NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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512 Countries populate the Region of The UMNS

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of The UMNS.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Loving Couple of -Watching-And-Dreaming
Pop: 4,092 Mil

2: The United States of AaMurika
Pop: 80 Mil

3: The Nomadic Peoples of Ack of each one and he stopped me right
Pop: 993 Mil

4: The Greater Empire of Adamnia Republic
Pop: 3,298 Mil

5: The Federation of Adrestria
Pop: 824 Mil

6: The Republic of Aegernia
Pop: 56 Mil

7: The Republic of AFC astolfo fan club
Pop: 16 Mil

8: The Republic of Alabamiathegreat
Pop: 156 Mil

9: The Republic of Alba Emilia
Pop: 9 Mil

10: The Republic of Albalavon
Pop: 23 Mil

11: The Republic of Alcaza
Pop: 616 Mil

12: The Emirate of Allem I
Pop: 20 Mil

13: The Federal Republic of Ameliona
Pop: 239 Mil

14: The United States of America and Dixieland
Pop: 186 Mil

15: The Colony of America CDXCIX
Pop: 62 Mil

16: The Free Land of Anatola
Pop: 18 Mil

17: The Republic of Andrei Volokitin
Pop: 721 Mil

18: The Commonwealth of Angle Land
Pop: 69 Mil

19: The Coptic Empire of Anonymegg
Pop: 2,277 Mil

20: The Democratic Republic of Another Nation I Guess
Pop: 94 Mil

21: The Republic of Antolia
Pop: 20 Mil

22: The Republic of Apolod War car 39
Pop: 16 Mil

23: The Armed Federal Monarchy of Ashilion
Pop: 4,248 Mil

24: The Kingdom of Astonici
Pop: 12 Mil

25: The People's Republic of Atandia
Pop: 155 Mil

26: The Republic of ATG 143
Pop: 84 Mil

27: The Republic of ATG 149
Pop: 85 Mil

28: The Republic of ATG 292
Pop: 89 Mil

29: The Republic of Athena 24
Pop: 303 Mil

30: The Republic of Athena 43
Pop: 176 Mil

31: The Dominion of Atoll Serene
Pop: 327 Mil

32: The Republic of Australasian Democratic Alliance
Pop: 9 Mil

33: The Dominion of Autacuria
Pop: 175 Mil

34: The People's Democratic Republic of Aynamararaisistan
Pop: 871 Mil

35: The Republic of Badgeytoon
Pop: 82 Mil

36: The Most Serene Republic of Bao Bao Nation
Pop: 23 Mil

37: The Empire of Bartolomeu do Sul
Pop: 10 Mil

38: The Nomadic Peoples of Before so I looked and felt my best when
Pop: 995 Mil

39: The Republic of Black187
Pop: 18 Mil

40: The Nomadic Peoples of Blackspot
Pop: 10 Mil

41: The Republic of BPCFortyNine
Pop: 218 Mil

42: The Republic of Brispana
Pop: 45 Mil

43: The Republic of Buttheaded
Pop: 14 Mil

44: The Empire of Byzantium and Italy
Pop: 32 Mil

45: The Republic of Capybara-republic
Pop: 32 Mil

46: The Sultanate of Card Farmer III
Pop: 161 Mil

47: The Oppressed Peoples of Cards of Eagles 33
Pop: 90 Mil

48: The People's Republic of Carwadin
Pop: 23 Mil

49: The Empire of Cattolica Roma
Pop: 32 Mil

50: The Allied States of Chciaoci027
Pop: 152 Mil

51: The Allied States of Chciaoci098
Pop: 159 Mil

52: The Allied States of Chciaoci124
Pop: 157 Mil

53: The Empire of Cherok
Pop: 9 Mil

54: The United Socialist States of Chezeria
Pop: 3,287 Mil

55: The Allied States of Chicken Nnggets
Pop: 18 Mil

56: The Empire of Chingila
Pop: 83 Mil

57: The Grand Duchy of Chumpsland
Pop: 18 Mil

58: The Nomadic Peoples of Ck of each one explaining what each one
Pop: 971 Mil

59: The Kingdom of Clairs Point
Pop: 45 Mil

60: The Armed Republic of Congrongrium
Pop: 79 Mil

61: The Sultanate of Constple States
Pop: 16 Mil

62: The United States of Cool and awesome
Pop: 92 Mil

63: The Republic of Cope cage v2
Pop: 210 Mil

64: The United Socialist States of Cornlandias
Pop: 20 Mil

65: The Dominion of Crosley
Pop: 14 Mil

66: The Dictatorship of Cult Mechanicus on Mars
Pop: 287 Mil

67: The Commonwealth of Czerkovia
Pop: 237 Mil

68: The Nomadic Peoples of D implements of destruction and headed o
Pop: 1,009 Mil

