1: The Republic of -Megumi Fushiguro- Pop: 141 Mil 2: The Holy Empire of -Ryomen Sukuna- Pop: 195 Mil 3: The Free Land of -Yuji Itadori- Pop: 147 Mil 4: The United Republic of Asucion Pop: 3,610 Mil 5: The Republic of Axolotls Once Again Pop: 29 Mil 6: The Kingdom of Bailu Peru Pop: 32 Mil 7: The Texan Empire of Barrow Cove Pop: 9,981 Mil 8: The United Republic of Bellory hill Pop: 5,316 Mil 9: The Democratic German Republic of Berlin City-State Pop: 1,776 Mil 10: The Neighborhood-State of Burncoat Pop: 2,209 Mil 11: The Democratic Empire of Canada-Greenland Pop: 1,848 Mil 12: The Asucionian Territory of Capronas Pop: 2,608 Mil 13: The Kingdom of Central Denmark Pop: 1,783 Mil 14: The United Socialist Republic of Central Patagonia Region Pop: 2,056 Mil 15: The South American Union of Central Quito Pop: 2,968 Mil 16: The Saharan Autonomous Territory of Citadel Territory Pop: 1,198 Mil 17: The Spider-Hybrid Gunslinger of Cliffsidea Pop: 1,680 Mil 18: The National Republic of Coastal East China Pop: 1,618 Mil 19: The Republic of Davaoeno Pop: 151 Mil 20: The State of Delmarva Republic Pop: 1,618 Mil 21: The State of East Natonarath Pop: 1,384 Mil 22: The Asucionian Territory of East Zealandia Pop: 1,862 Mil 23: The Federation of Eastern African Union State Pop: 419 Mil 24: The Republic of Eastern Nigerian Commonwealth Pop: 276 Mil 25: The Autonomous Region of Far East Republic Pop: 867 Mil 26: The Neighborhood-State of Forest Grove Area Pop: 1,816 Mil 27: The Socialist Paradise of FREE SOCIALIST COMINTERN REPUBLICS Pop: 1,856 Mil 28: The Community of Ghatkopia Pop: 602 Mil 29: The Kingdom of Gojo Satarou Pop: 215 Mil 30: The Neighorhood-State of Great Brook Valley Pop: 1,516 Mil 31: The State of Great Lakes State Pop: 1,645 Mil 32: The Metropolitan Area of Greater Boston Pop: 1,818 Mil 33: The Asucionian Territory of Greater Louisiana Region Pop: 1,537 Mil 34: The Militairistic state of Greek Democratic Repulic Pop: 849 Mil 35: The Neighborhood-State of Greendale Area Pop: 1,629 Mil 36: The United Coastal States of Gulf Republic Pop: 1,619 Mil 37: The Holy Empire of Hakari Kinji Pop: 148 Mil 38: The Island Nation of Hispanic Republic of Isla de la Juventud Pop: 1,284 Mil 39: The Neighorhood-State of Indian Lake East Pop: 2,325 Mil 40: The Theocracy of Inumaki Pop: 146 Mil 41: The Democratic Republic of Island of Ithaca Pop: 219 Mil 42: The Independent State of Jerusalemia Pop: 2,607 Mil 43: The Nomadic Peoples of JPSLand Pop: 576 Mil 44: The Federal City-State of Kakatoon Pop: 1,858 Mil 45: The Emirate of Kauazinho Pop: 198 Mil 46: The Neighborhood-State of Kelley Square Pop: 2,380 Mil 47: The Second Republic of Krean Pop: 2,101 Mil 48: The Holy Empire of Lentokonesuihkuturbi Pop: 14 Mil 49: The Democratic Provinces of Madrid-Spain and Provinces Pop: 1,833 Mil 50: The Neighborhood-State of Main South Pop: 1,818 Mil 51: The State of Manhattan Island Pop: 2,735 Mil 52: The United Empire of Mexico and Central America Pop: 1,627 Mil 53: The Parliamentary Commonwealth of Moinabad Pop: 1,708 Mil 