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461 Countries populate the Region of Vultune

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of Vultune.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The Borderlands of 2ha
Pop: 45 Mil

2: The Republic of 50th astro air squadron
Pop: 291 Mil

3: The Colony of A Bunch of Guys
Pop: 255 Mil

4: The Dominion of Aaronidus
Pop: 87 Mil

5: The United Kingdom of AFC-Bournemouth
Pop: 652 Mil

6: The Allied States of African-Republics
Pop: 16 Mil

7: The Republic of Aimoonia
Pop: 32 Mil

8: The Republic of AlaskaRonin
Pop: 8 Mil

9: The Confederacy of Aldoraan
Pop: 176 Mil

10: The Islamic empire of Algiers and Birkhadem
Pop: 1,088 Mil

11: The Republic of AltNumber32
Pop: 36 Mil

12: The Federation of Alypha
Pop: 14 Mil

13: The United States of American Re-Do
Pop: 109 Mil

14: The Truth of An Orange Haired Punk
Pop: 6,472 Mil

15: The Federation of Anakart
Pop: 260 Mil

16: The Interplanetary Federation of Anakeion
Pop: 830 Mil

17: The People's Republic of AnakeionXCX
Pop: 196 Mil

18: The Free Land of Anarcoutopia
Pop: 20 Mil

19: The Allied States of Anarquialisto
Pop: 10 Mil

20: The Most Serene Republic of Anduka
Pop: 18 Mil

21: The Republic of Apolod War Car 27
Pop: 16 Mil

22: The Free Land of Arafin
Pop: 29 Mil

23: The Federal Democracy of Archusta
Pop: 927 Mil

24: The Armed Republic of Arms United
Pop: 595 Mil

25: The Federation of Ase Rep Snado
Pop: 18 Mil

26: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ashenpaw
Pop: 16 Mil

27: The Republic of ATG 156
Pop: 86 Mil

28: The Republic of ATG 196
Pop: 85 Mil

29: The Republic of ATG 207
Pop: 88 Mil

30: The Republic of ATG 227
Pop: 88 Mil

31: The Republic of ATG 288
Pop: 85 Mil

32: The Republic of Athena 48
Pop: 186 Mil

33: The Republic of Athena 54
Pop: 166 Mil

34: The Kingdom of Atheriam
Pop: 138 Mil

35: The Armed Republic of AusBurk
Pop: 7 Mil

36: The Constitutional Monarchy of Avestria
Pop: 345 Mil

37: The Most Serene Republic of Babarkle
Pop: 6 Mil

38: The Most Serene Republic of Babs
Pop: 410 Mil

39: The Republic of Bacninh
Pop: 16 Mil

40: The Republic of Bacores
Pop: 79 Mil

41: The Democratic Republic of Basa Nation
Pop: 96 Mil

42: The Queendom of Bayern-Nordosterreich
Pop: 290 Mil

43: The Kingdom of Beaufort Parr
Pop: 18 Mil

44: The Community of Belmost
Pop: 14 Mil

45: The Hindustāni Adhirājya of Bharatiyavaram
Pop: 1,093 Mil

46: The United States of Bightss
Pop: 32 Mil

47: The Theocracy of Bishopric of Black Rock
Pop: 407 Mil

48: The Emirate of Blackestest
Pop: 109 Mil

49: The Arch Demon of Blood Dragon
Pop: 3,496 Mil

50: The Dictatorship of Bloommaa
Pop: 23 Mil

51: The Federal Republic of Blureen
Pop: 480 Mil

52: The Republic of Bob Lanier
Pop: 188 Mil

53: The Kingdom of Boko kingdom
Pop: 504 Mil

54: The Kingdom of Bomb capital
Pop: 20 Mil

55: The Armed Republic of Borunda
Pop: 252 Mil

56: The Republic of Bougainvale
Pop: 113 Mil

57: The Republic of BPLAA
