1: The Ferrari of 250 GTO Pop: 11,000 Mil 2: The Republic of A lake of orange Pop: 4,146 Mil 3: The United Socialist States of Adzeri Pop: 5,023 Mil 4: The Sovereign Republic of Aeteros Pop: 7,405 Mil 5: The Holy Kingdom of Agadar Pop: 32,926 Mil 6: The Unified Electorates of Ainslie Pop: 18,967 Mil 7: The Estral Republic of Aizcona Pop: 12,049 Mil 8: The Democratic States of Altrevia Pop: 583 Mil 9: The Holy Empire of Amberlena Pop: 19,165 Mil 10: The Commonwealth of American Liberal Principalities Pop: 7,529 Mil 11: The Presidential Republic of Amestrris Pop: 9,947 Mil 12: The Exceedingly Chill Locale of Aquarii Pop: 4,304 Mil 13: The Commonwealth of Aradas Pop: 5,253 Mil 14: The Kingdom of Arctisva Pop: 215 Mil 15: The Treasured Realm of Avrazhim Pop: 1,418 Mil 16: The Republic of Baeria Pop: 12,950 Mil 17: The Federation of Balnik Pop: 21,054 Mil 18: The Republic of Baumes Pop: 5,118 Mil 19: The United Queendoms of Belantica Pop: 20,436 Mil 20: The Republic of Biaten Pop: 9,612 Mil 21: The Rogue Nation of Braziligrad Pop: 146 Mil 22: The Rogue Nation of BSN91 Pop: 3,442 Mil 23: The Standing Stones of Callanish Pop: 17,680 Mil 24: The Republic of Cer Rhil Pop: 128 Mil 25: The Parliamentary Republic of Chasia Pop: 22,832 Mil 26: The Federation of Chinkcia Pop: 2,435 Mil 27: The Armed Republic of Cittanera Valdazzano Pop: 1,292 Mil 28: The Blue Islands of Corindia Pop: 19,006 Mil 29: The Republican Union of Corkair Pop: 1,712 Mil 30: The People's Republic of Costavozka Pop: 6,020 Mil 31: The Federated States of Domanania Pop: 24,993 Mil 32: The United Republics of Dormill and Stiura Pop: 20,582 Mil 33: The Republic of Dothrakia Pop: 13,624 Mil 34: The Grand Kingdom of Draxdonia Pop: 9,548 Mil 35: The Crannog of Eilean Domhnuill Pop: 17,647 Mil 36: The Arch Duchy of Einnstadt Pop: 9,082 Mil 37: The Democratic Republic of Erevine Pop: 125 Mil 38: The Free Land of Esrail Pop: 17,301 Mil 39: The Epicness of Esterazdravo Pop: 6,230 Mil 40: The Commonwealth of Federated Commonwealth of Selstville Pop: 10,419 Mil 41: The Dictatorship of Ferunio Pop: 143 Mil 42: The Socialist Federal Republic of Frencin Pop: 17,286 Mil 43: The Republic of Googled Pop: 9,585 Mil 44: The Big-money Oranje Republic of Goudenzia Pop: 6,187 Mil 45: The United Commonwealths of Great Altera Pop: 4,151 Mil 46: The Viceroyalty of Great-Imperialonia Pop: 21,954 Mil 47: The Private-Owned State of Greeces bank Pop: 3,721 Mil 48: The Rogue Nation of GSN7 Pop: 3,446 Mil 49: The Constitutional Monarchy of Hallowgroves Pop: 2,915 Mil 50: The Republic of Handelsplatz Pop: 832 Mil 51: The Republic of Hannah-Vine is Abroad Pop: 40 Mil 52: The Theocracy of Hanselans Pop: 706 Mil 53: The Christian Republic of Haramun Pop: 5,889 Mil 54: The Free Land of Hasiel Kal Pop: 18,737 Mil 55: The Federal Republic of Interlachen Pop: 481 Mil 56: The Elective Kingdom of Ioudaia Pop: 31,208 Mil 57: The Loving Couple of IShip-It Pop: 8,051 Mil 58: The Republic of Jejistan Pop: 789 Mil 59: The Commonwealth of Kaishin Pop: 830 Mil 60: The Germanic Kingdom of Kaskalma Pop: 5,724 Mil 61: The Republic of Kelapa Pop: 29 Mil 62: The Edgy Fempire of Keomora Pop: 19,199 Mil 63: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kheshig10 Pop: 11,069 Mil 64: The Empire of Kranoria Pop: 2,726 Mil 65: The Forumnial Kingdom of Kravato Pop: 4,195 Mil 66: The Republic of Kuvo Pop: 10,977 Mil 67: The State of Lesva Pop: 8,730 Mil 68: The Most Serene Republic of Liernma Pop: 7,994 Mil 69: The Republic of Linaviar Pop: 21,566 Mil 70: The Euprarian State of Lotoslovalkia Pop: 2,409 Mil 71: The Swordmistress of Lutia Pop: 14,200 Mil 72: The People's Republic of Lyrmelion Pop: 23 Mil 73: The Republic of Martenyika Pop: 12,185 Mil | 74: The Federal Republic of Mattheland Pop: 3,606 Mil 75: The Vampiric Federation of Meris Pop: 4,742 Mil 76: The Federal Republic of Mezia Pop: 166 Mil 77: The Most Catholic Diarchy of Miklania Pop: 21,228 Mil 78: The Intermittent Republic of Murab Pop: 17,006 Mil 79: The Theocracy of Najimam Pop: 5,320 Mil 80: The United States of Nando Moura Pop: 68 Mil 81: The Crowned Republic of Nentia Pop: 688 Mil 82: The United Syndicates of New Guangxi Clique Pop: 15,273 Mil 83: The Pristine Kingdom of New Yeetland Pop: 3,392 Mil 84: The Dominion of Nhoor Pop: 13,656 Mil 85: The United Prefectures of Noronica Pop: 20,228 Mil 86: The Republic of Norusa Pop: 288 Mil 87: The Resp of Novorijeka Pop: 1,728 Mil 88: The Truly Massive Kingdom of NW Isle Pop: 5,431 Mil 89: The Federal Republic of Onereece Pop: 2,636 Mil 90: The Foolish Blue Dreamscapes of Orrorin Pop: 14,321 Mil 91: The Ghost of Ostehaar Pop: 20,288 Mil 92: The Republic of Ostellan Pop: 9,247 Mil 93: The Federal Republic of Panneau Pop: 7,955 Mil 94: The River of Pirahna Pop: 25,597 Mil 95: The Federal Republic of Plasminia Pop: 13,009 Mil 96: The Borderlands of Potenc Pop: 62 Mil 97: The Democratic Republic of Priangeis Pop: 548 Mil 98: The Diarchic Republics of Razzgriz Pop: 23,131 Mil 99: The Republic of Reann Pop: 3,369 Mil 100: The Empire of ReformedAlohaStates Pop: 5,075 Mil 101: The Republic of Renet Pop: 6,492 Mil 102: The Utopian Kingdom of the Union of Roendavar Pop: 17,850 Mil 103: The Kingdom of Sagara-Sinar Pop: 50 Mil 104: The Probably Not Around of Samudera Pop: 17,180 Mil 105: The Republic of San Jimenez Pop: 17,910 Mil 106: The Republic of San Montagna Pop: 16,457 Mil 107: The Federation of Seafoam Island Pop: 47,175 Mil 108: The Sarcasm King of Segentova Pop: 20,045 Mil 109: The Realm of Serpens Land Pop: 8,770 Mil 110: The Snark Queen of Shidei Pop: 11,563 Mil 111: The Kingdom of Solaric Pop: 4,008 Mil 112: The Winter Empire of Solaryia Pop: 10,980 Mil 113: The Sultanate of Sub Rosa Pop: 2,102 Mil 114: The Republic of Takiv Pop: 2,817 Mil 115: The Free Land of Talkunia Pop: 3,829 Mil 116: The Holy Kingdom of Talvistova Pop: 7,852 Mil 117: The Republic of Teclana Pop: 1,892 Mil 118: The Democratic Isles of The Kayevies Pop: 8,675 Mil 119: The International Organisation of The League of TWI Pop: 16,098 Mil 120: The Republic of The Rodaves Pop: 6,957 Mil 121: The Rum-Swilling Scallywags of The Tsunterlands Pop: 6,420 Mil 122: The Office of The Union Emissary of XKI Pop: 6,413 Mil 123: The Salimanasia of The United Partitions Pop: 8,697 Mil 124: The Desk of The Western Isles Office of Information Pop: 16,282 Mil 125: The Union of Thromsa Pop: 16,583 Mil 126: The Occidental Commonwealth of Thythe Pop: 4,792 Mil 127: The Constitutional Dual Monarchy of Tortelino-Kosanock Pop: 3,522 Mil 128: The Sovereign Land of Toukawa Pop: 7,202 Mil 129: The Land of Townside Pop: 15,963 Mil 130: The Democratic Republic of Tricklandia Pop: 3,827 Mil 131: The Federation of United Brancaland Pop: 9,979 Mil 132: The Catholic Theocracy of Vacrus Pop: 5,337 Mil 133: The Free Lands of Vancouvia Pop: 22,807 Mil 134: The Federation of Vernumer Pop: 304 Mil 135: The Republic of Wangano Pop: 3,869 Mil 136: The Kingdom of Wellsia Pop: 18,809 Mil 137: The Federal Republic of West Shermany Pop: 9,548 Mil 138: The Allied States of West Spaam Pop: 5,396 Mil 139: The Protectorate of Yarcon Pop: 13,818 Mil 140: The Holy State of Yektov Pop: 2,601 Mil 141: The Commonwealth of Yursea Pop: 5,039 Mil 142: The Empire of Zoterre Pop: 332 Mil |