69: The People's Republic of Da Dongya
Pop: 8 Mil

70: The Commonwealth of Dan Und
Pop: 18 Mil

71: The Armed Republic of DARKL
Pop: 104 Mil

72: The Republic of Davarvaris
Pop: 108 Mil

73: The Republic of Deargod1
Pop: 448 Mil

74: The Empire of Deceptionica
Pop: 50 Mil

75: The Republic of Democratic Uneeburut
Pop: 120 Mil

76: The Matriarchy of Demospace
Pop: 123 Mil

77: The People's Republic of Dil Alan Lety
Pop: 18 Mil

78: The Allied States of Dive Lania
Pop: 6 Mil

79: The Republic of Divencis
Pop: 50 Mil

80: The Empire of Dogs and Cows
Pop: 18 Mil

81: The Republic of Domais 117
Pop: 219 Mil

82: The Republic of Drus Black Sublectic
Pop: 76 Mil

83: The Republic of Dsdasasdasd
Pop: 87 Mil

84: The Rogue Nation of DSN85
Pop: 3,480 Mil

85: The United Kingdom of Durveanisy
Pop: 12 Mil

86: The Federal Republic of Dyeteet
Pop: 174 Mil

87: The Oppressed Peoples of E Kolli
Pop: 496 Mil

88: The Holy Empire of Earneas
Pop: 20 Mil

89: The Holy Empire of East Cractopopiansimgy
Pop: 26 Mil

90: The People's Republic of Eastern Europe Union
Pop: 26 Mil

91: The Republic of Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefsdg
Pop: 56 Mil