Pop: 20 Mil

58: The Free Land of Brainfinger
Pop: 8 Mil

59: The Queendom of Brims Hapers
Pop: 7 Mil

60: The Rogue Nation of BSN6
Pop: 3,428 Mil

61: The Emirate of Caers Kwaklatem
Pop: 45 Mil

62: The People's Republic of Calinova
Pop: 240 Mil

63: The Rogue Nation of Calvaire
Pop: 9 Mil

64: The Incorporated States of Camel Lagoon
Pop: 90 Mil

65: The Republic of Card212121
Pop: 243 Mil

66: The Sultanate of Cards of Eagles 34
Pop: 93 Mil

67: The Oppressed Peoples of Cards of Eagles 36
Pop: 92 Mil

68: The Confederacy of Cards of Eagles 47
Pop: 93 Mil

69: The Republic of Carnaven
Pop: 16 Mil

70: The Democratic Republic of Centre-Right
Pop: 29 Mil

71: The Allied States of Chciaoci187
Pop: 161 Mil

72: The Rogue Nation of Cheesy-Cheese
Pop: 209 Mil

73: The Commonwealth of CK Crescendo Crown
Pop: 36 Mil

74: The Republic of Colomvena
Pop: 36 Mil

75: The Community of Conanacom
Pop: 50 Mil

76: The Kingdom of Confulae
Pop: 36 Mil

77: The Community of Coobodoobie
Pop: 62 Mil

78: The Federation of Coth Stasoarlyland
Pop: 26 Mil

79: The Rogue Nation of Cowtropolis
Pop: 196 Mil

80: The Oppressed Peoples of Crazyfrog
Pop: 618 Mil

81: The Theocracy of CREFATH
Pop: 45 Mil

82: The Community of CSUGlobal
Pop: 99 Mil

83: The Republic of Cummeed
Pop: 6 Mil

84: The Democratic Republic of Dagaria-Raskar
Pop: 29 Mil

85: The Kingdom of DDiDDaLand
Pop: 7 Mil

86: The Nomadic Peoples of Debonair
Pop: 93 Mil

87: The Republic of Defater Manion
Pop: 32 Mil

88: The Federation of Deluvilu Expoiland
Pop: 18 Mil

89: The Republic of Democratic Phian Kielis
Pop: 6 Mil

90: The People's Republic of Dicaprio 2
Pop: 18 Mil

91: The Holy Empire of Dinga backup
Pop: 639 Mil

92: The Republic of Dinga Override
Pop: 224 Mil

93: The Ultimate State of Dingadinga314
Pop: 733 Mil

94: The Empire of Dingadinga314 2
Pop: 700 Mil

95: The Republic of DONK CITY
Pop: 8 Mil

96: The Kingdom of Dorasa
Pop: 7 Mil

97: The Federation of Doutnuth
Pop: 32 Mil

98: The Rogue Nation of Draorus
Pop: 8 Mil

99: The Federal Republic of Dre Jaya
Pop: 29 Mil

100: The Incorporated States of Drus Nar
Pop: 92 Mil

101: The Republic of Durtal
Pop: 26 Mil

102: The Republic of East Dingadinga314
Pop: 430 Mil

103: The Commonwealth of East Nausika
Pop: 98 Mil

104: The Sultanate of Economic Powerhouse
Pop: 50 Mil

105: The Empire of Economy Nation 1
Pop: 68 Mil

106: The Protectorate of Egypt and Alexandria
Pop: 20 Mil

107: The Kingdom of Ekidnaa
Pop: 36 Mil

108: The Republic of Eldaran
Pop: 36 Mil

109: The Republic of Elivita
Pop: 73 Mil

110: The Great and Golden Delegacy of Emergency Response Nation
Pop: 724 Mil

111: The Armed Republic of EpicBagel
Pop: 651 Mil

112: The Democratic Republic of Equinoxa
Pop: 523 Mil

113: The Republic of Er-21
Pop: 152 Mil

114: The Republic of Er-42
Pop: 153 Mil

115: The Republic of Er-59
Pop: 157 Mil

116: The Republic of Espranca
Pop: 10 Mil

117: The Kingdom of Esynthia-gadoseptecoo
Pop: 36 Mil

118: The Empire of Fackland
