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204 Countries populate the Region of ainulindale

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1: The Empire of Aangband
Pop: 9,808 Mil

2: The Republic of Aegglos
Pop: 9,622 Mil

3: The Allied States of Akalabeth
Pop: 9,811 Mil

4: The Theocracy of Aldbuirg
Pop: 9,593 Mil

5: The Queendom of Almaaida
Pop: 9,623 Mil

6: The Holy Empire of Amaan
Pop: 9,202 Mil

7: The Protectorate of Amon Henn
Pop: 9,293 Mil

8: The Theocracy of Amon Sul
Pop: 9,925 Mil

9: The Allied States of Andunnie
Pop: 9,692 Mil

10: The Kingdom of Andurril
Pop: 9,441 Mil

11: The Dominion of Anglachell
Pop: 9,474 Mil

12: The Borderlands of Angreinost
Pop: 9,795 Mil

13: The Protectorate of Angriest
Pop: 9,499 Mil

14: The Federal Republic of Anguireil
Pop: 9,484 Mil

15: The Principality of Annuminaas
Pop: 9,835 Mil

16: The Principality of Araanruth
Pop: 9,466 Mil

17: The Allied States of Archeit
Pop: 9,355 Mil

18: The Holy Empire of Armeinelos
Pop: 9,817 Mil

19: The Republic of Arnnor
Pop: 9,846 Mil

20: The Commonwealth of Arossiach
Pop: 9,850 Mil

21: The Loving Couple of Art Fan-
Pop: 6,768 Mil

22: The Principality of Arthedaain
Pop: 9,263 Mil

23: The Fiefdom of Barad-Eithel
Pop: 9,857 Mil

24: The Principality of Barad-Nimras
Pop: 9,753 Mil

25: The Armed Republic of Baraddur
Pop: 9,722 Mil

26: The Dominion of Belegoist
Pop: 9,797 Mil

27: The Federal Republic of Breredon
Pop: 9,728 Mil

28: The Holy Empire of Brethel
Pop: 9,878 Mil

29: The United Kingdom of Briee
Pop: 9,669 Mil

30: The Democratic Republic of Brithombair
Pop: 9,732 Mil

31: The Theocracy of Bucklebuiry
Pop: 9,710 Mil

32: The Allied States of Bywatter
Pop: 9,650 Mil

33: The Principality of Caalembel
Pop: 9,669 Mil

34: The Grand Duchy of Calennardhon
Pop: 9,284 Mil

35: The Republic of Carais Galadhon
Pop: 9,721 Mil

36: The Community of Carchost
Pop: 9,768 Mil

37: The United States of Cardolann
Pop: 9,254 Mil

38: The Grand Duchy of Combie
Pop: 9,615 Mil

39: The Most Serene Republic of Crickholow
Pop: 9,597 Mil

40: The Community of Cuiviennen
Pop: 9,862 Mil

41: The Dictatorship of Daaile
Pop: 9,732 Mil

42: The Principality of Deephalow
Pop: 9,616 Mil

43: The Queendom of Doiriath
Pop: 9,778 Mil

44: The Rogue Nation of Dol-en-Guldur
Pop: 9,850 Mil

45: The Commonwealth of Dor-in-Lomin
Pop: 9,773 Mil

46: The Holy Empire of Doraeith
Pop: 9,833 Mil

47: The Republic of Dorthonnion
Pop: 9,872 Mil

48: The Dominion of Dunnharrow
Pop: 9,255 Mil

49: The Incorporated States of Durthaang
Pop: 9,553 Mil

50: The Armed Republic of Dwaaling
Pop: 9,611 Mil

51: The Republic of Dwarrowdeilf
Pop: 9,570 Mil

52: The United Socialist States of East Belereand
Pop: 9,925 Mil

53: The Federal Republic of Echaad
Pop: 9,766 Mil

54: The Protectorate of Edhelond
Pop: 9,638 Mil

55: The Federal Republic of Edoraas
Pop: 9,743 Mil

56: The Principality of Eglarrest
Pop: 9,768 Mil

57: The Fiefdom of Eldalondie
Pop: 9,754 Mil

58: The Most Serene Republic of Elostireon
Pop: 9,665 Mil

59: The United Kingdom of Enedh
Pop: 9,527 Mil

60: The Fiefdom of Enedwaaith
Pop: 9,208 Mil

61: The Democratic Republic of Ephel Braandir
Pop: 9,793 Mil

62: The Community of Ered-Wethrin
Pop: 9,291 Mil

63: The Commonwealth of Errebor
Pop: 9,599 Mil

64: The Federal Republic of Eru Father
Pop: 9,917 Mil

65: The Kingdom of Esgarroth
Pop: 9,771 Mil

66: The Republic of Estollad
Pop: 9,812 Mil

67: The Borderlands of Ethring
Pop: 9,740 Mil

68: The Dominion of Falaas
Pop: 9,775 Mil

69: The Oppressed Peoples of Far Harad
