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369 Countries populate the Region of The League

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of The League.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Republic of 333333333
Pop: 153 Mil

2: The Holy Kingdom of 500 Miles
Pop: 897 Mil

3: The Grand Duchy of Abrahamgrad
Pop: 3,560 Mil

4: The Empire of Acacobaca
Pop: 8 Mil

5: The Dictatorship of Adrationa
Pop: 80 Mil

6: The Armed Republic of Advance Guard
Pop: 9,202 Mil

7: The Federation of Aelantir Communes
Pop: 14 Mil

8: The Republic of Agar tha
Pop: 149 Mil

9: The Kingdom of Aidax
Pop: 2,904 Mil

10: The Communist States of Ajakanistan
Pop: 9,140 Mil

11: The Republic of Akhand Bharata Samrajyam
Pop: 248 Mil

12: The United Kingdom of Akhmola
Pop: 2,275 Mil

13: The Kingdom of Aktlant
Pop: 10 Mil

14: The Incorporated States of Almurta
Pop: 18,838 Mil

15: The Holy Autocratic Empire of Alphanix
Pop: 5,237 Mil

16: The Kingdom of Alrica
Pop: 867 Mil

17: The Empire of Amia
Pop: 2,702 Mil

18: The Meow Meow Meow Meow of Anarchisticstan but Hes in TL and viben
Pop: 4,169 Mil