Pop: 23 Mil

119: The Constitutional Monarchy of Faresiensticht
Pop: 32 Mil

120: The Republic of Fartista
Pop: 26 Mil

121: The Federation of Federation of Brittanic Kingdoms
Pop: 111 Mil

122: The Colony of Felantar
Pop: 26 Mil

123: The Republic of Feldasia
Pop: 68 Mil

124: The Free Land of Fhantacia
Pop: 67 Mil

125: The Nomadic Peoples of Fledglingus mechanicus
Pop: 151 Mil

126: The Republic of Fmy Socong Lotchasoj
Pop: 97 Mil

127: The Republic of Foo Farm 44
Pop: 207 Mil

128: The Republic of Foo Farm 7
Pop: 218 Mil

129: The United States of Free Lil Durk
Pop: 676 Mil

130: The United Socialist States of Free-Moscow
Pop: 148 Mil

131: The Kingdom of French Aukstan Landbard
Pop: 9 Mil

132: The Commonwealth of Gamblinton
Pop: 18 Mil

133: The Republic of Gay Pirates
Pop: 264 Mil

134: The Republic of Gchydgcu6cjeyr
Pop: 14 Mil

135: The Dictatorship of GingerNation
Pop: 36 Mil

136: The People's Republic of Glauber
Pop: 20 Mil

137: The Republic of Great Republic of Valora
Pop: 7 Mil

138: The Free Land of Great River Basin
Pop: 377 Mil

139: The Kingdom of Greater Mittelasien
Pop: 207 Mil

140: The Republic of Grediusland
Pop: 81 Mil

141: The Republic of Guck
Pop: 470 Mil

142: The Republic of Hadrianopolis
Pop: 105 Mil

143: The Holy Empire of Hail king bron
Pop: 7 Mil

144: The People's Republic of Haillandstar
Pop: 9 Mil

145: The Dictatorship of Hanselium
Pop: 10 Mil

146: The Borderlands of Haumea-
Pop: 126 Mil

147: The Federal Republic of Haykawa
Pop: 85 Mil

148: The Republic of Heatora
Pop: 99 Mil

149: The Most Serene Republic of Heimdallur
Pop: 221 Mil

150: The Democratic Republic of Hell In hell
Pop: 130 Mil

151: The Armed Republic of HellsEarth
Pop: 911 Mil

152: The Dictatorship of Hengshui High School Hebei
Pop: 20 Mil

153: The Republic of High Porte
Pop: 480 Mil

154: The Colony of Hiimadam
Pop: 208 Mil

155: The Rogue Nation of HonkHonk
Pop: 233 Mil

156: The Republic of HUR 1755
Pop: 104 Mil

157: The Republic of HUR 1778
Pop: 108 Mil

158: The Republic of HUR 1790
Pop: 102 Mil

159: The Republic of HUR 1839
Pop: 87 Mil

160: The Republic of HUR 1974
Pop: 50 Mil

161: The Empire of Husamides
Pop: 18 Mil

162: The Empire of Hyrumilandras
Pop: 8 Mil

163: The Sultanate of I am totally not gonna raid u
Pop: 335 Mil

164: The Republic of I love baseball
Pop: 18 Mil

165: The Queendom of Ikke-Eksisterendeland
Pop: 36 Mil

166: The United Kingdom of Ikm169
Pop: 199 Mil

167: The United Kingdom of Ikm206
Pop: 209 Mil

168: The United Kingdom of Ikm295
Pop: 202 Mil

169: The United Kingdom of Ikm340
Pop: 196 Mil

170: The United Kingdom of Ikm388
Pop: 194 Mil

171: The United Kingdom of Ikm485
Pop: 188 Mil

172: The United Kingdom of Ikm69
Pop: 211 Mil

173: The United Kingdom of Ikm78
Pop: 202 Mil

174: The Free Land of Inflorescence of Poinsettia
Pop: 548 Mil

175: The Republic of Inner Firthland
Pop: 45 Mil

176: The People's Republic of Isla de San Francisco
Pop: 26 Mil

