1: The Republic of A Glowing Spark Pop: 17,060 Mil 2: The Community of Aetherlina Pop: 2,160 Mil 3: The Velande of Aurlunor Pop: 4,609 Mil 4: The Community of Aweentitante64 Pop: 2,877 Mil 5: The City of Berdiansk Pop: 6,051 Mil 6: The United Socialist States of Bonum Locum Pop: 20,555 Mil 7: The People's Republic of Brublyss Pop: 4,108 Mil 8: The Community of Commonwealth of Nations Pop: 2,799 Mil 9: The Bewildered Borderlands of Coryrle Pop: 17,535 Mil 10: The Peoples ???? of Cruzes Unidas de Frioborsarmarto Pop: 8,006 Mil 11: The Allied States of Demlex Pop: 98 Mil 12: The People's Republic of Diaominia Pop: 5,484 Mil 13: The Left Minarchic Gr?nstat of Donynezia Pop: 5,175 Mil 14: The Dook-dookdom of Dook wold Pop: 2,491 Mil 15: The Free Land of Eerie Pop: 5,394 Mil 16: The Holy Empire of Efne Nac Eadi Pop: 1,700 Mil 17: The Armed Republic of Furious Five Pop: 3,870 Mil 18: The Esteemed People's Republic of Gongiyga Pop: 5,621 Mil 19: The Kingdom of Greenova Pop: 3,091 Mil 20: The United Kingdom of Gwanzu Pop: 9 Mil 21: The Republic of H M Pop: 3,565 Mil 22: The United Empire of Hicroland Federation Pop: 4,756 Mil 23: The Republic of Hidden river Pop: 4,180 Mil 24: The Republic of Jafar did nothing wrong Pop: 3,364 Mil 25: The Republic of June Burns Pop: 4,805 Mil 26: The Loving Couple of Kids Show- Pop: 6,134 Mil 27: The Defender of Kivu XXXXI Pop: 2,529 Mil 28: The Principate of Krenavia Pop: 3,591 Mil 29: The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN83 Pop: 4,706 Mil 30: The Dojo of Kung-Fu Kangaroo Pop: 6,283 Mil 31: The Republic of Lanny Pop: 599 Mil 32: The Linebacker of LB Luke Kuechly Pop: 2,518 Mil 33: The Republic of Little Missouri National Grassland Pop: 2,870 Mil 34: The United States of LoL-Nation-United Pop: 2,587 Mil 35: The Armed Republic of Lollipop Pop: 21,946 Mil 36: The Republic of Lorendia Pop: 3,324 Mil 37: The Commonwealth of Malankzia Pop: 135 Mil 38: The Most Serene Republic of New Imperialia Pop: 3,718 Mil 39: The People's Republic of New Silvstrala Pop: 3,531 Mil | 40: The Free Land of Ningjing Pop: 3,847 Mil 41: The Peaceful peoples of Peace I Think Pop: 3,612 Mil 42: The Matriarchy of Pigasule Pop: 2,309 Mil 43: The Protectorate of Ping Xiao Po Pop: 3,923 Mil 44: The Most Serene Republic of Pupper Utopia Pop: 2,573 Mil 45: The Empire of Qijing Pop: 3,796 Mil 46: The Popular Republic of Rakim Pop: 9,775 Mil 47: The Free World Ganja Smokers of Rasta Freedom Fighters Pop: 18,613 Mil 48: The Jingoistic States of RCSY cardfarmer 127 Pop: 3,358 Mil 49: The Borderlands of RCSY cardfarmer 138 Pop: 3,325 Mil 50: The Free Land of Saint-Linzburg Pop: 256 Mil 51: The Commonwealth of Scalperia Pop: 5,544 Mil 52: The Queendom of Seodhil Eteas Pop: 2,698 Mil 53: The Greater Amberjack of Seriola dumerili Pop: 2,819 Mil 54: The Community of Sharing Island Pop: 9,381 Mil 55: The ♚ Kingdom ⚔️ of Shawrmastan Pop: 3,647 Mil 56: The Free State of Silvertopia Pop: 3,083 Mil 57: The Community of Smallish Huts Pop: 17,015 Mil 58: The People's Republic of Socialist Gestachia Pop: 3,463 Mil 59: The Theocracy of Taijing Pop: 109 Mil 60: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CXXXVI Pop: 3,619 Mil 61: The Most Serene Republic of Tasbane Pop: 2,734 Mil 62: The Sunrise Boulevard of Taylor Allison Pop: 2,816 Mil 63: The Community of The African Union Pop: 3,255 Mil 64: The Constitutional Monarchy of The Eternal Twentytwentyfour Pop: 2,485 Mil 65: The Rogue Nation of The Horror Pop: 3,163 Mil 66: The Nomadic Peoples of The Lands of Nod Pop: 5,998 Mil 67: The Confederacy of The Morticians Pop: 3,716 Mil 68: The Most Serene Republic of The Serenity Keys Pop: 2,834 Mil 69: The Jingoistic States of The-Brotherhood of Steel Pop: 2,845 Mil 70: The Crotalus horridus of Timber Rattlesnake Pop: 2,771 Mil 71: The Matriarchy of Ylhorhel Pop: 2,772 Mil 72: The Rogue Nation of Yoglabs Pop: 2,525 Mil 73: The Republic of Zoj4 Pop: 3,434 Mil 74: The Community of Zootopia2 Pop: 1,049 Mil |