19: The Republic of Andalusian Iberia
Pop: 14 Mil

20: The Democratic States of Andraes
Pop: 50 Mil

21: The Borderlands of AngelStitch
Pop: 5,335 Mil

22: The Imperial State of the Crown of Angvar
Pop: 5,918 Mil

23: The Empire of Anjevin
Pop: 56 Mil

24: The Federal Republic of Aparition
Pop: 4,619 Mil

25: The Community of Apple gang
Pop: 7 Mil

26: The United States of Asia Chager
Pop: 23 Mil

27: The Incorporated States of Ateki-Yidostan
Pop: 326 Mil

28: The Empire of Atrox Deus
Pop: 4,056 Mil

29: The Holy Empire of Aurania
Pop: 4,014 Mil

30: The Holy Empire of Austrios
Pop: 800 Mil

31: The Holy Empire of Avarices Apollyon
Pop: 68 Mil

32: The Democratic States of Avengis
Pop: 4,445 Mil

33: The Colony of Avengisian Nyx
Pop: 2,210 Mil

34: The United Socialist States of Axelandria
Pop: 12 Mil

35: The Colony of Aztoposturtas
Pop: 9 Mil

36: The Borderlands of Bakalahn
Pop: 16 Mil

37: The Dominion of Bavarsia
Pop: 282 Mil

38: The Empire of Bennyboy nation
Pop: 249 Mil

39: The Holy Empire of BisNations
Pop: 36 Mil

40: The Federal Republic of Blairius
Pop: 36 Mil

41: The Best Nation of Bonkbonk
Pop: 5,620 Mil

42: The Chief Architect of Bootyswana
Pop: 5,045 Mil

43: The Republic of Botaniania
Pop: 20 Mil

44: The Grand 'Triumphant' Empire of Britain 1
Pop: 1,604 Mil

45: The Disputed Territories of Brokee
Pop: 4,262 Mil

46: The Holy Empire of Bublgym
Pop: 40 Mil

47: The Republic of Bullwinkle
Pop: 1,818 Mil

48: The Federal Republic of Bundes Republic Deutschland
Pop: 10,853 Mil

49: The Holy Empire of Calbra
Pop: 98 Mil

50: The Federative Union of Cathay
Pop: 5,511 Mil

51: The Commonwealth of Celeste
Pop: 3,459 Mil

52: The Allied States of Cendara
Pop: 40 Mil

53: The People's Republic of Cerantium
Pop: 2,990 Mil

54: The Principality of Cevencia
Pop: 187 Mil

55: The Holy Empire of Chajelja
Pop: 21,919 Mil

56: The Empire of Charllotao
Pop: 36 Mil

57: The Kingdom of Choirgirl24
Pop: 45 Mil

58: The Empire of Citadeltia
Pop: 18 Mil

59: The Empire of Coalition of Pirates
Pop: 45 Mil

60: The Holy Empire of Cokus by the latmus
Pop: 18 Mil

61: The Republic of Communism of india
Pop: 14 Mil

62: The Dictatorship of Communist districts of panem
Pop: 62 Mil

63: The Federal Republic of ConePerch
Pop: 80 Mil

64: The Republic of Cookie08
Pop: 62 Mil

65: The Federation of Cosaca
Pop: 16 Mil

66: The Empire of Countrydefin
Pop: 6 Mil

67: The Republic of Creaze
Pop: 75 Mil

68: The Holy Traditionalist Empire of Creeperopolis
Pop: 20,695 Mil

69: The Republic of Crymancia
Pop: 20 Mil

70: The Democratic Republic of CSedacca
Pop: 62 Mil

71: The Night-Watchman State of Dapines
Pop: 1,418 Mil

72: The People's Republic of Democratic People Republic of NorthKorea
Pop: 6,703 Mil

