1: The Loving Couple of -F4n 4rt- Pop: 6,839 Mil 2: The Free Land of Anarkhe Pop: 17,195 Mil 3: The Heavenly Host of Archangel Dylan Pop: 16,955 Mil 4: The Republic of Arienos Pop: 14,610 Mil 5: The Dixton nation of Australia And The Outback Pop: 3,155 Mil 6: The Dominion of Axria Pop: 20,923 Mil 7: The Lady Alexi of Barrington-Highsworth Pop: 22,797 Mil 8: The Beast of Bat Pop: 23,310 Mil 9: The Empire of Bendertopia Pop: 3,860 Mil 10: The Stock Price of British Petroleum Pop: 21,737 Mil 11: The Republic of Daniel22 Pop: 10,614 Mil 12: The Capitalist Democratic State of Deustchlandz Pop: 5,403 Mil 13: The Armed Republic of Dinghow Pop: 21,055 Mil 14: The Kingdom of Dorcaren Pelnisio Pop: 86 Mil 15: The Other Castle of Eilan Donan Pop: 21,560 Mil 16: The Democratic Republic of Eli Hesial Pop: 15,162 Mil 17: The Commonwealth of Football Lads Alliance Pop: 14,084 Mil 18: The Commonwealth of Foxtor Pop: 18,725 Mil 19: The Democratic Republic of Galatium Pop: 2,944 Mil 20: The Theocratic Economic Empire of Great Moloch Pop: 5,715 Mil 21: The Kingdom of Gwyndelm Pop: 17,253 Mil 22: The Dominion of Hannover-Hesse Pop: 12,813 Mil 23: The Federation of Himurajima Pop: 1,827 Mil 24: The Republic of Ignacio Hanque Pop: 27,733 Mil 25: The Principality of Inaisia Pop: 13,346 Mil 26: The Spring Break Friendship of Keronika Pop: 27,983 Mil 27: The Serene People's Republic of Kharangia Pop: 17,644 Mil 28: The British Founder of King Alexander Pop: 25,181 Mil 29: The Borderlands of Klation Pop: 800 Mil 30: The Greater Empire of Kristallherrschaft Pop: 3,450 Mil | 31: The Federal Republic of Laacou Pop: 11,627 Mil 32: The Kingdom of Landiya Pop: 7,330 Mil 33: The Rogue Nation of LSN56 Pop: 3,482 Mil 34: The Commonwealth of Manticorus Pop: 11,654 Mil 35: The Protectorate of Mars Thev Colf Pop: 2,807 Mil 36: The Elective Commonwealth of New Intermarium Pop: 20,119 Mil 37: The United Socialist States of North Cuball Pop: 17,899 Mil 38: The Commonwealth of Nova Loxodon Pop: 634 Mil 39: The Democratic nation of People republic of chlna Pop: 13,422 Mil 40: The Holy Green Irish of Petro Hong Kong Pop: 22,489 Mil 41: The Empire of QuietDad of Great Britian Pop: 15,094 Mil 42: The Serene Meme Kingdom of Rhino Hypolan Pop: 4,094 Mil 43: The Commonwealth of Rwssia Pop: 7,336 Mil 44: The Republic of Social Democratic Labour Party Pop: 14,606 Mil 45: The Principality of Staklamaistan Pop: 874 Mil 46: The Republic of The Defender of Truth Fox News Pop: 23,193 Mil 47: The Republic of The western states of france Pop: 2,890 Mil 48: The Commonwealth of Todshaw Pop: 18,325 Mil 49: The Economic Powerhouse of Ulster Brigades Pop: 23,626 Mil 50: The High Kingdom of Valmekia Pop: 2,027 Mil 51: The Kingdom of Wessexmouth Pop: 9,795 Mil 52: The Princesspality of Whig1212 Pop: 12,082 Mil 53: The Tripartite of Wolfs Brigade Pop: 5,444 Mil 54: The Democratic States of Yuhlm Pop: 13,492 Mil 55: The Kingdom of Yuretichia Pop: 19,163 Mil 56: The Republic of Zoombinis 3 Pop: 15,503 Mil |