92: The Republic of Elivitia
Pop: 75 Mil

93: The Kingdom of Elyan
Pop: 193 Mil

94: The Nomadic Peoples of En singing this song now for twenty five
Pop: 967 Mil

95: The Republic of Epeeist
Pop: 100 Mil

96: The Free Land of Epicurea
Pop: 87 Mil

97: The Republic of Er-16
Pop: 172 Mil

98: The Republic of Er-8
Pop: 170 Mil

99: The Federal Republic of Eul Lanaty
Pop: 2,853 Mil

100: The Republic of Evilest
Pop: 165 Mil

101: The Allied States of Exvaloria
Pop: 14 Mil

102: The Republic of Far Rutat Falamans
Pop: 98 Mil

103: The Holy Empire of Favaralleropia
Pop: 287 Mil

104: The Empire of Fentlanta
Pop: 26 Mil

105: The Republic of Fishhhh
Pop: 32 Mil

106: The Republic of Foo Farm 16
Pop: 205 Mil

107: The Republic of Foo Farm 65
Pop: 217 Mil

108: The United States of Forn Monianopia
Pop: 110 Mil

109: The Jingoistic States of Fortis Respublica
Pop: 110 Mil

110: The Empire of Francien
Pop: 40 Mil

111: The Republic of FredomRussia
Pop: 288 Mil

112: The Colony of Free burg
Pop: 3,585 Mil

113: The Free Land of Freedomland-Slopolis
Pop: 469 Mil

114: The Confederacy of Freely Associated Corporations
Pop: 20 Mil

115: The Queendom of Frien la qasta al asro al jana
Pop: 45 Mil

116: The Federal Republic of Fvv283
Pop: 471 Mil

117: The Federal Republic of Fvv305
Pop: 465 Mil

118: The Federal Republic of Fvv437
Pop: 456 Mil

119: The Federal Republic of Fvv89
Pop: 487 Mil

120: The Federal Republic of Fvv99
Pop: 478 Mil

121: The Dictatorship of Gansukifrimoodeordia
Pop: 14 Mil

122: The United Socialist States of Genzallos
Pop: 7 Mil

123: The Federal Republic of Germany the 100th
Pop: 502 Mil

124: The Holy Empire of Glizzer
Pop: 180 Mil

125: The Federation of Gloly Agictanepeine
Pop: 134 Mil

126: The Nomadic Peoples of Glorgax Prime 6100
Pop: 99 Mil

127: The Empire of GoldSilver918
Pop: 5,788 Mil

128: The Dictatorship of Gotenberg
Pop: 16 Mil

129: The Commonwealth of Grand Octeria
Pop: 618 Mil

130: The Empire of Grand Valencia
Pop: 23 Mil

131: The Empire of Great Briten
Pop: 75 Mil

132: The Empire of Great Mongolian State
Pop: 316 Mil

133: The Commonwealth of Great Monian
Pop: 413 Mil

134: The Macedonian Empire of Greater Athen
Pop: 1,622 Mil

135: The Empire of Greater German Confederate
Pop: 764 Mil

136: The Federation of Greater Makistsa
Pop: 336 Mil

137: The Oppressed Peoples of Greater Norberovaria
Pop: 100 Mil

138: The Federated Republic of Greatest New York
Pop: 1,531 Mil

139: The Oppressed Peoples of Greatest New York Card Factory
Pop: 764 Mil

140: The People's Republic of Greatest New York pt2
Pop: 869 Mil

141: The Allied States of Gulf State Dominion
Pop: 276 Mil

142: The Federal Republic of Gurionn
Pop: 76 Mil

143: The Federation of GyatPOP
Pop: 96 Mil

144: The Emirate of Helskinia
Pop: 16 Mil

145: The Kaiserreich F?deration of Herzogia
Pop: 2,490 Mil

146: The Grand Duchy of Hipiangarblia
Pop: 7 Mil

147: The Federation of Hispanola West
Pop: 196 Mil

148: The Nomadic Peoples of Hjnnftj
Pop: 45 Mil

149: The Empire of Hlaviaton
Pop: 18 Mil

150: The Colony of Huitcae
Pop: 50 Mil

151: The Republic of HUR 1860
Pop: 85 Mil

152: The Republic of HUR 2006
Pop: 23 Mil

153: The Free Land of Hypbomb
Pop: 80 Mil

154: The Republic of I-hate-government
Pop: 288 Mil

155: The Rogue Nation of Icl it pmo
Pop: 9 Mil

156: The Colony of Ikeasa
Pop: 3,280 Mil

157: The United Kingdom of Ikm160
Pop: 201 Mil

158: The United Kingdom of Ikm257
Pop: 206 Mil

159: The United Kingdom of Ikm272
Pop: 207 Mil

160: The United Kingdom of Ikm347
Pop: 196 Mil

161: The United Kingdom of Ikm380
Pop: 188 Mil

162: The United Kingdom of Ikm404
Pop: 189 Mil

163: The United Kingdom of Ikm447
Pop: 196 Mil

164: The United Kingdom of Ikm468
Pop: 180 Mil

165: The United Kingdom of Ikm65
Pop: 213 Mil

166: The United Kingdom of Ikm87
Pop: 209 Mil

167: The Nomadic Peoples of Ill Bill
Pop: 87 Mil

168: The Commonwealth of Imo fish
Pop: 95 Mil

169: The Republic of Impetus
Pop: 3,351 Mil

170: The Theocracy of Infowars
Pop: 651 Mil

171: The Armed Republic of Ingravia
Pop: 6 Mil

172: The Allied States of Inter-island ocean alliance
Pop: 62 Mil

173: The Republic of Irsia Concordia
Pop: 29 Mil

174: The Community of Islardoupturpliber
Pop: 68 Mil

175: The Confederacy of Itaquinos
Pop: 6 Mil

176: The Dictatorship of Jabagemanama
Pop: 32 Mil

177: The Colony of Jadeite Savanna
Pop: 1,029 Mil

178: The Republic of Jarran Reed
Pop: 872 Mil

179: The Constitutional Monarchy of Jekercosca
Pop: 14 Mil

180: The Republic of Jerlon
Pop: 8 Mil

181: The Rogue Nation of Jiverguegistsland
Pop: 50 Mil

182: The Republic of John son
Pop: 87 Mil

183: The Republic of Jonah Jackson
Pop: 856 Mil

184: The Republic of Jumbamba land
Pop: 45 Mil

185: The Republic of JustKeepFarming74
Pop: 131 Mil

186: The Republic of JustKeepFarming94
Pop: 137 Mil

187: The Grand Duchy of Jutland and hanover
Pop: 119 Mil

188: The Nomadic Peoples of K up the garbage in the snow but thats n
Pop: 979 Mil