54: The Island Republic of Mukoania Pop: 616 Mil 55: The Free Tribal Land of Naturimikandia Pop: 1,576 Mil | 56: The Island Republic of New Muko Pop: 2,752 Mil 57: The Republic of New Petriland Pop: 817 Mil 58: The Far North Republic of North Great Lake State Pop: 1,640 Mil 59: The Dominion of North Natonarath Pop: 1,254 Mil 60: The Asucionian Island Territory of North Zealandia Pop: 3,482 Mil 61: The Asucionian Territory of Oceanian States Pop: 3,379 Mil 62: The State of Oregon-Washington Pop: 1,682 Mil 63: The State of Pennsylvania State Pop: 1,578 Mil 64: The Principality of Penseres Pop: 526 Mil 65: The Parlamentary Latin Union of Petriland Pop: 2,943 Mil 66: The United City-States of Pirpolistine Pop: 2,641 Mil 67: The State of Provincetown State Pop: 2,069 Mil 68: The State of Queens Borough Pop: 2,078 Mil 69: The Republic of Sabatonistan Pop: 571 Mil 70: The United and Allied Regions of Sahara Republic Pop: 1,842 Mil 71: The District of Sheridan State Pop: 1,362 Mil 72: The Kingdom of Silazurato Pop: 818 Mil 73: The Temporal Monarchy syndicate of Smolak Pop: 1,899 Mil 74: The Republic of South Africa Nation Pop: 257 Mil 75: The Allied States of South Mgebe Pop: 454 Mil 76: The Neighborhood of South Quinsigamond Village Pop: 2,406 Mil 77: The Federation of South supenterbia Pop: 1,500 Mil 78: The State of South Union Republic Pop: 1,638 Mil 79: The Neighborhood-State of South Worcester Pop: 1,264 Mil 80: The Asucionian Territory of Southern Zealandia Pop: 1,787 Mil 81: The Democratic Republic of Stantvia Pop: 1,716 Mil 82: The Constitutional Monarchy of Stratusia Pop: 1,871 Mil 83: The Arsen Autonomous Region of Sunnia Republic Pop: 1,315 Mil 84: The Republic of Tachica Pop: 226 Mil 85: The Democratic States of The American Public Pop: 1,910 Mil 86: The Technate of The Arsens Pop: 1,902 Mil 87: The Colony of The Cominternian Speaker Pop: 56 Mil 88: The State of The District of Salt Lake City Pop: 1,891 Mil 89: The Federal Republic of The grand separatist allience Pop: 191 Mil 90: The UDS Capital of The Los Angeles Commonwealth Pop: 1,548 Mil 91: The United Commonwealth of The Nantucket Island Republic Pop: 2,250 Mil 92: The Unified Monarchy of The Repuplic of Felt Pop: 1,904 Mil 93: The Community of The Swiss and German Alps Pop: 711 Mil 94: The Federation of The United Republics of North America Pop: 40 Mil 95: The Incorporated States of The United Sea of Japan Pop: 488 Mil 96: The Northern Republic of Transcaria Pop: 2,600 Mil 97: The State of Transmontana State Pop: 1,442 Mil 98: The Empire of United German Homeland Defense Pop: 215 Mil 99: The Republic of Upper Congolese States Pop: 284 Mil 100: The Neo-Feudal Monarchy of Waffafria Pop: 1,641 Mil 101: The Kingdom of West Ayer Pop: 1,662 Mil 102: The Kingdom of West Congo Free State Pop: 968 Mil 103: The Asucionian Territory of West Mesopotamia Pop: 3,298 Mil 104: The Neighborhood-State of West Tatnuck Pop: 1,423 Mil 105: The Monarquia Constitucional of Zacrek Pop: 6,286 Mil 106: The Absolute Monarchy of Zeenay Pop: 1,675 Mil |