veriants Pop: 6 Mil 54: The Republic of Isnupie Pop: 14 Mil 55: The Principality of Istport-Seara Pop: 357 Mil 56: The Republic of Italiana unita Pop: 16 Mil 57: The Empire of Joe lands6 Pop: 10 Mil 58: The Dominion of Kitsissuarsuit Pop: 10,533 Mil 59: The Democratic States of Konispeleres Pop: 36 Mil 60: The Divided Country of Kowenian States Pop: 8,986 Mil 61: The Empire of Kuriko Pop: 15,637 Mil 62: The Provisional Administration of Kynthes Pop: 11,487 Mil 63: The Republic of Laceydonia Pop: 330 Mil 64: The Confederacy of Lacranche Pop: 300 Mil 65: The Queendom of Lavmin Pop: 20 Mil 66: The Empire of Lekano Pop: 934 Mil 67: The Solist Empire of Lenlyvit Pop: 20,616 Mil 68: The Free Land of Libertopia Land 23 Pop: 601 Mil 69: The Dictatorship of Low Taper Fades Pop: 327 Mil 70: The Republic of Marzeux Pop: 10 Mil 71: The Free Land of Masaniay Pop: 12,211 Mil 72: The Directorial Republic of Midribbonia Pop: 8,675 Mil 73: The People's republic of Milenciano Pop: 5,629 Mil 74: The Federated States of Naacal Pop: 2,034 Mil 75: The Grand Duchy of Naphrotan Pop: 20 Mil 76: The Kingdom of Nationville Pop: 5,564 Mil 77: The Alien Planet of Nauvis Pop: 6,027 Mil | 78: The Federal Republic of Nemilliax Pop: 18 Mil 79: The Republic of Neoluxia Pop: 12 Mil 80: The Commonwealth of Neuerstaat Pop: 3,446 Mil 81: The Commonwealth of Neuse Pop: 2,507 Mil 82: The Free Land of New Anarchista Pop: 26 Mil 83: The People's Republic of New Noric Pop: 3,703 Mil 84: The Grand Duchy of New Trufflelandia Pop: 2,988 Mil 85: The Republic of New Wavia Pop: 20 Mil 86: The Republic of Nonadia Pop: 12,407 Mil 87: The Democratic States of Northern Mapleunion Pop: 7,301 Mil 88: The Republic of Nueva Columbia Pop: 729 Mil 89: The Democratic Republic of Nuvesenberg Pop: 16 Mil 90: The Federation of Arbarau of Oseiyra-Norein Pop: 8,039 Mil 91: The Technate of Otyken Pop: 2,664 Mil 92: The United Continents of Pangaea Pop: 16,136 Mil 93: The Most Serene Republic of Passestellare Pop: 12 Mil 94: The Rogue Nation of Picmadh Pop: 423 Mil 95: The Incorporated States of Pig Vomit Pop: 18 Mil 96: The Divine State of Platinium Pop: 11,265 Mil 97: The Republic of Qucscastan Pop: 18 Mil 98: The Armed Republic of Rassher Pop: 578 Mil 99: The Empire of Redpeppers Pop: 15,619 Mil 100: The People's Empire of Rekken Pop: 14,296 Mil 101: The Republic of Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Pop: 4,099 Mil 102: The Allied States of Rivercess Pop: 2,796 Mil 103: The Federation of Rohjoh Pop: 26 Mil 104: The Kingdom of Romik Pop: 18 Mil 105: The Magi Kingdom of Rosamund Pop: 8,055 Mil 106: The Kingdom of Rumanian States Pop: 16,192 Mil 107: The Lianzhou 連洲 Empyrea of Ryuvir Pop: 5,637 Mil 108: The Republic of Saelig Pop: 152 Mil 109: The Promised Land of Seibalath Pop: 7,573 Mil 110: The United Federation of Serlain States Pop: 8,827 Mil 111: The Kingdom of Skaqua Pop: 26 Mil 112: The Communist Paradise of Sllew Egdirbnut Pop: 23,836 Mil 113: The Arkreik of Smollia Pop: 853 Mil 114: The Democratic Utopia of South Easthern Pop: 14,690 Mil 115: The People's Republic of Soviet enthusiasts Pop: 26 Mil 116: The United Socialist States of Sovietsya Pop: 12 Mil 117: The Dictatorship of Succes Pop: 6 Mil 118: The Federation of Tatarskstan Pop: 582 Mil 119: The Theocracy of Techno Chevanentia Pop: 7 Mil 120: The Federation of Terra Reformed Pop: 5,082 Mil 121: The Lenlyvitian Colony of Terra Voltera Pop: 15,376 Mil 122: The Commonwealth of The Distanic Confederacy Pop: 7,505 Mil 123: The Democratic States of The Endless Woods Pop: 5,015 Mil 124: The Synthetic Paradise of The Glow Pop: 2,110 Mil 125: The Holy Empire of The Morning Paragon Sun Pop: 22,177 Mil 126: The 2nd Republic of The Outer Union Scouting Squadron Pop: 5,888 Mil 127: The Republic of The Pennamite republic Pop: 18 Mil 128: The Dominion of Ththi dispatch nation2 Pop: 56 Mil 129: The Empire of TIZENLAND Pop: 26 Mil 130: The Steppe States of Torimia Pop: 8,930 Mil 131: The Confederacy of Transnister Pop: 13,362 Mil 132: The Republic of Turwan Pop: 296 Mil 133: The Kingdom of Tuvoy Pop: 212 Mil 134: The United States of TYLER THE CREATORS Pop: 327 Mil 135: The Federation of United Ecological Union Pop: 10 Mil 136: The United Kingdom of United Kingdoms of Ahnvae Pop: 594 Mil 137: The Empire of Unter Pop: 509 Mil 138: The High Princedom of Valkyreia Pop: 4,572 Mil 139: The People's Republic of Vanich Pop: 486 Mil 140: The Colony of Vesvaria Pop: 977 Mil 141: The People's Republic of Voidkree Pop: 12,782 Mil 142: The Democratic Republic of Voltarien Pop: 14 Mil 143: The Republic of Vusaronia Pop: 5,930 Mil 144: The Republic of Western Hjomlut Pop: 2,617 Mil 145: The Isolationist nation of Whicistaion Pop: 10,960 Mil 146: The Solis Imperium of Woleve Atraland Pop: 12,235 Mil 147: The Empire of Xaeloa Pop: 10 Mil 148: The Imperium of Ziestheim Pop: 11,857 Mil 149: The Colony of Zilwahl Pop: 456 Mil 150: The Imperium of Zlogradinia Pop: 1,628 Mil 151: The Kingdom of Zrasshea Pop: 5,443 Mil |