1: The Trotskyist Federation of Achung Pop: 17,438 Mil 2: The Rogue Nation of Adperar Pop: 1,145 Mil 3: The United Socialist States of Agitprop Pop: 9,488 Mil 4: The Technate of Akademgorodok Pop: 7,459 Mil 5: The Second Socialist Republic of Al-Aezam Pop: 17,213 Mil 6: The Community of Algonquin Island Pop: 3,214 Mil 7: The Exclusion Zone of Anasychkinark Pop: 7,238 Mil 8: The People's Republic of Angilstan Pop: 1,852 Mil 9: The Republic of Aranca Pop: 201 Mil 10: The United Socialist States of Arctic Territories Pop: 358 Mil 11: The Federal Republic of Argin Pop: 18,655 Mil 12: The Funky Town of Arkmamium Pop: 39,998 Mil 13: The United States of Army of Red Russia Pop: 1,707 Mil 14: The State of Arstotzkan Peoples Democratic Republic Pop: 2,373 Mil 15: The Loving Couple of Art Fan Pop: 6,760 Mil 16: The Transhumanists of Bity Mons Pop: 1,872 Mil 17: The Beatified Building Brickface of Borf Brigades Pop: 9,505 Mil 18: The Union of Bunkovia Pop: 9,017 Mil 19: The People's Republic of Catarcas Pop: 539 Mil 20: The People's Republic of Catford Pop: 11,485 Mil 21: The Republic of Courelli in TI Pop: 11,916 Mil 22: The Herrebrugher Workers' Army of De 32ste Volksdivisie Pop: 29,377 Mil 23: The Union of Democratic Martian States Pop: 4,073 Mil 24: The Union of Democratic Socialist Republics of Russia Pop: 1,811 Mil 25: The United Socialist States of Dir Union Pop: 1,828 Mil 26: The Darmstadtium of Ds Pop: 16,983 Mil 27: The Green Workers' Paradise of Eco-Marxism Pop: 3,520 Mil 28: The Kingdom of Esgeirimmen Pop: 16,120 Mil 29: The Kingdom of Eternal Life Pop: 1,761 Mil 30: The Peoples Republic of Foshfish Pop: 3,790 Mil 31: The Socialist Republic of Greater Vietnam Pop: 14,069 Mil 32: The Grand Duchy of Hufforphaulsh Pop: 2,107 Mil 33: The Republic of IWW Pop: 1,913 Mil 34: The Republics in Solidarity of Jartia Pop: 8,258 Mil 35: The Necrosocialist Convocation of Kalmykhia Pop: 46,257 Mil 36: The People's Republic of Karlos Pop: 20,163 Mil 37: The Republic of Kasia Pop: 4,159 Mil 38: The Democratic Republic of Komorebi Pop: 341 Mil 39: The People's Republic of Koundi Pop: 1,471 Mil 40: The People's Republic of Krasnyy Burya Pop: 21,788 Mil 41: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN58 Pop: 4,736 Mil 42: The People's Red Republic of Kuckuzzolandia Pop: 10,896 Mil 43: The Communist Community of Leninnn Pop: 13,441 Mil 44: The Eternal Republic of Liberated Working People Pop: 3,175 Mil 45: The Union of Egoists of Little Woodhouse Pop: 45,869 Mil 46: The Free Land of Loviatar Pop: 10,979 Mil 47: The People's Republic of Lunos Unia Pop: 3,935 Mil 48: The Red Fleet Marines of Lyrical International Brigade Pop: 16,118 Mil | 49: The People's Federal Republic of Maoist Nepal Pop: 1,599 Mil 50: The Transhuman Communist State of Minchioria Pop: 30,396 Mil 51: The Socialist Republic of New Sovietico Pop: 4,555 Mil 52: The Russian Socialist State of North Sovietico Pop: 5,226 Mil 53: The Socialist Peoples Republic of Oblastia Pop: 1,079 Mil 54: The People's Republic of Old Samon Pop: 3,479 Mil 55: The Incorporated States of Opulentissima Pop: 2,491 Mil 56: The United Socialist States of Ordasch Pop: 56 Mil 57: The People's Republic of Orion Centaurus Pop: 174 Mil 58: The Eternal Assurance of Phaphonies Pop: 5,230 Mil 59: The Diplomatic Mission of Podria in TI Pop: 4,862 Mil 60: The United Socialist Republic of Prenderstein Pop: 1,681 Mil 61: The Rogue Nation of Puuppie Pop: 8,149 Mil 62: The People's Republic of Radio Free Solidarity Pop: 1,919 Mil 63: The People's Republic of SAFT in TI Pop: 5,602 Mil 64: The People's Republic of Slobozhanschyna Pop: 544 Mil 65: The Federal Republic of Socialist Spectoria Pop: 2,463 Mil 66: The Workers Federal Union of South Sovietico Pop: 2,631 Mil 67: The Armed Republic of Soviet Kruplickistan Pop: 34,998 Mil 68: The United Socialist Republic of Sovietized Unions Pop: 14,590 Mil 69: The United Socialist States of Sovietsky Mapc Pop: 29 Mil 70: The Democratic Federation of Spanish Commons Pop: 8,611 Mil 71: The Republic of St Jordi Pop: 15,572 Mil 72: The People's Republic of Stack X Pop: 3,292 Mil 73: The Free Land of Stochastic Pop: 16,164 Mil 74: The People's Republic of Tarttu Pop: 62 Mil 75: The Anarchist Associations of Tegia Eassordia Pop: 6,345 Mil 76: The Democratic Peoples Republic of The 32 Counties Pop: 18,259 Mil 77: The Socialist Republic of The American Continentes Pop: 11,546 Mil 78: The Internationale Custodian of The Commune of la Guillotiere Pop: 12,193 Mil 79: The Worker's Republic of THE daily Fish Pop: 2,808 Mil 80: The Republic of The Eco-Socialist Republic Pop: 20 Mil 81: The Republic of The Fures Pop: 206 Mil 82: The Colony of The Internationale33 Pop: 12,394 Mil 83: The Socialist Union of The Magallanic Peoples Pop: 3,023 Mil 84: The King Dust Demon of The Mustache Man- Pop: 24,521 Mil 85: The Moon of Titan Pop: 2,654 Mil 86: The People's Republic of Unite populaire francaise Pop: 3,443 Mil 87: The Democratic Republic of Valle de Trucha Pop: 438 Mil 88: The Republic of Ventaia Pop: 203 Mil 89: The Matriarchy of Vibr Pop: 3,203 Mil 90: The Democratic Republic of VietNann Pop: 18 Mil 91: The People's Republic of Vitalunya Pop: 2,910 Mil 92: The United Socialist States of Zollias Pop: 10,324 Mil 93: The Council Republic of Zulanka in TI Pop: 19,775 Mil |