1: The Sultanate of 1992spacemovie Pop: 93 Mil 2: The Armed Republic of 50th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 912 Mil 3: The Armed Republic of 60th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 904 Mil 4: The Armed Republic of 96th Keltan Infantry Brigade Pop: 882 Mil 5: The United States of Acerica Pop: 618 Mil 6: The Holy Empire of Afrikopoliaion Pop: 117 Mil 7: The Constitutional Monarchy of Aldrinian Pop: 111 Mil 8: The Empire of Alemanha comunistas Pop: 107 Mil 9: The Grand Duchy of Aliat Pop: 645 Mil 10: The Republic of Alt Alt 8 Pop: 154 Mil 11: The United Kingdom of Amherst and Wolfe Pop: 867 Mil 12: The Grand Duchy of Ammounderness Pop: 1,181 Mil 13: The Disputed Territories of Angandasderishe Pop: 8 Mil 14: The Fiefdom of Ania Lescobers Pop: 97 Mil 15: The Republic of Anthony Islands Pop: 14 Mil 16: The Armed Republic of Aoc Pop: 742 Mil 17: The Colony of Aotaka Pop: 226 Mil 18: The United Socialist States of Apple Garden Pop: 718 Mil 19: The Protectorate of Aqjwoip Pop: 56 Mil 20: The Empire of Armada Pop: 329 Mil 21: The Emirate of Aryias Pop: 10 Mil 22: The Republic of Athena 27 Pop: 302 Mil 23: The Republic of Athena 56 Pop: 163 Mil 24: The Zimbabwean Proxy Land of Aviary Pop: 1,472 Mil 25: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 76 Pop: 447 Mil 26: The United States of B1ahaj Pop: 821 Mil 27: The Republic of Bakmie Ayam Pop: 231 Mil 28: The People's Republic of Bapa Falia Pop: 417 Mil 29: The Rogue Nation of Bathyal-Australis Pop: 6 Mil 30: The Federal Republic of Borlia Pop: 489 Mil 31: The Republic of BPCOne Pop: 217 Mil 32: The Republic of BPCThirtyNine Pop: 221 Mil 33: The Republic of BPCThirtyThree Pop: 231 Mil 34: The Holy Empire of Braben Pop: 95 Mil 35: The United Socialist States of Brainwashing Correspondence Courses Pop: 255 Mil 36: The Republic of C0ssackia Pop: 56 Mil 37: The Eternal Servitude of Call Me Immortal Pop: 3,004 Mil 38: The Republic of Calthera Pop: 40 Mil 39: The Community of Chancers Pop: 429 Mil 40: The Allied States of Chciaoci032 Pop: 163 Mil 41: The Allied States of Chciaoci109 Pop: 153 Mil 42: The People's Republic of China two point o Pop: 735 Mil 43: The Republic of Chris Lindstrom Pop: 866 Mil 44: The Armed Republic of Christianlandtopia Pop: 74 Mil 45: The Republic of Chulaza Pop: 16 Mil 46: The Republic of City 01 Pop: 281 Mil 47: The Confederacy of Confederate states of germany Pop: 36 Mil 48: The Republic of Constance- Pop: 514 Mil 49: The Free Land of Crannava Pop: 92 Mil 50: The Republic of Creed Humphrey Pop: 637 Mil 51: The Free Land of Crispy Waffles Pop: 406 Mil 52: The Most Serene Republic of Crystal Fantasy Pop: 905 Mil 53: The Empire of CTAL Pop: 6 Mil 54: The Dominion of Damned Legion Pop: 960 Mil 55: The Republic of Deargod10 Pop: 358 Mil 56: The Republic of Deargod25 Pop: 346 Mil 57: The Empire of Domovina Slovenskega Naroda Pop: 140 Mil 58: The Holy Empire of Doppelmayria Pop: 414 Mil 59: The Republic of Dorian Williams Pop: 867 Mil 60: The Republic of Dormira Pop: 94 Mil 61: The Holy Authority of Drenth Islands Pop: 2,131 Mil 62: The Sultanate of Dreshdae Pop: 750 Mil 63: The Rogue Nation of DSN82 Pop: 3,468 Mil 64: The Colony of Dumbass Stupid Land Pop: 354 Mil 65: The Colony of East Libernatthe Pop: 90 Mil 66: The Nomadic Peoples of Elitist Ecuador Pop: 1,011 Mil 67: The Republic of Emdna11 Pop: 543 Mil 68: The Republic of Emeritare Pop: 459 Mil 69: The Republic of Er-24 Pop: 157 Mil 70: The Republic of Er-38 Pop: 155 Mil 71: The Empire of Fakland ilands Pop: 50 Mil 72: The Matriarchy of Female Dominance Pop: 280 Mil 73: The Republic of Finlandici Pop: 106 Mil 74: The Free Land of Flamistan Pop: 739 Mil 75: The Free Land of Flint Creek Pop: 106 Mil 76: The Loving Couple of For-TheFuture Pop: 4,085 Mil 77: The Commonwealth of Fress Islands Pop: 86 Mil 78: The Rough and Ready of Fur-Bearing Trout Pop: 1,457 Mil 79: The Dominion of Furuvia Pop: 163 Mil 80: The Federal Republic of Fvv102 Pop: 465 Mil 81: The Federal Republic of Fvv243 Pop: 474 Mil 82: The Republic of Gansv Pop: 119 Mil 83: The Republic of Glock 17 Pop: 534 Mil 84: The Republic of Gooplia Pop: 88 Mil 85: The Theocracy of Grackerland Pop: 328 Mil 86: The United States of Grand Judahistan Pop: 79 Mil 87: The Republic of Greater Republic of Pee Pop: 75 Mil 88: The Queendom of Holtopia Pop: 377 Mil 89: The Empire of Hoshizosha Pop: 234 Mil 90: The Republic of Humanatarium Pop: 9 Mil 91: The Republic of HUR 1932 Pop: 62 Mil 92: The Republic of HUR 2034 Pop: 18 Mil 93: The 10th Khaganate of Hypo-ugria Pop: 1,052 Mil 94: The Oppressed Peoples of I need therapyville Pop: 32 Mil 95: The United Kingdom of Ikm128 Pop: 216 Mil 96: The United Kingdom of Ikm159 Pop: 209 Mil 97: The United Kingdom of Ikm228 Pop: 193 Mil 98: The United Kingdom of Ikm478 Pop: 192 Mil 99: The Kingdom of Ikramistan Pop: 79 Mil 100: The Federal Republic of Independent Siberian Peoples Pop: 293 Mil 101: The Most Serene Republic of Inexorable Pop: 2,934 Mil 102: The Republic of Jedrick Wills Jr Pop: 859 Mil 103: The Kingdom of Jinseitho Pop: 56 Mil 104: The Federation of Joelant Pop: 111 Mil 105: The Republic of John Simpson Pop: 767 Mil 106: The Republic of Joshua Karty Pop: 864 Mil 107: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kalosania Pop: 56 Mil 108: The Armed Republic of Kanomori Pop: 803 Mil 109: The Armed Republic of Kapuni Pop: 746 Mil 110: The Armed Republic of Kazhiruni Pop: 835 Mil 111: The People's Republic of Khavkhazia Pop: 338 Mil 112: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kingdom of Jhon Pop: 494 Mil 113: The Republic of Kivu 63 Pop: 3,027 Mil 114: The Republic of Kivu 70 Pop: 2,006 Mil 115: The Free Land of Kogoland Pop: 708 Mil 116: The Kingdom of Korbloxia Pop: 8 Mil 117: The Holy Empire of Krandom Pop: 610 Mil 118: The Sultanate of Kutoarjo Pop: 234 Mil 119: The Community of La Riojo Pop: 50 Mil 120: The Kingdom of Landaja Pop: 82 Mil 121: The Free Land of Lee Harvey Oswald the 2nd Pop: 801 Mil 122: The Armed Republic of Lumiko Pop: 747 Mil 123: The Fiefdom of Madlandsa Pop: 568 Mil 124: The Armed Republic of Makhnoska Pop: 341 Mil 125: The Empire of Maracucho Pop: 88 Mil 126: The Commonwealth of Marksten Pop: 56 Mil 127: The Holy Cow of Massivia Pop: 3,286 Mil 128: The Grand Duchy of Matess Mon Tokly Pop: 110 Mil 129: The Republic of Medicion I-B Pop: 266 Mil 130: The Republic of Meepmoop Pop: 29 Mil 131: The Kingdom of Merabu Pop: 175 Mil 132: The Emirate of MH-LXV Pop: 911 Mil 133: The Dictatorship of Min Rizenejerland Pop: 716 Mil 134: The Federation of Miru Land Pop: 14 Mil 135: The Republic of Moldaver Pop: 624 Mil 136: The People's Republic of Monan Pop: 99 Mil 137: The Incorporated States of Moon Winx Lodge Pop: 893 Mil 138: The Empire of Muqdishi Pop: 45 Mil 139: The Empire of Nahsho Pop: 32 Mil 140: The Clergy of Nameless Ghoul XVII Pop: 2,898 Mil | 141: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 