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117 Countries populate the Region of Valaryia

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1: The Loving Couple of -Fan-4rt-
Pop: 6,834 Mil

2: The Federal Republic of Achlavania
Pop: 9,075 Mil

3: The Community of All Snakes
Pop: 1,444 Mil

4: The Free Land of Amare Homines
Pop: 2,710 Mil

5: The Incorporated Duchies of Aratazes
Pop: 3,467 Mil

6: The Sorcery of Armageddon
Pop: 5,464 Mil

7: The Republic of Arthenia and Nyrkiv
Pop: 372 Mil

8: The Republic of Balisatation faif
Pop: 312 Mil

9: The Republic of Belgian states
Pop: 241 Mil

10: The Democratic Republic of Berejiklistanian
Pop: 1,404 Mil

11: The Democratic Republic of Bilitan Theapturod
Pop: 415 Mil

12: The Democratic States of Blade Squadron
Pop: 2,789 Mil

13: The Spacefaring capital of Canadian North California
Pop: 10,291 Mil

14: The Constitutional Monarchy of Chithal
Pop: 23,501 Mil

15: The Empire of Chonkthebonk
Pop: 557 Mil

16: The Republic of Chopkincali
Pop: 9 Mil

17: The United Kingdom of Cotrace
Pop: 1,214 Mil

18: The Republic of Danofia
Pop: 395 Mil

19: The Dictatorship of Dziolawas
Pop: 654 Mil

20: The Community of Eastern Hippite Rizan
Pop: 174 Mil

21: The Kingdom of Eotaland
Pop: 2,768 Mil

22: The Colony of Erriapus
Pop: 748 Mil

23: The Republic of Exevo
Pop: 375 Mil

24: The Federation of Exodos
Pop: 945 Mil

25: The Free Land of Fallenbridge
Pop: 684 Mil

26: The Republic of Fanun
Pop: 6 Mil

27: The Free Land of Frelance
Pop: 219 Mil

28: The Confederacy of Geae Islands
Pop: 810 Mil

29: The Republican Emirate of Ghifar
Pop: 2,426 Mil

30: The Nationalist Empire of Giltria
Pop: 2,815 Mil

31: The Commonwealth of Goatseania
Pop: 402 Mil

32: The Holy Empire of Gogginz
Pop: 192 Mil

33: The People's Republic of Gotika
Pop: 671 Mil

34: The Empire of Grater Ratia
Pop: 860 Mil

35: The Rogue Nation of GSN32
Pop: 3,457 Mil

36: The Most Serene Republic of Ihloe
Pop: 1,497 Mil

37: The Federal Republic of Inkriegistan
Pop: 542 Mil

38: The Republic of Inner Solsticia
Pop: 2,436 Mil

39: The Democratic States of Ishkabbibble
Pop: 271 Mil

40: The Socialist Republic of Isla De Militarias
Pop: 30,188 Mil

41: The Commonwealth of Islington-Barrow
Pop: 18,761 Mil

42: The Community of Kalnitopia
Pop: 6 Mil

43: The Holy Empire of KamKhlo
Pop: 485 Mil

44: The Federation of Karrkosa
Pop: 353 Mil

45: The United Socialist States of Khani
Pop: 188 Mil

46: The Holy Empire of Konstasntinopol
Pop: 8 Mil

47: The Egalitarian Republic of Koranz
Pop: 6,061 Mil

48: The Kingdom of Kushak
Pop: 67 Mil

49: The Federation of Latony
Pop: 336 Mil

50: The Republic of Lawa
Pop: 733 Mil

51: The Free Land of Lawa Kala
Pop: 350 Mil

52: The Holy Empire of Lemonye
Pop: 7 Mil

53: The Democratic Republic of Liberal Kratik State
Pop: 389 Mil

54: The Democratic Republic of Loyan Trus Sacan
Pop: 402 Mil

55: The Community of Madalla
Pop: 401 Mil

56: The Republic of Mariusia
Pop: 4,130 Mil

57: The Incorporated States of McMahonia
Pop: 1,587 Mil

58: The Queendom of Minyi
Pop: 1,363 Mil

59: The Democratic Republic of Mona Kalay
Pop: 197 Mil