177: The Incorporated States of Islesterfackland
Pop: 144 Mil

178: The Community of IU Stella Gelata CT
Pop: 36 Mil

179: The Republic of Jar jar binks bruh
Pop: 69 Mil

180: The Empire of Josephus Romanus
Pop: 56 Mil

181: The Republic of JustKeepFarming46
Pop: 149 Mil

182: The Republic of Kadeer
Pop: 242 Mil

183: The Republic of Kahil-Wayan
Pop: 139 Mil

184: The Kingdom of Karting Islands
Pop: 29 Mil

185: The Republic of Kaspeer
Pop: 32 Mil

186: The Federal Republic of Katlinorika
Pop: 75 Mil

187: The Confederacy of Kimkom
Pop: 6 Mil

188: The Democratic States of King Kong land
Pop: 62 Mil

189: The Republic of Kingdom of Aadi
Pop: 56 Mil

190: The Allied States of Kinider
Pop: 1,021 Mil

191: The Republic of Kivu 67
Pop: 3,023 Mil

192: The People's Republic of KnorledLand
Pop: 81 Mil

193: The People's Republic of Korfa
Pop: 1,162 Mil

194: The United Socialist States of Krakistan
Pop: 157 Mil

195: The People's Republic of Kulans
Pop: 62 Mil

196: The Republic of Kurmos a card farmer number 329764023876
Pop: 18 Mil

197: The Republic of Lakrerr
Pop: 172 Mil

198: The Colony of Land of Ellis
Pop: 237 Mil

199: The United Kingdom of Lasboa
Pop: 7 Mil

200: The Free Land of Leiei
Pop: 32 Mil

201: The Democratic Republic of Lesser-Ostania
Pop: 8 Mil

202: The Commonwealth of Liberitaristan
Pop: 62 Mil

203: The Allied States of Libertas Vanguard
Pop: 12 Mil

204: The Empire of Liken
Pop: 26 Mil

205: The Beautiful Rapper and Singer of Lil Turtle
Pop: 685 Mil

206: The Talented Rapper of Lil Turtletopia
Pop: 679 Mil

207: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar14
Pop: 36 Mil

208: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar50
Pop: 36 Mil

209: The Federal Republic of Lionsroar71
Pop: 36 Mil

210: The Dictatorship of Liter Emia Tarabmend
Pop: 9 Mil

211: The Queendom of Livistest
Pop: 299 Mil

212: The Colony of Loraxpreppy
Pop: 6 Mil

213: The Empire of Lord of the beasts
Pop: 201 Mil

214: The Republic of Lowest Possible
Pop: 40 Mil

215: The Kingdom of LUCYLACES
Pop: 109 Mil

216: The Free Land of Ludre
Pop: 67 Mil

217: The Republic of Luiberre
Pop: 14 Mil

218: The Republic of Lumic
Pop: 12 Mil

219: The Republic of Mabrieca
Pop: 56 Mil

220: The Empire of MagicTheGathering
Pop: 240 Mil

221: The People's Republic of Magiks
Pop: 86 Mil

222: The Dominion of Mann land
Pop: 14 Mil

223: The Federal Republic of Marnisinia
Pop: 135 Mil

224: The United States of Mateo Herrera
Pop: 98 Mil

225: The Disputed Territories of MemetLand
Pop: 74 Mil

226: The People's Republic of Meosa Krus
Pop: 56 Mil

227: The Federal Republic of Mia Riazi
Pop: 16 Mil

228: The Republic of Middle Lea One Noovachirian
Pop: 56 Mil

229: The Free Land of Midgets
Pop: 14 Mil

230: The People's Republic of Mocclimaro
Pop: 56 Mil

231: The United States of Moneymoneyz
Pop: 144 Mil

232: The Kingdom of Moneyopoly
Pop: 195 Mil

233: The Disputed Territories of Morstultrex
Pop: 8 Mil

234: The Armed Republic of Moysville
Pop: 40 Mil

