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78 Countries populate the Region of Underworld

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Underworld.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Loving Couple of -Tr1buteArt
Pop: 6,572 Mil

2: The Thoroughbred of Sin of Bad Horse-
Pop: 21,842 Mil

3: The Satan Worshipping Badass of Beeker Jedi Stalker
Pop: 19,678 Mil

4: The Infinite Kingdom of Boarder Princes
Pop: 18,702 Mil

5: The I Never Miss of Bullseye
Pop: 14,310 Mil

6: The Hair Blowing in the Breeze of Captain Hammer-
Pop: 22,891 Mil

7: The Call Me Lilith Overlord of Daisy Johnson
Pop: 21,087 Mil

8: The Galactic Empire of Death Star Reborn
Pop: 24,957 Mil

9: The Demonic Borderlands of Demon I
Pop: 9,678 Mil

10: The Rogue Soul Thief of Demon II
Pop: 9,661 Mil

11: The Theocracy of Demon IV
Pop: 9,673 Mil

12: The Theocracy of Demon IX
Pop: 9,550 Mil

13: The Holy Empire of Demon V
Pop: 9,618 Mil

14: The People's Republic of Demon VI
Pop: 9,650 Mil

15: The Holy Empire of Demon VII
Pop: 9,691 Mil

16: The Republic of Demon VIII
Pop: 9,552 Mil

17: The Holy Empire of Demon XI
Pop: 7,875 Mil

18: The Empire of Demon XIV
Pop: 7,853 Mil

19: The Hellfire of Demon XV
Pop: 7,230 Mil

20: The United Kingdom of Devil with Nukes 6
Pop: 26 Mil

21: The Discoverian Enclave of DiscOrdant
Pop: 30,634 Mil

22: The Anarchy That I Run of Dr Horrible
Pop: 22,660 Mil

23: The Oppressed Peoples of Dystopian Nuclear Winter
Pop: 4,388 Mil

24: The Greenland Commonwealth King of Fee Bher
Pop: 14,229 Mil

25: The Hungry Like The Wolf of Freddy Boy
Pop: 30,810 Mil

26: The That's good enough for me of G is for Game
Pop: 16,321 Mil

Pop: 24,515 Mil

28: The Blacksmith Kingdom of Harry Man Kip
Pop: 15,942 Mil

29: The On a long enough timeline of I am Jacks Cold Sweat
Pop: 17,063 Mil

30: The Destruction of I am Jacks Inflamed Sense Of Rejection
Pop: 18,115 Mil

31: The Psycho Boy of I am Jacks Raging Bile Duct
Pop: 20,908 Mil

32: The Losing All Hope of I am Jacks Wasted Life
Pop: 21,615 Mil

33: The Here Come The Drums of I Am The Master
Pop: 18,456 Mil

34: The Capital City of Kampala
Pop: 27,874 Mil

35: The Rare blue misprint of Lord of the pit
Pop: 34,340 Mil

36: The Rogue Nation of LSN41
Pop: 3,471 Mil

37: The Mastermind of Mister Glass
Pop: 9,073 Mil

38: The Oblivion Bringer of Mongul
Pop: 10,349 Mil

39: The Criminal Mastermind of Mr Cobblepot
Pop: 16,399 Mil

40: The Knight of Mr Hound
Pop: 19,142 Mil

41: The Endless Night of Mr S
Pop: 16,733 Mil

42: The Oppressed Peoples of Mr Sweet Tooth
Pop: 22,321 Mil

43: The Beautiful Soul of Mrev the Dead Goblin
Pop: 18,558 Mil

44: The Cosmic Epanastocracy of Pandaemonia Lyricalia
Pop: 10,796 Mil

45: The Republic of Perdition
Pop: 5,743 Mil

46: The Droid Factories of Poggle the Lesser
Pop: 21,598 Mil

47: The Sin of Pride Demon
Pop: 9,700 Mil

48: The Nuclear Kingdom of Radiation Demon 1
Pop: 9,463 Mil

49: The Dominion of Radiation Demon 17
Pop: 40 Mil

50: The Kingdom of Radiation Demon 6
Pop: 7,812 Mil

51: The Kingdom of Radiation Demon 7
Pop: 7,552 Mil

52: The Empire of Radiation Demon 8
Pop: 7,596 Mil

53: The Holy Empire of Radiation Demon 9
Pop: 7,566 Mil

54: The Temple of Robotology of Reverend Lionel Preacherbot
Pop: 13,509 Mil

55: The Warden Guardian of Roavin III
Pop: 17,195 Mil

56: The Mad Malfunctioning King of Roberto-
Pop: 17,954 Mil

57: The Heads is Tails of Saint Lucifer
Pop: 27,097 Mil

58: The Spy of Sangre Grande
Pop: 32,661 Mil

59: The Republic of Southern Castsatingwaltin
Pop: 6,687 Mil

60: The Demonic Kingdom of The Northern Man
Pop: 14,447 Mil

61: The Federation of The Pale Horse 6
Pop: 29 Mil

62: The Dark Side of the Force of Vader Knows Best 1
Pop: 22,318 Mil

63: The United Sith Kingdom of Vader Knows Best 10
Pop: 15,684 Mil

64: The Hell's March of Vader Knows Best 12
Pop: 15,526 Mil

65: The Evil Satanic Sith Republic of Vader Knows Best 15
Pop: 15,062 Mil

66: The Evil Empire of Darkness of Vader Knows Best 17
Pop: 15,154 Mil

67: The Evil Doom Empire of Vader Knows Best 19
Pop: 15,118 Mil

68: The Dark Side Conquers All of Vader Knows Best 2
Pop: 19,069 Mil

69: The Evil Sith Guy of Vader Knows Best 20
Pop: 15,179 Mil

70: The Sith God Emperor of Vader Knows Best 3
Pop: 18,437 Mil

71: The Dark Side Rocks of Vader Knows Best 4
Pop: 17,872 Mil

72: The Evil Sith Dominion of Vader Knows Best 7
Pop: 15,650 Mil

73: The Insane Half Machine SithKing of Vader Knows Best 8
Pop: 15,063 Mil

74: The Demonic Vampire Empire of Vampire King
Pop: 14,697 Mil

75: The Simple of Waseand
Pop: 5,339 Mil

76: The Insanity of Whosawhatsits
Pop: 20,955 Mil

77: The Off with their head of You First Man
Pop: 13,014 Mil

78: The Omega of Zeeder the Quiet
Pop: 10,380 Mil

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