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47 Countries populate the Region of The International Alliance of Swag

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of The International Alliance of Swag.

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1: The Armed Republic of 12th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 900 Mil

2: The Illegally obtained state of Actual Two Sicilies
Pop: 2,140 Mil

3: The Cilbuper tsilaicos eneres of Aidnomzed
Pop: 3,182 Mil

4: The Oppressed Peoples of Aqueus
Pop: 309 Mil

5: The Nine Circles of Arkastal
Pop: 887 Mil

6: The Gnomish Realm of Backwards singularity
Pop: 2,734 Mil

7: The Empire of Baddy Lenuttlemens
Pop: 766 Mil

8: The Envoy for MNC and others of Badgaran
Pop: 3,086 Mil

9: The Dictatorship of Blackcat
Pop: 626 Mil

10: The Tubthumping Territory of Chumbawambing
Pop: 4,571 Mil

11: The Empire of Comorah
Pop: 262 Mil

12: The Empire of Cunlun
Pop: 543 Mil

13: The Serene Socialist Republic of Dezmondia
Pop: 4,582 Mil

14: The Cuneiform of Ea Nasir
Pop: 1,125 Mil

15: The Incorporated States of Farfos
Pop: 14 Mil

16: The Federation of Femboys and Twinks
Pop: 6 Mil

17: The Gamma Ray Society of Flibijiberton
Pop: 581 Mil

18: The Digital Nation of Forfaria
Pop: 4,530 Mil

19: The Ironically Backwards Nation of Forwards duality
Pop: 2,652 Mil

20: The Safety of Grant Delpit
Pop: 1,207 Mil

21: The Mathematically correct state of Great Surdia
Pop: 2,671 Mil

22: The Gallifreyan Empire of Haldorian
Pop: 1,558 Mil

23: The MNC Corporate Head quarters of Honooks
Pop: 3,101 Mil

24: The Elected dystopia of Ifrinn deamocratach
Pop: 3,238 Mil

25: The Holy Empire of Joe Hawliton
Pop: 496 Mil

26: The Grand United republic of Middle Noppy Cap
Pop: 4,381 Mil

27: The People's Republic of Moazedongania
Pop: 584 Mil

28: The IAS battleground of Nationstates free for all
Pop: 621 Mil

29: The People's Republic of New noppy
Pop: 1,833 Mil

30: The Democratic Republic of New Sleazeburg
Pop: 3,885 Mil

31: The Moisture of Nothing But Water
Pop: 2,160 Mil

32: The Republic of Nothing here ever
Pop: 699 Mil

33: The Digital Tool of Phorpharia
Pop: 1,069 Mil

34: The Republic of Rovilaia
Pop: 2,037 Mil

35: The Rogue Nation of Shaboing
Pop: 1,856 Mil

36: The Democratic Republic of Slervekia
Pop: 535 Mil

37: The Federation of Soviet Republics of The Pacific
Pop: 2,676 Mil

38: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCLXIV
Pop: 2,224 Mil

39: The Dystopia or Utopia of Tankie Bois
Pop: 4,593 Mil

40: The Federal Republic of Terroristania
Pop: 3,682 Mil

41: The Armed Republic of The 63rd Podrian Coastal Defence Battery
Pop: 1,964 Mil

42: The Holy Divine Lordship of The Bazlands
Pop: 4,448 Mil

43: The Empire of The Gallifrey capitol
Pop: 164 Mil

44: The Pint loving chaps of Very Accurate Leeds
Pop: 1,981 Mil

45: The Armed Republic of Violenceville
Pop: 4,482 Mil

46: The Community of Wik land
Pop: 297 Mil

47: The United States of Zoob
Pop: 319 Mil

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