1: The Holy Roman Empire of 892-IV Pop: 10,767 Mil 2: The Blood Feuds of Acamar III Pop: 5,580 Mil 3: The Darkened Skies of Amerind Pop: 10,592 Mil 4: The Empire of And oria Pop: 7,876 Mil 5: The Matriarchy of Angel I Pop: 7,346 Mil 6: The Tarsian War of Angosia III Pop: 5,820 Mil 7: The Catatonic Delegates of Antede III Pop: 6,532 Mil 8: The Deadly Enemies of Antica IV Pop: 7,424 Mil 9: The Repression of Arbazan Pop: 1,306 Mil 10: The Great Awakening of Argelius II Pop: 11,135 Mil 11: The Remmler Array of Ark aria Pop: 1,788 Mil 12: The Republic of Atrea IV Pop: 240 Mil 13: The Specimens of Aucdet IX Pop: 6,836 Mil 14: The Provisional Government of Ba jor Pop: 3,800 Mil 15: The Strategy of Ben zar Pop: 7,329 Mil 16: The Peaceful Beauty of Beta Cassius Pop: 6,896 Mil 17: The Red Hour of Beta III Pop: 11,780 Mil 18: The Stasis Box of Beta Lyrae Ice Planet Pop: 2,063 Mil 19: The Intercepted Delivery of Beta VI Pop: 5,538 Mil 20: The Phantom Colony of Beta XII-A Pop: 2,863 Mil 21: The Telepathic Humanoids of Beta Zed Pop: 7,428 Mil 22: The Curious Creatures of Betelgeuse IV Pop: 3,089 Mil 23: The Promise of Bor eth Pop: 1,359 Mil 24: The Rogue Nation of Boslic Pop: 939 Mil 25: The Decaying Moon Orbit of Bre el IV Pop: 5,778 Mil 26: The Symbiotic Relations of Brek ka Pop: 7,278 Mil 27: The Rogue Nation of BSN84 Pop: 3,434 Mil 28: The Synaptic Processors of Bynaus Pop: 7,330 Mil 29: The Transfer Device of Camus II Pop: 7,941 Mil 30: The Desert Landscapes of Canopus 3 Pop: 3,249 Mil 31: The Love Sonnet of Canopus Planet Pop: 6,806 Mil 32: The Ten Tribes of Capella IV Pop: 11,171 Mil 33: The Union of Car dassia Prime Pop: 4,608 Mil 34: The Protectorate of Cardassia IV Pop: 955 Mil 35: The Prison Camp of Carraya Four Pop: 1,943 Mil 36: The Delicate Negotiations of Catulla Pop: 10,325 Mil 37: The Metagenic Device of Celtris III Pop: 2,448 Mil 38: The Lithographs of Centauri VII Pop: 4,388 Mil 39: The Ballpark of Cestus-III Pop: 11,822 Mil 40: The Jingoistic States of Ceti-Alpha V Pop: 4,078 Mil 41: The Agressive Species of Chal na Pop: 5,594 Mil 42: The Shapeshifting Abilities of Chameloids Pop: 3,094 Mil 43: The Right Side of Black of Cheron Pop: 9,831 Mil 44: The D7 Class Battle Cruiser of ChR Memenda Pop: 4,125 Mil 45: The Protected Wealth of Coridan III Pop: 5,921 Mil 46: The Dauphin of Daled IV Pop: 7,084 Mil 47: The Deep Space Station of Deep Space 3 Pop: 841 Mil 48: The Storage Compartments of Deep Space Station K-7 Pop: 11,004 Mil 49: The Key Strategic Location of DeepSpace Nine Pop: 2,419 Mil 50: The Potent Pheromones of Delta Four Pop: 9,553 Mil 51: The Station Reconstruction of Deneb 4 Pop: 10,984 Mil 52: The Borderlands of Dessica II Pop: 634 Mil 53: The Triolic Waves of Devidia II Pop: 2,892 Mil 54: The Nomadic Peoples of Draylon II Pop: 103 Mil 55: The Piezoelectric Effect of Drema IV