73: The Democratic Republic of DemocraticRepublic of Ohio
Pop: 67 Mil

74: The Disputed Territories of Dervingard Garrison
Pop: 6 Mil

75: The Republic of Desheria
Pop: 3,963 Mil

76: The Holy Proletariats' State of Devengrad
Pop: 3,070 Mil

77: The Splendid Nation of Dezfur
Pop: 2,111 Mil

78: The Empire of Divine Regency
Pop: 4,072 Mil

79: The Confederated Kingdom of Dlakisland
Pop: 7,434 Mil

80: The Federation of Dolayasia
Pop: 3,658 Mil

81: The Empire of Dom Ouverney
Pop: 431 Mil

82: The Republic of DragonBorn Clan
Pop: 7,478 Mil

83: The Republic of Dress To Impress With My Baddies
Pop: 86 Mil

84: The CuckooForCocoaPuffs citizens of Drewtopia
Pop: 9,307 Mil

85: The Democratic Republic of Druzeia
Pop: 832 Mil

86: The Rogue Nation of DSN88
Pop: 3,473 Mil

87: The Republic of Eashavist
Pop: 4,577 Mil

88: The Restored Republics of East Reztotzka
Pop: 5,503 Mil

89: The Empire of East Yourtanad
Pop: 11,323 Mil

90: The Imperial Federation of Ecalpa
Pop: 41,955 Mil

91: The Galactic Empire of Eldrado
Pop: 14,999 Mil

92: The Federal Republic of Eleutherios
Pop: 4,945 Mil

93: The Imperial Federation of Elysitopia
Pop: 1,853 Mil

94: The Kingdom of Emerelanda
Pop: 4,571 Mil

95: The Empire of Empire of Dundalk
Pop: 7 Mil

96: The Colony of End land
Pop: 62 Mil

97: The Federal Republic of Enjola
Pop: 1,269 Mil

98: The Nuclear Wasteland of Entropan
Pop: 7,587 Mil

99: The Holy Empire of Eoss Ang Ill
Pop: 20 Mil

100: The Federal Republic of Eserol
Pop: 4,365 Mil

101: The Republic of Europes leaders
Pop: 513 Mil

102: The Civic Republic of Everetunga-Hari
Pop: 6,726 Mil

103: The Kingdom of Exitodia
Pop: 3,798 Mil

104: The Empire of Fartsmellers
Pop: 9 Mil

105: The Kingdom of Feristaat Sudetenland
Pop: 117 Mil

106: The Federal Republic of Flying Dolphins
Pop: 380 Mil

107: The Protectorate of Francoism
Pop: 3,802 Mil

108: The Republic of Frecharo
Pop: 94 Mil

109: The Republic of Freedomseekers
Pop: 102 Mil

110: The Sultanate of Fri Nord
Pop: 120 Mil

111: The United States of Frussi
Pop: 1,093 Mil

112: The Empire of Frysia
Pop: 8 Mil

113: The Empire of GABBYLAND
Pop: 1,046 Mil

114: The Aureate Delegacy of Gagium
Pop: 17,134 Mil

115: The Republic of GamerGothGirls
Pop: 8 Mil

116: The Federation of Garahed
Pop: 474 Mil

117: The Holy Empire of Germany and Austria and hungary
Pop: 612 Mil

118: The Republic of Gilltopia
Pop: 14 Mil

119: The Illegitimate government of Gjorka
Pop: 17,356 Mil

120: The Constitutional Monarchy of Glengowrie
Pop: 6,829 Mil

121: The Empire of Grandissisimo brasil
Pop: 16 Mil

122: The Free Land of Great Empire of Wyeellyeeahhhhm
Pop: 784 Mil

123: The Serene Kingdom of Great Majorca
Pop: 25,631 Mil

124: The United Kingdom of Greater Britannica and Ireland
Pop: 26 Mil

125: The Empire of Greek States of Balkans
Pop: 199 Mil

126: The Empire of Guidera
Pop: 273 Mil

127: The Commonwealth of Gursim
Pop: 103 Mil

128: The United Islands of Hahai
Pop: 5,338 Mil

129: The Commonwealth of Hapatmitas
Pop: 3,724 Mil

130: The Republic of Hh jacks
Pop: 7 Mil

131: The Constitutional Monarchy of Holistals
Pop: 585 Mil

132: The People's Republic of Holyoh
Pop: 12 Mil

133: The Diggers of Hot Water Valley
Pop: 7,393 Mil

134: The Loving Couple of I-Ship It-
Pop: 8,058 Mil

135: The Constitutional Theocracy of Iandrul
Pop: 12,715 Mil

136: The Theocratic States of Icaris
Pop: 17,847 Mil

137: The Principality of Ice VII
Pop: 822 Mil

138: The United Communes of Ikania
Pop: 22,671 Mil

139: The Republic of Impirialand
Pop: 251 Mil

140: The Kingdom of Indianus
Pop: 78 Mil

141: The Democratic Republic of Inner Wardionistairland
Pop: 1,680 Mil

142: The Holy Empire of Island Hell
Pop: 120 Mil

143: The People's Republic of Istonian Soviet Socialist Republic
Pop: 190 Mil

144: The Commonwealth of Jetrobahamasweince
Pop: 18 Mil

145: The Free Land of Jimballz
Pop: 73 Mil

146: The Federal Republic of Joshua Putman
Pop: 14 Mil

147: The Republic of Joulish freeman
Pop: 1,079 Mil

148: The Free Imperial Principality of Kanjuura
Pop: 15,611 Mil

149: The Holy Empire of Karadzhia
Pop: 45 Mil

150: The Federation of Karimun Jawa
Pop: 10,286 Mil

151: The Confederacy of Kersevonia
Pop: 1,704 Mil

152: The United Federal Republic of Khoreshis
