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GDP ratings for Countries that populate the Region of Coclestab

You have arrived at the list of GDP Output for Nations that make up the Region of Coclestab.

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Top 25 GDP Leaders:
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NationImports     GDP    
The Empire of Alkantine$8,166,273,536.00$180,905,000,000.00
The Rogue Nation of Gembelistan$-2,609,476,096.00$513,645,000,000.00
The Federal Republic of Fvv351$-19,046,395,904.00$533,235,000,000.00
The Fiefdom of Lionfyre$-1,949,457,280.00$623,874,000,000.00
The United Kingdom of Linneaa$-10,168,209,408.00$658,635,000,000.00
The United States of Madlandath$14,448,765,952.00$729,266,000,000.00
The Federal Republic of Fvv407$-57,317,654,528.00$780,282,000,000.00
The Democratic Republic of Wykota$-28,820,150,272.00$1,115,810,000,000.00
The Empire of Draconic Kingdom$-6,082,520,576.00$1,125,790,000,000.00
The Republic of Cairo Santos$-23,216,199,680.00$1,183,960,000,000.00
The Borderlands of Princess XCVII$-21,714,757,632.00$1,259,850,000,000.00
The Armed Republic of Lunashiri$-32,869,195,776.00$1,451,820,000,000.00
The Armed Republic of Vashoriti$-50,330,173,440.00$1,574,970,000,000.00
The Republic of Tyson Bagent$-53,544,775,680.00$1,742,600,000,000.00
The Democratic Republic of Wss15$-24,131,018,752.00$1,825,920,000,000.00
The Federation of Middle Eastern Republic$-19,952,138,240.00$1,841,110,000,000.00
The Republic of Emdna28$5,406,315,520.00$1,872,110,000,000.00
The Armed Republic of Zakorin$-48,146,382,848.00$1,926,460,000,000.00
The Republic of Mekhi Becton$-32,285,874,176.00$1,988,700,000,000.00
The Republic of Braden Fiske$-40,935,911,424.00$2,046,320,000,000.00
The Republic of Nelson Agholor$-38,532,976,640.00$2,180,510,000,000.00
The Armed Republic of Vargovia$108,396,675,072.00$2,202,860,000,000.00
The Protectorate of Moonspell$-60,871,778,304.00$2,288,740,000,000.00
The Armed Republic of Satoren$-85,698,945,024.00$2,324,120,000,000.00
The Empire of The Whirlpool Galaxy$-58,106,343,424.00$2,387,400,000,000.00
The Republic of Jake Elliott$-60,554,743,808.00$2,441,720,000,000.00
The People's Republic of Technisce$-11,768,968,192.00$2,486,630,000,000.00
The United States of The Jeffersonian Frontier$-6,003,735,552.00$2,644,840,000,000.00
The Commonwealth of Leftist Disunity$-100,526,989,312.00$2,881,290,000,000.00
The Voice of the Violet of Vaelet$-36,131,983,360.00$3,135,720,000,000.00
The Kingdom of Balmopolis$44,243,415,040.00$4,620,800,000,000.00
The Revived Republic of Taginvia$130,695,282,688.00$11,779,400,000,000.00
The Industrialized Union of Jamoocoo$1,042,607,374,336.00$15,850,000,000,000.00
The Rogue Nation of GSN78$-422,648,119,296.00$73,854,800,000,000.00
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