235: The Oppressed Peoples of MTGMTG
Pop: 232 Mil

236: The Republic of Muricana
Pop: 90 Mil

237: The Disputed Territories of Musconia
Pop: 256 Mil

238: The Grand Duchy of Muta-huy
Pop: 8 Mil

239: The Queendom of My SS project
Pop: 105 Mil

240: The Republic of N3rehiur
Pop: 16 Mil

241: The Dictatorship of Naing Lin
Pop: 45 Mil

242: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 114
Pop: 113 Mil

243: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 53
Pop: 109 Mil

244: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 64
Pop: 110 Mil

245: The Empire of Neojudea
Pop: 14 Mil

246: The Empire of Neubritannia
Pop: 265 Mil

247: The United States of New Altic
Pop: 10 Mil

248: The Republic of New California Regime
Pop: 14 Mil

249: The Armed Republic of New Everm
Pop: 6 Mil

250: The Empire of New lamma
Pop: 18 Mil

251: The Most Serene Republic of New Mnemosyne
Pop: 96 Mil

252: The Matriarchy of New Republic Islands
Pop: 546 Mil

253: The Community of New Vorpia Witatielongle
Pop: 16 Mil

254: The Republic of Newestonia
Pop: 36 Mil

255: The United States of Newlandia1
Pop: 102 Mil

256: The Kingdom of Nidokim
Pop: 7 Mil

257: The Dominion of Nimbiar
Pop: 347 Mil

258: The Republic of Nookie Pookie 5
Pop: 83 Mil

259: The Republic of Nordenne
Pop: 155 Mil

260: The Confederacy of Nordseehaefen
Pop: 68 Mil

261: The Republic of North Dingadinga314
Pop: 442 Mil

262: The Republic of North Emilia
Pop: 12 Mil

263: The Dictatorship of North Korea Dictatorship
Pop: 136 Mil

264: The Democratic States of North Pol Top
Pop: 9 Mil

265: The Commonwealth of North Testland
Pop: 73 Mil

266: The Dictatorship of North Tooneria
Pop: 7 Mil

267: The Democratic Peoples Republic of NoSirree
Pop: 924 Mil

268: The Democratic Republic of Novasocia
Pop: 62 Mil

269: The Republic of Novavidaterra
Pop: 23 Mil

270: The Democratic Republic of Nubertopia Official
Pop: 74 Mil

271: The Armed Republic of Nukeoof
Pop: 450 Mil

272: The Republic of OBAI
Pop: 75 Mil

273: The Dominion of Of Hanalei Island
Pop: 654 Mil

274: The Commonwealth of Okara
Pop: 309 Mil

275: The Free Land of Ol Sons
Pop: 12 Mil

276: The Constitutional Monarchy of Pappagallini Buffi
Pop: 281 Mil

277: The Federal Republic of Parcial
Pop: 26 Mil

278: The Republic of Paw Mothfin
Pop: 16 Mil

279: The Republic of Peachtip
Pop: 10,218 Mil

280: The Corporate Golden Union of Pelicania Lound
Pop: 1,056 Mil

281: The Most Serene Republic of Pemi
Pop: 201 Mil

282: The People's Republic of Peoples Republic of Grostatnaton
Pop: 14 Mil

283: The Most Serene Republic of Pepstonia
Pop: 81 Mil

284: The United States of Percussionavia
Pop: 45 Mil

285: The Dominion of Perplexed Foreign Affairs
Pop: 689 Mil

286: The Kingdom of Phastorrs Cree
Pop: 56 Mil

287: The Kingdom of Pigtropolis
Pop: 494 Mil

288: The Republic of Pirate Boat
Pop: 62 Mil

289: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs112
Pop: 40 Mil

290: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs120