137 Pop: 114 Mil 142: The Empire of Netheo Pop: 10 Mil 143: The Republic of New Aframerica Pop: 561 Mil 144: The Republic of New Atlantum Pop: 36 Mil 145: The Kingdom of Nicoles Nation Pop: 291 Mil 146: The Rogue Nation of Niilis Pop: 75 Mil 147: The Federal Republic of No0bia Pop: 114 Mil 148: The Kingdom of Nordovina Pop: 36 Mil 149: The Empire of Of the Rising Dawn Pop: 713 Mil 150: The Holy Empire of Ogagol Pop: 461 Mil 151: The Colony of Osh Pround Pop: 180 Mil 152: The Dominion of Othiya Pop: 413 Mil 153: The Empire of Pampas patria Pop: 69 Mil 154: The United Socialist States of Panelicon Pop: 466 Mil 155: The Commonwealth of Partiya Coverelskestopia Pop: 164 Mil 156: The Federal Republic of Phanagoreia Pop: 93 Mil 157: The Republic of Planet Tycoon Pop: 830 Mil 158: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs10 Pop: 40 Mil 159: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs381 Pop: 36 Mil 160: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs84 Pop: 40 Mil 161: The PRCO Neo feudalist paradise of Pravakia Pop: 1,461 Mil 162: The Democratic States of Princess CV Pop: 675 Mil 163: The Empire of Prismblizzard Pop: 32 Mil 164: The Democratic States of Protasio Pop: 249 Mil 165: The Republic of Publicideas Pop: 16 Mil 166: The Free Land of Puppets are complicated XXXIII Pop: 440 Mil 167: The Republic of Putera Utara Pop: 12 Mil 168: The Kingdom of QR-7 Pop: 692 Mil 169: The Republic of Quantum solace Pop: 553 Mil 170: The Rogue Nation of Rikers Island Pop: 322 Mil 171: The Colony of Rinzy Pop: 518 Mil 172: The Republic of Rittle Pop: 295 Mil 173: The Armed Republic of Rizanori Pop: 775 Mil 174: The Republic of Rocket Snail 52 Pop: 920 Mil 175: The Republic of Rocketfuel48 Pop: 1,300 Mil 176: The Republic of Rocketfuel56 Pop: 1,323 Mil 177: The Free Land of RWAAAR Pop: 18 Mil 178: The Kingdom of Ryugoku Pop: 62 Mil 179: The People's Republic of Saidav Pop: 580 Mil 180: The Republic of Sakura Card Farming Pop: 292 Mil 181: The Confederacy of Samifjord Pop: 137 Mil 182: The Democratic Republic of Santacasa Pop: 56 Mil 183: The Nomadic Peoples of Sat down next to me and said Kid whadya Pop: 969 Mil 184: The Republic of Scaseyr Fun Pop: 661 Mil 185: The People's Republic of Sergey Karjakin Pop: 892 Mil 186: The Federal Republic of Shaarnmayim Pop: 14 Mil 187: The Empire of Sharkbyte Pop: 20 Mil 188: The Armed Republic of Shaviroka Pop: 816 Mil 189: The Republic of Ship90 Pop: 119 Mil 190: The Republic of Ship97 Pop: 122 Mil 191: The Armed Republic of Shokurani Pop: 780 Mil 192: The Confederacy of Skarabya Pop: 6 Mil 193: The Federal Republic of Skiarhiel Pop: 597 Mil 194: The Oppressed Peoples of Sleepo Pop: 262 Mil 195: The Rogue Nation of Slovandaia Pop: 9 Mil 196: The Free Land of Spike and islands Pop: 14 Mil 197: The Rogue Nation of St Denis City Pop: 32 Mil 198: The Empire of Sticky69 Pop: 36 Mil 199: The United States of Storage of The Hurricane 5 Pop: 111 Mil 200: The Free Land of Stuffed Animal Alliance Pop: 345 Mil 201: The Republic of Sukhanov Pop: 217 Mil 202: The Incorporated States of Surdesia Pop: 36 Mil 203: The Nomadic Peoples of T couldnt be beat went to sleep and didn Pop: 1,011 Mil 204: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCCLVI Pop: 1,384 Mil 205: The People's Republic of Teodosia Pop: 1,043 Mil 206: The United Kingdom of Tgv379 Pop: 90 Mil 207: The United Kingdom of Tgv405 Pop: 95 Mil 208: The United Kingdom of Tgv408 Pop: 91 Mil 209: The United Kingdom of Tgv482 Pop: 85 Mil 210: The United Kingdom of Tgv484 Pop: 87 Mil 211: The United Kingdom of Tgv495 Pop: 87 Mil 212: The Emirate of The Andsmovaess Broct Pop: 422 Mil 213: The Most Serene Republic of The Freedom States Pop: 8 Mil 214: The Holy Empire of The Island of Indol Pop: 131 Mil 215: The Rogue Nation of The Mighty Invisible Hand Pop: 344 Mil 216: The Confederacy of The Pelagic Nomads Pop: 938 Mil 217: The Republic of The republic of burger kings Pop: 32 Mil 218: The Republic of The Republic of Drozdovsk Pop: 81 Mil 219: The Republic of The Specimen Pop: 26 Mil 220: The Dominion of The storage nation 233 Pop: 463 Mil 221: The Republic of The storage nation 256 Pop: 296 Mil 222: The Protectorate of The storage nation 274 Pop: 173 Mil 223: The Republic of Therocker64 Pop: 23 Mil 224: The Empire of Time Stopper 3 Pop: 196 Mil 225: The Republic of Toulloce Pop: 29 Mil 226: The Borderlands of Tsas Anda Prolmsolsordia Pop: 32 Mil 227: The Community of Tsholofeloland Pop: 81 Mil 228: The Empire of Tuky Pop: 765 Mil 229: The Nomadic Peoples of Turkicyer Pop: 135 Mil 230: The Most Serene Republic of Uberraschung Pop: 32 Mil 231: The United Kingdom of Ujn114 Pop: 182 Mil 232: The United Kingdom of Ujn115 Pop: 179 Mil 233: The United Kingdom of Ujn181 Pop: 190 Mil 234: The United Kingdom of Ujn263 Pop: 179 Mil 235: The United Kingdom of Ujn313 Pop: 182 Mil 236: The United Kingdom of Ujn407 Pop: 181 Mil 237: The United Kingdom of Ujn47 Pop: 179 Mil 238: The Allied States of Undertake54 Pop: 236 Mil 239: The Allied States of Undertake55 Pop: 235 Mil 240: The Federal Republic of United Cities of Eden Pop: 260 Mil 241: The Community of United Fed Skeld Pop: 80 Mil 242: The United Socialist States of USS Starktopia Pop: 684 Mil 243: The Dictatorship of Uvison Pop: 240 Mil 244: The People's Republic of Vasliya Pop: 731 Mil 245: The Republic of VCC023 Pop: 341 Mil 246: The Republic of Vcc140 Pop: 336 Mil 247: The Democratic Republic of Veskar Pop: 29 Mil 248: The Constitutional Monarchy of Vessiana Pop: 7 Mil 249: The Dictatorship of Volgmiykgrad Pop: 1,058 Mil 250: The Borderlands of Vorrath Pop: 154 Mil 251: The Republic of WC 141 Pop: 1,007 Mil 252: The Republic of WC 195 Pop: 1,030 Mil 253: The Hyper Space Convent of Weaven Pop: 2,830 Mil 254: The Protectorate of Weifei Pop: 91 Mil 255: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXV Pop: 278 Mil 256: The United States of Western Pupatan Saldelle Pop: 50 Mil 257: The People's Republic of Windberg Pop: 10 Mil 258: The Democratic Republic of Wss133 Pop: 400 Mil 259: The Democratic Republic of Wss146 Pop: 393 Mil 260: The United Kingdom of Wss427 Pop: 216 Mil 261: The United Kingdom of Wss448 Pop: 210 Mil 262: The United Kingdom of Wss493 Pop: 222 Mil 263: The Democratic Republic of Wss88 Pop: 406 Mil 264: The Nomadic Peoples of Y think theyre both REDACTED and they Pop: 977 Mil 265: The Dominion of Yaklanavia Pop: 40 Mil 266: The Kingdom of Yisu Pop: 7 Mil 267: The United Kingdom of Ynn259 Pop: 251 Mil 268: The United Kingdom of Ynn315 Pop: 248 Mil 269: The United Kingdom of Ynn489 Pop: 218 Mil 270: The Nomadic Peoples of Your special crime and there was all kin Pop: 984 Mil 271: The Confederacy of YV-1 Pop: 675 Mil 272: The Republic of Zaetar Pop: 76 Mil 273: The Armed Republic of Zavomura Pop: 760 Mil 274: The Kingdom of Zhangzhung Pop: 440 Mil 275: The Queendom of Zman28 Pop: 411 Mil 276: The Republic of Zorvessa Pop: 20 Mil |