1: The Kingdom of Aegon II Targaryen Pop: 4,147 Mil 2: The Kingdom of Aegon III Targaryen Pop: 5,169 Mil 3: The Principality of Aemond Targaryen Pop: 5,168 Mil 4: The Ladyship of Alys Rivers Pop: 1,535 Mil 5: The Storm Kingdom of Baratheon Pop: 5,637 Mil 6: The House of Bolton Pop: 5,119 Mil 7: The Kingdom of Borros Baratheon Pop: 1,400 Mil 8: The Teyrnir of Carthag Pop: 12,033 Mil 9: The House Reyne of Castamere Pop: 5,001 Mil 10: The House Lannister of Casterly Rock Pop: 5,724 Mil 11: The Kingdom of Cregan Stark Pop: 4,969 Mil 12: The Principality of Daeron Targaryen Pop: 3,949 Mil 13: The Principality of Dorne Pop: 5,504 Mil 14: The Queendom of Dreamfyre Pop: 2,776 Mil 15: The Kingdom of Gardener Pop: 5,141 Mil 16: The Fiefdom of Garlan Tyrell Pop: 427 Mil 17: The Fiefdom of Gwayne Hightower Pop: 1,641 Mil 18: The Queendom of Helaena Targaryen Pop: 5,139 Mil 19: The Fiefdom of Hugh Hammer Pop: 1,669 Mil 20: The Principality of Jaehaera Targaryen Pop: 3,955 Mil 21: The Principality of Jaehaerys Targaryen Pop: 3,961 Mil 22: The Kingdom of Johanna Lannister Pop: 4,957 Mil 23: The House of Karstark Pop: 1,614 Mil 24: The Kingdom of Lannisport Pop: 4,486 Mil 25: The Bannorn of Lannistia Pop: 9,744 Mil 26: The Fiefdom of Lothston Pop: 3,804 Mil 27: The Rogue Nation of LSN100 Pop: 3,479 Mil 28: The Rogue Nation of Lucerys Velaryon Pop: 5,160 Mil | 29: The Principality of Maelor Targaryen Pop: 3,948 Mil 30: The Fiefdom of Marbrand Pop: 2,752 Mil 31: The Republic of Norvos Pop: 5,548 Mil 32: The Principality of Dorne of Nymeros Martell Pop: 19,991 Mil 33: The House Hightower of Oldtown Pop: 5,461 Mil 34: The House of Osgrey Pop: 2,712 Mil 35: The Magocratic Republic of Qohor Pop: 14,654 Mil 36: The Queendom of Queen Alicent Hightower Pop: 4,755 Mil 37: The Queendom of Rhaenyra Targaryen Pop: 5,315 Mil 38: The Free Land of Rhea Royce Pop: 5,070 Mil 39: The Kingdom of Robert I Baratheon Pop: 1,227 Mil 40: The Lordship of Sarwyck Pop: 4,329 Mil 41: The Fiefdom of Ser Otto Hightower Pop: 4,739 Mil 42: The Dracocracy of Silverwing Pop: 1,436 Mil 43: The Seven Kingdoms of Stannis Baratheon Pop: 28,203 Mil 44: The Knightly Fiefdom of Swyft Pop: 4,361 Mil 45: The House Hightower of The Hightower Pop: 5,113 Mil 46: The Kingdom of The North Pop: 5,638 Mil 47: The Fiefdom of Tully Pop: 5,726 Mil 48: The Kingdom of Tyrell Pop: 5,071 Mil 49: The Fiefdom of Ulf White Pop: 1,673 Mil 50: The Fiefdom of Unwin Peake Pop: 4,955 Mil 51: The Freehold of Valyria Pop: 5,712 Mil 52: The Driftmark Lords of Velaryon Pop: 5,614 Mil 53: The House Stark of Winterfell Pop: 5,467 Mil |