Pop: 40 Mil

291: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs396
Pop: 26 Mil

292: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs417
Pop: 26 Mil

293: The Republic of Please remove blue reCAPCHAs429
Pop: 26 Mil

294: The Federation of Plonansopireatinia
Pop: 150 Mil

295: The Commonwealth of Pozalia
Pop: 243 Mil

296: The Empire of Prauli
Pop: 7 Mil

297: The Holy Empire of Pryands
Pop: 282 Mil

298: The Republic of Pupconfugus
Pop: 16 Mil

299: The Incorporated States of Puppets are complicated LXII
Pop: 422 Mil

300: The Theocracy of Puppets are complicated LXXXI
Pop: 343 Mil

301: The Protectorate of Purple Janitor
Pop: 29 Mil

302: The Republic of Queijo13
Pop: 417 Mil

303: The Republic of Queijo47
Pop: 419 Mil

304: The Kingdom of Raeno
Pop: 230 Mil

305: The Dictatorship of Ramea
Pop: 107 Mil

306: The Republic of Ranveer
Pop: 104 Mil

307: The Republic of Rashawn Slater
Pop: 418 Mil

308: The Dominion of Ravencliff
Pop: 12 Mil

309: The Republic of Re-10
Pop: 169 Mil

310: The Republic of RedStarCardFarm 15
Pop: 26 Mil

311: The Empire of Reformed Seardt Icerist
Pop: 84 Mil

312: The Sultanate of Regibus
Pop: 186 Mil

313: The United States of Relands
Pop: 152 Mil

314: The Allied States of Republic of Knov
Pop: 62 Mil

315: The Community of Reutauf
Pop: 67 Mil

316: The Dictatorship of Rimidalv
Pop: 454 Mil

317: The Republic of Rom 108
Pop: 190 Mil

318: The Protectorate of Rubes26
Pop: 223 Mil

319: The Demokratische R?terepublik of Rumionda
Pop: 1,018 Mil

320: The Empire of Sadame
Pop: 604 Mil

321: The Grand Duchy of Saint lebron
Pop: 23 Mil

322: The Republic of Sakura Farming-3
Pop: 282 Mil

323: The Matriarchy of Sasteules
Pop: 40 Mil

324: The United States of Scacthland
Pop: 40 Mil

325: The Republic of Scandroli nation
Pop: 273 Mil

326: The Sultanate of Schannekalavaland
Pop: 107 Mil

327: The Republic of Sclavinistan
Pop: 16 Mil

328: The United States of SEBASIOUS
Pop: 12 Mil

329: The Democratic Republic of Seck Jumba
Pop: 14 Mil

330: The Federation of Secular Terra
Pop: 67 Mil

331: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sehrabat
Pop: 62 Mil

332: The Commonwealth of Shatour Territory of West Vultune
Pop: 146 Mil

333: The United States of Siarra
Pop: 10 Mil

334: The Siberian Black League of Siberian Black League of Omsk
Pop: 788 Mil

335: The United Socialist States of Sic Asle Herielan
Pop: 36 Mil

336: The Republic of Sigma Overlord
Pop: 432 Mil

337: The Federal Republic of Sinart
Pop: 36 Mil

338: The Confederacy of Sir Nespetakerris
Pop: 18 Mil

339: The Empire of Siraki
Pop: 355 Mil

340: The Republic of Skele-Rex
Pop: 574 Mil

341: The Jingoistic States of Skibidi r34
Pop: 190 Mil

342: The Democratic Republic of Sllma Hajist
Pop: 7 Mil

343: The Republic of Socialistic Penguin Empire
Pop: 62 Mil

344: The Republic of Sonnestadt
Pop: 74 Mil

345: The Republic of South Dingadinga314
Pop: 428 Mil

346: The Republic of South Emily
Pop: 14 Mil