189: The Empire of Kanakgadh
Pop: 10 Mil

190: The Incorporated States of Kanasupp13
Pop: 533 Mil

191: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kanasupp17
Pop: 547 Mil

192: The Republic of Kanasupp56
Pop: 235 Mil

193: The Democratic Republic of Kasimeliko
Pop: 1,316 Mil

194: The Armed Republic of Kazenori
Pop: 753 Mil

195: The Federation of Keobia
Pop: 2,655 Mil

196: The Disputed Territories of Kido Butai
Pop: 40 Mil

197: The People's Republic of King f
Pop: 228 Mil

198: The Federal Republic of Kiribatu
Pop: 36 Mil

199: The Holy Empire of Kiribute
Pop: 68 Mil

200: The Principality of Kitivia
Pop: 6 Mil

201: The Armed Republic of Klation Canada
Pop: 129 Mil

202: The Federal Republic of Koreob
Pop: 81 Mil

203: The Free Land of Kuevwfi
Pop: 36 Mil

204: The Armed Republic of Lancio
Pop: 639 Mil

205: The Queendom of Legendary Sannin Orochimaru
Pop: 6 Mil

206: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda668
Pop: 812 Mil

207: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda670
Pop: 806 Mil

208: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda707
Pop: 807 Mil

209: The Great empire of Lemon kingdom
Pop: 3,750 Mil

210: The United Socialist States of Lennon Johnson
Pop: 36 Mil

211: The Oppressed Peoples of Leopoldvillle
Pop: 12 Mil

212: The Republic of Libertason
Pop: 32 Mil

213: The Empire of Linskey Empire
Pop: 73 Mil

214: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar53
Pop: 36 Mil

215: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar74
Pop: 36 Mil

216: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar78
Pop: 36 Mil

217: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar89
Pop: 36 Mil

218: The Federation of Lithirgia
Pop: 45 Mil

219: The Empire of Lity Marche
Pop: 36 Mil

220: The Federation of Lity Rytonia
Pop: 324 Mil

221: The Kingdom of Liukiu
Pop: 149 Mil

222: The Free Land of Liv L
Pop: 45 Mil

223: The Kingdom of Loiden
Pop: 417 Mil

224: The Republic of Looma
Pop: 20 Mil

225: The Armed Republic of Lorizhen
Pop: 804 Mil

226: The Commonwealth of Lukochia
Pop: 89 Mil

227: The Kingdom of Lunaticania
Pop: 75 Mil

228: The United Empire of Marica
Pop: 3,624 Mil

229: The Empire of MasticGum
Pop: 2,072 Mil

230: The Republic of Middle Cle Helless
Pop: 40 Mil

231: The Republic of Minas ytaliz
Pop: 101 Mil

232: The Republic of Minkville
Pop: 14 Mil

233: The Republic of Mirdania
Pop: 954 Mil

234: The Republic of Mochi30
Pop: 50 Mil

235: The Republic of Mochi44
Pop: 50 Mil

236: The Commonwealth of Mora Aralius
Pop: 8 Mil

237: The Republic of Mrppbh
Pop: 26 Mil

238: The Republic of Mylandaz
Pop: 73 Mil

239: The Nomadic Peoples of N REDACTED and he started jumpin up and
Pop: 965 Mil

240: The Dictatorship of Naco Germany
Pop: 40 Mil

241: The United States of Nadamasa
Pop: 81 Mil

242: The Federal Republic of Nagumige
Pop: 56 Mil

243: The Empire of Nandahi Coravlan
Pop: 32 Mil

244: The Dictatorship of Nation372
Pop: 14 Mil

245: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 139
Pop: 118 Mil

246: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 146
Pop: 115 Mil

247: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 153
Pop: 117 Mil

248: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 49
Pop: 112 Mil

249: The Federal Republic of Neitanyaho
Pop: 7 Mil

250: The Kingdom of Neo Grandia
Pop: 366 Mil