60: The Theocracy of Morte vive
Pop: 282 Mil

61: The Dictatorship of National state of Sitokinda
Pop: 766 Mil

62: The Queendom of Neo Daria
Pop: 4,560 Mil

63: The United Socialist States of Nieuw Brussel
Pop: 211 Mil

64: The United States of Nordfyall
Pop: 5,630 Mil

65: The Kingdom of North Polonia
Pop: 698 Mil

66: The Democratic States of Norweska
Pop: 301 Mil

67: The Free Land of Ocvan
Pop: 584 Mil

68: The Federation of Olate
Pop: 168 Mil

69: The Commonwealth of Opaina
Pop: 9,698 Mil

70: The Empire of Osvla
Pop: 304 Mil

71: The Republic of Patria libertria
Pop: 505 Mil

72: The Egg of Potatopelago New Brunswick Edition
Pop: 1,275 Mil

73: The Republic of Prokatavia
Pop: 163 Mil

74: The Ultimate Rave Goer of Purple Party Penguins
Pop: 2,413 Mil

75: The Constitutional Monarchy of Rakshara
Pop: 334 Mil

76: The Protectorate of Red Bluton
Pop: 11,864 Mil

77: The Dictatorship of Rhuwandia
Pop: 524 Mil

78: The Democratic Republic of Rosa dos Ventos
Pop: 3,870 Mil

79: The Republic of Rundak
Pop: 663 Mil

80: The Holy Empire of Sandovail
Pop: 3,551 Mil

81: The Merchantile Entity of Satn
Pop: 7,327 Mil

82: The Emirate of SeverniAulustie
Pop: 579 Mil

83: The Dictatorship of Shinseishido
Pop: 7 Mil

84: The United Northern Kingdom of Skelleftella
Pop: 7,573 Mil

85: The Federation of Slovadaskia
Pop: 378 Mil

86: The Dictatorship of Sovereign Valor
Pop: 855 Mil

87: The Community of Ssekkarma
Pop: 676 Mil

88: The United Kingdom of Sterilus
Pop: 331 Mil

89: The Republic of SwissPuppet35
Pop: 610 Mil

90: The Constitutional Monarchy of Tavrian
Pop: 217 Mil

91: The Commonwealth of Terra do Lontra
Pop: 754 Mil

92: The Empire of The Aurum Empire
Pop: 14 Mil

93: The High Empire of The Nordic Legion
Pop: 3,613 Mil

94: The Reconstruction Authority of The Northwest Corridor
Pop: 7,395 Mil

95: The Republic of Thiirnty
Pop: 45 Mil

96: The Disputed Territories of Tortolia
Pop: 655 Mil

97: The Federal Republic of Tyamoruiskai Federation
Pop: 1,567 Mil

98: The Republic of United Stowle Boxzines
Pop: 6,781 Mil

99: The Allied States of Uodia
Pop: 4,944 Mil

100: The People's Republic of Uplandshire
Pop: 284 Mil

101: The Republic of Uxarkadia
Pop: 318 Mil

102: The Empire of Vahlala
Pop: 989 Mil

103: The Region of Valaryia
Pop: 3,807 Mil

104: The Military Junta of Valaryian Burvenchkaht
Pop: 4,868 Mil

105: The Imperial Dominion of Vancricia
Pop: 3,942 Mil

106: The Constitutional Monarchy of Varanza
Pop: 2,303 Mil

107: The Republic of Vivit
Pop: 7 Mil

108: The United Socialist States of Vuhlstragrav
Pop: 266 Mil

109: The Rogue Nation of WeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWe
Pop: 1,040 Mil

110: The Democratic Republic of Wieseachia
Pop: 14 Mil

111: The Fourth Incarnation of Wintermoot IV
Pop: 20,696 Mil

112: The Republic of Yhn3
Pop: 1,199 Mil

113: The Federal Republic of Yolovin
Pop: 787 Mil

114: The Dominion of Zarakhal
Pop: 12 Mil

115: The Colony of Zosma
Pop: 2,011 Mil

116: The People's Krai of Ztrana
Pop: 2,871 Mil

117: The Theocracy of Zulharad
Pop: 664 Mil

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