347: The Federation of Space Country Of Disadvantaged
Pop: 1,009 Mil

348: The Confederacy of St George and the Eastern Isles
Pop: 168 Mil

349: The United Socialist States of Sters
Pop: 12 Mil

350: The Democratic Republic of Subhash
Pop: 86 Mil

351: The Empire of Sukory
Pop: 29 Mil

352: The Allied States of Syrian Republic
Pop: 233 Mil

353: The Dominion of Tajer Haj
Pop: 85 Mil

354: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCCLXI
Pop: 1,237 Mil

355: The United Socialist States of Tecuano
Pop: 114 Mil

356: The Disputed Territories of Tel Megiddo
Pop: 18 Mil

357: The Principality of Terra Audacium
Pop: 118 Mil

358: The Republic of Tester292837191
Pop: 75 Mil

359: The Federal Republic of Texlas
Pop: 172 Mil

360: The United Kingdom of Tgv141
Pop: 92 Mil

361: The United Kingdom of Tgv183
Pop: 87 Mil

362: The United Kingdom of Tgv200
Pop: 92 Mil

363: The United Kingdom of Tgv212
Pop: 93 Mil

364: The United Kingdom of Tgv253
Pop: 91 Mil

365: The United Kingdom of Tgv262
Pop: 93 Mil

366: The United Kingdom of Tgv308
Pop: 91 Mil

367: The United Kingdom of Tgv404
Pop: 90 Mil

368: The Armed Republic of ThAT raNDoM NaTIon
Pop: 221 Mil

369: The Armed Republic of The 1st Hydaspian Legion
Pop: 18 Mil

370: The Republic of The 7th Soviet Union
Pop: 7 Mil

371: The Community of The deers
Pop: 14 Mil

372: The Holy Empire of The Dodils
Pop: 50 Mil

373: The Empire of The Empire of Holland
Pop: 108 Mil

374: The Republic of The empty place on the map
Pop: 50 Mil

375: The Kingdom of The fluffy animal nation
Pop: 494 Mil

376: The Dominion of The Great Graves
Pop: 80 Mil

377: The Republic of The Impet
Pop: 230 Mil

378: The Theocracy of The Kakistocracy of Nillton Matriarchy
Pop: 12 Mil

379: The Principality of The Mira Islands
Pop: 69 Mil

380: The Confederacy of The Neutral Alpine State
Pop: 26 Mil

381: The People's Republic of The Peoples Fleet
Pop: 466 Mil

382: The Holy Empire of The Quaternion
Pop: 256 Mil

383: The Republic of The Rockies and Western Plains
Pop: 373 Mil

384: The Dominion of The Sho Sho Republic
Pop: 6 Mil

385: The Sultanate of The storage nation 226
Pop: 516 Mil

386: The Most Serene Republic of The storage nation 266
Pop: 225 Mil

387: The Sultanate of The storage nation 284
Pop: 91 Mil

388: The Republic of Tiduhadon
Pop: 6 Mil

389: The Fiefdom of Tongaloo
Pop: 533 Mil

390: The Republic of Topiroloonicithole
Pop: 14 Mil

391: The Colony of Totoyama
Pop: 135 Mil

392: The Borderlands of Toxix
Pop: 239 Mil

393: The Grand Duchy of Tran New
Pop: 26 Mil

394: The Most Serene Republic of Transvistulania
Pop: 135 Mil

395: The Republic of Trietroyones
Pop: 109 Mil

396: The United States of Tuborculoses
Pop: 20 Mil

397: The Republic of Twangy53
Pop: 67 Mil

398: The Federation of Tyrbynia
Pop: 20 Mil

399: The Incorporated States of Uberlandium
Pop: 26 Mil

400: The United Kingdom of Ujn201
Pop: 183 Mil

401: The United Kingdom of Ujn212
Pop: 183 Mil

402: The United Kingdom of Ujn398