251: The Commonwealth of Neo-Muscovite Rus
Pop: 93 Mil

252: The United Socialist States of Neo-Scratchistan
Pop: 12 Mil

253: The United States of New Abdia
Pop: 286 Mil

254: The Commonwealth of New Bhum
Pop: 26 Mil

255: The People's Republic of New Choseon
Pop: 229 Mil

256: The Emirate of New Gonduria
Pop: 23 Mil

257: The Democratic Republic of New Qerisiana
Pop: 14 Mil

258: The Internet-Wide Repulbic of New Scratchiland
Pop: 2,020 Mil

259: The Commonwealth of New selandia
Pop: 138 Mil

260: The Kingdom of New Shinaral Pen
Pop: 85 Mil

261: The Republic of New tep
Pop: 139 Mil

262: The Confederacy of New The Wonkhiebia
Pop: 6 Mil

263: The Federation of Newelammund
Pop: 20 Mil

264: The Null Sprite of Nibbles
Pop: 5,106 Mil

265: The Kingdom of Nicolajnaland
Pop: 50 Mil

266: The Borderlands of Noraxmarapothunda
Pop: 36 Mil

267: The Republic of Nordenmarkia
Pop: 6 Mil

268: The Nomadic Peoples of Nornholt
Pop: 332 Mil

269: The Empire of Norsten
Pop: 189 Mil

270: The Allied States of North Betracia
Pop: 26 Mil

271: The Kingdom of North hungari
Pop: 26 Mil

272: The Republic of Northeast new jersey
Pop: 40 Mil

273: The Armed Republic of Northern Grozelownn
Pop: 2,841 Mil

274: The Republic of NorthRusskia
Pop: 10 Mil

275: The Kingdom of Nouhon
Pop: 32 Mil

276: The Empire of Nulbau
Pop: 12 Mil

277: The Most Serene Republic of Ocasionalia
Pop: 793 Mil

278: The Rogue Nation of Oghran
Pop: 592 Mil

279: The Republic of Olsenverg
Pop: 110 Mil

280: The People's Republic of Omskyia
Pop: 9 Mil

281: The Kingdom of On the Sea
Pop: 32 Mil

282: The Republic of Outer Northeast
Pop: 20 Mil

283: The Democratic Republic of Palicades
Pop: 69 Mil

284: The Community of Panemandia
Pop: 29 Mil

285: The Democratic Republic of Pareamaztopia
Pop: 906 Mil

286: The People's Republic of Parozia
Pop: 1,175 Mil

287: The Republic of Parozia Card Farm I
Pop: 14 Mil

288: The Republic of Party Rocking
Pop: 6 Mil

289: The Republic of Parung
Pop: 269 Mil

290: The Armed Republic of Patomic
Pop: 18 Mil

291: The Republic of Pavlania
Pop: 855 Mil

292: The Republic of Pelkanodel
Pop: 91 Mil

293: The Empire of Penklonsornean
Pop: 594 Mil

294: The People's Republic of Pezzua
Pop: 36 Mil

295: The Republic of Piruvolta
Pop: 8 Mil

296: The Republic of Pizda
Pop: 12 Mil

297: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs116
Pop: 40 Mil

298: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs23
Pop: 40 Mil

299: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs240
Pop: 40 Mil

300: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs248
Pop: 26 Mil

301: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs290
Pop: 40 Mil

302: The United States of Pofmia
Pop: 961 Mil

303: The Republic of Poopo pp
Pop: 40 Mil

304: The Republic of Potuzhnolend
Pop: 73 Mil

305: The Protectorate of Princess CXVIII
Pop: 682 Mil

306: The Empire of Protostars
Pop: 26 Mil

307: The Empire of Pryssylandia
Pop: 9 Mil

308: The Republic of Puerto Greeco
Pop: 62 Mil

309: The Democratic States of Puppets are complicated LXXX
Pop: 351 Mil

310: The Republic of PuppetStates Pawlaska 15
Pop: 16 Mil

311: The Kingdom of PUPPY the Best
Pop: 14 Mil

312: The Republic of Qe-18
Pop: 175 Mil

313: The Republic of Qe-50
Pop: 171 Mil

314: The Republic of Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa
Pop: 165 Mil

