1: The Republic of Ahl Al-Kitab Pop: 514 Mil 2: The Free Land of Albertan Conservative Free State Pop: 3,120 Mil 3: The Gnostic City-State of Alexandria Pop: 17,941 Mil 4: The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth of Alluxia Pop: 4,080 Mil 5: The Christian Commonwealth of Americolumbia Pop: 22,993 Mil 6: The United States of Amirekca Pop: 344 Mil 7: The The Perpetual Union of Annenderlande Pop: 2,244 Mil 8: The Parduqex Denis of Arduo Pop: 12,766 Mil 9: The Kaisertum of Austrin Pop: 14,742 Mil 10: The Theocracy of Barrelands Pop: 472 Mil 11: The Holy Empire of Bavrakia Pop: 13,761 Mil 12: The United Empire of Beddow Pop: 975 Mil 13: The House Velak Lordship State of Calebs Haven Pop: 30,074 Mil 14: The Republic of Calidussia Pop: 915 Mil 15: The The Holy Empire of Cathloromans Pop: 1,024 Mil 16: The He is Risen of Christ Pop: 5,677 Mil 17: The Community of Christadelphians Pop: 20,687 Mil 18: The Republic of Ciponian Pop: 9 Mil 19: The Holy Catholic Kingdom of Classic Bible Comics Pop: 4,906 Mil 20: The Constant of Constantipolianioianietani Pop: 4,271 Mil 21: The People's Monarchy of Das-Man Pop: 10,214 Mil 22: The Oppressed Peoples of Domesticis Pop: 200 Mil 23: The Kingdom of Duneshore Pop: 253 Mil 24: The Democratic Commonwealth of Ecclestia Pop: 25,856 Mil 25: The Heavenly Kingdom of Eden Pop: 5,617 Mil 26: The Principality of Edessa Pop: 5,498 Mil 27: The Confederacy of Eire Chaitliceach Pop: 381 Mil 28: The Jumbled States of Ennuard Pop: 20,293 Mil 29: The Commonwealth of Estmand Pop: 7,165 Mil 30: The United Federation of Planets of Europa Undivided Pop: 12,387 Mil 31: The Principality of Galilee Pop: 2,135 Mil 32: The Republic of Galliont Pop: 1,146 Mil 33: The Dominion of Galliont Department of Defense Pop: 40 Mil 34: The Dominion of Galliont Secretary of State Pop: 184 Mil 35: The Christian States of Gideon Pop: 6,182 Mil 36: The Bishopric of Gilead Pop: 6,621 Mil 37: The United States of Grand Assyria Pop: 769 Mil 38: The Empire of Great Barvaria Pop: 1,489 Mil 39: The Theodemocratic State of Greater Deseret Pop: 1,182 Mil 40: The Devout Social Democracy of Helmond Pop: 11,029 Mil 41: The Catholic State of Holy Filipino Empire Pop: 3,583 Mil 42: The Federation of Horria Pop: 2,062 Mil 43: The Barony of Ibelin Pop: 3,043 Mil 44: The Most Serene Realm of Isvonia Pop: 11,171 Mil 45: The High Kingdom of Jimea Pop: 2,006 Mil 46: The Empire of Khuzhai Pop: 5,060 Mil 47: The Theocracy of Latican Pop: 6,399 Mil 48: The Diocesan Workers' Federation of Latimandia Pop: 8,684 Mil 49: The Theocracy of Lazarique Pop: 622 Mil 50: The Community of Loush Landia Research Team Pop: 8,432 Mil 51: The Democratic Republic of Lower Ther Pop: 9,410 Mil 52: The Republic of Madeleina Pop: 383 Mil 53: The Grand Duchy of Mandela effect Pop: 2,803 Mil 54: The Constitutional Monarchy of Megrye Pop: 954 Mil | 55: The Commonwealth of Mendevia Pop: 36,093 Mil 56: The Incorporated States of MexUsCan Pop: 10,808 Mil 57: The State of Moroni Pop: 2,153 Mil 58: The The ideal country ???????? of Nadarena Pop: 6,674 Mil 59: The Kingdom of New Jerusalem Pop: 5,616 Mil 60: The Theocracy of New Smyrna Pop: 1,373 Mil 61: The Senate and People of Norfshire Pop: 11,901 Mil 62: The Zombies ate the People of Norris Land Pop: 24,428 Mil 63: The Grand Duchy of North Duo Riviia Pop: 1,233 Mil 64: The Theocracy of Novospassk Pop: 300 Mil 65: The Principality of Novus Caere Pop: 297 Mil 66: The Federation of Omdraan Pop: 36 Mil 67: The Theocracy of Orthodox Pop: 1,162 Mil 68: The Kingdom of Pannonavaria Pop: 611 Mil 69: The Holy Empire of Paradisos Pop: 111 Mil 70: The Theocracy of Peaceful Empire Pop: 2,639 Mil 71: The Theocracy of Pontificius Pop: 14,005 Mil 72: The Most Serene Republic of Sacordia Pop: 663 Mil 73: The Protectorate of Saint Mary Immaculate Pop: 301 Mil 74: The Dominion of Sanguine et bello Pop: 75 Mil 75: The Republic of Santana y Santiago Pop: 2,365 Mil 76: The Holy Empire of Scorpion Empire Pop: 556 Mil 77: The Theocracy of St Isidore Pop: 1,250 Mil 78: The Holy Socialist Republic of Starosa Pop: 3,876 Mil 79: The Kingdom of Stephanas Empire Pop: 4,521 Mil 80: The Holy Empire of Texaca Pop: 353 Mil 81: The Holy Empire of The Eternal Crusade of Christ the King Pop: 1,337 Mil 82: The Protectorate of The Great terra libertatis Pop: 1,309 Mil 83: The International Institution of The Holy Baptist Church Pop: 1,104 Mil 84: The Holy Republic of The Holy Orthodox Church Pop: 2,330 Mil 85: The Theocracy of The Ocean Empire Pop: 518 Mil 86: The Polyarchal State of The Provincial Union of the Pacific Pop: 19,490 Mil 87: The Administrative Necessity of The UCN ArchivesCentre Pop: 3,946 Mil 88: The Administrative Necessity of The UCN Infocentre Pop: 12,170 Mil 89: The Administrative Necessity of The UCN Official Records Pop: 3,681 Mil 90: The Republic of The United States of Catalonia Pop: 3,754 Mil 91: The Principality of Theopolis Pop: 698 Mil 92: The Holy Roman Catholic Republic of Thomastica Pop: 4,922 Mil 93: The Principality of Tiberias Pop: 5,452 Mil 94: The Federated Communist States of Tituslandz Pop: 1,391 Mil 95: The Loving Couple of Too ManyOptions- Pop: 6,508 Mil 96: The Kingdom of Treue land Pop: 4,974 Mil 97: The Republic of Trinitas Islands Pop: 1,160 Mil 98: The Bishopric of Turbessel Pop: 5,346 Mil 99: The Holy Land of Tydaria Pop: 7,891 Mil 100: The Holy Empire of United Christian Commonwealth Pop: 14 Mil 101: The Republic of Vitoria-Alvara Pop: 1,268 Mil 102: The Republic of Vuitton Pop: 6,758 Mil 103: The Imperial Federation of Wygelija Pop: 2,001 Mil 104: The Democratic Republic of Yusna Pop: 8 Mil |