Pop: 170 Mil

403: The United Kingdom of Ujn479
Pop: 175 Mil

404: The United Kingdom of Ujn487
Pop: 178 Mil

405: The United Kingdom of Ujn79
Pop: 187 Mil

406: The Bhāratīya Protectorate of Ultatopia
Pop: 1,045 Mil

407: The Kingdom of United Kingdom of the South East
Pop: 92 Mil

408: The Commonwealth of United Provinces of Bellon
Pop: 7 Mil

409: The Holy Empire of Unlin
Pop: 74 Mil

410: The Free Land of Ur also gaey
Pop: 201 Mil

411: The Republic of Varzolla
Pop: 18 Mil

412: The Republic of Vcc012
Pop: 343 Mil

413: The Republic of Vcc146
Pop: 335 Mil

414: The Republic of Veln
Pop: 20 Mil

415: The Empire of Verdigard
Pop: 18 Mil

416: The Republic of Veryveryveryveryrich
Pop: 77 Mil

417: The Republic of Volboda
Pop: 176 Mil

418: The Armed Republic of Von Italia
Pop: 82 Mil

419: The Commonwealth of Vostelova
Pop: 289 Mil

420: The Disputed Territories of VQ-BANK-C
Pop: 26 Mil

421: The Allied States of Vultland
Pop: 499 Mil

422: The Republic of Vultune Helper 1
Pop: 26 Mil

423: The Democratic Republic of Wataland
Pop: 350 Mil

424: The United Kingdom of Weaponoof
Pop: 653 Mil

425: The Empire of WeaponsUtopia
Pop: 667 Mil

426: The Republic of Weewee Neglect
Pop: 182 Mil

427: The Kingdom of Weitarawi XXVIII
Pop: 269 Mil

428: The Republic of Wert 24
Pop: 502 Mil

429: The Republic of West Dingadinga314
Pop: 434 Mil

430: The Dictatorship of West Nubertopia
Pop: 504 Mil

431: The Colony of West Utopia
Pop: 286 Mil

432: The Armed Republic of West-Armenia
Pop: 92 Mil

433: The Queendom of WetToppy
Pop: 113 Mil

434: The Holy Empire of Woahimbackatgambling
Pop: 246 Mil

435: The Dictatorship of Worst Nation also do not say that
Pop: 26 Mil

436: The Democratic Republic of Wss252
Pop: 380 Mil

437: The United Kingdom of Wss318
Pop: 244 Mil

438: The United Kingdom of Wss395
Pop: 252 Mil

439: The Democratic Republic of Wss66
Pop: 397 Mil

440: The Theocracy of XDB
Pop: 517 Mil

441: The United Socialist States of Xiangyu
Pop: 56 Mil

442: The Republic of Xuo XXVIII
Pop: 172 Mil

443: The Empire of Xyphex
Pop: 255 Mil

444: The Empire of Xyphion
Pop: 232 Mil

445: The Kingdom of Yaakenstaat
Pop: 206 Mil

446: The Kingdom of Yadrk
Pop: 14 Mil

447: The Democratic Republic of Yamasburg
Pop: 2,131 Mil

448: The Republic of Yanato
Pop: 26 Mil

449: The Republic of Yathrib
Pop: 296 Mil

450: The Community of Yerutehom
Pop: 230 Mil

451: The United Kingdom of Ynn194
Pop: 253 Mil

452: The United Kingdom of Ynn288
Pop: 263 Mil

453: The United Kingdom of Ynn298
Pop: 254 Mil

454: The United Kingdom of Ynn409
Pop: 209 Mil

455: The United Kingdom of Ynn424
Pop: 215 Mil

456: The United Kingdom of Ynn467
Pop: 221 Mil

457: The Democratic Republic of Yttara
Pop: 32 Mil

458: The Empire of Zako mako
Pop: 6 Mil

459: The United States of Zimoo Briantropolved
Pop: 294 Mil

460: The Kingdom of Zman111
Pop: 192 Mil

461: The Jingoistic States of Zman64
Pop: 265 Mil

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