315: The Empire of Rangalo
Pop: 36 Mil

316: The Empire of Ratahmahata
Pop: 6 Mil

317: The Pizzarchy of Ravids
Pop: 6,976 Mil

318: The Safety of Rayshawn Jenkins
Pop: 1,196 Mil

319: The United Socialist States of Rdpordia
Pop: 10 Mil

320: The Republic of Re-28
Pop: 104 Mil

321: The Empire of Reallytallguys
Pop: 81 Mil

322: The Dictatorship of Red imperia
Pop: 10 Mil

323: The Principality of Redordernarka
Pop: 436 Mil

324: The United Socialist States of Redsbur
Pop: 466 Mil

325: The Armed Republic of Remozhiku
Pop: 848 Mil

326: The Republic of Representative of Wellspring
Pop: 23 Mil

327: The Commonwealth of Republica Gratia
Pop: 166 Mil

328: The Republic of Res publica Emiliana
Pop: 9 Mil

329: The Democratic Republic of Reustahl
Pop: 110 Mil

330: The Kingdom of Revus
Pop: 106 Mil

331: The Empire of Rewerl
Pop: 50 Mil

332: The United States of Riavaniea
Pop: 171 Mil

333: The Empire of Richn
Pop: 7 Mil

334: The Republic of Riq Woolen
Pop: 879 Mil

335: The Republic of Riter
Pop: 45 Mil

336: The Kingdom of Rizia Imperi
Pop: 246 Mil

337: The Kingdom of Rizz lands
Pop: 16 Mil

338: The Republic of Rocket Snail 82
Pop: 919 Mil

339: The United States of Rondinberg
Pop: 74 Mil

340: The Republic of Rsn6
Pop: 112 Mil

341: The Federation of Russianusa
Pop: 32 Mil

342: The Empire of Sagrado das capivaras libertarias
Pop: 205 Mil

343: The Kingdom of Saimas
Pop: 424 Mil

344: The Kingdom of Samimyarr
Pop: 7 Mil

345: The Republic of Savannah College of Art and Design
Pop: 8 Mil

346: The Commonwealth of Scoutlandon
Pop: 109 Mil

347: The Republic of Sellandge
Pop: 8 Mil

348: The Republic of Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Pop: 81 Mil