Pop: 6,833 Mil 56: The Combat Mastery of Drunk Klingons Pop: 12,317 Mil 57: The Community of Elay sia Pop: 530 Mil 58: The Criminally Insane of Elba II Pop: 8,240 Mil 59: The Union of Eminiar VII Pop: 11,687 Mil 60: The Repulsor Beam of Epsilon Mynos III Pop: 7,308 Mil 61: The Rock-like Things of Excalbia I Pop: 9,088 Mil 62: The Loving Couple of F4n-Art Pop: 6,835 Mil 63: The Alliance of Feren Ginar Pop: 7,391 Mil 64: The Superhuman Children of Gagarin IV Pop: 6,085 Mil 65: The Radiation Levels of Gamelan V Pop: 2,795 Mil 66: The Vaal Feeders of Gamma Trianguli VI Pop: 11,302 Mil 67: The Total Peace of Halka II Pop: 11,367 Mil 68: The Republic of Hekaras II Pop: 326 Mil 69: The Bad Dreams of Holodeck 3 Pop: 7,246 Mil 70: The Cultural Exchange of Iyar Pop: 907 Mil 71: The Chamber of the Ages of Janus VI Pop: 11,663 Mil 72: The Psychotectic Therapy of Jnaii Pop: 3,307 Mil 73: The Dying Sun of Kaelon II Pop: 3,993 Mil 74: The Principality of Kesprytt III Pop: 466 Mil 75: The Massacre of Kihtomer Pop: 9,325 Mil 76: The Civil War of Klaestron IV Pop: 1,982 Mil 77: The Freighters of Kobherria Pop: 1,143 Mil 78: The Proper Etiquette of Kostolain Pop: 2,574 Mil 79: The Ceremony of Reconciliation of Kreeos Pop: 3,957 Mil 80: The Quorum of Kressari Pop: 879 Mil 81: The Klingon Empire of Kronos The Klingon Home Planet Pop: 11,619 Mil 82: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN27 Pop: 4,766 Mil 83: The Expansion of Ktaris Pop: 3,699 Mil 84: The Planet-sized Zoo of Lactra VII Pop: 9,701 Mil 85: The Code of Honor of Ligon II Pop: 7,425 Mil 86: The Corporatocracy of Lissepia Pop: 1,486 Mil 87: The Borg Faction of Loresworld Pop: 971 Mil 88: The Schooners of Luna aka The Moon Pop: 2,827 Mil 89: The Space Flights of Malcor III Pop: 4,410 Mil 90: The Remote Planet of Mantilles Pop: 6,443 Mil 91: The Science Mission of Marijne VII Pop: 853 Mil 92: The Viable Genetic Base of Mariposa Colony Pop: 6,488 Mil 93: The Fundamental Declarations of Mars aka Sol IV Pop: 2,854 Mil 94: The Central Library of Memory Alfa Pop: 10,383 Mil 95: The Watchers of Mintaka III Pop: 6,117 Mil 96: The Conquered People of Mizar II Pop: 5,575 Mil 97: The Masterpiece Society of Moab IV Pop: 3,532 Mil 98: The Bloody Civil War of Mordan IV Pop: 6,197 Mil 99: The Heavy Metal Miners of Motherlode Pop: 9,838 Mil 100: The Kahn-ut-tu Women of Neural Pop: 10,906 Mil 101: The Most Serene Republic of New Halana Pop: 151 Mil 102: The Watering Hole of Nimbus 3 Pop: 9,352 Mil 103: The Strategic Value of Ohniaka III Pop: 984 Mil 104: The Natural Immunisation of Omega IV Pop: 10,884 Mil 105: The Spore Influence of Omicron Ceti 3 Pop: 11,739 Mil 106: The Trade Agreement of Ornara Pop: 7,279 Mil | 107: The Ocean World of Paci fica Pop: 7,235 Mil 108: The Colony Creatures of Pandro Pop: 9,647 Mil 109: The Peace Accord of Peliar Zel II Pop: 