1: The Dictatorship of Absolutism Obliteration Pop: 14 Mil 2: The Emirate of Adi123 Pop: 12 Mil 3: The Dominion of Akunnaaq Pop: 10,451 Mil 4: The Empire of Aleacta Est Pop: 62 Mil 5: The Kingdom of Alvarezidom Pop: 18 Mil 6: The Republic of Alvels Pop: 23 Mil 7: The Scourge of Attila the Hun Pop: 16,830 Mil 8: The Rogue Nation of Autonomaria Pop: 360 Mil 9: The Dictatorship of Bainet Pop: 109 Mil 10: The Dictatorship of Baker Nation Pop: 153 Mil 11: The Armed Republic of BEGETS Pop: 341 Mil 12: The Republic of Bentertag Pop: 12 Mil 13: The Holy Empire of Boiled people who also steal things Pop: 602 Mil 14: The Federal Republic of Boytia Pop: 133 Mil 15: The Comandante of Che Pop: 17,714 Mil 16: The Confederacy of Communist Fasp Pop: 436 Mil 17: The Dictatorship of Degeopold Pop: 162 Mil 18: The Armed Republic of Delete 1024 Items Pop: 504 Mil 19: The Dictatorship of Democratic republic of arintonia Pop: 9 Mil 20: The Republic of Denna Wul Pop: 68 Mil 21: The Free Land of Destructionalia 2 Pop: 23 Mil 22: The Constitutional Monarchy of Deutsche 2nd Reich Pop: 29 Mil 23: The Empire of Deutsches Reichk Pop: 310 Mil 24: The Empire of Devotindos Pop: 29 Mil 25: The Empire of Deylarware Pop: 69 Mil 26: The Dictatorship of Dictatorship of Hells Pop: 9 Mil 27: The Holy Empire of Dolma Pop: 315 Mil 28: The Empire of Dont live here you will die Pop: 40 Mil 29: The Federation of DP Countries Pop: 23 Mil 30: The Dictatorship of East Corea Pop: 820 Mil 31: The Republic of East Jidstan Pop: 23 Mil 32: The Republic of East Montero Pop: 6,090 Mil 33: The Federation of East Vinland Pop: 17,729 Mil 34: The Loving Couple of F4n 4rt- Pop: 6,821 Mil 35: The Dictatorship of Femton Pop: 1,423 Mil 36: The Holy Trees of Forest Tiger Pop: 9,344 Mil 37: The Holy Empire of Fortnight battle pass Pop: 36 Mil 38: The Empire of Forwardchy Pop: 252 Mil 39: The Confederacy of Free Companies Pop: 451 Mil 40: The Armed Republic of Free territory of arania Pop: 807 Mil 41: The Republic of Free Van Ree Woman Pop: 17,935 Mil 42: The Armed Republic of Fritzgerland Pop: 295 Mil 43: The Colony of Garedonia Pop: 492 Mil 44: The Dear Leader of Gest II Pop: 19,408 Mil 45: The Allied States of Gods Help Us Pop: 18 Mil 46: The Holy Empire of Graliess Clusinaistan Pop: 674 Mil 47: The Rogue Nation of GSN24 Pop: 3,432 Mil 48: The Holy Empire of Hatsune mikuuu Pop: 7 Mil 49: The Dictatorship of Hindustani Islands Pop: 74 Mil 50: The Republic of Iegendary Pop: 722 Mil 51: The Empire of Imperium Occidentale Pop: 7,236 Mil 52: The Dictatorship of Ininiza Pop: 851 Mil 53: The Commonwealth of Jaman Pop: 93 Mil 54: The Obi-Wan of Jedious Pop: 7,927 Mil 55: The Saint of Joan of Arc Pop: 15,517 Mil 56: The People's Republic of Joshuasland Pop: 36 Mil 57: The Armed Republic of Jschlatt Pop: 354 Mil 58: The Dominion of Jujutsu-Kaisen Pop: 6 Mil 59: The Federal Republic of Kaliccumi Pop: 29 Mil 60: The Holy Empire of Karavi Resi Pop: 40 Mil 61: The Republic of Kensboys Marineford Pop: 513 Mil 62: The Holy Empire of Kfclandina Pop: 966 Mil 63: The Empire of Kolish Pop: 16 Mil 64: The Kingdom of Larten Pop: 62 Mil 65: The Queendom of Liepzig Pop: 29 Mil 66: The Republic of Liftopolia Pop: 696 Mil 67: The Kingdom of Linnorm Pop: 69 Mil 68: The Republic of Long way go back Pop: 79 Mil 69: The Dictatorship of Lullerania Pop: 6,067 Mil 70: The Confederacy of Magamusk Pop: 125 Mil 71: The Federal Republic of Magnarna Pop: 26 Mil 72: The Republic of Malory Narnia Pop: 7,432 Mil 73: The Chairman of Mao Zedong Pop: 18,152 Mil 74: The Armed Republic of Matiropazan Islands Pop: 15,105 Mil 75: The Dictatorship of Mige Pop: 9,358 Mil 76: The Empire of Mittel-Amerika Pop: 455 Mil 77: The Colony of Mokashina Pop: 634 Mil 78: The Sultanate of Mou Goder Pop: 107 Mil 79: The United Kingdom of Najspokojniejsza Republika Spokolilandu Pop: 50 Mil | 80: The Jingoistic States of Neo-Redwood Pop: 147 Mil 