Pop: 11,621 Mil

153: The Republic of Khorosia
Pop: 472 Mil

154: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kietros
Pop: 9 Mil

155: The Separatist State of Kingdom of Andoria
Pop: 5,469 Mil

156: The Protectorate of Krisabra
Pop: 590 Mil

157: The Empire of Krutsia
Pop: 329 Mil

158: The Dominion of Krutsian Antarctic Territory
Pop: 285 Mil

159: The Dominion of Krutsian Carribean Islands
Pop: 270 Mil

160: The Dominion of Krutsian Eastern Arctic Territory
Pop: 280 Mil

161: The Confederacy of Krzabr
Pop: 5,254 Mil

162: The Republic of Kuala loco
Pop: 180 Mil

163: The Kingdom of Kufard
Pop: 3,724 Mil

164: The Federal Union of La Perico
Pop: 2,405 Mil

165: The Republic of Large trees
Pop: 4,834 Mil

166: The Regional Nation of League Founder
Pop: 8,804 Mil

167: The Rogue Nation of Leehaylzia
Pop: 503 Mil

168: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner71
Pop: 4,812 Mil

169: The Federation of Leucite
Pop: 230 Mil

170: The Crowned Republic of Leventocho
Pop: 3,339 Mil

171: The Federation of Libersaiger
Pop: 90 Mil

172: The Greater Republic of Libersk
Pop: 1,164 Mil

173: The Republic of Lokiramaland
Pop: 50 Mil

174: The Holy Empire of Louisenlund
Pop: 633 Mil

175: The Empire of Loungdako
Pop: 5,955 Mil

176: The Federation of Malay Kingdoms
Pop: 920 Mil

177: The Allied States of Malieland
Pop: 18 Mil

178: The United Socialist States of Mantoli
Pop: 768 Mil

179: The Colony of Marahai
Pop: 509 Mil

180: The United Socialist States of Martian Social Republic
Pop: 741 Mil

181: The Kingdom of Masvingo
Pop: 68 Mil

182: The Republic of Mauyou
Pop: 2,097 Mil

183: The Armed Republic of Merijalkavaen
Pop: 1,042 Mil

184: The Stratocracy of MilitarizedStatesOfAmerica
Pop: 2,880 Mil

185: The Republic of Mogadoga
Pop: 151 Mil

186: The Nomadic Peoples of Mongoliod
Pop: 14 Mil

187: The Federal Republic of Monsilva
Pop: 7,418 Mil

188: The Commonwealth of Montesayette
Pop: 4,691 Mil

189: The Royal and Imperial House of Morgannwg Prydein
Pop: 11,060 Mil

190: The Commonwealth of Mountington
Pop: 1,166 Mil

191: The Crowned Republic of Mug Land
Pop: 4,259 Mil

192: The Confederacy of Nakobarto
Pop: 2,195 Mil

193: The Dictatorship of NAMISTAN
Pop: 18 Mil

194: The Eternal Kingdom of Narkina
Pop: 4,792 Mil

195: The United Kingdom of Neathland
Pop: 36 Mil

196: The Republic of Nestol
Pop: 154 Mil

197: The Federal Republic of New Bengalian
Pop: 6 Mil

198: The Republic of New British Atlantico
Pop: 67 Mil

199: The Republic of New Cayfarrier Kiesistan
Pop: 3,701 Mil

200: The People's Republic of New Comunnist Rule
Pop: 4,009 Mil

201: The United Socialist States of New Illyricum
Pop: 3,727 Mil

202: The United Peoples Democratic RE of New Makasta
Pop: 14,647 Mil

203: The Republic of New Mariusia
Pop: 435 Mil

204: The Democratic Republic of NEW OCEANIAZIA
Pop: 16 Mil

205: The Most Serene Republic of New San Antonio
Pop: 5,301 Mil

206: The Federation of New Warhaven
Pop: 5,566 Mil

207: The Republic of Newnationlandia
Pop: 6 Mil

208: The Rogue Nation of Northeast Ceara
Pop: 6 Mil

209: The Armed Republic of Northeast Koreastan
Pop: 80 Mil

210: The Republic of Northern Sinai
Pop: 10,596 Mil

211: The Allied States of Nova London
Pop: 16 Mil

212: The Confederacy of Novo Sharkistan
Pop: 5,374 Mil

213: The Federation of Nuuj Limburg
Pop: 36 Mil

214: The Confederation of Omakise
Pop: 2,926 Mil

215: The Queendom of Oona Chaplin
Pop: 499 Mil

216: The Sultanate of Osan Empire
Pop: 94 Mil

217: The Constitutional Monarchy of Osenovo
Pop: 26 Mil

218: The Brave New World of Osimiria
Pop: 9,313 Mil

219: The United Socialist States of Ostralius
Pop: 354 Mil

220: The Kingdom of Paaldea
Pop: 5,373 Mil

221: The Kingdom of Paceld
Pop: 1,817 Mil

222: The Armed Republic of Paleocacher
Pop: 28,217 Mil

223: The Commonwealth of Pambtomaquet
Pop: 1,568 Mil

224: The Federation of Papoon
Pop: 342 Mil

225: The Democratic Republic of Pavulturilor
Pop: 4,577 Mil

226: The Principality of Peraliztbon
Pop: 252 Mil

227: The People's Republic of Pine Coasts
Pop: 469 Mil

228: The Federation of Pinnacle Isle
Pop: 5,360 Mil

229: The Confederacy of Federations of Pogmalaysia
Pop: 7,071 Mil

230: The Democratic States of Poiotita
Pop: 78 Mil