Pop: 9,787 Mil

70: The Oppressed Peoples of Feanorian
Pop: 9,305 Mil

71: The Holy Empire of Firrienholt
Pop: 9,245 Mil

72: The United Kingdom of Forlond
Pop: 9,600 Mil

73: The Principality of Formenos
Pop: 9,890 Mil

74: The Most Serene Republic of Fornost-in-Glaurhond
Pop: 9,896 Mil

75: The Borderlands of Framsburg
Pop: 9,602 Mil

76: The Democratic States of Frogmoorton
Pop: 9,525 Mil

77: The People's Republic of Gaamwich
Pop: 9,644 Mil

78: The United States of Gabilgaathol
Pop: 9,741 Mil

79: The Free Land of Galabais
Pop: 9,604 Mil

80: The Federal Republic of Gellion
Pop: 9,854 Mil

81: The Federation of Glaamdring
Pop: 9,459 Mil

82: The People's Republic of Gondolinn
Pop: 9,815 Mil

83: The Democratic States of Gondorr
Pop: 9,798 Mil

84: The Principality of Green-holm
Pop: 9,531 Mil

85: The Confederacy of Grimslade
Pop: 9,520 Mil

86: The Fiefdom of Guithwine
Pop: 9,449 Mil

87: The Armed Republic of Gurthaang
Pop: 9,432 Mil

88: The Community of Haarlond
Pop: 9,547 Mil

89: The Republic of Hadhafang
Pop: 9,686 Mil

90: The Protectorate of Hadhodrond
Pop: 9,650 Mil

91: The Oppressed Peoples of Halifirrien
Pop: 9,205 Mil

92: The Community of Hardbottle
Pop: 9,552 Mil

93: The Rogue Nation of Haven of Umbar
Pop: 9,491 Mil

94: The Oppressed Peoples of Haysend
Pop: 9,545 Mil

95: The Borderlands of Helcarraxe
Pop: 9,324 Mil

96: The Borderlands of Herefara
Pop: 9,285 Mil

97: The Republic of Herrugrim
Pop: 9,462 Mil

98: The Oppressed Peoples of Himilad
Pop: 9,855 Mil

99: The Kingdom of Hithaeiglir
Pop: 9,878 Mil

100: The People's Republic of Hobiton
Pop: 9,498 Mil

101: The Kingdom of Hollowbold
Pop: 9,441 Mil

102: The Commonwealth of Iron-Hills
Pop: 9,504 Mil

103: The Dominion of Isengaard
Pop: 9,817 Mil

104: The Theocracy of Istiel
Pop: 9,172 Mil

105: The Armed Republic of Khazzad-dum
Pop: 9,697 Mil

106: The Most Serene Republic of Lasse-lanta
Pop: 9,282 Mil

107: The Democratic States of Lindonn
Pop: 9,562 Mil

108: The Incorporated States of Linhiir
Pop: 9,612 Mil

109: The Commonwealth of Little Deilving
Pop: 9,516 Mil

110: The Federation of Lond Daaer
Pop: 9,678 Mil

111: The Colony of Long Cleave
Pop: 9,404 Mil

112: The Federation of Longbottom
Pop: 9,537 Mil

113: The Matriarchy of Lothiriel
Pop: 9,230 Mil

114: The Commonwealth of Lugbuurz
Pop: 9,537 Mil

115: The Protectorate of Maglors Gaip
Pop: 9,754 Mil

116: The Democratic Republic of Menegroith
Pop: 9,786 Mil

117: The Theocracy of Methed-en-glad
Pop: 9,802 Mil

118: The Theocracy of Michel Delving
Pop: 9,524 Mil

119: The Principality of Micklebuurg
Pop: 9,442 Mil

120: The Democratic Republic of Miirkwood
Pop: 9,858 Mil

121: The Allied States of Minas Anorr
Pop: 9,667 Mil

122: The Protectorate of Minas Ithiel
Pop: 9,798 Mil

123: The Dictatorship of Minas Morguul
Pop: 9,772 Mil

124: The Principality of Minas Tirrith
Pop: 9,259 Mil

125: The Free Land of Mithloind
Pop: 9,779 Mil

126: The Incorporated States of Moirdor
Pop: 9,834 Mil

127: The Empire of Morrannon
Pop: 9,207 Mil

128: The Rogue Nation of Mount Faang
Pop: 9,374 Mil

129: The Principality of Mundburg
Pop: 9,467 Mil

130: The Borderlands of Naarchost
Pop: 9,604 Mil

131: The Republic of Naargothrond
Pop: 9,764 Mil

132: The Armed Republic of Nan Dungorthieb
Pop: 9,912 Mil

133: The Disputed Territories of NanElmoth
Pop: 9,881 Mil

134: The Oppressed Peoples of Narchostt
Pop: 9,756 Mil

135: The Most Serene Republic of Narsilion
Pop: 9,257 Mil

136: The Federal Republic of Needlehole
Pop: 9,474 Mil

137: The Most Serene Republic of Neldoireth
