1: The Kingdom of Ashfaran Pop: 10 Mil 2: The Colony of Azethoth Pop: 1,012 Mil 3: The United States of BASEBALL RULES Pop: 2,102 Mil 4: The Fractured Reality of Broken Reality Construct Pop: 810 Mil 5: The Democratic Republic of Budushcheye Pop: 1,554 Mil 6: The Republic of Chentonia Pop: 628 Mil 7: The United Socialist States of Corruptos Pop: 1,553 Mil 8: The Republic of Cumberland States Pop: 12 Mil 9: The Incorporated States of Econocorp Pop: 1,064 Mil 10: The Republic of Fanuatu Pop: 656 Mil 11: The Borderlands of Far Jiharica Tell Pop: 511 Mil 12: The Republic of Federation of Capitalism Pop: 40 Mil 13: The Republic of Frozen Bananas Pop: 2,810 Mil 14: The Republic of Fuisbyfuisbyisubyaiu Pop: 9 Mil 15: The United Kingdom of Ikm403 Pop: 50 Mil 16: The Federation of Jamesworld21 Pop: 20 Mil 17: The Democratic Republic of Jesse Abdullahi Pop: 14 Mil 18: The Republic of Jhihna Pop: 12 Mil 19: The United Kingdom of Lilyn Pop: 23 Mil 20: The Colony of London Airstrip One Pop: 1,222 Mil 21: The Kingdom of Lorde Yharim Pop: 1,006 Mil 22: The Democratic Republic of Lyrebird Pop: 16 Mil 23: The Republic of Malvonius Pop: 2,157 Mil 24: The Republic of Man are brave Pop: 23 Mil 25: The Republic of Midosherdehluvoniani Pop: 18 Mil 26: The Incorporated States of Nagornkatsh Pop: 14 Mil 27: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 14 Pop: 14 Mil 28: The New found area of Newfoundarea Pop: 2,584 Mil 29: The Republic of Neyshon30 Pop: 5,277 Mil | 30: The Dominion of Nihil Aeternium Pop: 1,768 Mil 31: The Divine Empire of Nihil Aeternum Pop: 2,837 Mil 32: The Best of Oberlad Pop: 2,639 Mil 33: The United States of Outer Mystarg Pop: 32 Mil 34: The Colony of Paises dos estrupadores Pop: 14 Mil 35: The Free Land of Piriteus Pop: 7 Mil 36: The Republic of Purluis Pop: 14 Mil 37: The Dictatorship of Rusgovinistan Pop: 62 Mil 38: The Kingdom of SeraphLand Pop: 10 Mil 39: The Holy Empire of Skulls for the skull thrown Pop: 142 Mil 40: The Empire of Sodonia Pop: 16 Mil 41: The Foundational Nation of Sonbeira Pop: 5,420 Mil 42: The Colony of Sonberia Pop: 1,039 Mil 43: The Republic of Stratostane Pop: 20 Mil 44: The Kingdom of Sultan Selim Pop: 12 Mil 45: The Kingdom of Talonit Pop: 18 Mil 46: The United Kingdom of Tgv153 Pop: 6 Mil 47: The Democratic States of Tirasuma Pop: 879 Mil 48: The Commonwealth of Tne United States 0f America Pop: 50 Mil 49: The United Kingdom of Ujn334 Pop: 36 Mil 50: The United Kingdom of Ujn361 Pop: 36 Mil 51: The Confederacy of Union Sahel and Sahara Republics Pop: 14 Mil 52: The Democratic Republic of United Cow Map Cium Pop: 10 Mil 53: The Inclusivity Circle of ZestFest Pop: 1,086 Mil 54: The Oppressed Peoples of Zman96 Pop: 50 Mil |