349: The Armed Republic of Shoniruma
Pop: 856 Mil

350: The Kingdom of Shop Galactica
Pop: 20 Mil

351: The Empire of Sieburg
Pop: 8 Mil

352: The Federation of Sinoberia
Pop: 210 Mil

353: The Free Land of Sla Stra
Pop: 40 Mil

354: The Socialist Federal Republic of Slops
Pop: 2,295 Mil

355: The Dictatorship of Smoky oak
Pop: 292 Mil

356: The Nomadic Peoples of Snow Ravens
Pop: 212 Mil

357: The Republic of Sob83
Pop: 85 Mil

358: The Republic of Sob95
Pop: 88 Mil

359: The Theocracy of Socialist Pordenone
Pop: 50 Mil

360: The United Socialist States of Sogloristan
Pop: 7 Mil

361: The United Socialist States of Soitt
Pop: 202 Mil

362: The Kingdom of South Adamnia
Pop: 1,651 Mil

363: The Republic of South-Southwest Lands
Pop: 114 Mil

364: The Dictatorship of Southern Boxtro Norpe
Pop: 107 Mil

365: The United States of Southern Cariiben
Pop: 12 Mil

366: The Kingdom of Sovinkarus
Pop: 62 Mil

367: The Republic of Soyaa
Pop: 68 Mil

368: The Kingdom of Spansia
Pop: 14 Mil

369: The Republic of Sport McAllister
Pop: 918 Mil

370: The United States of Stavriflor
Pop: 1,322 Mil

371: The Republic of Summerpeach
Pop: 10,210 Mil

372: The Republic of Sushisuri
Pop: 195 Mil

373: The Matriarchy of Suzune
Pop: 563 Mil

374: The Empire of Swielanglosiegaria
Pop: 113 Mil

375: The Republic of Szohod
Pop: 163 Mil

376: The Colony of Tachikaze
Pop: 266 Mil

377: The Republic of Tachin
Pop: 590 Mil

378: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCCLIX
Pop: 1,255 Mil

379: The Republic of Tanaeoero
Pop: 16 Mil

380: The Dictatorship of Team Frank
Pop: 86 Mil

381: The Theocracy of Tebeit
Pop: 111 Mil

382: The Republic of TechNations
Pop: 20 Mil

383: The Empire of Technocratic future china
Pop: 109 Mil

384: The Kingdom of Teim Turo
Pop: 50 Mil

385: The Federal Republic of Tengala
Pop: 26 Mil

386: The People's Republic of Teosoa
Pop: 106 Mil

387: The Matriarchy of Terra Pulchra
Pop: 274 Mil

388: The Republic of Testttt1andm
Pop: 80 Mil

389: The United Kingdom of Tgv101
Pop: 90 Mil

390: The United Kingdom of Tgv228
Pop: 93 Mil

391: The United Kingdom of Tgv235
Pop: 89 Mil

392: The United Kingdom of Tgv268
Pop: 95 Mil

393: The United Kingdom of Tgv272
Pop: 91 Mil

394: The United Kingdom of Tgv275
Pop: 93 Mil

395: The United Kingdom of Tgv277
Pop: 90 Mil

396: The United Kingdom of Tgv331
Pop: 93 Mil

397: The United Kingdom of Tgv351
Pop: 92 Mil

398: The United Kingdom of Tgv417
Pop: 92 Mil

399: The United Kingdom of Tgv477
Pop: 87 Mil

400: The Free Land of That which is united
Pop: 20 Mil

401: The Community of The Cowabunga Island Chain
Pop: 179 Mil

402: The Allied States of The Dawn of Cyberchase
Pop: 45 Mil

403: The Democratic Republic of The Democratic Republic of Dryland
Pop: 36 Mil

404: The Federation of The Dixie Republics
Pop: 1,583 Mil

405: The Commonwealth of The Draconic States
Pop: 14 Mil

406: The Republic of The Grand Snake Empire
Pop: 544 Mil

407: The Republic of The Great Shimy
Pop: 50 Mil

408: The Theocracy of The Knightdom of Ni
Pop: 529 Mil

409: The Democratic States of The Mozzarella-Cheddar Republic
Pop: 16 Mil

410: The Democratic Republic of The Nation of Russia
Pop: 881 Mil

411: The Democratic States of The Northern Unionized Countries
Pop: 7 Mil

412: The Republic of The RDFR
Pop: 110 Mil

413: The Empire of The rebulic of get deez
Pop: 7 Mil

414: The Empire of The Ruarey Island
Pop: 26 Mil

415: The Federation of The Russo Empire
Pop: 101 Mil

416: The Dominion of The shining Hawk
Pop: 32 Mil

417: The Federal Republic of The Sorok Empire
Pop: 3,780 Mil

418: The People's Republic of The True Utopia
Pop: 45 Mil

419: The Borderlands of The Tyrans
Pop: 252 Mil

420: The Commonwealth of The UMNS Security Agent
Pop: 1,529 Mil

421: The United States of The usa 2
Pop: 62 Mil

422: The Empire of The World Province
Pop: 333 Mil

423: The United States of Thintrienagaradtopia
Pop: 75 Mil

424: The Theocracy of Thulalia
Pop: 492 Mil

425: The Republic of Thuns Cathoictainnar
Pop: 16 Mil

426: The Republic of Tiraniun
Pop: 26 Mil

427: The Toontastic Union of Toonlandia
Pop: 1,288 Mil

428: The Colony of Toulaire
Pop: 306 Mil

429: The Kingdom of Tovalo