231: The Commonwealth of Polen-Litouwen
Pop: 161 Mil

232: The Federal Republic of Polure
Pop: 77 Mil

233: The Principality of Pomagrina
Pop: 32 Mil

234: The Federation of Portiacco
Pop: 10 Mil

235: The Anomaly Research Zone of Progressa Island
Pop: 6,276 Mil

236: The Holy Empire of Promissae
Pop: 50 Mil

237: The Communist Amazing Blue Cake of Prumerica
Pop: 19,125 Mil

238: The Confederacy of Psychodrama
Pop: 75 Mil

239: The Emirate of Qassem
Pop: 732 Mil

240: The Serene State of Quebecshire
Pop: 17,263 Mil

241: The Imperial Commonwealth of Quezo
Pop: 9,303 Mil

242: The Kingdom of Quizia
Pop: 29 Mil

243: The Kingdom of Raugenas
Pop: 5,825 Mil

244: The Republic of Reidwood
Pop: 10 Mil

245: The Free Land of Reost
Pop: 18 Mil

246: The Republic of Republic of Communists
Pop: 2,656 Mil

247: The Federation of Republic of Escharia
Pop: 2,407 Mil

248: The Confederacy of Republic of Gotham
Pop: 7,016 Mil

249: The Colony of Rernian
Pop: 194 Mil

250: The Republic of Rizzersigma
Pop: 79 Mil

251: The Republic of Rocanno
Pop: 32 Mil

252: The Republic of Romochina
Pop: 113 Mil

253: The Republic of SAAPIR
Pop: 96 Mil

254: The Republic of Saarrael
Pop: 12 Mil

255: The Empire of Sadixa
Pop: 127 Mil

256: The Republic of Saint Verende
Pop: 18 Mil

257: The Crowned Republic of Sainte-croix
Pop: 25,048 Mil

258: The Kingdom of Salisford
Pop: 15,400 Mil

259: The Democratic Republic of Sanjasthan
Pop: 80 Mil

260: The Kingdom of Santo Escobar
Pop: 3,598 Mil

261: The Republic of Saratin
Pop: 8,682 Mil

262: The Dictatorship of Sarmerpeia
Pop: 2,987 Mil

263: The Free union of Sederia
Pop: 1,286 Mil

264: The Democratic States of Silvanterra
Pop: 32 Mil

265: The Republic of Skibidiean Union
Pop: 192 Mil

266: The Borderlands of Slandavekistan
Pop: 298 Mil

267: The Empire of Slater Islands
Pop: 12 Mil

268: The Empire of Socialist Federal Republic of Fedosia
Pop: 124 Mil

269: The Empire of Sodesa
Pop: 6,177 Mil

270: The Commonwealth of Soivin
Pop: 36 Mil

271: The Allied States of Sophitonia
Pop: 40 Mil

272: The Democratic Republic of Sotlex
Pop: 32 Mil

273: The Potentially Great Country of South Austral
Pop: 3,022 Mil

274: The United Kingdom of Soviets Of America2
Pop: 68 Mil

275: The Empire of Spider Monkeys
Pop: 91 Mil

276: The Cozy Lizards and Reptiles of Spode Humbled Minions
Pop: 18,927 Mil

277: The Democratic Republic of Srivishnu
Pop: 411 Mil

278: The Sanctified Realm of Stalanatis
Pop: 13,221 Mil

279: The Empire of Stardew-Valley
Pop: 1,062 Mil

280: The Democratic People's Republic of Straio
Pop: 2,236 Mil

281: The Federation of Straxia
Pop: 98 Mil

282: The Democratic States of Strongest Krachtlanden
Pop: 1,510 Mil

283: The Republic of Suderlandet
Pop: 264 Mil

284: The Imperium Aeterna of Sulenia
Pop: 10,537 Mil

285: The Undying Land of Sultanate Ethanol
Pop: 1,620 Mil

286: The Union of States of Super Top
Pop: 4,185 Mil

287: The State of Syntsi
Pop: 3,578 Mil

288: The Dominion of Tarquinius Superbius
Pop: 79 Mil

289: The Commonwealth of Tarsiso
Pop: 302 Mil

290: The Free Land of Teciel but he hates all card farmers
Pop: 1,260 Mil

291: The Republic of TecnoshNation
Pop: 20 Mil

292: The Kingdom of Temissiana
Pop: 26 Mil

293: The Federation of Terranica
Pop: 45 Mil

294: The Free Land of Teru Cana
Pop: 487 Mil

295: The Drive Mind of Teslandia
Pop: 5,591 Mil

296: The The Republic of the Holy Red of The Antler
Pop: 669 Mil

297: The Floating Fortress of The Castle of Dark Illusions
Pop: 6,339 Mil

298: The Empire of The Christian messengers
Pop: 14 Mil

299: The Republic of The Commonwealth of Terran
Pop: 14,406 Mil

300: The Lucky Zombie Motorcyclists of The Eltran
Pop: 4,547 Mil

301: The Kingdom of The Embarrassed
Pop: 29 Mil

302: The Rogue Nation of The Gilded Beast
Pop: 586 Mil

303: The Theocractic State of The Holy Empire
Pop: 3,788 Mil

304: The Idyllic Kingric of The Isle of New Avalon
Pop: 10,913 Mil

305: The Republic of The League Guardsmen
Pop: 4,288 Mil

306: The Republic of The League Stockpile
Pop: 5,473 Mil

307: The Ministratium of The Ministratium of Kyratus
Pop: 4,808 Mil

308: The Federation of The New Fandom Republic
Pop: 24,369 Mil

309: The Democratic Republic of The Oceanic States of the Pacific Area
Pop: 1,117 Mil