3,937 Mil 110: The Nuclear Winter of Penthara IV Pop: 2,808 Mil 111: The Staphylococcus Bacteria of Phylos II Pop: 9,843 Mil 112: The Malcontent Disrupters of Planet Ardana Pop: 10,280 Mil 113: The Seismic Disturbances of Planet Argo Pop: 9,430 Mil 114: The Perpetual Decontamination of Planet Ariannus Pop: 6,689 Mil 115: The Federation Historians of Planet Aurelia Pop: 10,107 Mil 116: The Swift Justice of Planet Dramia Pop: 9,639 Mil 117: The Tripedal Species of Planet Edos Pop: 10,074 Mil 118: The Neo Social Nationalism of Planet Ekos Pop: 10,887 Mil 119: The Spellbinding Tears of Planet Elas Pop: 10,514 Mil 120: The Watching Faces of Planet Gideon Pop: 10,423 Mil 121: The Squire of Planet Gothos Pop: 11,971 Mil 122: The Extinct Civilisation of Planet M-113 Pop: 12,121 Mil 123: The Ersalrope Wars of Planet Minos Pop: 7,274 Mil 124: The Flanged Ears of Planet Tiburon Pop: 10,341 Mil 125: The Radan Necklaces of Planet Troyius Pop: 10,524 Mil 126: The Unassailable Logic of Planet Vulkan Pop: 12,188 Mil 127: The Peaceful People of Planet Zeon Pop: 10,888 Mil 128: The Ancient Fires of Pollux IV Pop: 11,378 Mil 129: The Illusions of Pyris VII Pop: 7,454 Mil 130: The Douwd of Rana 4 Pop: 6,215 Mil 131: The Entrance Exams of Relva VII Pop: 7,167 Mil 132: The Hedony of Ri sa Pop: 5,572 Mil 133: The Spectacular Castles of Rigel-VII Pop: 12,043 Mil 134: The Mediators of Rubicun 3 Pop: 7,388 Mil 135: The Magnetic Shield of Rura Pente Pop: 9,410 Mil 136: The Imperfect Solution of Rutia IV Pop: 5,442 Mil 137: The Deadly Enemies of Selay Pop: 7,413 Mil 138: The Quintotriticale of Shermans Planet Pop: 8,280 Mil 139: The Mud Baths of Shiralea VI Pop: 2,474 Mil 140: The Amusement Park of Shore Leave Planet Pop: 11,949 Mil 141: The Retrograde Civilisation of Sigma Draconis VI Pop: 10,197 Mil 142: The Syndicate of Sigma Iotia II Pop: 10,913 Mil 143: The Enigmatic Race of Sigma Tama 4 Pop: 3,870 Mil 144: The Warring Factions of Solais V Pop: 7,178 Mil 145: The New Warp Core of Starbase 84 Pop: 4,181 Mil 146: The Sentient Vermiform Lifeform of T rill Pop: 3,978 Mil 147: The Upswept Eyebrows of Tanuga IV Pop: 5,753 Mil 148: The United Socialist States of The Aspolkic Pop: 670 Mil 149: The Prophets of The Bajoran Wormhole Pop: 2,373 Mil 150: The Operation of The Bolian Homeworld Pop: 7,288 Mil 151: The Collective of The Bor g Pop: 6,777 Mil 152: The Confederacy of The Breeen Pop: 4,647 Mil 153: The Democratic Republic of The Cairn Pop: 516 Mil 154: The Feline Proclivities of The Caitian Homeworld Pop: 9,856 Mil 155: The Precarious Treaty of The Coalition of Madena Pop: 7,219 Mil 156: The Company of The Cytherians Pop: 2,834 Mil 157: The Flying Parasites of The Deneva Colony Pop: 11,570 Mil 158: The Dominion of The Do si Pop: 501 Mil 159: The Distant Relatives of The Dopterians Pop: 1,273 Mil 160: The Listening Abilities