Pop: 6 Mil

430: The Free Land of Tre Kath Rystopia
Pop: 16 Mil

431: The United Socialist States of Trensentanilvania
Pop: 403 Mil

432: The Empire of Triune Realms
Pop: 86 Mil

433: The Republic of Tuanoulan
Pop: 113 Mil

434: The Jingoistic States of Tyrannical Anarchs
Pop: 40 Mil

435: The Queendom of Tzai
Pop: 125 Mil

436: The Free Land of UAS Senate Clerk
Pop: 195 Mil

437: The Most Serene Republic of Ugg grugg
Pop: 648 Mil

438: The United Kingdom of Ujn282
Pop: 183 Mil

439: The United Kingdom of Ujn335
Pop: 179 Mil

440: The United Kingdom of Ujn379
Pop: 177 Mil

441: The United Kingdom of Ujn383
Pop: 181 Mil

442: The United Kingdom of Ujn443
Pop: 179 Mil

443: The United Kingdom of Ujn454
Pop: 174 Mil

444: The Armed Republic of Ukrainian Black League
Pop: 651 Mil

445: The Commonwealth of Umfuland
Pop: 62 Mil

446: The Republic of Ummmmmmm
Pop: 83 Mil

447: The Allied States of Undertake49
Pop: 237 Mil

448: The Sultanate of Undervoid
Pop: 248 Mil

449: The United Kingdom of Unfairia
Pop: 12 Mil

450: The Commonwealth of Unista Pringalia
Pop: 36 Mil

451: The Republic of United States of New Nation
Pop: 40 Mil

452: The Republic of Utah the beehive county
Pop: 36 Mil

453: The Commonwealth of Utejave
Pop: 1,326 Mil

454: The Kingdom of Varangiana
Pop: 1,545 Mil

455: The Incorporated States of Vasarkia
Pop: 1,110 Mil

456: The Free Land of Vaurthsion
Pop: 40 Mil

457: The Confederacy of Vausheng
Pop: 92 Mil

458: The Republic of VCC031
Pop: 337 Mil

459: The Republic of Vcc084
Pop: 335 Mil

460: The Republic of Vcc091
Pop: 347 Mil

461: The Armed Republic of Veleem
Pop: 743 Mil

462: The Republic of Velo27
Pop: 878 Mil

463: The Republic of Velo52
Pop: 867 Mil

464: The Republic of Velo85
Pop: 849 Mil

465: The Armed Republic of Veniraku
Pop: 689 Mil

466: The Holy Empire of Venus Celestia
Pop: 1,187 Mil

467: The Federal Republic of Vereza
Pop: 3,172 Mil

468: The Constitutional Monarchy of Vermantia
Pop: 45 Mil

469: The Kingdom of Viewpark
Pop: 23 Mil

470: The Federation of Voice of Akasha 11
Pop: 62 Mil

471: The Republic of Voice of Akasha 16
Pop: 62 Mil

472: The Free Land of Volunterra
Pop: 167 Mil

473: The Republic of VRepublic
Pop: 40 Mil

474: The Free Land of Vrononsense
Pop: 104 Mil

475: The Free Land of Vychodocesky svobodny stat
Pop: 69 Mil

476: The Free Land of Waterwayland
Pop: 9 Mil

477: The Republic of WC 192
Pop: 993 Mil

478: The Republic of WC 230
Pop: 1,008 Mil

479: The Republic of West Hal Thee
Pop: 8 Mil

480: The Republic of WestSlovakia
Pop: 45 Mil

481: The Republic of Wesuk
Pop: 12 Mil

482: The Confederacy of Windfarer Tribes
Pop: 75 Mil

483: The Queendom of Witchy Witchcraft
Pop: 506 Mil

484: The Federation of Woilokacia
Pop: 1,100 Mil

485: The Castle of Wolfenstein
Pop: 5,520 Mil

486: The Kingdom of Wolgaraven
Pop: 1,096 Mil

487: The Republic of Wolveristan II
Pop: 236 Mil

488: The Democratic Republic of Wss123
Pop: 398 Mil

489: The Democratic Republic of Wss263
Pop: 370 Mil

490: The United Kingdom of Wss429
Pop: 217 Mil

491: The United Kingdom of Wss436
Pop: 210 Mil

492: The Nuclear Gleepus of Wudovez
Pop: 1,501 Mil

493: The Rogue Nation of Xyeros
Pop: 191 Mil

494: The People's Republic of Yanozelia
Pop: 16 Mil

495: The Republic of Yiravia
Pop: 9 Mil

496: The United Kingdom of Ynn294
Pop: 248 Mil

497: The United Kingdom of Ynn361
Pop: 245 Mil

498: The Dictatorship of You give money we give stupidity
Pop: 36 Mil

499: The Dictatorship of You Have No Rights pt2
Pop: 329 Mil

500: The Armed Republic of Zamiko
Pop: 742 Mil

501: The Free Land of Zandaris
Pop: 26 Mil

502: The Kingdom of Zandijya
Pop: 62 Mil

503: The Republic of ZAP3
Pop: 332 Mil

504: The Free Land of Zen New
Pop: 50 Mil

505: The Armed Republic of Zhavimiko
Pop: 742 Mil

506: The Armed Republic of Zhorepasi
Pop: 805 Mil

507: The United States of Zirvia
Pop: 544 Mil

508: The Armed Republic of Zman40
Pop: 407 Mil

509: The Democratic Republic of Zman53
Pop: 258 Mil

510: The Disputed Territories of Zman56
Pop: 267 Mil

511: The Emirate of Zman89
Pop: 192 Mil

512: The Empire of Zoe Topia
Pop: 10 Mil

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