310: The Federation of The PewPew Federation
Pop: 12 Mil

311: The Principality of The Professorial Apse
Pop: 8 Mil

312: The Empire of The pure sun
Pop: 7 Mil

313: The Democratic States of The Republic of the United Marble Tribes
Pop: 225 Mil

314: The Republic of The republic of the west
Pop: 73 Mil

315: The Federation of The Russo-Slovak United Cities
Pop: 78 Mil

316: The Idyllic Utopian Empire of The Union of Ibistic States
Pop: 2,872 Mil

317: The Kingdom of The united States of Kindom
Pop: 12 Mil

318: The Republic of TheDonutHoles
Pop: 50 Mil

319: The United States of Tiny
Pop: 40 Mil

320: The Alpenrepublik of Tirol
Pop: 5,758 Mil

321: The Federal Republic of Tiveriak
Pop: 90 Mil

322: The Armed Republic of TOALSORA
Pop: 6,571 Mil

323: The Former Largest Black Hole of TON 618
Pop: 4,629 Mil

324: The Skye Puppet of Topeka
Pop: 4,944 Mil

325: The Republic of Tosara
Pop: 6,725 Mil

326: The Republic of Transhalva
Pop: 1,152 Mil

327: The Empire of Tsarburg
Pop: 50 Mil

328: The Theocratic Lottocracy of Tumland
Pop: 5,077 Mil

329: The Federal Republic of Tuscerslavia
Pop: 2,194 Mil

330: The Theocratic Kingdom of UDW
Pop: 4,136 Mil

331: The Great Republic of Uhremberg
Pop: 7,343 Mil

332: The Republic of United Echelon
Pop: 7 Mil

333: The Transcontinental Empire of United Nations of Asian Countries
Pop: 3,006 Mil

334: The Republic of Uwesia
Pop: 1,783 Mil

335: The Dictatorship of V3rplant
Pop: 8 Mil

336: The United States of Valdwien
Pop: 98 Mil

337: The Republic of Vegasht
Pop: 9 Mil

338: The Federal Republic of Velkorya
Pop: 8 Mil

339: The Empire of Vinoria
Pop: 173 Mil

340: The Heavily Armoured Nation of Visiania
Pop: 1,115 Mil

341: The Empire of Volconux
Pop: 62 Mil

342: The Grand Duchy of Volodym
Pop: 1,494 Mil

343: The Jingoistic States of Wainen
Pop: 20,005 Mil

344: The People's Republic of Walter Sobchak
Pop: 1,690 Mil

345: The Grand Duchy of Warble
Pop: 91 Mil

346: The United Kingdom of Wealland
Pop: 148 Mil

347: The Republic of WEI SHOU
Pop: 40 Mil

348: The Kingdom of Weidao
Pop: 333 Mil

349: The United States of Wespuchius
Pop: 13,072 Mil

350: The Republic of West Georgiam
Pop: 3,132 Mil

351: The Very Democratic Federation of Whitachi
Pop: 11,630 Mil

352: The Dictatorship of White Kongo
Pop: 56 Mil

353: The Republic of Wingoul
Pop: 7,749 Mil

354: The Republic of Winter wonderlands
Pop: 36 Mil

355: The Colony of Wodharth
Pop: 143 Mil

356: The Incorporated States of World Forum Masters
Pop: 9 Mil

357: The Republic of XDX
Pop: 56 Mil

358: The Surviving Stronghold of Xenopatria
Pop: 16,495 Mil

359: The Republic of Xenopho
Pop: 40 Mil

360: The Constitutional Republic of Yodaa
Pop: 3,946 Mil

361: The Armed Republic of Yorikawa
Pop: 9 Mil

362: The Honorspren of Yupsie
Pop: 6,959 Mil

363: The Dominion of Yurzikstan
Pop: 327 Mil

364: The Free Land of Zambla
Pop: 20 Mil

365: The Banished Roulette Wheel of Zamn It
Pop: 1,376 Mil

366: The Federation of Ziev
Pop: 3,604 Mil

367: The United Socialist States of Zloveshchiy
Pop: 8,540 Mil

368: The Armed Republic of ZPRO10
Pop: 20 Mil

369: The Democratic Republic of ZtsknO
Pop: 36 Mil

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