81: The Nickel of Ni Pop: 16,865 Mil 82: The Empire of Nofai Pop: 26 Mil 83: The Invasion of North Lemoutery Pop: 18,151 Mil 84: The Democratic People's Republic of North soul Pop: 1,052 Mil 85: The Psalm of Np 26 Pop: 14,077 Mil 86: The Free Land of Objectivist North Korea Pop: 7 Mil 87: The Theocracy of Outer Island Far Islands Pop: 109 Mil 88: The Dictatorship of Ozral Pop: 2,668 Mil 89: The Federal Republic of Peke Pop: 128 Mil 90: The United Socialist States of Pepl Pop: 1,391 Mil 91: The General of Pinochet Pop: 17,390 Mil 92: The Kingdom of Poo pee pee pee Pop: 7 Mil 93: The Emirate of Puerto Madero Pop: 120 Mil 94: The Invasion of Rain Delay Pop: 27,557 Mil 95: The Republic of Rain Delay DEN Pop: 12,798 Mil 96: The Republic of Rain Delays Card Overflow Pop: 13,155 Mil 97: The Republic of Rain Delays Card Overflow I Pop: 10,125 Mil 98: The Republic of Rain Delays Christmas Pop: 10,691 Mil 99: The Republic of Rare ex-nation cards Pop: 10,203 Mil 100: The Cow Sanctuary of Rare Steakman Medium Pop: 18,039 Mil 101: The Republic of Raysilville Pop: 8 Mil 102: The ⚡⚡⚡CLICK ME PLEASE⚡⚡⚡ of Recruit Pop: 18,876 Mil 103: The Allied States of Red black white Crystal Pop: 79 Mil 104: The Sin Archbishop of Regulus Corneas Pop: 8,785 Mil 105: The Empire of Reich off Pop: 32 Mil 106: The Golden Tiger of Rose Rain Delay Pop: 13,205 Mil 107: The Free Land of Sacrosanct Utopia Pop: 18 Mil 108: The Theocracy of Saint Michael and August Pop: 2,778 Mil 109: The Dictatorship of Saphill Pop: 12 Mil 110: The Dictatorship of Seank Pop: 73 Mil 111: The Howling General of Shadows Song Pop: 24,767 Mil 112: The Holy Empire of Shatki Pop: 4,572 Mil 113: The Dictatorship of Sigma rebellion Pop: 23 Mil 114: The Element of Silicon Pop: 15,545 Mil 115: The Dictatorship of Soviet Scotlands Pop: 1,675 Mil 116: The Dictatorship of Soviet slavia Pop: 67 Mil 117: The Free Land of SpaceX 79 Pop: 23 Mil 118: The Democratic Republic of Ston Vanma Pop: 23 Mil 119: The Republic of Texian Republic Pop: 648 Mil 120: The Grand Army of The Black Commander Pop: 20,236 Mil 121: The Dictatorship of The Chance Cartel Pop: 36 Mil 122: The Empire of The Citymetrounion Pop: 18 Mil 123: The Holy Empire of The Federation of Poland Pop: 20 Mil 124: The Loyal Fervor of The Invaders News Service Pop: 18,465 Mil 125: The Disputed Territories of The Nation of Kit Pop: 36 Mil 126: The Rain Delay's First Nation of The Sex Pistols 1977 Pop: 42,344 Mil 127: The Prelude Dictatorship of The silver hand Pop: 627 Mil 128: The Holy Balance Empire of The Spiffing Brit Pop: 11,228 Mil 129: The United Socialist States of Thefishthatflys Pop: 40 Mil 130: The Free Land of Thuglandia2 Pop: 854 Mil 131: The Empire of Tianshaniya Pop: 455 Mil 132: The Kingdom of Trojan Pop: 2,790 Mil 133: The Federation of Tsareko Pop: 6 Mil 134: The Dominion of Tuparis Pop: 14 Mil 135: The Armed Republic of Tyrannical Leaderships Pop: 10 Mil 136: The Sultanate of Uiq Pop: 10,883 Mil 137: The United States of Union of Clain Pop: 629 Mil 138: The United Socialist States of Union of Eurasia Pop: 2,651 Mil 139: The Principality of United Kragothurna Pop: 36 Mil 140: The Dominion of Veles Vale Pop: 98 Mil 141: The Republic of Very Democratic Republic Pop: 2,063 Mil 142: The Dominion of Viltrum Empire Pop: 56 Mil 143: The Dictatorship of Virentorn Pop: 1,008 Mil 144: The Vampire of Vlad the Impaler Pop: 17,608 Mil 145: The Empire of Volkmen Pop: 615 Mil 146: The Republic of Walan Joenordia Pop: 97 Mil 147: The Federal Republic of Warmery Pop: 26 Mil 148: The Kingdom of Williamany Pop: 14 Mil 149: The Republic of Xi yi Pop: 23 Mil 150: The Dominion of XM-5 Pop: 683 Mil 151: The Incorporated States of Yankeedollar Pop: 20 Mil 152: The Empire of Yankyn Pop: 285 Mil 153: The Cheese Manufacturers of Yediones 2 Pop: 1,293 Mil 154: The Dictatorship of Yuraniland Pop: 1,930 Mil 155: The Dictatorship of Zeppo Pop: 4,446 Mil |