of The El-Aurians Pop: 2,814 Mil 161: The Starship Graveyard of The Elysia Time Continuum Pop: 6,329 Mil 162: The Eternal War of The Ennis Pop: 1,629 Mil 163: The Hegemony of The Gorn Home Planet Pop: 11,892 Mil 164: The Devotion of The Hupyrians Pop: 1,781 Mil 165: The Multi-generational Starships of The Kelvan Colony Planet Pop: 9,175 Mil 166: The Cell Structure of The Kobliad Pop: 1,947 Mil 167: The Energy Beings of The Koinonians Pop: 2,617 Mil 168: The Feline Humanoids of The Kzin Planet Pop: 9,781 Mil 169: The Sleepy Klingons of The Listening Post at Morska Pop: 6,462 Mil 170: The Empathic Abilities of The Lumerians Pop: 2,706 Mil 171: The Royal Family of The Lurians Pop: 1,502 Mil 172: The Smuggling Operation of The Markalians Pop: 1,963 Mil 173: The Sublime Thoughts of The Medusan Homeworld Pop: 10,667 Mil 174: The Welcoming Delegation of The Melkotian Homeworld Pop: 10,639 Mil 175: The Consortium of The Metrons Pop: 11,845 Mil 176: The Raiders of The Miradorn Pop: 1,694 Mil 177: The Ill Tempers of The Nausicaans Pop: 6,664 Mil 178: The Syndicate of The Orion Home Planet Pop: 12,029 Mil 179: The Deceptions of The Pakled Pop: 6,648 Mil 180: The Incorporeal Beings of The Planet Organia Pop: 11,659 Mil 181: The Star Empire of The Planet Romulus Pop: 11,922 Mil 182: The Continuum of The Q Continuum Continuum Pop: 7,484 Mil 183: The Exarch of The Rakhari Pop: 1,697 Mil 184: The Corporate of The Sheliak Pop: 6,278 Mil 185: The Proud Warrior Race of The Skorr Home Planet Pop: 9,666 Mil 186: The Puzzling Physiology of The Takarans Pop: 1,479 Mil 187: The Xenophobic Republic of The Talarian Homeworld Pop: 7,286 Mil 188: The Mining Interests of The Tellarite Homeworld Pop: 11,211 Mil 189: The Greenhorns of The Tygarians Pop: 930 Mil 190: The Federation of The United Earth Planet Pop: 12,217 Mil 191: The Oldest Spacefaring Race of The Vedala Pop: 6,283 Mil 192: The Bizarre Experiments of The Vians Pop: 10,561 Mil 193: The Master Surchid of The Wadi Pop: 1,853 Mil 194: The Rings of Paltriss of The Yridians Pop: 1,923 Mil 195: The Master Strategies of The Zakdorn Pop: 6,425 Mil 196: The Webbed Hands of The Zaldans Pop: 6,956 Mil 197: The Foreign Investors of Theta 8 Pop: 7,006 Mil 198: The Rare Collections of Theta Zibal III Pop: 5,373 Mil 199: The Assembly of Tholia Pop: 10,639 Mil 200: The Neurosomatic Technique of Tilonius IV Pop: 1,554 Mil 201: The Jarada of Torona IV Pop: 7,335 Mil 202: The Gamesters of Tri-Skelion Pop: 10,921 Mil 203: The Rap Gangs of Turkana IV Pop: 7,478 Mil 204: The Particle Fountain of Tyrus VII Pop: 2,490 Mil 205: The Federation Flagship of USS Enterprise NCC 1701 D Pop: 7,421 Mil 206: The Refugees of Valo 2 Pop: 3,817 Mil 207: The Time Distortion of Vandor IV Pop: 4,932 Mil 208: The Legend of Ventax II Pop: 4,569 Mil 209: The Natural Order of Zal kon Pop: 5,203 Mil |