Pop: 9,870 Mil

138: The United Socialist States of Neveraist
Pop: 9,778 Mil

139: The Kingdom of Newbuury
Pop: 9,481 Mil

140: The Republic of Nindaamos
Pop: 9,745 Mil

141: The Borderlands of Nisimaldar
Pop: 9,298 Mil

142: The Grand Duchy of Nivrim
Pop: 9,829 Mil

143: The Commonwealth of Nobottle
Pop: 9,490 Mil

144: The Colony of Noggrod
Pop: 9,670 Mil

145: The People's Republic of Nor-in-gathrin
Pop: 9,797 Mil

146: The Colony of Norburry
Pop: 9,426 Mil

147: The Federal Republic of North Belereand
Pop: 9,828 Mil

148: The Jingoistic States of Nulukizdin
Pop: 9,691 Mil

149: The Commonwealth of Numenoir
Pop: 9,295 Mil

150: The Community of Oat Barton
Pop: 9,476 Mil

151: The Principality of Ondolindie
Pop: 9,682 Mil

152: The Most Serene Republic of Ondossto
Pop: 9,549 Mil

153: The Matriarchy of Orcriest
Pop: 9,458 Mil

154: The Nomadic Peoples of Orthaanc
Pop: 9,600 Mil

155: The Most Serene Republic of Osgileath
Pop: 9,653 Mil

156: The Commonwealth of Ost in-Edhil
Pop: 9,715 Mil

157: The Nomadic Peoples of Overrhill
Pop: 9,451 Mil

158: The Democratic Republic of Pelargeir
Pop: 9,654 Mil

159: The Democratic States of Pelennor Field
Pop: 9,297 Mil

160: The Principality of Rhuduar
Pop: 9,248 Mil

161: The United Kingdom of Rhunn
Pop: 9,812 Mil

162: The Federation of Ringill
Pop: 9,628 Mil

163: The Fiefdom of Rock of the Music of Water
Pop: 9,475 Mil

164: The Kingdom of Rohhain
Pop: 9,762 Mil

165: The Kingdom of Romeinna
Pop: 9,657 Mil

166: The Allied States of Rushey
Pop: 9,359 Mil

167: The Matriarchy of Scaary
Pop: 9,352 Mil

168: The Borderlands of Sedryn
Pop: 9,611 Mil

169: The Queendom of Sirrannon
Pop: 9,309 Mil

170: The Republic of Sirrion
Pop: 9,558 Mil

171: The Kingdom of South Belereand
Pop: 9,713 Mil

172: The Federal Republic of Staandelf
Pop: 9,448 Mil

173: The Fiefdom of Stadle
Pop: 9,646 Mil

174: The Holy Empire of Stockh
Pop: 9,400 Mil

175: The United Kingdom of Stone Darrow
Pop: 9,430 Mil

176: The Borderlands of Suthburg
Pop: 9,454 Mil

177: The Empire of Swanhaven
Pop: 9,420 Mil

178: The Allied States of Talath-Dirnen
Pop: 9,272 Mil

179: The Fiefdom of Taur na Neldor
Pop: 9,891 Mil

180: The United Socialist States of Teeth of Mordor
Pop: 9,309 Mil

181: The Commonwealth of Tharbaad
Pop: 9,669 Mil

182: The Grand Duchy of Thousand Caves
Pop: 9,291 Mil

183: The People's Republic of Tighfield
Pop: 9,386 Mil

184: The Democratic States of Tirion-nan-Dorhath
Pop: 9,856 Mil

185: The Federal Republic of Tol Nan Eressea
Pop: 9,737 Mil

186: The Queendom of Tookbanck
Pop: 9,388 Mil

187: The Principality of Tuckborough
Pop: 9,381 Mil

188: The Kingdom of Tumunzaahar
Pop: 9,742 Mil

189: The United States of Under-Hill
Pop: 9,357 Mil

190: The Principality of Upbouirn
Pop: 9,656 Mil

191: The Republic of Valainor
Pop: 9,816 Mil

192: The Democratic Republic of Valimaar
Pop: 9,798 Mil

193: The Matriarchy of Valmarr
Pop: 9,814 Mil

194: The Commonwealth of Vinyaloinde
Pop: 9,870 Mil

195: The Grand Duchy of Vinyammar
Pop: 9,801 Mil

196: The Dominion of Waymeat
Pop: 9,354 Mil

197: The United States of Waymoot
Pop: 9,380 Mil

198: The Commonwealth of West Belereand
Pop: 9,750 Mil

199: The United Kingdom of Whitfurrows
Pop: 9,379 Mil

200: The Dictatorship of Whittwell
Pop: 9,349 Mil

201: The Fiefdom of Willowbottom
Pop: 9,350 Mil

202: The Empire of Withered Heath
Pop: 9,799 Mil

203: The Holy Empire of Woodhall
Pop: 9,368 Mil

204: The Borderlands of Yozayaan
Pop: 9,248 Mil

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